Gentle Ways To Welcome The New Year With Self Care

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I have declared that this upcoming year will be the year of self care for myself and my family. So, this year, rather than having a specific resolution (that I’m not likely to stick to) I’ve decided to explore different ways to really improve my personal well-being through self care. I’m going to let my intuition guide me to figure out what I need at any given time to provide myself with the best self care possible.

What Does Self Care Mean To Me?

There are four major themes I’m going to focus on this year, which we’ll explore together below. My intention is to let my self care evolve as I make changes and become more grounded and focused.

Here are my four main focuses for a better me include;

  1. Become more gentle with myself
  2. Move my body in different ways, everyday
  3. Remove ‘junk’ from my diet
  4. Grow my list of hobbies – try new activities and visit new places

Become More Gentle With Myself

I have begun by allowing myself time to rest (and I don’t mean sleep). By taking time to;

I am providing myself with valuable time to relax and feel satisfied. My goal is to step away from the chaos in the world and work at keeping my life more tranquil and serene. I am working on pushing out the negative thoughts, media outlets, and interactions to maintain a more positive outlook.

I believe that gentleness is the cornerstone of self-care and my mission is to inject gentleness into my daily life, and routine. Even the mundane tasks, to experience them in a more meaningful way.

best stretches

Move My Body In Different Ways Every Day

My goal is to get off the treadmill (of life) and step into different ways to move my body.  I have already begun by incorporating;

I’ve been mindful to listen to my body and really connect with the sensations that are left behind in my body from a good workout. That also includes listening to my body when it is tired and needs a break from exercise.

best diet

Remove ‘Junk’ From My Diet

Over the holidays we tend to loosen our grip on our normal daily eating habits. This usually means ‘junk’ foods start to creep in and become the new “norm”. So, I have started focusing on removing the simple sugars, and foods high in unhealthy fats. I’ve also been more conscious of my portion sizes and making good food choices that are going to nourish my body and provide me with a clean source of energy.

Click here to read, “How To Find The Best Diet For You”.

Remember to be gentle with yourself here – we are not always going to make good food choices and feeling guilty about our choices is not a means to be gentle with yourself. Work towards a healthy balance that still allows some flexibility in your diet so you feel fulfilled and satisfied.

new hobbies

Grow My List Of Hobbies – Try New Activities And Visit New Places

This one is like a mini bucket list for me. Trying new things is exhilarating and it can help to strengthen relationships with our loved ones as we try new things together. My intention is to feel more free and alive with excitement to have the opportunity for new experiences.

Hopefully during this new year, you too will find ways to improve your self-care and infuse gentleness into your daily life. Let’s make this year more fulfilling, successful, and joyful than the last.

Christmas Treats Giving You The Sugar Blues? Get Through the Holidays With Your Waist Intact

With Christmas just around the corner, the sugar season is in full swing.  We’ve got cookie exchanges, office parties and family dinners to look forward to (or not).  So, how are we going to keep off unwanted pounds without depriving ourselves of all those Christmas treats?  Learn my go to holiday health tips to keep you feeling good going into the New Year!

Make A Switch

We don’t want to deny ourselves the pleasure of all those tasty treats, especially when it comes to the season of hors d’ oeuvres and desserts.   So, we tell ourselves that we will spend extra time in the gym or starve ourselves before the party in order to justify a splurge. But what we really need is a holiday mindset makeover.  Here are a few simple mind switches to make this holiday season: 


Instead of thinking you will deprive yourself of flavor and enjoyment when you pass by the triple decker, deluxe, death by chocolate cake. Think of the diabetes, heart disease, heart burn, joint pain and mood swings you will not have to worry about. Yes, you will be depriving yourself of a life of pain and suffering, but I’m guessing you’d be okay with that. 

Click here to read, “Sugar And Cancer – How One Affects The Other.”


You don’t have to eat the whole cake to enjoy the flavor. Choose smaller serving sizes. You still get the mouth feel, pleasure and taste but with fewer calories which means less weight gain. 

Click here to read, “Sugar – Are you singing the sugar blues?”


Healthy behaviors don’t make up for unhealthy behaviors. There isn’t a scale where you put broccoli on one side and balance it with sugar on the other side. Healthy actions won’t erase the consequences of unhealthy actions. Exercise because it makes you feel good and energized. Not because you want to binge at the cookie exchange. Engage in intermittent fasting because it reduces inflammation in your body. Not because you want to save up all your calories for pigging out at a party.  

