These Food Additives Are Linked To Cancer, Diabetes And Obesity

Food Additives

We are living in a time where processed foods containing food additives take up way more square footage in the local grocery store than fresh fruits and vegetables. With large advertising budgets and clever marketing techniques, processed foods have grown in popularity and are wreaking havoc on the health of our population.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, and food dyes are some of the most intrusive food additives out there. So, learn more about why you need to avoid these additives as much as you can!

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

HFCS is a highly processed form of sugar that is responsible for encouraging weight gain and increases the risk of diabetes. It can be found in;

  • Pop
  • Juice
  • Candy
  • Salad dressings
  • Bread
  • Cereals
  • Baked goods
  • Ice cream

In addition to many other sweetened foods.

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain, Cancer & Brain Death

Artificial Sweeteners

Most foods that are labeled as “sugar-free” or “diet” versions of the original product contain Aspartame. Although artificial sweeteners allow foods to have a lower caloric value, they have still been linked to weight gain and obesity.

In addition, due to their neurotoxic and carcinogenic properties, they are not a healthy solution. Aspartame is readily found in;

  • Jello
  • Sugar-free yogurt
  • Diets sodas
  • Sugar-free gum
  • Condiments
  • Meal replacements

MSG Or Monosodium Glutamate

Also known as a silent flavour enhancer, MSG affects the regulation of satiety leading to overeating. It is most commonly known for being added to Chinese food to enhance flavour but can also be found in;

  • Potato chips
  • Dips
  • Gravies
  • Bouillon
  • Cold meats
  • Fast foods

Knowing your food additives is the key to knowing if you are eating MSG unknowingly as MSG is found in many other additives including;

  • Autolyzed yeast
  • Gelatin
  • Textured protein
  • Yeast extract
  • Hydrolyzed protein 

Furthermore, MSG is a known excitotoxin, which when consumed, can over-stimulate cells and cause them to die or can cause severe damage to cells.

food dyes

Food Dyes

This can be identified on the label as a colour followed by a number. 

For example, Red #40 and Blue #1 are both commonly used to enhance or alter the colour of food. Most food dyes are derived from petroleum products, which have been linked to cancer. 

Food dyes have a range of side effects including hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, and even cancer.  They are found in;

  • Yogurt
  • Cereals
  • Pickles
  • Protein bars
  • Soups and bouillon cubes
  • Candy among many others

The take away from this information is to limit the consumption of boxed or processed food to the bare minimum. 

Utilizing fresh fruits and vegetables as the main staples of your diet will eliminate these nasty food additives and they will also help to protect your body from disease.

I encourage you to keep a food diary for the span of one week. Then, make an estimation of the proportion of your diet that comes from a box, can or has had some form of processing.  Next, work to make substitutions in your diet until you’ve gotten processed foods down to less than 10% of your diet. Focus on eating a diet full of whole foods that are in their natural state.

Are you still consuming this poison that causes your brain cells to self destruct?

This is one of the worst substances ever created in the laboratory. And it has been systematically added to our food supply for the last few decades.

This artificial sweetener is hiding in many of your foods and it is important to be diligent in reading labels to be sure you are avoiding it.

Aspartame is a neurotoxin – which means it actually chemically toxifies your brain cells to death with poison.

It is used as a sweetener in diet drinks, yogurt, gum, and many pre-packaged foods.

There is overwhelming evidence (over 900 studies) stating that it creates irreversible damage in the body, with over 92 known side effects.

You can imagine that it can be somewhat difficult to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms if you are unknowingly ingesting this sweet poison.

For example, some of the known side effects include epileptic seizures, aggression, heart palpitations, migraines, brain damage, hives, nausea and blindness. Also, multiple sclerosis, cancer, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and brain tumours.

The side effects can either build up gradually over time, or can be an acute reaction.

According to Lendon Smith, M.D. there is an enormous population suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, yet have no idea why drugs, supplements and herbs don’t relieve their symptoms.

Are you being poisoned by Aspartame and don’t even know it?

You are being poisoned if you are using any of these products:
• NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Amino-Sweet
• Children’s Tylenol chewable tablets
• Centrum Jr. and Silver Vitamins
• Metamucil (sugar free)
• Some Flintstones vitamins
• Dimetapp
• Some Gerber hydration solutions
• All diet sodas
• Smucker’s sugar free products
• Kool-Aid
• Crystal-Light
• Jello
• Most brands of gum and mints
• Sugar free candies
• Some sugar free yogurts
• Some breakfast cereals and granola bars
• Most items that are labelled sugar free

There are many more products that aren’t on this list that also contain aspartame. It’s important to read the labels of everything you consume, to be sure you are not inadvertently poisoning yourself or your family.

Also look for anything that contains Asesulfame K or Acesulfame Potassium. They can also mimic aspartame and are sometimes used in conjunction with each other.

So how do you avoid Aspartame?

The easiest way to avoid aspartame is to eat real food. Shop in the perimeter of the grocery store and spend 90% of your time in the produce department. Choose foods that do not require a label. For example, an apple is an apple. It doesn’t need a label to identify the ingredients that are inside of the apple.

If you used to sweeten your coffee with an artificial sweetener, switch to real food!

Honey has amazing health benefits and tastes great. Pure maple syrup also contains a great deal of nutrition. Use these sugars sparingly, as they are very sweet and can add several calories to your beverage. However, those calories come with a lot of nutrition, and no matter what, they are SO much better than aspartame.

This is a very informative short video outlining the dangers of Aspartame and how to avoid it.

With Sources from:
