Stressed And Depressed? 4 Types Of Stress And How To Avoid Them

Stressed And Depressed

Are you feeling stressed and depressed? In today’s world, the word “stress” gets thrown around a lot, and with good reason. Stress has been scientifically proven to be at the root cause of chronic diseases we suffer with today.

Did you know, 9/10 people in westernized nations die from chronic disease, which CAN BE PREVENTED?

Sadly most people only think, or know about one type of stress – mental stress. However, there are 4 main subcategories.

Types Of Stress

The Breakdown Of Stress

types of stress

Causes Of Chemical Stress

Causes Of Physical Stress

  • Poor posture
  • Desk jobs
  • Manual labor jobs
  • Repetitive strain
  • Old traumas
  • Accidents
  • Injuries
  • Sedentary living

Causes Of Mental Stress

  • An internal perception of your environment that surrounds you
  • Either work or home life, can be mentally or emotionally stressful

These stressors act on our body, and our body reacts/responds to them all the same – it puts us into fight or flight mode, otherwise known as the stress response. For short term stressors, this is intelligent adaptation. This allows us to survive these stressors. However, we are not under short term stress but rather chronic stress.

When stress goes above and beyond what we can handle, our body responds via the nervous system. The nervous system detects the stress, and puts itself into protection.  The only thing that can physically protect the central nervous system is the spine.

Causes Of Spine And Nervous System Stress

The spine splints for protection, resulting in either a spine that loses its normal motion and/or position.  Intelligent adaptation.  But if that does not self correct, this is where the problems happen.


Feeling Stressed and Depressed ? What Can You Do About It?

QUALITY NUTRITION is your best tool to beat the chemical stress. Eat less processed foods, focus on whole foods, and foods found in nature (fruit and vegetables!). Use natural skin care products with as few chemicals as possible.

OPTIMAL FITNESS can combat sedentary living. Consistency, and variety is the ticket here.

Take your pick. Even just walking 30 minutes a day, 5x a week, has been shown to drastically reduce risk of chronic disease.

How Stress Affects Your Health

PERSONAL POWER – it’s all in your head! Your outlook can be positive or negative – the choice is yours.

These have all been shown to help decrease mental stress.

It’s hard, if not impossible, to self correct spinal misalignment. This is where a visit to your local chiropractor may pay huge dividends. Chiropractic helps to clear nervous system stress and get a BALANCED SPINE.  In addition, chiropractic care has been shown to;

Honestly, who can’t benefit from all those things?

Here’s to a healthier, happier, longer life!

How To Prepare For The Coronavirus

How To Prepare For The Coronavirus

Are you wondering how to prepare for the Coronavirus? Well, if you are in line for toilet paper, you’re in the wrong lineup! Instead try these Vitamins for the Immune System and follow these important tips !

Sensational reports and headlines about the coronavirus are unavoidable.  The stock markets are crashing. Employees are being asked to work from home. Concerts and conventions are being cancelled. Furthermore there is a massive lineup for toilet paper at Costco!

The truth is, experts cannot come to a consensus as to if we have a major problem or small problem on our hands. However, they do agree on one thing! Those individuals who are immunocompromised may get sicker than most people if they come in contact with the coronavirus. Just as they would with the common flu. But what about the effects on the average healthy person? Those who choose to live healthy lifestyles? Well, almost all experts agree that there is not a large threat from the coronavirus especially if you follow the following tips.

Cause And Effect Of Covid19

Similar to the common flu, most people who get the coronavirus may or may not present with symptoms. However, if they do, they recover. People who are expressing symptoms of the coronavirus appear with symptoms such as:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Respiratory issues

Coronavirus can’t be treated with antibiotics as it is a virus. Therefore, the best line of defense against the flu, coronavirus and other viruses is to proactively wash your hands. Furthermore, take vitamins for the immune system to be strong enough to fight back. 

Click here to read, How Do I Get A Coronavirus Test?

Questions About The Coronavirus

A patient asked me this morning “Now that there is the first confirmed case of coronavirus in our city, are you taking any measures to minimize the risks of contraction? Furthermore, “How To Prepare For The Coronavirus?”.

My short answer: I am focused on keeping my immune system in top shape!

How so you ask? Well, I am more consistent than ever in:

  • Washing my hands properly
  • Taking my daily supplements and vitamins for my immune system
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Drinking water
  • Exercising regularly

I believe it’s time we all take personal responsibility and commit to doing our own part in minimizing the impact of the coronavirus. 

