Top 5 Brain Exercises To Improve Seniors Health And Happiness

brain exercises for seniors

So, you may be wondering, why are these brain exercises that important? Well, traditionally we work for about 40-45 years of our lives to build up enough wealth so when we’re ready, we can enjoy the sweet bliss of retirement. However, by the time retirement is in full swing many retirees, now seniors are dealing with a host of health problems. Because of this, a large portion of their time is spent visiting different doctors trying to fix their ailments rather than enjoying their fruitful ‘golden years’.

This is why it is more important than ever to encourage seniors, and really anyone you love to stay mentally active. This can help to reduce the chances of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and even depression.

The following list of activities were complied to provide seniors with hobbies or activities that they can do to help their cognitive function abilities. So let’s get to it!  Here is my top 5 brain boosting activities to help maintain and even boost cognitive health.

music therapy

Brain Exercise #1 – Musical Therapy

Musical therapy has been extensively studied in all age groups and has been proven to have a wide range of health benefits which include:

  • Heightened IQ
  • Improved mood
  • Relaxation
  • Energy
  • Increased cognitive function

Listening to music can bring up past memories and be a great form of comfort and enjoyment for seniors.

arts and crafts for seniors

Brain Exercise #2 – Arts And Crafts

Maintaining dexterity and good hand eye coordination should also be an important goal as we age. Therefore consider a variety of arts and crafts which may include:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Quilting

You can even suggest partaking in the latest trend of adult colouring.  These are all excellent inexpensive options to help preserve cognitive function. Also, it’s been shown that unleashing your creativity can reduce depression, which can be an issue for isolated seniors.

Click here to explore, Crafts for Seniors: 52 Fun and Simple Ideas That Inspire.

best physical activities for seniors

Brain Exercise #3 – Physical Activity

Remaining physically active allows seniors to be more independent to care for themselves and partake in activities outside of the home. Therefore, encourage activities such as:

These all provide an engaging form of exercise that helps to not only strengthen the body but also maintain posture and agility. Furthermore, regular physical activity has also been linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline.

Now, if mobility is already a concern, chair exercises and stretches can also be incorporated to minimize further loss of mobility.

Chair Exercises for Seniors - Senior Fitness - Exercises for the Elderly

Brain Exercise #4 – Learn A New Language

Learning a new language at any age is incredibility stimulating to the brain. In fact, when we learn a new language it stimulates the brain to multitask and can even improve memory. There have even been studies on using bilingualism as a strategy to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Click here for Oprah’s 11 Best Language Learning Apps for 2020.

brain games for seniors

Brain Exercise #5 – Puzzles And Brain Teasers

Try including brain teasers into your daily routine to help keep your mind sharp. These can include:

Even playing cards is a fantastic way to keep the mind sharp and active. Who new brain exercises could be so much fun!

brain health

Consider This

If you are still in the workforce, prevention during the working years is the key to a happy, healthy retirement.

Now, I understand for many this may be easier said than done! Several jobs are high pressure and high stress which over time negatively impacts our health. But remember, utilizing the brain exercises that were highlighted in this article is excellent for individuals of any age! So give it a try and begin reducing your stress and improving quality of life.

Chaga Mushroom Benefits, What Researchers Are Now Saying

chaga mushroom benefits

Alternative medicine and therapies are growing in popularity. As more research findings emerge, there is growing proof that natural remedies are an effective means of disease prevention and reversal. For a great example, let’s take a look at how the Chaga mushroom benefits your health.

Chaga Mushroom Benefits:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Chaga mushrooms are known for their ability to act as an adaptogen in the body. An adaptogen is a substance which assists the body’s ability to combat the effects of stress and disease.

Furthermore, it can promote healthy sleep cycles. Chaga can also aid in strengthening the immune system, improve mental clarity, and regulate various other cycles in the body.

Reports indicate that medicinal mushrooms including chaga are a source of anti-oxidants and contain compounds which are:

  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-diabetic

Chaga has been found to have positive anti-cancer effects on breast and colorectal cancer cells, and aids in the protection of DNA damage.

Chaga mushroom health benefits - Health, Stress adaption, Healing, Renewal, Life Extension

What Is Chaga?

Chaga mushrooms are one of those alternative therapies that are proving to be effective and are starting to get some much deserved attention in the world of alternative therapies.

Chaga mushrooms are medicinal mushrooms native to the forests of Finland, Siberia, and North America and thrives in cold climates.

Although it grows most commonly on birch trees, it may also be found growing on:

  • Ash trees
  • Beech trees
  • Elm trees
  • Ironwood trees
  • Maple trees

In fact, you may have even seen it growing in the forest but didn’t recognize it. It has a rough looking outer surface that appears to be burnt and dark in colour with a yellow-orange core.

what is chaga

Enhanced Immune System

An enhanced immune system is better equipped to efficiently deal with:

  • Cancer cells
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Inflammation

Greater still, it provides the human body with a better opportunity to prevent disease formation.

chaga mushroom benefits

Chaga And Cancer

Chaga has been used to treat cancer for centuries in Russia and Baltic countries. It has been found that chaga mushroom extract can induce apoptosis of human colon cancer cells. These findings have since been confirmed in controlled lab experiments.

It’s believed that one of the main active ingredients in Chaga is a potent antioxidant called superoxide dismutase.

Superoxide dismutase is known as a liver cleanser, a cell membrane protector and a longevity enzyme. Furthermore, antioxidants are well known for their importance in disease prevention, and chaga is no exception.

How To Take Chaga

Due to chaga’s growing popularity, it can now be easily found at your local health food store and can be sold as:

  • Dried powder
  • Tincture form
  • Capsule

Dried chaga can be consumed in various ways including:

  • Steeping it as a tea
  • Grinding it to consume as food
  • Ingesting it as a tincture

Although, chaga tea is the easiest way to introduce into your diet.

chaga tea

Chaga Tea

  1. To make a chaga tea, first place small chunks of chaga, or ground chaga in a pot with cold spring water.
  2. Next, let the chaga sit in the water for up to one hour to begin the extraction process.
  3. Begin to heat the water, being caution that the water doesn’t reach a full boil.
  4. Lastly, let the chaga simmer for one hour before enjoying.

The mixture can then be strained and consumed hot or cold. Ideally, the tea should be consumed on an empty stomach before meals. Three to eight cups of chaga tea can be safely consumed daily.  Also, chaga tincture can be added to a small amount of water and swallowed.

Important Note

A known contraindication of chaga is that it can also act as a blood thinner. Therefore, if you are on blood thinners, chat with your natural health practitioner to be sure it is safe for you.

Food For Thought

food for thought

Here is some food for thought, an honest conversation about food and weight loss.

I Want To Lose Weight, What Should I Eat?

Well, my answer is a question to your question. What do you want to eat? If your answer is pizza, chocolate and McDonald’s, we need to dig a little deeper into why you want to eat those things.

Many people say that they are comfort foods. That they crave them and these foods make them feel good. But do they really make you feel that good?

I’m sure within an hour of eating at McDonald’s, your stomach is cramping and you’re not really sure what’s going on in there. Also depending on how many Reese’s pieces you ate, you may be feeling quite nauseous. Later on, do you think to yourself, “oh man, why did I eat that?” And feel bad about yourself for doing that?

If so, this comfort food isn’t really as comforting as you may think. So, let’s take some time to reframe the way we think about food and the comforts it provides.

comfort foods

Food For Thought

If you are regularly consuming food that you know isn’t good for you, it’s time to consider why you’re eating them. Maybe these foods are being used as a form of self disrespect or self sabotage? Perhaps you have become so addicted to the foods that you thought of as comfort food that you can’t seem to walk away from them now? You desperately want to stop wanting them, but their chemicalized mixture is meant to keep drawing you back in.

Click here to read, Finally Quit Your Sugar Addiction With These Top Tips.

What’s Your Relationship with Food?

