Here is some food for thought, an honest conversation about food and weight loss.
I Want To Lose Weight, What Should I Eat?
Well, my answer is a question to your question. What do you want to eat? If your answer is pizza, chocolate and McDonald’s, we need to dig a little deeper into why you want to eat those things.
Many people say that they are comfort foods. That they crave them and these foods make them feel good. But do they really make you feel that good?
I’m sure within an hour of eating at McDonald’s, your stomach is cramping and you’re not really sure what’s going on in there. Also depending on how many Reese’s pieces you ate, you may be feeling quite nauseous. Later on, do you think to yourself, “oh man, why did I eat that?” And feel bad about yourself for doing that?
If so, this comfort food isn’t really as comforting as you may think. So, let’s take some time to reframe the way we think about food and the comforts it provides.

Food For Thought
If you are regularly consuming food that you know isn’t good for you, it’s time to consider why you’re eating them. Maybe these foods are being used as a form of self disrespect or self sabotage? Perhaps you have become so addicted to the foods that you thought of as comfort food that you can’t seem to walk away from them now? You desperately want to stop wanting them, but their chemicalized mixture is meant to keep drawing you back in.
Click here to read, Finally Quit Your Sugar Addiction With These Top Tips.
Transform The Way You Think About Food
A major issue with food is that many of us have grown up in a society of abundant food sources. Where we can go to the grocery store and choose any item we’d like!! Then we bring it home and use food as a way of celebrating with family and friends. It’s also a way to pass the time if we are bored. Furthermore, it can be used to keep us company if we are lonely and even to distract us from the stressful times in our lives.
Because of all of these roles that food has taken on, it’s almost as though food has become a friend. However, it’s important to note that just like in life, we must choose our friends wisely.
Begin by looking at food in two ways:
- As a friend
- As fuel for your body

Food – Friend Or Foe?
Food can be looked at as a friend ONLY if you think of it as though you are choosing the best friends possible to have close to you in your life.
Therefore we cut out McDonald’s because she has such a toxic personality! We cut out pizza because he’s a gossip. Furthermore, we cut out chips, chocolate and candy because they have a bad attitude. We also cut out ice cream because she never could keep a secret.
So if you’re keeping only the best possible ‘friends’ (food) in your life, make sure you include abundant amounts of:
- Fruit and vegetables
- Raw nuts, seeds, avocados
If you choose to eat meat products, make sure they are:
- Free range
- Grass fed
- Wild caught
- Antibiotic free
In addition to making sure to include as many organic options as you can.
Click here to read, Do I Always Need To Buy Organic?

Fuel Your Body Right
Secondly, you can decide that food only has one purpose: to fuel your body. Food is only fuel. That’s it. We only NEED food for its nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You can begin to stop relating food with comfort, loneliness, boredom and celebration. Rather, appreciate it for what it is ~ the fuel your body needs to survive!

Jo-Anne Richardson has almost a decade of experience managing a chiropractic office and educating patients on how chiropractic can allow your body to express optimal health. She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and holds a Degree in Communications. She loves to experiment with raw vegan recipes, loves to salsa dance, travel and learn new holistic health information to share tips with everyone who visits the office.