Orange Essential Oil Uses And Top 5 Health Benefits

Orange Essential Oil

The benefits of essential oils can be experienced in many ways.  Have you ever walked into a room after someone just peeled open an orange?  Remember that sweet citrus aroma that filled the room?  What feelings and thoughts come to mind when you smell that aroma?  For me, I feel uplifted and refreshed. The air smells clean and usually makes me want to open an orange and eat one. Same can be experienced when using orange essential oil.

Those thoughts and feelings that you experience when smelling orange oil happen because of tiny little receptors in the nose that react to the aroma.  Those receptors speak up to the olfactory bulb where signals are sent into the limbic system and amygdala of the brain. This is where your brain does emotional learning and memory.

Click here to read, Essential Oils are More Than Just Herbs.

Why Every Home Needs A Bottle Of Orange Essential Oil

Benefits Of The Citrus Sinensi Orange Plant

The essential oil often called sweet orange or wild orange is from the fruit of the citrus sinensi orange plant.  The orange essential oil is pressed from the rind of the fruit.  Many studies have been conducted on citrus sinensi proving the essential oils benefits.  Here are just a few benefits from this impressive essential oil.

Boosts Mood & Improves Anxiety

Orange oil is uplifting because of its high content of limonene.  Limonene has many benefits and one is its ability to uplift mood.  Often, I will sample people with orange oil.  I ask them to think of something they don’t like and then inhale the aroma in the palms of their hands.  I can visibly see the effects this essential oil has because as they inhale you see their eyes raise, a smile appears, and their body language and posture improves.

Aromatherapists and natural health practitioners have used orange oil as a mild tranquilizer and natural antidepressant for centuries.  Because of its anxiolytic properties, you can alter your mood and enhance motivation in as little as five minutes of diffusing orange oil.  In a 2015 published study women’s stress and anxiety during labor was studied using orange oil.

One group had diffused water and one group orange oil.  The women with the orange oil reported feeling less stress and anxiety during labor than the group with water.  In this study orange oil was observed to reduce salivary cortisol level and pulse rate when diffused during pediatric dental procedures showing a reduction in anxiety during the dental procedure.  This oil has a powerful effect on emotions, you can see that by simply experiencing the oil and evidence in these studies listed.

Click here to read, Get Your Body Ready For A Baby.

fight infection naturally

Infection Fighting Orange Oil

Like many essential oils, orange oils have antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. One in vitro study discussed 10 essential oils and their ability to kill 22 different strains of bacteria and 12 strains of fungi.  Orange oil was able to kill off all strains.  Now that’s impressive!

In another study orange oil was found to prevent the proliferation of E.Coli Bacteria.  E. Coli Bacteria is a dangerous type of bacteria that present in contaminated foods.  It can cause serious reactions when ingested, including kidney failure and even death.

Click here to read, I Can’t Believe I’m Sick AGAIN – 5 Things You Need to Do to Stop the Cycle!

natural cleaner

Natural Surface Cleaner

Because of orange oils effectiveness against microorganisms it happens to be a fantastic oil to clean with.  Putting the oil in a glass bottle with vinegar and water can be a great non-toxic way to clean your home.  I make all my cleaning products with essential oils.  It’s safer for my pets and family and in my opinion, does a better job!

Click here to read, Are you poisoning your family?

natural pain relief

Provides Pain Relief

In this study from 2008, it was discussed using orange oil with ginger oil as a way to reduce joint pain in a group of elderly people.  The group received six massage sessions over six weeks and reported an improvement in pain levels at the end of the 6 weeks. Orange oil may be effective because of its strong anti-inflammatory effects.

Click here to read, How our perceptions affect our pain.

natural sleep enhancer

Improves Sleep

Because of Orange oils limonene component, its calming effect can be beneficial for sleep. It was shown in this 2015 study as one of many essential oils effective for insomnia.

Try diffusing this essential oil 15 minutes before bed.  When picking your essential oils to use there are many on the market.  It’s important to understand that there is no FDA regulation on the labeling of essential oils.  Many companies are adulterating their essential oils that they sell to get more bang for their buck.

When choosing who you purchase essential oils from be sure that the company is proving to you the purity.  Not by what’s on the label but what’s in the bottle.  They should be showing you the GCMS testing of their oils.  This is the only way to know the purity of the oil.  If you choose an oil that is not pure your results may not be as effective.  Also,  you may be causing more harm than good.  Contact me to learn more about how to use essential oils for healthcare!

Further Reading

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Alzheimer Society of Canada

Alzheimer Society of Canada

Today you’ll discover the support system provided by the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the Alzheimer’s Association in the United States. You will also learn how important it is to seek Alzheimer’s help, especially if you’re a caregiver for someone suffering with Alzheimer’s.