Frequently Asked Questions - What You Need To Know About Handwashing

How To Wash Your Hands Properly

With this virus becoming a global pandemic people are rushing to the nearest store with the hopes of loading up on hand sanitizers. However this is not necessary.  In fact using soap and taking the time to ensure you’re washing your hands correctly has been said to be the most effective way to protect yourself from the coronavirus.

Coronavirus | How to wash your hands

Vitamins For The Immune System

Did you know that Vitamin C and Vitamin D are major immune boosters? Vitamin D is a common undiagnosed deficiency in Canada.  Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, improves your immune function and dramatically stimulates the production of potent antimicrobial peptides.

Also, Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps increase immunity. Eating quality foods that contain Vitamin C and other essential vitamins is a good place to start. Examples include citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach. Vitamin C supplementation can also help you get the antioxidant support you need to have your immune system in full gear. 

Good Night Sleep

Don’t wait until you are sick to catch up on sleep. Getting enough sleep regularly is essential to having a strong immune system. Inadequate sleep depletes immunity. Remember, most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to heal and function at their best.

Click here to read, Ten Tricks To Get The Best Sleep EVER!

healthy lifestyle

Drink Water

Substitute water for any sugary drinks. Sugar lowers immune function. Water helps in removing toxins from the body. It also helps in the production of lymph which helps white blood cells travel through the body.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is known to keep our bodies fit and strong. But, did you know that it also maintains a strong immune system? Lymphatic flow increases with exercise and provides significant immune benefits. 

Sadly some of the world seems to be in a fear driven state. However, it is important to remind yourself that worry is a useless emotion. Nothing positive comes from it. Recently, the United States Surgeon General released the message to be cautious but not afraid. So, How To Prepare For The Coronavirus? In the simplest terms, wash your hands and get to work boosting your immune system. Click here to learn even more about how to prepare for the Coronavirus.

The health of your immune system rests in your own hands!

Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease

Before I dive into my discussion on Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, let’s recap.  In my last 2 articles you discovered;

  • How prevalent the risk of Alzheimer’s is to everyone
  • What a deadly disease Alzheimer’s is
  • How completely ineffective medicine is at dealing with it

As such, it is essential that you take a new and completely different approach. Today, you’ll discover the role of genetics in this dreaded disease and how important it is to act now regardless of your age. Especially if you’re concerned about early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease

There are two main classifications of Alzheimer’s: Early Onset and Late Onset.

Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Onset Alzheimer’s can occur as early as your 30s. Also, it can have a genetic component of gene mutation. So, it is important to understand two key factors with respect to Early Onset Alzheimer’s.

  1.  Early Onset accounts for less than 10% of Alzheimer’s cases
  2. Even if you have this gene mutation, it is not inevitable that this gene will be expressed. Provided of course you take the necessary lifestyle steps that control whether this gene will be expressed or not.

This is the field of epigenetics where science now understands that simply having a genetic predisposition does not mean it has to happen. The bigger determining factor is whether or not that gene is turned on or off. This is greatly influenced by living a healthy lifestyle and taking all of the necessary steps. This is outlined in my book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”

Late Onset Alzheimer’s

Late Onset Alzheimer’s accounts for 90% of Alzheimer’s cases and is greatly linked to dietary and lifestyle factors. While there is no specific gene that causes Late Onset Alzheimer’s, there is a genetic risk factor known as the apolipoprotein E-4 (ApoE4 gene).

However, once again it is important to note that there are many with this genetic risk factor that never develop Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, others that do who don’t have this genetic risk factor.

Early Onset Alzheimer's and genetics

The Role of Genetics in Alzheimer’s

Does genetics play a big role in Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease? The correct answer is a big yes AND a big no as you’ve gathered by now.

Of your 23 pairs of chromosomes, there is a percentage of the population that have a gene variant on chromosome 19 known as ApoE4. Apo is an abbreviation for apolipoprotein, which is a protein that carries fat. If you have zero copies of this variant passed down from your parents, then you have a 9% chance of ending up with Alzheimer’s.

However, if you have one copy of this variant passed on from either parent (known as heterozygous), your odds now jump to 30% that Alzheimer’s will be your fate. It is estimated that 25% of white Americans and 33% of African Americans carry one copy. If you have two copies (one from each parent known as homozygous) your lifetime odds jump to 50 to 90%.

However, the good news is that science now realizes that epigenetics plays a far larger role in your health.