Transform The Way You Think About Food

A major issue with food is that many of us have grown up in a society of abundant food sources. Where we can go to the grocery store and choose any item we’d like!! Then we bring it home and use food as a way of celebrating with family and friends. It’s also a way to pass the time if we are bored. Furthermore, it can be used to keep us company if we are lonely and even to distract us from the stressful times in our lives.

Because of all of these roles that food has taken on, it’s almost as though food has become a friend. However, it’s important to note that just like in life, we must choose our friends wisely.

Begin by looking at food in two ways:
  1. As a friend
  2. As fuel for your body
what is your relationship with food

Food – Friend Or Foe?

Food can be looked at as a friend ONLY if you think of it as though you are choosing the best friends possible to have close to you in your life.

Therefore we cut out McDonald’s because she has such a toxic personality! We cut out pizza because he’s a gossip. Furthermore, we cut out chips, chocolate and candy because they have a bad attitude. We also cut out ice cream because she never could keep a secret.

So if you’re keeping only the best possible ‘friends’ (food) in your life, make sure you include abundant amounts of:

If you choose to eat meat products, make sure they are:

  • Free range
  • Grass fed
  • Wild caught
  • Antibiotic free

In addition to making sure to include as many organic options as you can.

Click here to read, Do I Always Need To Buy Organic?

fuel for your body

Fuel Your Body Right

Secondly, you can decide that food only has one purpose: to fuel your body. Food is only fuel. That’s it. We only NEED food for its nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You can begin to stop relating food with comfort, loneliness, boredom and celebration. Rather, appreciate it for what it is ~ the fuel your body needs to survive!

Spring Cleaning For The Mind, Body And Spirit

spring cleaning

Spring is a time for cleaning out the cupboards, drawers, and purging any unneeded items.  Plus, let’s be honest, what else is there to while we all patiently wait for the end of COVID-19?? With that said, it is also a time to take a look at ourselves as our minds, body, and spirit deserve some self ‘spring cleaning‘ as well.

mental health

Spring Cleaning For The Mind

The first step in spring cleaning for the mind is to throw away destructive self-talk. In other words, anything that depletes you of energy and ambition.

Start off by unplugging from negative outlets that bring your energy down. This can include:

  • Social media
  • The nightly news
  • Low energy television shows
  • Movies
  • Toxic relationships

Next, say ‘no’ to activities in your life that feel more like obligations. Don’t do something because you’re afraid to say no.  Instead, attend events that you look forward to going to.

Finally, spring is the perfect time of year to start a new project or activity that will bring joy and excitement to your life.

let's get physical

Let’s Get Physical

The warmer weather finally allows us to get outside and enjoy some much needed fresh air and Vitamin D.

Spring is the perfect time to focus on shedding excess weight that is slowing you down and putting strain on your joints. Visit the local farmers markets and enjoy the fresh produce that we will soon have access to and make refreshing smoothies, salads, and green juices.

By increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, you will naturally encourage your body to eliminate toxins and weight.

Click here to read, Are You Eating Enough Colour?

benefits of dry brushing

Dry Brushing For Detox

Have you ever heard of the technique of dry skin brushing? If not you are not alone however it’s an effective way of stimulating the lymph system to detoxify the body.

How To Dry Brush

Starting at your feet, VERY gently brush your skin in upward or circular motions with a very soft bristle brush. Then, slowly begin to bring your movements up your body, along all surfaces of your skin toward your heart. Next, start at your hands and work up to your shoulders and upper back. Lastly do your chest all the way to your heart.

It feels fantastic and is a great thing to do first thing in the morning to energize your body by getting your blood flowing.

How to Dry Brush | goop


Remember to stay well hydrated with spring water and naturally caffeine free teas.  Homemade teas can easily be made by utilizing fresh ingredients including:

Click here to read more about the health benefits of tea.

how to free your mind

Rejuvenating And Renewing Your Spirit

When we aren’t living our true purpose in life, it can be very draining on our spirit. This spring, take some time to meditate on what your true calling is and make movements to align with your calling.

