How To Create A Healthy Home Environment

Healthy Home

Your home environment plays an important role in your health and happiness physically, mentally, and emotionally. Creating a space that feels safe and comfortable and brings you joy is crucial for living a healthy and happy life. In fact, studies have shown that a clean and comfortable living environment reduces stress and increases health and happiness. So learn how you to can create a healthy home by following these important tips.


Healthy Home Checklist

Create A Vision Board Of Your Ideal Home Environment

A vision board is an ideal tool to help you clarify and maintain focus on a specific goal. Paste images and words that represent your home goal onto a board and then put it somewhere you will see it daily.

Get An Air Purifier

There is more air pollution inside homes and businesses than outside of them, that’s why you have to make sure you’re breathing in clean air. Air purifiers remove triggers for asthma attack and also eliminate allergens, such as dust and pet odor.

air purifying plants

Get More Plants

Indoor plants are a great way to purify air, boost mood, improve health, and sharpen focus. Therefore fill your home with natural air purifying plants such as;

  • Spider plants
  • Aloe vera
  • Peace Lily
  • Golden pothos
  • Boston ferns
  • Rubber plants
  • Palm trees

Clean And Declutter Your Environment

Keeping a clean home has wonderful health benefits, both physically and mentally. A cluttered, dirty, or confusing environment can cause us to feel worried, sad, or helpless. And less stuff means less to clean.

Light Scented Soy Candles

Scented candles have been shown to promote focus and lift your mood.

Soy candles are recommended because they burn cleaner, preventing toxins and pollutants from being emitted into the air.

indoor herb garden

Start A Herb Garden

Having an herb garden in your home is a great experience that can save you money, relieve stress, and provide fun.

Create A Cozy Sleep Space

Getting enough sleep is vitally important to your health. Make sure to create a sleep space that is as comfortable for you as possible.

Click here to read, Top 4 Sleep Well Tips For Better Health .

Organize Your Pantry

If you keep your kitchen and pantry in order, you’ll be more likely to cook at home and enjoy spending time in your kitchen.

How to Organize: The Pantry

Your home environment is a mirror of your goals, priorities, and who you want to be. Have fun creating and maintaining a nourishing home environment that brings you countless health and happiness.

Clean Living Basics And DIY Cleaning Solutions

Many people when doing a cleanse or detox usually think of eating organic food and taking herbs.  Although this can be an amazing thing for your body and well-being, it is even more important to also use safe cleaning products for your home (this is where you spend a significant amount of time after all!).  In other words, by practicing clean living and using safe cleaning products you are benefiting your lungs and liver.

A 2003 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry showed that levels of antioxidants and other cancer-fighting compounds were over 50% higher in organically grown food than in food grown conventionally.  Also, Organic foods do not contain cancer-causing pesticide residues either.  Click here to read an article about Antioxidants – Can They Be Boosted With Chiropractic Care?

The following list are tips on how to incorporate more antioxidant rich foods in your diet.

Love That Limonene

Citrus juices and peel contain flavonoids and limonene, natural anti-oxidants that inhibit the growth and proliferation of cancer cells.  Orange and lemon peels are the most powerful of the citrus fruits.  Add organic citrus peel to your diet by grating a little over your salad or using the peel in your tea daily.

Be Raw

Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures higher than 50°C so we should focus on eating foods rich in enzymes, including raw fruits and vegetables.  Many vitamins are also destroyed through heating.  If digestion is an issue, you can lightly steam vegetables. JUICING is a terrific way of getting in many raw veggies.  Eating 50% of raw veggies and fruits per day is a good balance for most people.

Beneficial Brassicas

Particularly potent healing vegetables include members of the brassica family.  This included cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabagas, radish and watercress.  We can enjoy this family by eating cole slaw several times per week.  Adding cabbage to soups and salads and adding broccoli and cauliflower to main dishes and salads (not to mention dipping them in hummus!)  The cancer-preventing phytochemical in this vegetable is indole-3-carbinol.

Click here to get an easy to make veggie dip recipe.


Seaweeds include nori, arame, kelp, dulse and kombu.  Seaweeds also contain calcium and B12.

Click here for clean eating recipes to reset and refresh your body.

Tips For Home Cleaning

Use Natural household cleaners.  The toxins in various household products are toxic to our livers and expose us to cancer-causing.  Many household cleaners also contain hormone-disrupting chemicals–This is especially important if you are trying to conceive or have little people crawling around on the floors.  Click here to read ‘Are You Poisoning Your Family?’ for more information on the hazards of common house cleaners.  Below are some tips to replace common chemical cleaners:

Floor Cleaner:

Use washing soda and a bit of borax in water.  Use white vinegar in your rinse for a natural shine.

Furniture Polish:

Use filtered water to dampen a cloth and place a few drops of olive oil on the cloth.

Kitchen/Bathroom Cleanser:

Use ¼ cup borax with ¼ cup washing soda and minimum water to clean in the kitchen and bathroom.  Use dry washing soda to scour.

Laundry Detergent:

Use ½ cup of borax per load and combine with washing soda for extra cleaning powder.  For stubborn stains, try rubbing with bar soap first and/or rub with alcohol, vinegar or baking soda.

Oven Cleaner:

Scrub with baking soda on its own or mix 1 cup of pure soap, ½ cup lemon juice with 1 gallon of water and scrub.  Rinse with water.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner:

Pour 1 cup borax powder into toilet and let sit overnight. Scrub with a brush and flush. For faster action, add ¼ cup lemon juice or vinegar to the borax. Wait a few hours before scrubbing.  Alternatively, open 2 vitamin C capsules and drop them into the bowl, letting the sit overnight.  Scrub and flush.

Window Cleaner:

Mix 2 tablespoons vinegar in 1L of water in a spray bottle.  Clean your windows using newspapers.

Car Fresheners:

Please avoid artificial car ‘fresheners’ as these are toxic.  Purchasing an essential oil diffuser for your car is perfect for adding some uplifting natural scents to purify the air.  Bergamot and mint are wonderful cleansing scents.

For more information on how you can detoxify your home or yourself, please click here and contact me today!  For further reading click here for an important article about ‘This Common Ingredient Has Been Linked To Cancer’.