The Genetics of Alzheimer's

The Role Of Epigenetics

Firstly, what is epigenetics? Well, it’s the field of science that deals with the factors that influence whether the particular genes you have are actually expressed or not. You should understand that just because you have genes that may not be great, that doesn’t mean that it has to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Secondly, what determines if a particular gene is expressed? Your lifestyle. That’s right; all the factors that I discuss in my book can help you prevent Alzheimer’s, not to mention keep you healthier overall. This regardless of your genetics. Contrary to medical dogma, epigenetics is always more important than genetics.

Get Tested For Alzheimer’s!

What does all this mean? Furthermore what should you do? Well, many doctors recommend that you don’t get genetic testing for Alzheimer’s.  All due to the belief that the stress is too great should you find out that you carry the variant and your fate is inevitable. Many people actually refuse to be tested for the same reason. Again based on the belief that there is no hope. But now that you know that the nightmare of Alzheimer’s is in fact preventable, would it not make sense that you should know?

It comes as no surprise to any of my patients or coaching clients that I am of the firm belief that it is your body, your mind and your health. Health professionals claim that we want people to make informed decisions but rarely do we properly inform them. So, I recommend two things:

  1. Get Tested – You should always know your status and then take the appropriate steps.
  2. Take Action – Even if you have 2 copies of this variant, it does not make it inevitable that you will contract Alzheimer’s. Rather it’s all the more reason you should follow my Simple 7-step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s beginning today.

Remember Epigenetics is always more important than genetics.

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease whats next

So What’s Next?

In my next article I’ll talk about the link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore why this affects almost everyone. Visit my website if you’d like to skip ahead and read my book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”. Or watch my masterclass “Brain Health for Life – The New Science-based Approach to Maintain Razor Sharp Memory, Laser Focused Learning and Prevent Brain Decline without Drugs Even if Your Genetics and Age Say Otherwise”. 

For further information click here to read, 5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy.

The Keto Approach To Fibromyalgia

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Suffering with Fibromyalgia or symptoms of Fibromyalgia? This article will concentrate on what may be the hidden cause of your Fibromyalgia diagnosis and how to heal. So, first off, do you know what fibromyalgia is?

Well, The Mayo Clinic describes it as: “A disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.” 1

Because its symptoms can be attributed to other diseases or illnesses, it has been difficult to pin down root causes.

“Symptoms sometimes begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant
psychological stress.  In other cases, symptoms gradually accumulate over time with no single triggering event.” 1

When You Receive A Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

There are medications that have been shown to help.  Also the usual prescription of;

  • Exercise
  • Relaxation
  • Stress reduction

All of which are part of the standard of care for pretty much everything, actually.
Saying a disease or condition is caused by;

  • Genetics
  • Infections
  • Physical trauma
  • Emotional trauma

Thus, this leaves the person dealing with the disease/illness with no concrete way of preventing it.  So, getting into the causes here would be counterproductive.   ALso, it would appear that being alive is the source of 99.9% of the problem.

So consider this. First, what do we know about a fibromyalgia diagnosis that can help us if we do get it?  Furthermore, what if we want to prevent it?  Lastly, what means do we have at our disposal?

We start with our lifestyle and food choices.

fibromyalgia diet

Managing Fibromyalgia With Lifestyle & Diet

What if our choice to eat highly processed refined sugars and processed foods was a trigger for fibromyalgia?  Or if insulin resistance (caused by years of too much refined sugars/sugar intake) was the cause of fibromyalgia?

“… it did show a high association between fibromyalgia and co-existent insulin. The study then went on to show those treated with metformin, a drug that can improve insulin sensitivity, had improved fibromyalgia symptoms.”
Dr. Bret Scher 2, 3

If you bump your toe and it swells, it hurts.  Acute inflammation from your bumped toe is accompanied by pain.  Sugar causes inflammation.  If you have areas of your body that are in repair mode and sugar increases the normally expected inflammation around those areas, that can lead to pain.

Our muscles are always in a state of breakdown and repair.  If you work out, you know that you are tearing your muscles and they are getting rebuilt (hopefully bigger and stronger, or why work out, right?).

What Foods Can Trigger Chronic Pain, Fatigue, And Depression?

Sugar The Bitter Truth

If the regular inflammation accompanied by regular muscle repair is supercharged due to the inflammatory response from sugar, is it no wonder that we have muscle pain all over?
This is me conclusion based on my knowledge of the effects of a highly refined sugar diet.  But I am not out in left field especially when it comes to your Fibromyalgia diagnosis .

I consulted my friend Dr. Adam Nally, a board-certified family physician and obesity
medicine specialist.  He uses keto extensively in his practice and our 100% naturally fermented drinkable ketones. 4  He is also the author of, ‘The Keto Cure’.