Find forgiveness in your heart for people and situations that have offended you. Focus on feeling gratitude for the little things in your life. Engage in acts of kindness, whether that be for people or animals in your life. Explore new opportunities and experiences, travel, and find new ways to feed your spirit.

Regardless of what type of spring cleaning you are doing, enjoy the longer days and the warmer sun. Be fascinated with all of the miracles of new life that spring gives us.

Attitude Of Gratitude Linked To Achieving True Happiness

Attitude of Gratitude

As the late Dr. Wayne Dyer would say; “it is this attitude of gratitude that is the answer to all unhappiness in life. Focus on the things that are going well in your life, or the things that make you happy in your life, and have immense gratitude for them.”

It’s in the smallest pleasures that you can find the most to be grateful for. Spring is the perfect time of year to develop this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beauty that begins to surround us. Take some time over this beautiful Easter weekend to focus on the people, things and special things within yourself that you are grateful for.

key to happiness

The Key To Happiness

Maybe it’s colourful sunrise or sunset. Or possibly a budding flower and the sound of birds singing. It could even be the availability of fresh produce or the warmth of the sun’s rays. The list of things to be grateful could go on and on and is going to be different for every individual. 

We are all guilty of having self doubt from time to time. However, in order to achieve true happiness, we must toss aside self doubt and focus on being your own biggest cheerleader. Don’t see an obstacle as a problem, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow.

This is a mindset that anyone can achieve, but it takes dedication to self growth and development. Talking about having an attitude of gratitude is an easy statement or piece of advice to give, but how does someone develop this attitude?

The Science Of Gratitude

How To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude

Here is a simple action plan to work on developing an attitude of gratitude today!

  1. Dedicate 5-10 minutes every single day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. If you are a person that enjoys to meditate, this time could be spent meditating. However, you find that meditating isn’t for you, just sit quietly while focusing on your breath. Then, list 5 things that you are grateful for in your life.
  2. Start a gratitude journal to write down the things that you are thankful daily. This is often best done right before bed as a means of quieting your mind and focusing on the positives that you experienced in your day. All too often we get trapped by the negative events going on around us. However, it is more beneficial to your health if the last moments before falling asleep are focused on positive things.
  3. Review your gratitude journal regularly. Note what items tend to get repeated in your journal as this can be a good indication of what you value most in life. Then, you can focus on manifesting ways to have more experiences or interactions that you are grateful for.
  4. Detach from the outcome you expect in life. In other words, have faith that the universe is conspiring to make your dreams come true. 
  5. Spread the attitude of gratitude. Share your gratitude with the world by simply allowing the interactions you have with people to be guided by your new sense of gratitude. Also, teach your children how to keep a gratitude journal. Make a habit of talking about what you are thankful for every night before bed.

Click here to read, Gratitude – An Attitude For Success for additional information on how gratitude links to living a happy life.

These Food Additives Are Linked To Cancer, Diabetes And Obesity

Food Additives

We are living in a time where processed foods containing food additives take up way more square footage in the local grocery store than fresh fruits and vegetables. With large advertising budgets and clever marketing techniques, processed foods have grown in popularity and are wreaking havoc on the health of our population.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, and food dyes are some of the most intrusive food additives out there. So, learn more about why you need to avoid these additives as much as you can!

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

HFCS is a highly processed form of sugar that is responsible for encouraging weight gain and increases the risk of diabetes. It can be found in;

  • Pop
  • Juice
  • Candy
  • Salad dressings
  • Bread
  • Cereals
  • Baked goods
  • Ice cream

In addition to many other sweetened foods.

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain, Cancer & Brain Death

Artificial Sweeteners

Most foods that are labeled as “sugar-free” or “diet” versions of the original product contain Aspartame. Although artificial sweeteners allow foods to have a lower caloric value, they have still been linked to weight gain and obesity.