This is the 5th and final article in a series where you have now discovered:

  • How prevalent the risk of Alzheimer’s is to everyone
  • What a deadly disease it is
  • How completely ineffective medicine is at dealing with it
  • The role of both genetics and epigenetics in both early onset Alzheimer’s and late onset Alzheimer’s
  • The link between Alzheimer’s and aluminum
Alzheimer Canada

Alzheimer Society

In my first 4 articles you’ve discovered just how important it is to take a new and proactive approach when it comes to preventing the nightmare of Alzheimer’s from ever occurring in the first place.

Currently, over 5 million people suffer with Alzheimer’s in the United States who desperately need support that goes well beyond what any doctor or hospital can provide. This is where true angels can be found in the incredible efforts put forth by Alzheimer’s societies, caregivers and support workers.

Alzheimer Society Of Canada

The Alzheimer Society of Canada is located at:

20 Eglinton Avenue West, 16th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tel: 416-488-8772 or Toll-free: 1-800-616-8816

Although there are also chapters across Canada in many major cities.

Its functions are many including to:

  1. Represent Alzheimer’s patients and their rights
  2. Provide support groups
  3. Provide education and information
  4. Encourage research and financial donations
  5. Provide support to caregivers and family members

The Alzheimer Society of Canada has gone so far as to have developed the first-ever Canadian Charter of Rights for People with Dementia.

“The landmark Charter is the culmination of over a year’s work by the Society’s Advisory Group of people with dementia, whose members represent different walks of life from across the country. The Charter defines seven explicit rights to empower Canadians living with dementia to self-advocate, while also ensuring that the people and organizations that support them know and protect their rights.”

They have also taken the position that “Canada needs a fully-funded national dementia strategy”.

Support and services for people with dementia and carers: The dementia guide

Alzheimer Association

In the United States it is the Alzheimer Association that plays this same role. One of their goals is to educate the public on the early warning signs of Alzheimer’s. According to them they are:

  1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  2.  Challenges in planning or solving problems
  3.  Difficulty completing familiar tasks
  4. Confusion with time or place
  5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships
  6.  New problems with words in speaking or writing
  7.  Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps
  8. Decreased or poor judgment
  9. Withdrawal from work or social activities
  10. Changes in mood and personality
The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer Help and Alzheimer Caregivers

My book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”, would seem to refer to the nightmare experienced by the person with Alzheimer’s. However, it also applies to the nightmare experienced by the caregiver.

The non-stop daily toll that is both physically and emotionally exhausting for caregivers, often family members, is heart-breaking. It can be 24/7 for 365 days of the year and go on for years. As such, it is essential that caregivers reach out and get support whenever possible. I have seen this personally and tell many of these stories in my book.

Is Alzheimer’s Communicable?

I know what you’re thinking. Alzheimer’s is not caused by a virus or bacteria so of course it’s not communicable. However, I and many other experts would disagree.

Alzheimer’s is not communicable in the sense that you’ll catch it from someone if they sneeze on you; rather, if you’re a caregiver it’s the endless stress, lack of sleep and emotional distress that do in fact play a major role in contributing to many of the 6 major causes of Alzheimer’s.

As such, the health of the caregiver (or any family member) dealing with an Alzheimer’s patient must be a priority in order for the caregiver to prevent Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer Society

What Needs To Change

As you’ve read, I can’t say enough good about the Herculean efforts put forth by these societies and especially caregivers. But here’s what has to change.

Firstly, it’s great that the Alzheimer Society of Canada has taken the position that “Canada needs a fully-funded national dementia strategy” but what strategy?

Will it be the same drug approach that is looking to reduce plaque? Even their most proactive doctors believe that their drugs failed only because they weren’t given to the patient early enough.

Or, will they continue to collect donations that go towards the same failed approach?

Furthermore, will the Alzheimer Society in the United States continue to promote the 10 warning signs that are typically way too late?  As these are not early warning signs; rather, they are indicative of someone who is already likely in stage 3 Alzheimer’s.

Therefore, if we are truly ever going to prevent this dreaded disease, we need to understand what health and prevention really mean and we must take a new approach.

CoQ10, CoQ10 Benefits, Benefits of CoQ10, CoQ10 side effects, what is CoQ10

So What’s Next?

If you’ve got to this point in my 5 article series, likely you’re:

  1. Concerned about early warning signs that you’re personally experiencing, that a loved one is experiencing (that you may be caring for)
  2. You’re proactive enough to appreciate that you must take action to both optimize brain function and prevent the nightmare of Alzheimer’s from ever occurring in the first place.