“What I see clinically is at least a 50% improvement in overall general pain in fibromyalgia when a person is using a ketogenic lifestyle because of the inflammatory improvement that occurs.” 
Dr. Adam Nally, Keto Talk episode 61

There are many diseases and illnesses that have until recently been considered rare or of little interest to the medical field.  All because they occur so infrequently.  Even diabetes was rare!  So. we must begin to look at all the recent increases of illnesses and ask why they are now so prevalent.

A growing body of evidence has linked our excessive intake of refined sugars and processed foods (full of refined sugars) as the culprit.  This leads to hormone imbalances in the body, specifically insulin and the toll it is taking on our general health.

“Only a few decades ago, fibromyalgia (and its predecessor fibrositis) was of little interest or concern to either physicians or the general public.” 6

How to Improve Your Diet for Fibromyalgia Relief

Keto Diet And Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Research on how a ketogenic lifestyle, low-carb and strict keto is ongoing by mainstream science as well as by Pruvit (the maker of the ketones I drink every day).

Through scientific study and anecdotal evidence, it is clear that getting our bodies back to the lower sugar intake of our grandparents generation in addition to eating a whole foods diet rich in vital nutrients is the way for us to reverse the trend toward being fat, sick and tired.

As Dr. Wolfe says in his book Healthy to 100;

“Fibromyalgia: Fibro mean fiber, My means muscle, Algia means pain.  This is a pain that moves throughout the body due to inflammation created by a toxic lifestyle”

So let’s get rid of our toxic lifestyle.  Drink ketones or create ketones.  Eat healthy fats, doing the keto diet or intermittent fasting.  All in order to take care of the inflammation that we can’t control.

Are Chiropractors Doctors?

Are Chiropractors Doctors

Many people often ask the question “are chiropractors doctors?”. Well, they are healthcare practitioners in a regulated profession, and so, the common assumption is that they are doctors. However many people wonder what the difference is between chiropractors and medical doctors.

Let’s look at what chiropractor’s do and what the practice of chiropractic includes. Therefore, you can be better prepared and more confident about your next visit to see a chiropractor!

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a licensed healthcare profession that focuses on the body’s natural ability to heal. Chiropractic care most commonly centers on manual therapy. More specifically the chiropractic adjustment, with an emphasis on the health of the spine and nervous system. Physical exercises and lifestyle advice are also frequently included as part of a patients care.

What Is A Doctor Of Chiropractic?

A chiropractor is a health professional that provides care for disorders related to;

But, they aren’t medical doctors. Therefore do not prescribe medication. However, they undergo extensive training and are highly qualified in their field, practicing as doctors of chiropractic.

Click here to read, If I go to the Chiropractor, do I have to go forever?

doctor of chiropractic

Education For Doctors Of Chiropractic

Chiropractic education is very similar to that of medicine. However, compared to their medical counterparts, chiropractors spend more hours studying;

  • Anatomy
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics
  • Radiology
  • Nutrition

A chiropractor usually attains their undergraduate degree with a strong emphasis on sciences such as;

  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Chemistry

All before attending a 4-year chiropractic graduate course. All this totaling close to 4,700 instructional hours.

what is chiropractic

What Does A Doctor Of Chiropractic Do?

Similar to medical doctors, chiropractors will firstly have a consultation with their patient. Next, they will perform a patient history and examination. This often includes specialized tests, before providing a report of findings.

After providing a diagnosis, they will recommend a management plan. Once a patient begins care, their progress will be closely monitored to maintain optimal health. Chiropractors most commonly provide care for health conditions that involve the neuromusculoskeletal system.

Standard chiropractic care includes joint manipulation. Also referred to as chiropractic adjustments performed by the hand through a combination of quick and gentle thrusts. The main objective of the chiropractic adjustment is to improve the alignment and functions of spinal joints. Reducing stress on the nervous system. Many chiropractors will provide joint manipulation to the extremities as well.

Click here to read, Cracking Open The Biggest Myths About Chiropractic.

what is chiropractic

How Chiropractic Can Help

Chiropractor’s care can help solve several health problems. It can help resolve issues and conditions relating to:

  • The nervous system
  • Bones, ligaments, and cartilage
  • Tendons and muscles

Frequent problems that can resolve under chiropractic care are;

  • Pelvic pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Leg and hip pain
  • Neck pain
  • Arm and shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Numbness and tingling

Click here to read, Chiropractic Heals Nothing!

So, Are Chiropractors Doctors?

On the whole, chiropractors are holistic healthcare practitioners. Providing care to help their patients achieve optimal overall health. They are highly skilled and will offer excellent solutions to a number of healthcare issues. Click here to find a chiropractor near you.