In addition, due to their neurotoxic and carcinogenic properties, they are not a healthy solution. Aspartame is readily found in;

  • Jello
  • Sugar-free yogurt
  • Diets sodas
  • Sugar-free gum
  • Condiments
  • Meal replacements

MSG Or Monosodium Glutamate

Also known as a silent flavour enhancer, MSG affects the regulation of satiety leading to overeating. It is most commonly known for being added to Chinese food to enhance flavour but can also be found in;

  • Potato chips
  • Dips
  • Gravies
  • Bouillon
  • Cold meats
  • Fast foods

Knowing your food additives is the key to knowing if you are eating MSG unknowingly as MSG is found in many other additives including;

  • Autolyzed yeast
  • Gelatin
  • Textured protein
  • Yeast extract
  • Hydrolyzed protein 

Furthermore, MSG is a known excitotoxin, which when consumed, can over-stimulate cells and cause them to die or can cause severe damage to cells.

food dyes

Food Dyes

This can be identified on the label as a colour followed by a number. 

For example, Red #40 and Blue #1 are both commonly used to enhance or alter the colour of food. Most food dyes are derived from petroleum products, which have been linked to cancer

Food dyes have a range of side effects including hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, and even cancer.  They are found in;

  • Yogurt
  • Cereals
  • Pickles
  • Protein bars
  • Soups and bouillon cubes
  • Candy among many others

The take away from this information is to limit the consumption of boxed or processed food to the bare minimum. 

Utilizing fresh fruits and vegetables as the main staples of your diet will eliminate these nasty food additives and they will also help to protect your body from disease.

I encourage you to keep a food diary for the span of one week. Then, make an estimation of the proportion of your diet that comes from a box, can or has had some form of processing.  Next, work to make substitutions in your diet until you’ve gotten processed foods down to less than 10% of your diet. Focus on eating a diet full of whole foods that are in their natural state.

FDA Is Warning People NOT To Use This Dangerous Antibiotic

side effects of antibiotics

Are you aware of the harmful side effects of antibiotics ? Well, the FDA is now warning against using a popular class of antibiotics as they may cause sudden serious and potentially permanent nerve damage. Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics that are commonly used to treat a variety of illnesses from respiratory infections to urinary tract infections. Their use is very prevalent and in 2011 alone, these drugs were prescribed to more than 23 million people.

Medicines Include:

In fact, doctors are now saying that side effects of these drugs far outweigh any benefits provided when it comes to treating sinusitis or UTI infections.

peripheral neuropathy

One Of The Worst Side Effects These Drugs Can Cause Is Peripheral Neuropathy.

Side Effects Of Antibiotics

Extreme damage can be done to the nervous system and spinal cord when using these antibiotics. Thus causing interference and interrupting signals to your brain that are being sent to the rest of your body. As such, it can cause debilitating;

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Burning
  • Shooting pain

Scarier still, these symptoms may be irreversible. Furthermore they can become permanent. Therefore it may not be reversed just by stopping the antibiotics. Also, the symptoms tend to begin very rapidly after beginning treatment.

Other serious side effects can include;
  • Tendon rupture and damage
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Pins and needles in your extremities
  • Confusion and hallucinations
medication side effects

Think Those Symptoms Won’t Happen To You?

Well, sadly enough they have happened and often. In fact so often and to enough people that back in 2008 the FDA required a boxed warning (the most serious type of warning) to be added to the medications. All this to alert patients of the risk of tendon damage and rupture.

Remember, every single time you take a medication or an antibiotic, you are putting yourself in danger. Opening yourself up to the possibility of experiencing terrible side effects that may not be reversible. However, even if you don’t experience negative side effects, you have to heal twice. Once from the illness and once more from the medication. Also, for some, healing from the medication can be much more difficult.

Choose Natural Options To Avoid The Side Effects Of Antibiotics

Work with your natural health practitioner. Find a natural, non-toxic solution to your illnesses. Essential oils are amazing in helping to heal sinusitis and respiratory inflammation. Also, D-Mannose and probiotics are excellent ways to heal a bladder infection.