We need to understand the true definition of health and prevention and we need a new approach. I invite you to share these articles with your friends and loved ones. Also, I invite you to discover what true health really is and a new approach to preventing Alzheimer’s by reading my book,

“The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”

Also, for those who wish to work with me, watch my masterclass “Brain Health for Life – The New Science-based Approach to Maintain Razor Sharp Memory, Laser Focused Learning and Prevent Brain Decline without Drugs Even if Your Genetics and Age Say Otherwise”.

Top 5 Brain Exercises To Improve Seniors Health And Happiness

brain exercises for seniors

So, you may be wondering, why are these brain exercises that important? Well, traditionally we work for about 40-45 years of our lives to build up enough wealth so when we’re ready, we can enjoy the sweet bliss of retirement. However, by the time retirement is in full swing many retirees, now seniors are dealing with a host of health problems. Because of this, a large portion of their time is spent visiting different doctors trying to fix their ailments rather than enjoying their fruitful ‘golden years’.

This is why it is more important than ever to encourage seniors, and really anyone you love to stay mentally active. This can help to reduce the chances of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and even depression.

The following list of activities were complied to provide seniors with hobbies or activities that they can do to help their cognitive function abilities. So let’s get to it!  Here is my top 5 brain boosting activities to help maintain and even boost cognitive health.

music therapy

Brain Exercise #1 – Musical Therapy

Musical therapy has been extensively studied in all age groups and has been proven to have a wide range of health benefits which include:

  • Heightened IQ
  • Improved mood
  • Relaxation
  • Energy
  • Increased cognitive function

Listening to music can bring up past memories and be a great form of comfort and enjoyment for seniors.

arts and crafts for seniors

Brain Exercise #2 – Arts And Crafts

Maintaining dexterity and good hand eye coordination should also be an important goal as we age. Therefore consider a variety of arts and crafts which may include:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Quilting

You can even suggest partaking in the latest trend of adult colouring.  These are all excellent inexpensive options to help preserve cognitive function. Also, it’s been shown that unleashing your creativity can reduce depression, which can be an issue for isolated seniors.

Click here to explore, Crafts for Seniors: 52 Fun and Simple Ideas That Inspire.

best physical activities for seniors

Brain Exercise #3 – Physical Activity

Remaining physically active allows seniors to be more independent to care for themselves and partake in activities outside of the home. Therefore, encourage activities such as:

These all provide an engaging form of exercise that helps to not only strengthen the body but also maintain posture and agility. Furthermore, regular physical activity has also been linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline.

Now, if mobility is already a concern, chair exercises and stretches can also be incorporated to minimize further loss of mobility.

Chair Exercises for Seniors - Senior Fitness - Exercises for the Elderly

Brain Exercise #4 – Learn A New Language

Learning a new language at any age is incredibility stimulating to the brain. In fact, when we learn a new language it stimulates the brain to multitask and can even improve memory. There have even been studies on using bilingualism as a strategy to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Click here for Oprah’s 11 Best Language Learning Apps for 2020.

brain games for seniors

Brain Exercise #5 – Puzzles And Brain Teasers

Try including brain teasers into your daily routine to help keep your mind sharp. These can include:

Even playing cards is a fantastic way to keep the mind sharp and active. Who new brain exercises could be so much fun!

brain health

Consider This

If you are still in the workforce, prevention during the working years is the key to a happy, healthy retirement.

Now, I understand for many this may be easier said than done! Several jobs are high pressure and high stress which over time negatively impacts our health. But remember, utilizing the brain exercises that were highlighted in this article is excellent for individuals of any age! So give it a try and begin reducing your stress and improving quality of life.

Aluminum And Alzheimer’s

Aluminum And Alzheimer's

Discover the link between Alzheimer’s and aluminum. A specific factor that affects us all.

This is the 4th article in my series. You have now discovered:

  • How prevalent the risk of Alzheimer’s is to everyone, what a deadly disease it is
  • How completely ineffective medicine is at dealing with it
  • The role of both genetics and epigenetics in both early onset Alzheimer’s and late onset Alzheimer’s
  • How essential it is for everyone take new, proactive and completely different approach regardless of your age.
aluminum and alzheimer's

Aluminum And Alzheimer’s – Is There A Link?

Wouldn’t it be nice if the science was actually science? What do I mean by that? Well, we’ve been raised to believe that science is… science. That it’s truth, factual and non-debatable. But unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

I go into far greater detail on this in chapter 7 of my new book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”. However, in a nutshell what we believe to be science is actual full of:

  • Bias
  • Opinion
  • Ulterior motives
  • Financial ties
  • Belief

Even the choice of the question being studied. This is exactly the case when it comes to Alzheimer’s and aluminum.