For further reading click here to read, Antioxidants – Can They Be Boosted With Chiropractic Care and What The Keto Diet And Chiropractic Have In Common .

What The Keto Diet And Chiropractic Have In Common

Keto Diet and Chiropractic

What is the Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet aka the Keto Diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet for which research is showing to have many health benefits.  Over 20 studies demonstrate that this diet can help drop fat and improve your health.  Furthermore, Ketogenic diets may do more than help you shed a few pounds by offering other health benefits preventing diabetes, cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease.


Keto and Chiropractic?

It may be difficult to see the connection between the Keto Diet and chiropractic however, as your chiropractor will tell you, a well-adjusted spine allows your brain’s signals to easily and effortlessly get to all parts of your body through your central nervous system.

I learned this when I was 26 and first started to see a chiropractor. Since then, I’ve been going to a chiropractor regularly for almost 24 years now.  Remember, if the brain isn’t functioning properly, one of the things it cannot do is send the proper signals down that central nervous system to your organs and your other body parts.  This is where ketones can help in addition to your chiropractic adjustments.

how to improve brain health

“When Your Brain Works Right, You Work Right”

 Dr. Daniel Amen, #1 New York Times bestselling author, double board-certified psychiatrist, professor and brain health expert.

What Is Fueling Your Brain?

Despite the fact that your brain is only 2% of the weight of your body, it uses up 20% to 30% of the total energy your body uses every day. So, how are most people giving their brain the energy it needs to keep it running efficiently? Well, most people’s diets consist primarily of carbohydrates and some proteins.

Unfortunately, not enough of those carbohydrates are coming from fibrous good carbohydrate vegetables and people are not eating enough healthy fats. Infact, many calories that are used to fuel the body are coming from processed foods and refined carbohydrates (sugar). This wreaks havoc on your body’s ability to manage your energy needs and thus the energy needs of your brain.Eventually your body resists the onslaught of all these refined sugars. But how does this affect your brain?

We have all heard of type 2 diabetes and how it wreaks havoc on our bodies. However Type 2 diabetes is not only a disease of the obese. Click here to read, Why Children Living With Type 2 Diabetes Is Drastically Increasing .

“Normal-weight people are getting diabetes at the same rate as the obese …”

– Dr. Robert Lustig

Mayo Clinic Minute: Is Alzheimer's Type 3 diabetes?

Have You Heard Of Type 3 Diabetes?

Now being referred to by doctors and researchers as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other brain diseases, type 2 diabetes is your body’s inability to get enough energy from carbohydrates due to insulin resistance (carbohydrates cannot be used for energy unless they are escorted into each cell by insulin).

Insulin resistance also affects your brain’s ability to get energy from carbohydrates. So, if your brain is not getting enough energy to function properly you can suffer from brain fog, forgetfulness and tiredness, to name a few of the more obvious symptoms. Also, if your brain is not functioning properly, it won’t send proper signals down your nervous system to your organs and other body parts which can affect you mentally and physically.

ketogenic diet

Ketones And The Keto Diet

You may have heard a lot lately about ketones and the keto diet. How ketones fuel your brain better than carbohydrates. But what exactly is this magical ketone? Well it’s what your body creates when it burns your fat and what your body uses for energy when it’s not using carbohydrates.

What ketones have been shown to do is to fuel your body better than glucose (carbohydrates/sugar) and to create much less waste in the process (making them more efficient). Put simply, your body just runs better on ketones. Ketones have a neuroprotective effect and they reduced inflammation. Neurons are found in your brain, spinal cord and in your nerves. Chiropractic is all about your nervous system.


Antioxidants And Their Effect On Your Brain

We have all heard of the many benefits of antioxidants. How important they are to reduce the damage done by our food choices and the environment on our bodies. But what about our brains?

“Ketones preserve brain metabolism in the face of an oxidative challenge”

– Dr. Domenic D’Agostino

Most people’s bodies never run on ketones because the food industry provides us with an abundance of low-quality processed sugars (simple carbohydrates) either directly or hidden in processed foods and we don’t have enough of the right fats in our diets.

The keto diet is fast becoming mainstream news. However there are few who can maintain the lifestyle longer term. This is because many find it difficult to eat so few carbohydrates (we are not referring to vegetables) with today’s carbohydrate-rich grocery stores and fast-food outlets.

But with the help of a grant from the U.S. Military Navy Seals, smart researchers at the University of South Florida found a way to make a ketone supplement that is identical to what the body makes when it’s burning fat.