Click here to read, “How Processed Sugar Destroys Your Body.”

Health Tips For The Holidays!

Now that we’ve changed our minds about a few things, here are some tips to getting through the season with your health intact: 

1. Plan Ahead

You know what to expect, so plan how you will respond; write it down and say it out loud.  

2. Use Positive Language

Instead of saying, “I won’t eat the death by chocolate cake,” say, “I will eat two or three bites of the death by chocolate if I feel like it.”

Your brain doesn’t register negative words, so when framed in the negative, it will just hear death by chocolate cake and you will end up eating the whole thing. When framing it positively, the brain will hear two or three bites of cake and it will be easier for you to stick to a smaller serving as you and your brain will be on the same page. 

3. Change What You Can

If your friends want to do a cookie exchange, suggest a fun sock, holiday mug, or ornament exchange instead. It’s just as much fun, a whole lot less work and easier on the waistline. If you get to bring a dish to share, choose something without added sugar because there will be plenty of people bringing dessert. 

Now you are all set to enjoy the holidays with all the flavors, textures and fun!  Be sure to check out Family Health Advocacy daily in order to see today’s tasty holiday treat that’s also healthy as part of our 12 Day’s of Holiday inspired natural health recipes.

For more information click here to read, “Finally Quit Your Sugar Addiction With These Top Tips.”

Best Diet For Weight Loss

Best diet for weight loss

People are always looking for the best diet for weight loss. But which diets really works? Furthermore, how do you know which diet is best for you?

Society for years have been telling us to avoid fat. In the 1980’s, there was the craze of the low-fat diet. It seemed as if everything in the supermarket was low fat. However, during that same time obesity rates soared in North America.

Then the ‘get moving’ movement came along…..get out and exercise! Excellent advice of course, but then why 20-30 years later are we as a society more overweight than ever? 

Well, think of what manufacturers have to do to their product when they take the fat out? They add SUGAR!  In fact, sugar is everywhere including foods deemed healthy, even milk!

But “Isn’t Sugar Just Calories, Not Fat?”

We’ve all been told about the calories in/calories out formula.  So theoretically, “if I eat and then exercise, I won’t get fat”.

Well, that isn’t completely true. There are a lot of well-researched articles out there that explain this in depth, but the simple bottom line is that sugar is making us fat.

excess sugar

Why All The Hype About Sugar?

Sugar is glucose. Our blood cannot have an excess of glucose. This is why we have a hormone called insulin that regulates it. Insulin is crucial as it allows the cells in our muscles, fat and liver to absorb glucose that is in the blood. The glucose serves as energy to these cells. Our bodies are smart. The cells take only what they can use and nothing more.

What Happens When Our Cells Have What They Need, But There Is Excess Glucose In Our Blood?

For the sake of our health, insulin will take care of that! Insulin will convert it into fat, which appears on our tummy, thighs, arms..…all the places we’re trying to ‘burn it off’!

Our fat cells will always take more. They are never satisfied unlike the other cells which only take what they need.

So, our excess glucose is now FAT but sugar isn’t the only culprit.

Eating more protein than your body needs also converts to glucose. In addition foods high in carbohydrates act as a sugar in your body! Rice, pasta, potatoes, breads….all are glucose in your blood stream that insulin must deal with.

But our cells need energy! That is where FAT comes in. Our cells are designed to obtain energy from fat and our brain needs fat to function properly.

healthy fats

Not All Fat Is Bad Fat

Now, we’re not talking about harmful trans-fats. Rather the mono/poly-unsaturated ‘good’ fats that come from vegetables and plants. Think avocados, nuts, salmon and coconut oil.

Also, some saturated fats in moderation are necessary, despite even what national health guidelines may tell us. Saturated fat and cholesterol are essential to brain health and are not to be avoided! Not only are these fats essential to our body but they are low on the glycemic index which keeps your insulin low.

All About The Essentials

When you think about it, we have ‘essential’ proteins, fats and amino acids. “But have you ever heard of an ‘essential carbohydrate’?”

By consuming fat you’re keeping your blood sugar low and are more likely to feel satisfied. Therefore you’re less likely to get ‘hangry’ and make poor food choices. This is because with insulin low and blood sugars stable, your brain will make appropriate choices and you will feel fuller longer.