On the one hand, scientists agree that aluminum is a known neurotoxin. It’s been shown to have adverse effects on more than 200 important biological reactions and causes negative effects on the central nervous system. In fact, certain experts have gone so far as to say “without aluminum there would be no Alzheimer’s”.

On the other hand, even the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada has been quoted as stating, “current research provides no convincing evidence that exposure to trace elements of aluminum is connected to the development of dementia”. But how can both be true?

Scientists agree that aluminum is a known neurotoxin…and causes negative effects on the central nervous system.

Alzheimer's brain

Alzheimer’s, Aluminum And “Science”

Let’s get silly for a second. If you were suddenly to be pierced with a spear through the centre of your chest, would you go to the hospital and expect to have it surgically removed? Obviously you’d say yes but why? There’s never been a scientific, double-blind, randomized controlled study that “proves” that this would be the “scientific” way to go.

Now I did say we’d get silly but it illustrates the point. Some in society have become so skewed in their thinking of what constitutes evidence-based or science-based that they have lost all logic and common sense.

Does that mean we ignore science or try ridiculously unproven forms of care? Of course not; but it also means we don’t become so arrogant that we become blinded by a false understanding of science.

So, what does all this mean? Just think about. Why would any rational person want a known neurotoxin in their brain? Also, the exposure to aluminum may affect people differently dependent on their specific genetic make-up as well as other combining factors unique to that individual.

This would explain why certain people are more susceptible while other studies fail to confirm a connection. Susceptible groups would include children, patients receiving antacid or aluminum containing drugs and people with reduced renal function.

A perfect example of this is the position from medical authorities. They state “there is no consistent or compelling evidence to associate aluminum with Alzheimer’s disease. Although a few studies have found associations between aluminum levels and Alzheimer’s risk, many others found no such associations”.

So, why assume that since certain studies failed to find a connection, the ones that did must be wrong? Is it not possible that the ones that failed to find a connection were wrong? What we know for sure, as discussed in my book, is that there are 6 major causes of Alzheimer’s. One of which is in fact toxin accumulation in the brain.

have you been exposed to aluminum

Have You Been Exposed To Aluminum?

Aluminum exposure can occur through:

Diet can include food, food additives, water and aluminum equipment. For example, pans, pots, utensils and foil.

Your exposure is likely guaranteed as exposure also comes from many vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs. Even if you try to minimize these, recent research shows that these toxins can actually be passed on from previous generations.

Aluminium in Daily Life - A Health Risk?

Alzheimer’s Brain

As previously discussed, toxin accumulation is in fact one of the 6 major causes of Alzheimer’s. In today’s day and age, it’s simply next to impossible to avoid exposure to toxins and the accumulation over our lifetime. In addition to what has been passed on from previous generations.

This accumulation can have serious adverse effects on normal brain function. As such, to optimize brain function and counteract this toxin accumulation, it is essential that one properly detoxifies their brain.

There is new and significant research in this area that is highly specialized. Such programs require a minimum of 90 days (no –they’re not the 7 or 21 days “specials” that you see on the internet or infomercials). For serious exposure can sometimes take a year or longer under professional supervision.

what's next for Alzheimer's

So What’s Next?

In my 5th and final article in this series, I’ll talk about all the good that Alzheimer’s societies do. Discussing both the national and local levels in terms of support for both patient and caregiver. Also, how they must fundamentally change if they ever hope to prevent the nightmare of Alzheimer’s from ever occurring in the first place.

I’ll also discuss the tremendous burden experienced by the caregiver and the steps they must take if they are to avoid the same fate. If you’d like to skip ahead you can go to my website to:

  • Read my book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”
  • Watch my masterclass “Brain Health for Life – The New Science-based Approach to Maintain Razor Sharp Memory”. Or, “Laser Focused Learning and Prevent Brain Decline without Drugs Even if Your Genetics and Age Say Otherwise”.

Spring Cleaning For The Mind, Body And Spirit

spring cleaning

Spring is a time for cleaning out the cupboards, drawers, and purging any unneeded items.  Plus, let’s be honest, what else is there to while we all patiently wait for the end of COVID-19?? With that said, it is also a time to take a look at ourselves as our minds, body, and spirit deserve some self ‘spring cleaning‘ as well.

mental health

Spring Cleaning For The Mind

The first step in spring cleaning for the mind is to throw away destructive self-talk. In other words, anything that depletes you of energy and ambition.

Start off by unplugging from negative outlets that bring your energy down. This can include:

  • Social media
  • The nightly news
  • Low energy television shows
  • Movies
  • Toxic relationships

Next, say ‘no’ to activities in your life that feel more like obligations. Don’t do something because you’re afraid to say no.  Instead, attend events that you look forward to going to.