For the average person, this is a much easier way to get ketones into their bodies rather than to try to reduce their carbohydrates low enough to allow their bodies to switch to burning their own fat. Why is this important? Because if your brain can run on ketones, you get heightened brain function and your brain just runs better.  Even your brain volume increases.

“Brain mapping shows that the volume of the brain increases with a ketogenic diet.  When you eat the right fat, your brain gets bigger.”

How Ketogenic Diets Improve Memory and Brain Health, Dr. Venter, MD

healthy nervous system

Final Thoughts

A more efficient brain can send better signals through your central nervous system, which makes your whole body run better. Ultimately that’s the goal of chiropractic and hopefully of everybody in the medical field.

I resisted the urge to put a lot of the relevant science on ketones in this article. So, if you have any questions or would like more information about ketones or healthy eating, feel free to send me an email or follow me on Facebook.

How To Create A Healthy Home Environment

Healthy Home

Your home environment plays an important role in your health and happiness physically, mentally, and emotionally. Creating a space that feels safe and comfortable and brings you joy is crucial for living a healthy and happy life. In fact, studies have shown that a clean and comfortable living environment reduces stress and increases health and happiness. So learn how you to can create a healthy home by following these important tips.


Healthy Home Checklist

Create A Vision Board Of Your Ideal Home Environment

A vision board is an ideal tool to help you clarify and maintain focus on a specific goal. Paste images and words that represent your home goal onto a board and then put it somewhere you will see it daily.

Get An Air Purifier

There is more air pollution inside homes and businesses than outside of them, that’s why you have to make sure you’re breathing in clean air. Air purifiers remove triggers for asthma attack and also eliminate allergens, such as dust and pet odor.

air purifying plants

Get More Plants

Indoor plants are a great way to purify air, boost mood, improve health, and sharpen focus. Therefore fill your home with natural air purifying plants such as;

  • Spider plants
  • Aloe vera
  • Peace Lily
  • Golden pothos
  • Boston ferns
  • Rubber plants
  • Palm trees

Clean And Declutter Your Environment

Keeping a clean home has wonderful health benefits, both physically and mentally. A cluttered, dirty, or confusing environment can cause us to feel worried, sad, or helpless. And less stuff means less to clean.

Light Scented Soy Candles

Scented candles have been shown to promote focus and lift your mood.

Soy candles are recommended because they burn cleaner, preventing toxins and pollutants from being emitted into the air.

indoor herb garden

Start A Herb Garden

Having an herb garden in your home is a great experience that can save you money, relieve stress, and provide fun.

Create A Cozy Sleep Space

Getting enough sleep is vitally important to your health. Make sure to create a sleep space that is as comfortable for you as possible.

Click here to read, Top 4 Sleep Well Tips For Better Health .

Organize Your Pantry

If you keep your kitchen and pantry in order, you’ll be more likely to cook at home and enjoy spending time in your kitchen.

How to Organize: The Pantry

Your home environment is a mirror of your goals, priorities, and who you want to be. Have fun creating and maintaining a nourishing home environment that brings you countless health and happiness.

What Is Gut Microbiome?

gut microbiome

In this article we’re going to explain what exactly is the gut microbiome.  However, before we do let’s dive into how to the gut functions.  When you think about the gut, you might just think of it as part of your “digestive factory” processing the food you ingest. However, this is only a small fraction of what it and your digestive system are responsible for.

healthy gut


This FREE resource is a ? gift from the author of Amazon’s best selling book “Hack Your Health Habits”.  Get your gut and immune system performing optimally.

The gastrointestinal tract, also called GI tract for short, is an organ system. It takes the food we eat, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients, and then excretes the remaining waste as feces and urine.

In addition, it acts as a moderator for various important bodily functions. It is quite literally the “core” of our well-being. From immune cells to neurotransmitters. A properly functioning GI tract allows our health to thrive. However, in the same sense, an improperly functioning gut can cause a variety of illnesses and health conditions.

gut health

The Nervous System And Your Gut Microbiome

Contrary to popular belief, your gut actually possesses its own ‘nervous system’. Comprised of its own neurons and ability to produce neurotransmitters. This is called your enteric nervous system, which has been said to function independently of your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Yes, that’s right, your gut quite literally has the means to act as a second brain!

The brain and the gut communicate via two pathways. Neural communications which include the vagus parasympathetic system and systemic communication which include the HPA axis, neurotransmitters, bacterial metabolites, and cytokines.

We have known for a long time that the vagus nerve plays a significant role in the
communication between the two organs. However, the importance of the systemic communication between the two have been also reinforced. In fact, evidence exists that the brain and gut still continue to communicate even when the vagus nerve is severed.