What Else Can You Heal Naturally?

Almost every single illness has a natural solution or natural prevention. Allowing you to avoid the toxicity associated with conventional pharmaceuticals. Do your own research. Be informed and an educated owner of your own body. Feel empowered to ask the right questions and make your own choices when need be!

Are you Listening to your Skin?

skin doctor

The skin is your body’s largest organ and it plays so many roles when it comes to function and health. Obviously the skin’s primary job is to cover the body and contain the organs, bones and muscles of the body.

It also acts as a protective layer from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, prevents dehydration, and aids in temperature regulation of the body.

The skin also plays an important role in detoxification and excretion of wastes created by the body or toxins that have been ingested.

Taking a good look at the health of your skin can provide insight as to how your body is functioning on the inside.

dark under eye circles

Dark Under Eye Circles

Do you have dark lines under your eyes that make you look like you haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in months?

As we age, our skin naturally becomes slightly thinner and more fragile, allowing for the dark circles to appear more predominantly.

But if you are a young, “healthy” woman, chances are those dark circles are trying to tell you something.

Dark circles could be caused by lack of hydration (it’s not just about how much water you are drinking. Remember that caffeine and alcohol work to reverse the benefits of drinking water. For every coffee or alcoholic beverage, you need to increase your water intake by at least 8 ounces).

Dark under eye circles could also be indicating that your diet is in need of some help. Focus on eating a diet that is high in nutrient dense fruits and vegetables and work on eliminating processed foods.

Finally, those dark circles could just be telling you to get to bed early and get a good night’s rest. Adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night to give the body a chance to rest and rejuvenate.

Click here to read, Ten Tricks To Get The Best Sleep EVER !

dry, cracked lips

Dry, Cracked Lips

During the winter months, most commonly, dry lips are caused by harsh weather conditions. However, if you find that your lips are dry year round it could be caused by a reaction to the lipgloss, lipstick or toothpaste you are using.

Conventional products contain harsh chemicals and toxins that can wreak havoc on your delicate lips. Instead, only purchase products from your local health food store that are free of chemicals and that are not drying to the lips.

Click here to read, Natural DIY Self Care Product Recipes .

skin irritation

Skin Irritation

The skin is also a very good indicator of food intolerances.

Skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, rashes, acne, and chronically itchy skin may all be indicators that your body is not tolerating something in your diet.

With the increase in food additives, pesticide use, genetically modified organisms, and processing, food is not what it used to be.

The most common foods that are linked to skin irritation and intolerance are;

  • Dairy
  • Gluten-containing foods
  • Eggs
  • Soy
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate

The best way to identify if one of these foods is the culprit of your skin irritation is to remove the items that you believe to be an issue from your diet for a period of three weeks. Then re-introduce the foods one at a time and watch for reactions. If a reaction occurs, eliminate that food from your diet permanently.

Click here to read, Do I Always Have to Buy Organic ?  Here’s What You NEED to Know !

What is Your Self-Love Language?

What is Your Self Love Language

Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages describes five different styles of showing your love. Whether it be to your spouse or loved ones. These include;

What Is Your Personal Self-Love Language?

How do you best respond to acts of love done by you for you? Most of us run through our days checking off our to-do lists. Ensuring that the needs of everyone else are met. By the time the day is over, you may be feeling tired or drained. Maybe even overwhelmed by the never-ending list of tasks that are yet to be completed.

Unfortunately, living like this is not benefiting your health or your relationships with;

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Children
  • Neighbours
  • Co-workers

It is time to tune in to what your self-love language is and start showing yourself some love.

Make Yourself A Priority

The five self-love languages are the same as what we listed above. However, you are going to be tending to the most important relationship you will ever nurture, the one with yourself.

This concept might feel strange at first. Especially if you aren’t used to focusing your attention on yourself. But I encourage you to power through those feelings. Really work hard on filling up your own love tank so that you can be a more grounded and happy person.

find your love language

Find Your Self-Love Language

Let’s take a look at how these different types of self-love languages could be applied to our lives.