Finally, spring is the perfect time of year to start a new project or activity that will bring joy and excitement to your life.

let's get physical

Let’s Get Physical

The warmer weather finally allows us to get outside and enjoy some much needed fresh air and Vitamin D.

Spring is the perfect time to focus on shedding excess weight that is slowing you down and putting strain on your joints. Visit the local farmers markets and enjoy the fresh produce that we will soon have access to and make refreshing smoothies, salads, and green juices.

By increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, you will naturally encourage your body to eliminate toxins and weight.

Click here to read, Are You Eating Enough Colour?

benefits of dry brushing

Dry Brushing For Detox

Have you ever heard of the technique of dry skin brushing? If not you are not alone however it’s an effective way of stimulating the lymph system to detoxify the body.

How To Dry Brush

Starting at your feet, VERY gently brush your skin in upward or circular motions with a very soft bristle brush. Then, slowly begin to bring your movements up your body, along all surfaces of your skin toward your heart. Next, start at your hands and work up to your shoulders and upper back. Lastly do your chest all the way to your heart.

It feels fantastic and is a great thing to do first thing in the morning to energize your body by getting your blood flowing.

How to Dry Brush | goop


Remember to stay well hydrated with spring water and naturally caffeine free teas.  Homemade teas can easily be made by utilizing fresh ingredients including:

Click here to read more about the health benefits of tea.

how to free your mind

Rejuvenating And Renewing Your Spirit

When we aren’t living our true purpose in life, it can be very draining on our spirit. This spring, take some time to meditate on what your true calling is and make movements to align with your calling.

Find forgiveness in your heart for people and situations that have offended you. Focus on feeling gratitude for the little things in your life. Engage in acts of kindness, whether that be for people or animals in your life. Explore new opportunities and experiences, travel, and find new ways to feed your spirit.

Regardless of what type of spring cleaning you are doing, enjoy the longer days and the warmer sun. Be fascinated with all of the miracles of new life that spring gives us.

Attitude Of Gratitude Linked To Achieving True Happiness

Attitude of Gratitude

As the late Dr. Wayne Dyer would say; “it is this attitude of gratitude that is the answer to all unhappiness in life. Focus on the things that are going well in your life, or the things that make you happy in your life, and have immense gratitude for them.”

It’s in the smallest pleasures that you can find the most to be grateful for. Spring is the perfect time of year to develop this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the beauty that begins to surround us. Take some time over this beautiful Easter weekend to focus on the people, things and special things within yourself that you are grateful for.

key to happiness

The Key To Happiness

Maybe it’s colourful sunrise or sunset. Or possibly a budding flower and the sound of birds singing. It could even be the availability of fresh produce or the warmth of the sun’s rays. The list of things to be grateful could go on and on and is going to be different for every individual. 

We are all guilty of having self doubt from time to time. However, in order to achieve true happiness, we must toss aside self doubt and focus on being your own biggest cheerleader. Don’t see an obstacle as a problem, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow.

This is a mindset that anyone can achieve, but it takes dedication to self growth and development. Talking about having an attitude of gratitude is an easy statement or piece of advice to give, but how does someone develop this attitude?

The Science Of Gratitude

How To Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude

Here is a simple action plan to work on developing an attitude of gratitude today!

  1. Dedicate 5-10 minutes every single day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. If you are a person that enjoys to meditate, this time could be spent meditating. However, you find that meditating isn’t for you, just sit quietly while focusing on your breath. Then, list 5 things that you are grateful for in your life.
  2. Start a gratitude journal to write down the things that you are thankful daily. This is often best done right before bed as a means of quieting your mind and focusing on the positives that you experienced in your day. All too often we get trapped by the negative events going on around us. However, it is more beneficial to your health if the last moments before falling asleep are focused on positive things.
  3. Review your gratitude journal regularly. Note what items tend to get repeated in your journal as this can be a good indication of what you value most in life. Then, you can focus on manifesting ways to have more experiences or interactions that you are grateful for.
  4. Detach from the outcome you expect in life. In other words, have faith that the universe is conspiring to make your dreams come true. 
  5. Spread the attitude of gratitude. Share your gratitude with the world by simply allowing the interactions you have with people to be guided by your new sense of gratitude. Also, teach your children how to keep a gratitude journal. Make a habit of talking about what you are thankful for every night before bed.

Click here to read, Gratitude – An Attitude For Success for additional information on how gratitude links to living a happy life.

Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease

Before I dive into my discussion on Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, let’s recap.  In my last 2 articles you discovered;

  • How prevalent the risk of Alzheimer’s is to everyone
  • What a deadly disease Alzheimer’s is
  • How completely ineffective medicine is at dealing with it

As such, it is essential that you take a new and completely different approach. Today, you’ll discover the role of genetics in this dreaded disease and how important it is to act now regardless of your age. Especially if you’re concerned about early onset Alzheimer’s disease.  