Fat has all sorts of other great health benefits. So don’t fear the fat! In fact, eat more fat, eat less carbohydrate foods and sugars. Your brain will thank you; not to mention you will have greater energy that is sustained throughout the day.

low carb high fat

My Own Testimonial On The Best Diet For Weight Loss

I started a high-fat, low carb way of eating in the summer of 2015. Within a few weeks I was eating less food in general. Not consuming the copious amounts of food that our society seems to believe we need. Due to reducing sugar-laden foods, my taste buds became more sensitive to pure natural tastes which made meals more enjoyable.

My digestive system is now happier. My brain fog, gone. I lost 40 pounds by spring and have kept it off. Also, when I get hungry, I’m not ‘hangry’ and can prepare wholesome foods for my family. The research I’ve done on fat has proven this to be the best diet for weight loss and has been well worth it. You too may reap the benefits. So fear not the fat!

Does Health After Marriage Exist?

healthy lifestyle

Society tends to normalize the idea of getting comfortable after marriage and ‘letting yourself go’ with the person you love.  Whether you are busy putting in crazy hours at the office, shuttling kids to and from events or just not finding enough hours in the day to get it all done, it’s easy to allow your health to take a backseat.  However, how good is this for you?  Does loving your better half unconditionally mean you accept to see them run their health into the ground?  Follow these Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Good Health After Marriage.

If you are looking for a way out of this rut, the solution may be working together.  This could begin with just you and your partner or can be a family wide approach.  The key is togetherness.  When you work as a team, you will gain support and accountability to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle while limiting temptations that may have previously led you to fall off the wagon.

5 Tips For Families To Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Identify Your Goals

As your relationship and family dynamics evolve, you will, too.  Whether you are struggling to navigate a food sensitivity, trying to lose weight or looking to reduce stress, your health needs to be just as much a priority as going to the dentist or showing up to work.

We tend to forget that how we treat our bodies ultimately decides at what capacity we can carry ourselves through life. The food you are choosing to fuel your body with, the lifestyle choices you make and the thoughts you have are all affecting your overall health.

Remember, it is not selfish to put your health first.  It is necessary.  It’s important to recognize your individual needs and openly share them with your partner.

2.  Commit Together

This is the most crucial part.  Too often, clients will share that one of their biggest obstacles is watching their partner or children indulge while they are trying to be “good”.  As if it isn’t hard enough to pass up the refined sugar donuts in the staff room all day.  The last thing you need is to come home and watch your partner eat a bag of chips while you’re trying really hard to stay on track.

The only way to overcome this is to create a household that supports the food choices you want to be making.  One of the easiest things you can do is to plan a pantry clean out.  As a family, decide what good quality foods you plan to restock it with.

When it comes to kids, this can be surprisingly easy.  Kids only know what they are exposed to.  The younger they begin to enjoy healthy eating, the more likely they will ask for it.  Pre-packaged snacks may be convenient but chopped fruits, veggies, good quality cheeses, seeds and nuts are easy solutions that pack tons of health benefits.  They’re good for mom and dad, too!  For further reading, click here to discover “#Relationshipgoals”.

3. Meal Plan Together

At first, this may seem like work but it will soon become a routine that you’ll be thankful you started.  You can invite your kids into this discussion as well.  Develop a repertoire of easy meals and snacks that can be rotated throughout the week or month.

To start, consider what you already enjoy eating.  Even if that answer is Mac & Cheese or chicken fingers.  There are tons of recipes out there to make it healthy and enjoyable for the whole family.  It is all about the small steps to start your journey.

4. Get Moving Together

This one is so important and easily attainable with a little creativity.  You need to get your family up and moving.  This doesn’t mean you need to sign up for a triathlon or drag your kids to the gym.  Simply get outdoors!  While you may be tempted to stick the kids in front of the TV and plop on the couch, a quick walk in your neighbourhood will do the whole family some good.  Being active for at least 30 minutes a day is crucial to lower your risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

5. Communicate

We know you’ve heard this one.  You need to communicate throughout your health journey.  Identify what’s working, what isn’t and what’s next.  Perhaps you didn’t love the kale smoothie your partner prepared for you – and that’s ok.  What’s important is not to sub that kale smoothie for your old habits.  Instead take the time to figure out a different healthy alternative.  Click here for a mixed berry smoothie the whole family is sure to love!