  1. Words of Affirmation – The inner dialog that you have going on with yourself is vitally important to your health and self-image. Spend time everyday saying nice things to yourself.  While you brush your teeth, or in the car on the way to work, tell yourself 3 things that you value and love about yourself. With each passing day this task will become easier as you become more comfortable with having this type of dialog with yourself.
  2. Acts of Service – To perform an act of service for yourself, look at ways to fill your heart with joy.  It may be delving into your faith or volunteering at a local charity, or donating something to someone in need.
  3. Receiving gifts – Set aside twenty dollars per week (or whatever you can afford) to use to buy yourself something that you have always wanted, or invest in a hobby.
  4. Quality Time – Spend time doing something that fills you with joy and relieves stress.  It may be taking a yoga class, learning how to do a hobby, reading a great book, or it could be as simple as taking a rejuvenating nap.
  5. Physical touch – To show yourself love through physical touch, you could get a massage, a manicure or pedicure, get a new haircut, or get a reiki treatment. Other options would be to sweat it out at the gym or your favourite workout class.

Whatever your self-love language may be, start today by making yourself a priority.

Natural DIY Self Care Product Recipes


There is an incredible amount of toxic chemicals lurking in your cosmetics that significantly affect your health. Although you can find many organic, toxin-free options at your local health food store, why not try making your own natural, inexpensive versions at home.

Here are some of my favourite ‘recipes’ I like to use and share with my friends and family.

Natural Body Butter

In a double boiler on your stove, add:

  • 1/4 cup natural beeswax (let this melt completely before adding the rest of the ingredients)
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin, organic, raw coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup sweet almond oil (Use avocado oil if you are allergic to nuts)
  • 20 drops of your favourite essential oils (mine are grapefruit and vanilla!)
  1. In a double boiler, allow the natural beeswax to become liquified.
  2. Add the coconut oil and almond oil, until it is all liquified. Then remove from heat.
  3. Next add your essential oils.
  4. Once it has cooled slightly pour into small containers and place in the fridge to harden and use liberally!

It can be stored for several months in the fridge.

Caution – if you are allergic to bees, or sensitive to bee pollen, etc, do not use the beeswax in your recipe. The cream might become liquified on hot days, but it will re-solidify when the temperature returns to normal. The beeswax helps to keep the cream solid in the heat and hold the moisture on your skin. Also, if you are allergic to nuts – swap out the almond oil for avocado oil (everything can be found at the health food store).
natural deodorant

Natural Deodorant

This recipe for natural deodorant is to replace the aluminum and preservative nastiness that is found in conventional deodorants. It doesn’t work quite as well as regular deodorant for many people, so test this out at home before arriving to work! Paired with a clean diet and drinking lots of water, your body will begin to naturally detoxify and not have underarms that produce as much smell.

  • 6 tbsp Coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup Baking soda
  • 1/4 cup Arrowroot powder
  • Essential oils of your choice
  1. Mix baking soda and arrowroot together in a medium sized bowl.
  2. Mash in coconut oil with a fork until well mixed.
  3. Add your favourite essential oils.
  4. Store in small glass jar or old deodorant container for easy use.
natural toothpaste

Natural Toothpaste

Toothpaste can be filled with all sort of toxins, from sodium lauryl sulfate to fluoride, and
artificial sweeteners to triclosan. It is very easy to make your own toothpaste, and you
may even find that it helps to whiten your teeth and leave your mouth feeling fresher
than ever before!

Click here to read, “Are you still using Crest toothpaste?”

  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp Baking soda
  • 15 Drops peppermint essential oil
  1. Mix all of the ingredients together. If the coconut is really hard, you may have to warm it slightly to let it soften.
  2. Keep mixture in a small jar in your bathroom. To keep germs out of it, use a spoon to put the paste onto your toothbrush.

For more information about common chemicals you should try and avoid, click here to read, “What Chemicals Are You Putting On Your Face?”