True Health – Why Most Of Us Get It Wrong

true health

I want to start this article with what could seem like a simple question, what is true health?

Most people living in western culture judge the state of their health based on how they feel and how they look.  It’s this mentality that is actually causing people to develop health problems and chronic pain.

Ask anyone that has survived a heart attack, “How did you feel 10 minutes before having your heart attack?”  Many will tell you that they felt fine, good or even terrific. Yet they were 10 minutes away from having a potentially fatal heart attack!

There’s a great chance this person looks like the ‘average Joe‘, like you or me.  They may have looked good and even felt good. However, they were NOT healthy!  This is why we need to change they way our minds work by asking this important question. What is true health?

Susan Lucci’s Heart Warning for Women: Listen to Your Bodies

Stop Looking And Start Listening!

How many people are walking around your town RIGHT NOW with diabetes or cancer but have no idea?  All because they still look and feel fine!  Conversely, just because you are experiencing symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t heal!

Remember we said, “symptoms can be a blessing”.  It’s actually your body doing a good thing (I know, bear with us!) letting you know there is a problem. Furthermore giving you the opportunity to fix it!

Your body giving you a symptom can be an example Of your body actually performing a proper function, so listen to your body!

how to listen to your body

Body Talk

Have you ever hurt your knee?  The pain can literally prevent you from:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Walking
  • Stairs
  • Crouching, or bending down

Sometimes even taking a few steps feels almost impossible.  However, what the pain is actually preventing you from doing is the things you shouldn’t be doing. Things that could actually make the actual problem worse.

Often, people will take a muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, or painkiller to help ease the symptom of the knee pain and allow you to get through your day with more ease.  However, what you are actually doing is fighting the body’s natural self-protection mechanism and overdoing it and making the problem worse.  Click here to learn more about why medications can be dangerous to your health.

definition of good health

The Definition Of Health

True health is not about how you feel or look.  The World Health Organization’s definition of health is when your body is in a state of “complete physical, mental and social well-being”. That’s true health.  Nowhere in their definition does it say being healthy is looking good or feeling fine!  It’s all about function and healing!

Your body is designed to function and heal optimally IF you give it the opportunity to by removing the cause or interference.  Put simply, this means removing or minimizing physical, chemical, emotional stress.

Click here to read more about the Effects Of Stress – Stress Can Be Good For You?!

final thoughts on good health

Final Thoughts

Make the important decision today to stop ignoring the symptoms (and signs!) and start looking for solutions.

It’s like getting a rust spot on your car.  Sure you can throw a little paint on it and make it look ok on the outside. But, eventually that rust will spread and deteriorate to the point where it’s no longer an easy fix.  Don’t treat your body with that same disregard.

Stop taking medication to mask the pain! Instead, start looking for solutions so you body can heal properly and even prevent problems from rising in the first place!

I’ll leave you with these words of wisdom:

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

― Thomas A. Edison

Click here if you want to learn more about how to find the best diet for you.

Does Health After Marriage Exist?

healthy lifestyle

Society tends to normalize the idea of getting comfortable after marriage and ‘letting yourself go’ with the person you love.  Whether you are busy putting in crazy hours at the office, shuttling kids to and from events or just not finding enough hours in the day to get it all done, it’s easy to allow your health to take a backseat.  However, how good is this for you?  Does loving your better half unconditionally mean you accept to see them run their health into the ground?  Follow these Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Good Health After Marriage.

If you are looking for a way out of this rut, the solution may be working together.  This could begin with just you and your partner or can be a family wide approach.  The key is togetherness.  When you work as a team, you will gain support and accountability to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle while limiting temptations that may have previously led you to fall off the wagon.

5 Tips For Families To Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Identify Your Goals

As your relationship and family dynamics evolve, you will, too.  Whether you are struggling to navigate a food sensitivity, trying to lose weight or looking to reduce stress, your health needs to be just as much a priority as going to the dentist or showing up to work.

We tend to forget that how we treat our bodies ultimately decides at what capacity we can carry ourselves through life. The food you are choosing to fuel your body with, the lifestyle choices you make and the thoughts you have are all affecting your overall health.

Remember, it is not selfish to put your health first.  It is necessary.  It’s important to recognize your individual needs and openly share them with your partner.

2.  Commit Together

This is the most crucial part.  Too often, clients will share that one of their biggest obstacles is watching their partner or children indulge while they are trying to be “good”.  As if it isn’t hard enough to pass up the refined sugar donuts in the staff room all day.  The last thing you need is to come home and watch your partner eat a bag of chips while you’re trying really hard to stay on track.

The only way to overcome this is to create a household that supports the food choices you want to be making.  One of the easiest things you can do is to plan a pantry clean out.  As a family, decide what good quality foods you plan to restock it with.

When it comes to kids, this can be surprisingly easy.  Kids only know what they are exposed to.  The younger they begin to enjoy healthy eating, the more likely they will ask for it.  Pre-packaged snacks may be convenient but chopped fruits, veggies, good quality cheeses, seeds and nuts are easy solutions that pack tons of health benefits.  They’re good for mom and dad, too!  For further reading, click here to discover “#Relationshipgoals”.

3. Meal Plan Together

At first, this may seem like work but it will soon become a routine that you’ll be thankful you started.  You can invite your kids into this discussion as well.  Develop a repertoire of easy meals and snacks that can be rotated throughout the week or month.

To start, consider what you already enjoy eating.  Even if that answer is Mac & Cheese or chicken fingers.  There are tons of recipes out there to make it healthy and enjoyable for the whole family.  It is all about the small steps to start your journey.

4. Get Moving Together

This one is so important and easily attainable with a little creativity.  You need to get your family up and moving.  This doesn’t mean you need to sign up for a triathlon or drag your kids to the gym.  Simply get outdoors!  While you may be tempted to stick the kids in front of the TV and plop on the couch, a quick walk in your neighbourhood will do the whole family some good.  Being active for at least 30 minutes a day is crucial to lower your risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

5. Communicate

We know you’ve heard this one.  You need to communicate throughout your health journey.  Identify what’s working, what isn’t and what’s next.  Perhaps you didn’t love the kale smoothie your partner prepared for you – and that’s ok.  What’s important is not to sub that kale smoothie for your old habits.  Instead take the time to figure out a different healthy alternative.  Click here for a mixed berry smoothie the whole family is sure to love!

Communicating your changing needs is the only way to get the best results out of your health journey.  If you find you need more support making healthy choices, meal planning or identifying your specific dietary needs, consider working with a Holistic Nutritionist or Health Care Professional to help you attain your optimal health.  Click here to connect with a health professional near you.

More questions? Click here to connect.  We would love to support and guide you on your health journey!