Communicating your changing needs is the only way to get the best results out of your health journey.  If you find you need more support making healthy choices, meal planning or identifying your specific dietary needs, consider working with a Holistic Nutritionist or Health Care Professional to help you attain your optimal health.  Click here to connect with a health professional near you.

More questions? Click here to connect.  We would love to support and guide you on your health journey!

The #1 Thing Blocking You from Optimal Health

Think about all the trillions of cells in your body for a minute. Just image the intelligence that is required within those cells to, for example, multiply and create a new life; a whole new human with all of its’ complexities. Our body knows how to do that…without ANY of our conscious help – isn’t that mind blowing? The point here being, our cells know what they are doing, they have enough divine intelligence within to know what healthy is, and in fact the natural state of our cells and our body is well being. That well being, is what we call homeostasis or being in balance.

The trillions of cells in your body know how to be healthy.

Okay so why are so many people in the world sick or struggling with physical ailments? There are a number of external conditions that throw us out of whack or off balance, the food we eat, the environment we are exposed to, our close relationships, but the one that is actually the most powerful and the one you have the most control over is what goes on between your two ears everyday.

What you think about your health makes a difference.

If you are here reading this article, I am sure you have heard before, there is a direct connection between body and mind, and if you are reaching for some element of greater physical health without attending to what goes on in the mind, you are missing half of the answer. Your reality is a reflection of what you believe to be true. You actually create your own reality based on your individual set of beliefs.

Have you ever taken a step back and asked yourself what you believe to be true about your physical body health or does it just feel like an automatic response based on what you have experienced and observed? Everybody gets sick in the winter; healthy food is expensive, it’s normal to get sick when you’re older, losing weight is hard.

These are all ideas that have been conditioned and accepted within us as facts. But I guarantee you these ideas are not true for every person in the world. There are people who go through winters without being sick, people living happily and healthy well over a century, and there are people at a healthy weight without sacrificing what they want, so what’s the difference?

What you say to yourself on a consistent basis about anything becomes a belief.

Beliefs are formed within us by years of repeating the same thought over until it becomes engrained, becomes a physical pathway in our brain, as well as our default. What most people don’t realize is their power in choosing a belief. Every individual has the power to choose to believe something or not – you are the one in control. And when you being to understand the connection between what you believe and what you experience in life, you suddenly start paying more attention to what you belief about health.

A belief is simply a thought you keep thinking.

New beliefs take time to take hold and it happens through conscious awareness and practice, but you can make a powerful decision right now and decide to be the one that chooses your beliefs about health. Start by asking yourself the question: What do I want to be true about my health? Actually make a list. You will be surprised at the invisible power that pulls you forward when you gain clarity on what it is you want to experience. How do you want to feel about your health? Do you want it to feel easy or stressful? You get to choose.

Our physical bodies are one of the most wondrous creations on this whole planet and you have the power to fully nourish or impede the healthy balance through your thoughts. What will you choose?


Guest blog by: Ginny Gane

Ginny GaneGinny Gane is a shiny, fun Law of Attraction expert for people who crave more out of life and are ready to realize their full potential. She was raised with the belief anything is possible and we always have a choice.

Being involved in competitive athletics for twenty years allowed her the ideal opportunity to develop and practice the mental strength required for success, which lead to her passion for helping others understand their true potential as creators of their own lives. While backpacking around Australia for a year in 2009, she read Esther and Jerry Hick’s Emotions and felt a complete resonance with their teachings and message. From then on, everything could be explained and understood in vibrational terms and the possibilities of potential opened up even more.

Ginny lives her life based on the principles of The Law of Attraction, and inspires you to honour your own values and follow your dreams. Her wish is for individuals to break away from what one is “supposed to do,” tap into what one really wants to do, and let it flow easily into one’s experience. “I would love everyone to wake up in the morning and feel excited and in love with their life,” she says and holds the unwavering belief it can be done! Ginny knows that wherever you are, you can get to where you want to be, and the path can be as easy and as fun as you want.

Through her fun and easy courses, ebooks, and personal coaching, she reminds you of your incredible personal power while making it all feel like having an ice cold beer on a hot day. Ahh. Her rockstar followers and clients have called her “uplifting,” “a light,” and one woman even said “After a session with Ginny, you’ll honestly feel as though you can accomplish anything!” When she’s not playing with LOA or co-hosting the popular podcast Manifest It Now, you can find her indulging in sunshiny outdoor adventures, fun fitness exercise and practicing singing…along to the radio.

Find Ginny at