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease

There are two main classifications of Alzheimer’s: Early Onset and Late Onset.

Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Onset Alzheimer’s can occur as early as your 30s. Also, it can have a genetic component of gene mutation. So, it is important to understand two key factors with respect to Early Onset Alzheimer’s.

  1.  Early Onset accounts for less than 10% of Alzheimer’s cases
  2. Even if you have this gene mutation, it is not inevitable that this gene will be expressed. Provided of course you take the necessary lifestyle steps that control whether this gene will be expressed or not.

This is the field of epigenetics where science now understands that simply having a genetic predisposition does not mean it has to happen. The bigger determining factor is whether or not that gene is turned on or off. This is greatly influenced by living a healthy lifestyle and taking all of the necessary steps. This is outlined in my book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”

Late Onset Alzheimer’s

Late Onset Alzheimer’s accounts for 90% of Alzheimer’s cases and is greatly linked to dietary and lifestyle factors. While there is no specific gene that causes Late Onset Alzheimer’s, there is a genetic risk factor known as the apolipoprotein E-4 (ApoE4 gene).

However, once again it is important to note that there are many with this genetic risk factor that never develop Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, others that do who don’t have this genetic risk factor.

Early Onset Alzheimer's and genetics

The Role of Genetics in Alzheimer’s

Does genetics play a big role in Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease? The correct answer is a big yes AND a big no as you’ve gathered by now.

Of your 23 pairs of chromosomes, there is a percentage of the population that have a gene variant on chromosome 19 known as ApoE4. Apo is an abbreviation for apolipoprotein, which is a protein that carries fat. If you have zero copies of this variant passed down from your parents, then you have a 9% chance of ending up with Alzheimer’s.

However, if you have one copy of this variant passed on from either parent (known as heterozygous), your odds now jump to 30% that Alzheimer’s will be your fate. It is estimated that 25% of white Americans and 33% of African Americans carry one copy. If you have two copies (one from each parent known as homozygous) your lifetime odds jump to 50 to 90%.

However, the good news is that science now realizes that epigenetics plays a far larger role in your health.

The Genetics of Alzheimer's

The Role Of Epigenetics

Firstly, what is epigenetics? Well, it’s the field of science that deals with the factors that influence whether the particular genes you have are actually expressed or not. You should understand that just because you have genes that may not be great, that doesn’t mean that it has to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Secondly, what determines if a particular gene is expressed? Your lifestyle. That’s right; all the factors that I discuss in my book can help you prevent Alzheimer’s, not to mention keep you healthier overall. This regardless of your genetics. Contrary to medical dogma, epigenetics is always more important than genetics.

Get Tested For Alzheimer’s!

What does all this mean? Furthermore what should you do? Well, many doctors recommend that you don’t get genetic testing for Alzheimer’s.  All due to the belief that the stress is too great should you find out that you carry the variant and your fate is inevitable. Many people actually refuse to be tested for the same reason. Again based on the belief that there is no hope. But now that you know that the nightmare of Alzheimer’s is in fact preventable, would it not make sense that you should know?

It comes as no surprise to any of my patients or coaching clients that I am of the firm belief that it is your body, your mind and your health. Health professionals claim that we want people to make informed decisions but rarely do we properly inform them. So, I recommend two things:

  1. Get Tested – You should always know your status and then take the appropriate steps.
  2. Take Action – Even if you have 2 copies of this variant, it does not make it inevitable that you will contract Alzheimer’s. Rather it’s all the more reason you should follow my Simple 7-step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s beginning today.

Remember Epigenetics is always more important than genetics.

Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease whats next

So What’s Next?

In my next article I’ll talk about the link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s. Furthermore why this affects almost everyone. Visit my website if you’d like to skip ahead and read my book “The Science of Brain Health – The Simple 7 Step Solution to Prevent the Nightmare of Alzheimer’s”. Or watch my masterclass “Brain Health for Life – The New Science-based Approach to Maintain Razor Sharp Memory, Laser Focused Learning and Prevent Brain Decline without Drugs Even if Your Genetics and Age Say Otherwise”. 

For further information click here to read, 5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy.

All Stressed Up For The Holidays

The mere suggestion of holiday stress evokes memories of the past and anxiety of what’s yet to come, robbing us of our health and what should be a happy holiday season.

When we think of stress, we think of the emotional kind that comes from too much to do and so little time to do it.  But that’s only one form we need to be aware as there are three types that can keep us from showing up as the best version of ourselves during the holiday season.