While many believe that the brain is the primary organ in charge of information transmission to the gut, your enteric nervous system actually sends far more information to the brain than it received from it. This reinforces the importance of gut health even further as research now shows that problems in your gut can have a direct impact on mental health.

Click here to read, The Brain In Your Gut .

Gut Feelings

At some point you have probably heard someone say, “I had a gut feeling.” Well, recent research shows that there might be some truth behind this saying. Those butterflies in your stomach actually have a direct correlation with thoughts, emotions and moods.

Although we are not entirely sure how the link between the gut and our mental wellbeing functions, we know that certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) are largely mediated through the good bacteria found in the gut.

As a matter of fact, the gut produces a large quantity of the body’s neurotransmitters! In addition, it also possesses two thirds of the body’s immune tissue, has greater metabolic activity than the liver, and possesses ten times more microbialm cells than human cells!

It also possesses a genome (genetic material) 100 times larger than the human genome. Your body is literally filled with bacteria. Before you freak out—rest assured this is a good thing.

Click here to read, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health .

Gut Microbiome And The Benefits Of Bacteria

These tiny microorganisms that make up your gut microbiome have an enormous impact on our overall health. Around 100 trillion bacteria live in the gut and provide important benefits such as;

  • Helping you detoxify from the toxins you are exposed to
  • Balancing the nervous system by serving as a source of neurotransmitters
  • Optimizing immune function
  • Absorbing vital nutrients

Most of the time, when we experience problems in these areas, we are quick to blame genetics or age, not realizing how our lifestyles play a big role in our gut health. This ultimately determines the functioning of many of the other systems as mentioned above.

Studies show that a whopping 70% of Americans have digestive related symptoms and diseases. The underlying causes of said gut-related diseases can be rooted back to;

  • Excess toxins
  • Allergens found in food including mold, pollens, and chemicals
  • Microbes such as ticks, yeast and parasites
  • Physical and psychological stress
  • Poor diet and antibiotic overuse

In fact, 40% of all adults and 70% of all children in the U.S. take one or more courses of
antibiotics every year, which wreaks havoc on their gut health and leaves them susceptible to other issues.

For further information click here to read, Gut Problems? 7 Key Steps For Healthy Digestion .

Supporting Healthy Brain Development In Children

brain development

Childhood and adolescence is an important time for brain development. From the rapid growth that occurs even before a child is born, to the fine tuning of neural connections that occurs in adolescence. This is the time of life where the brain changes the most!

Experiences during this time best inform the brain on what is important and what is less important. Which neural connections it should keep and which ones are less necessary. This will set the stage for adult life. This is why it is so important for kids to have many experiences. Not only does this include all the wonderful, magical, joyful experiences of life but also the stressful, painful, uncomfortable experiences.

Provided children have supportive adult relationships and stable environments, short-term, moderately stressful experiences can help them form healthy coping strategies and wire their brains for coping with these situations in the future (1)In addition to providing stable environments and loving relationships. Here are some other ways to support healthy brain development in kids.

eating as a family

Optimizing Nutrition

Nutrition definitely doesn’t look the same for every child and changes throughout childhood as well. But here are some general nutrition tips that can help support healthy brain development once a child starts eating solid food

  1. Ensuring a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. The more variety and colour you can get in, the better. Setting an example is important here. Trying to convince a two-year-old to eat something that mom or dad doesn’t eat will likely be an uphill battle.
  2. Healthy fats.  Foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, help support healthy brain development. This includes foods like; avocados, nuts and seeds. Also, olive oil, and fatty fish like mackerel, halibut, or anchovies. If you’re having trouble getting these foods in, a fish oil supplement may be helpful.
  3. Protein. This one more supports healthy muscles however is important to get in as well. High protein foods include things like fish, legumes, meat, nuts and seeds.
  4. Limited amounts of processed/pre-packaged foods and refined sugars. These foods are increasingly being shown to be linked to chronic inflammation and are usually best avoided.
  5. Sitting down for meals as a family. This helps foster connection, bonding, and the supportive environment that is so important for brain development. Especially if you can factor in some form of gratitude practice or prayer before the meal.

Click here to read, How To Encourage Children To Eat Vegetables .

brain development in children


By this point in time, we probably all know the vast physical benefits of exercise. And yes there are studies to show that exercise even benefits kids. Not only does exercise increase self-esteem in children but it also appears to improve;

  • Cognition function
  • Executive function
  • Help in treatment of ADHD symptoms (2,3,4)

Playing outside is probably my favourite exercise for kids because as we’ll see in the next section, nature also helps foster healthy brain development. 