Physical Stress

Physical demands simply multiply during the holidays. With long days on our feet shopping the malls, wrapping, lifting and running around.  Add to that, sitting at a computer all day and perhaps being overweight which all contributes to weakened postural support.

Chemical Stress

Probably the greatest holiday stressor – you’re eating habits.  Overindulgence in food and drink.  Smoking and excess alcohol.  High blood sugar levels… and what about the medication you take to settle all that discomfort.  The ongoing exposure to chemical stresses over the holiday season wreaks havoc and “wear and tear” on your entire body, right down to the cellular level.

Emotional Stress

Now we’re talking;

  • Meeting deadlines
  • Relationships
  • Memories
  • The perfect gift for that special someone
  • Credit cards stretched to the limit

And on and on…

Click here to learn,”5 Natural Solutions For Coping With Stress!”

types of stress

How Can We Handle It All?

The best way to cope is first be aware of the three forms; physical, chemical and emotional.   Learn how they can affect your health and how to respond to them.  Don’t let it leave you dis-empowered.  Be disciplined and take control by striving for optimal physical, mental and social well-being.  Particularly over the holiday season when temptations lurk around every corner.

The Effects On Our Body

All three forms of stress affect your nervous system.  It will show up where we are most vulnerable.

  • Our neck
  • Our low back
  • Tightness between the shoulders

Stress can also increase the frequency of headaches and compromise our sleep.

Chiropractic care, with its purpose of reducing neurological stress, can be helpful.  Of course chiropractic care can’t eliminate it, but it sure can improve your ability to tolerate it.

Regular chiropractic care now, especially with holiday stress around the corner, could be a wise investment for a healthier version of you.

From all of us at Family Health Advocacy, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.

Alzheimer’s Awareness – Crucial For Your Health

Alzheimer's Awareness

If I were to ask you to name any of the top deadly diseases you would likely include cancer and heart disease at the top of your list. But did you know the fastest rising deadly disease, yes deadly; is Alzheimer’s disease. With a new case diagnosed every 65 seconds it’s no wonder there is so much emphasis needed on Alzheimer’s awareness.

In addition, on our quest to live longer and longer, succumbing to it may be inevitable. Especially if we’re not prepared to change our ways and take an entirely different and new approach to living.

Alzheimer’s Disease – Flip A Coin

Let’s make this as straightforward as possible. Please pull out a coin and flip it. Now if you plan on living to 85 years of age;

  • Heads – you’ll get Alzheimer’s
  • Tails – you won’t

If you have a spouse, on average that means there’s a 100% chance that either you’ll have it or you’ll be taking care of your spouse who does. Do you really want to cross your fingers and leave your health and your life to the flip of a coin?

If you plan to live to 85 years of age and beyond,

you have a 1 in 2 chance that you will suffer from Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia

“But I’m young and invincible. I’m not really worried about what happens to me when I’m 85.” Well, when it comes to Alzheimer’s awareness, there’s 2 things to consider;

1) If you’ve ever been close to someone suffering from Alzheimer’s you might change that thought.

2) You need to appreciate that Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease. It starts at least 20 to 30 years before it’s diagnosed. Combine that with the fact that many are diagnosed in their 60’s. Not to mention those with early-onset Alzheimer’s (to be discussed in a future article). The time to take action is in your 20’s and 30’s. In fact, believe it or not, experts believe Alzheimer’s prevention should begin in utero.

Click here to read, “5 Ways To Keep Your Brain Healthy!”

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Dementia – You Die Before You Die

Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disease affecting memory and thought. It is the most common form of dementia and leaves its victims with significant loss of memory to the point where they can;

  • Fail to recognize their closest friends and loved ones
  • Forget how to perform everyday tasks
  • Suffer severe mental confusion and anxiety

Sadly, this can result in extreme loneliness. It is a terrible way to spend the last years of your life for both the person afflicted and those who care for them. In reality, Alzheimer’s is such a dreaded disease that you die before you die. Your memories, life experiences, and remembering how to do the most basic of activities are all gone. All and sometimes long before your eventual death.

What Exactly Is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s disease is currently the 6th leading and fastest rising cause of death in the United States. Affecting over 5.8 million Americans and over 50 million worldwide. Furthermore, it is the only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States where medical treatments are unable to cure, prevent or slow the progression of the disease to any appreciable degree.

signs of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s Awareness

The following hallmark features include;

  1. Decreased production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
  2. Free radical damage to brain cells
  3. Beta-amyloid protein plaque build-up
  4. Neurofibrillary tangles
  5. Loss of insulin (and IGF-1) receptor and signaling on neuron membranes
  6. Shrinkage of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus as well as enlarged ventricles

There is no medical cure to prevent or slow Alzheimer’s

Why Do People Die From Alzheimer’s?