Spending time in nature helps mental health

Time In Nature

Spending time in nature promotes creativity and inspires wonder. When children are exploring in nature, they are learning with all of their senses. It also teaches them;

  • How to care for the environment
  • Brings a sense of mastery
  • Teaches that actions come with consequences

Activities for kids in nature can be as simple as going on a walk in the forest. Including your child in caring for a garden is also a great way to help them connect with nature. It helps them learn about consequences, build confidence and a sense of self-mastery.

meditation for kids


Playing outside would cover this one too! Mindfulness doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as simple as allowing some time for kids to be bored and let their minds wander. 

You can even get involved with your children on this one and have a nightly bedtime meditation session. This would also establish a routine and contribute to a structured, stable environment that helps so much with healthy brain development. 

It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect

Parents, try not be too hard on yourselves. Parenting is not an easy calling. It’s important to recognize when you’re trying your best and remember that your best is often enough. Some days, nutrition may not be optimal or exercise may fall to the wayside. Remember to reach out for support when you need it.

Also, don’t forget that caring for yourself is just as important as caring for your kids. Not only are you unable to care for your kids if you are unwell but you are also modeling for them how to care for themselves. 

Click here to read, 9 Ways Your Mind And Body Are Telling You That You Need Some ‘Self Love’ .


  1. Resilience. Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,
  2. Ekeland E, Heian F, Hagen KB. Can exercise improve self esteem in children and young people? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005;39:792-798.
  3. Davis, C. L., Tomporowski, P. D., McDowell, J. E., Austin, B. P., Miller, P. H., Yanasak, N. E., Allison, J. D., & Naglieri, J. A. (2011). Exercise improves executive function and achievement and alters brain activation in overweight children: A randomized, controlled trial. Health Psychology, 30(1), 91–98.
  4. Archer, T., Kostrzewa, R.M. Physical Exercise Alleviates ADHD Symptoms: Regional Deficits and Development Trajectory. Neurotox Res 21, 195–209 (2012) doi:10.1007/s12640-011-9260-0

FDA Is Warning People NOT To Use This Dangerous Antibiotic

side effects of antibiotics

Are you aware of the harmful side effects of antibiotics ? Well, the FDA is now warning against using a popular class of antibiotics as they may cause sudden serious and potentially permanent nerve damage. Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics that are commonly used to treat a variety of illnesses from respiratory infections to urinary tract infections. Their use is very prevalent and in 2011 alone, these drugs were prescribed to more than 23 million people.

Medicines Include:

In fact, doctors are now saying that side effects of these drugs far outweigh any benefits provided when it comes to treating sinusitis or UTI infections.

peripheral neuropathy

One Of The Worst Side Effects These Drugs Can Cause Is Peripheral Neuropathy.

Side Effects Of Antibiotics

Extreme damage can be done to the nervous system and spinal cord when using these antibiotics. Thus causing interference and interrupting signals to your brain that are being sent to the rest of your body. As such, it can cause debilitating;

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Burning
  • Shooting pain

Scarier still, these symptoms may be irreversible. Furthermore they can become permanent. Therefore it may not be reversed just by stopping the antibiotics. Also, the symptoms tend to begin very rapidly after beginning treatment.

Other serious side effects can include;
  • Tendon rupture and damage
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Pins and needles in your extremities
  • Confusion and hallucinations
medication side effects

Think Those Symptoms Won’t Happen To You?

Well, sadly enough they have happened and often. In fact so often and to enough people that back in 2008 the FDA required a boxed warning (the most serious type of warning) to be added to the medications. All this to alert patients of the risk of tendon damage and rupture.

Remember, every single time you take a medication or an antibiotic, you are putting yourself in danger. Opening yourself up to the possibility of experiencing terrible side effects that may not be reversible. However, even if you don’t experience negative side effects, you have to heal twice. Once from the illness and once more from the medication. Also, for some, healing from the medication can be much more difficult.

Choose Natural Options To Avoid The Side Effects Of Antibiotics

Work with your natural health practitioner. Find a natural, non-toxic solution to your illnesses. Essential oils are amazing in helping to heal sinusitis and respiratory inflammation. Also, D-Mannose and probiotics are excellent ways to heal a bladder infection.

What Else Can You Heal Naturally?

Almost every single illness has a natural solution or natural prevention. Allowing you to avoid the toxicity associated with conventional pharmaceuticals. Do your own research. Be informed and an educated owner of your own body. Feel empowered to ask the right questions and make your own choices when need be!