Although Alzheimer’s disease shortens people’s life spans, it is usually not the direct cause of a person’s death. Rather, people die from complications from the illness. The actual death of a person with Alzheimer’s may be caused by another condition due to their frailness as the disease progresses.

Their ability to cope with infection and other physical problems will be impaired due to the progression of the dementia. Furthermore, one forgets the most basic of activities, including self-care. Sadly the body eventually shuts down as the condition progresses.

Click here to read “Diabetes – The Hidden Cause Of Alzheimer’s?”

So What Do We Do?

In my next article I’ll talk about the different stages of Alzheimer’s. I’ll also discuss current Alzheimer’s treatment. Why it’s so sadly ineffective and what we should be doing instead if we are ever going to prevent the nightmare from ever occurring in the first place.

Furthermore, as I stated earlier, if you think that this is a disease that you only need to worry about once you become a senior citizen, you’ll discover how sadly mistaken you are and why Alzheimer’s awareness is so important.

5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy

Brain function

Brain function and brain health has become a popular subject in the last decade.  This is likely due to the noticeable rise in neurodegenerative disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s.   As such, people’s interest in taking control of their cognitive health has also increased.

Brain health has also become a widely popular topic in the world of sports and recreation. Since concussions are now recognized to have significant short and long term impact on injured players.

The fact is, unless you have neurodegenerative disorders in your family or have experienced a head injury, you probably won’t start thinking about your brain’s health until you start noticing symptoms such as;

Here’s the thing, the longer you wait to take action, the worse the problem can become.

You really should start thinking about your brain’s health today!  Look at taking preventative measures rather than waiting for signs of cognitive decline to appear.

So, how exactly do you keep your brain healthy? There are many simple ways to improve brain function and keep your mind sharp. Some of which you may already be doing!

Ways To Keep Your Brain Healthy

5 Tips To Help Keep Your Brain Function In Tip-Top Shape

1. Exercise Daily

Exercise has a whole host of benefits for your mental and physical health. Endorphins released during exercise work wonders warding off depression and bolstering the immune system.

Physical fitness also has been shown to increase mental sharpness as people age. Especially past the age of 40. Daily exercise helps maintain acuity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for judgement and decision making.

2. Try To Go Keto!

Yes, the foods we eat do have an impact on our mental and cognitive health. Research shows that consuming a diet high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates (known as a ketogenic diet) helps promote brain health by pushing your body into a fat-burning state, creating what we call ketones as a by-product.

Ketones are a very efficient and sustainable source of fuel for the body and the brain. Burning mainly sugar (carbs) as fuel creates inflammation in the body and the brain while ketones are said to be a much “cleaner” fuel. A keto-adapted individual will experience less brain fog, less memory trouble and better focus.

Click here to read, “Keto For Dummies – Beginners Guide For Keto”.

3. Get Enough Sleep

The fog of exhaustion will cloud your mental ability. Our brains store daily memories while we sleep. You need rest in order to remember even mundane details of daily life. You might even consider taking a short nap after learning something new or important, to help store it in your long-term memory.

Sleeping less than six hours a night has been shown to decrease mental sharpness even after one night. I am sure if you have young kids, you know exactly what I am talking about. What’s more, good quality sleep has also been shown to help the brain detoxify, which is crucial for keeping the brain healthy and sharp.

4. Flex Your Mental Muscles

You can improve your logic, problem solving, mental orientation and corrective thought process by working on puzzles and doing difficult mental tasks. For instance, start doing crossword puzzles. Studies show that older people who do crossword puzzles have better scores on a variety of cognitive tests than those who don’t.

To be fair, researchers aren’t sure if the puzzles cause better mental ability or if people with better mental ability tend to do more crossword puzzles. Nonetheless it can’t hurt to try! Don’t like puzzles? Try memorizing your friends’ and family’s phone numbers and birthdays.

5. Express Yourself Creatively

Creativity has more than one advantage when it comes to keeping your mind sharp and keeping a positive attitude. Creativity forces you to think and flex your mental muscles!  The results of creative work have been shown to reinforce self-confidence and help individuals enjoy their daily life. Try your hand at;

  • Writing poetry
  • Sewing
  • Taking up a musical instrument
  • Gardening
  • Painting

If you don’t feel artistic or creative, baking or writing in a journal are other great ways to express yourself. Try applying creative approaches to daily tasks like shopping on a budget or creating a new recipe with limited ingredients. Keep a good attitude about your ability to find solutions in everyday situations.

Your brain is an extraordinary machine, and although there is still a great deal we do not know about it, it doesn’t stop us from wanting to expand its capabilities. Don’t blame age for declining cognitive abilities. Instead, test out some of the methods listed above and keep your brain sharp!