5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy

Brain function

Brain function and brain health has become a popular subject in the last decade.  This is likely due to the noticeable rise in neurodegenerative disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s.   As such, people’s interest in taking control of their cognitive health has also increased.

Brain health has also become a widely popular topic in the world of sports and recreation. Since concussions are now recognized to have significant short and long term impact on injured players.

The fact is, unless you have neurodegenerative disorders in your family or have experienced a head injury, you probably won’t start thinking about your brain’s health until you start noticing symptoms such as;

Here’s the thing, the longer you wait to take action, the worse the problem can become.

You really should start thinking about your brain’s health today!  Look at taking preventative measures rather than waiting for signs of cognitive decline to appear.

So, how exactly do you keep your brain healthy? There are many simple ways to improve brain function and keep your mind sharp. Some of which you may already be doing!

Ways To Keep Your Brain Healthy

5 Tips To Help Keep Your Brain Function In Tip-Top Shape

1. Exercise Daily

Exercise has a whole host of benefits for your mental and physical health. Endorphins released during exercise work wonders warding off depression and bolstering the immune system.

Physical fitness also has been shown to increase mental sharpness as people age. Especially past the age of 40. Daily exercise helps maintain acuity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for judgement and decision making.

2. Try To Go Keto!

Yes, the foods we eat do have an impact on our mental and cognitive health. Research shows that consuming a diet high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates (known as a ketogenic diet) helps promote brain health by pushing your body into a fat-burning state, creating what we call ketones as a by-product.

Ketones are a very efficient and sustainable source of fuel for the body and the brain. Burning mainly sugar (carbs) as fuel creates inflammation in the body and the brain while ketones are said to be a much “cleaner” fuel. A keto-adapted individual will experience less brain fog, less memory trouble and better focus.

Click here to read, “Keto For Dummies – Beginners Guide For Keto”.

3. Get Enough Sleep

The fog of exhaustion will cloud your mental ability. Our brains store daily memories while we sleep. You need rest in order to remember even mundane details of daily life. You might even consider taking a short nap after learning something new or important, to help store it in your long-term memory.

Sleeping less than six hours a night has been shown to decrease mental sharpness even after one night. I am sure if you have young kids, you know exactly what I am talking about. What’s more, good quality sleep has also been shown to help the brain detoxify, which is crucial for keeping the brain healthy and sharp.

4. Flex Your Mental Muscles

You can improve your logic, problem solving, mental orientation and corrective thought process by working on puzzles and doing difficult mental tasks. For instance, start doing crossword puzzles. Studies show that older people who do crossword puzzles have better scores on a variety of cognitive tests than those who don’t.

To be fair, researchers aren’t sure if the puzzles cause better mental ability or if people with better mental ability tend to do more crossword puzzles. Nonetheless it can’t hurt to try! Don’t like puzzles? Try memorizing your friends’ and family’s phone numbers and birthdays.

5. Express Yourself Creatively

Creativity has more than one advantage when it comes to keeping your mind sharp and keeping a positive attitude. Creativity forces you to think and flex your mental muscles!  The results of creative work have been shown to reinforce self-confidence and help individuals enjoy their daily life. Try your hand at;

  • Writing poetry
  • Sewing
  • Taking up a musical instrument
  • Gardening
  • Painting

If you don’t feel artistic or creative, baking or writing in a journal are other great ways to express yourself. Try applying creative approaches to daily tasks like shopping on a budget or creating a new recipe with limited ingredients. Keep a good attitude about your ability to find solutions in everyday situations.

Your brain is an extraordinary machine, and although there is still a great deal we do not know about it, it doesn’t stop us from wanting to expand its capabilities. Don’t blame age for declining cognitive abilities. Instead, test out some of the methods listed above and keep your brain sharp!

“What exactly is Homeopathy?”


As a certified Homeopath I am often asked “What exactly is Homeopathy”?

Many of us have heard the word and seen the small vials filled with pellets at the health food store but are still unsure of what Homeopathy exactly is.  Many people think homeopathic remedies are just another form of herbal medicine but in actuality most homeopathic medicines contain only the “vibration” or “memory” of the original substances and not the actual substance at all therefore making Homeopathy its own unique system of medicine.

Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician founded Homeopathy in the late 1700s.  The fundamental principle of Homeopathy is The Law of Similars, which means “like cures likes”.  What exactly does that mean?  According to Hahnemann, one can treat individuals with medicines that are capable of producing in a healthy person similar symptoms to those experienced in a sick person.  For example, drinking coffee can CAUSE insomnia but used in the homeopathic form, coffea is often used to TREAT insomnia.

Homeopathic remedies are made from either mineral, plant or animal substances where the original substance is diluted many times over and shaken (succussed).   This potentisation process allows the water to retain only a “memory or vibration” of the actual substance and no molecules of the original substance due to the dilution process are left. This is why many people believe it is a placebo effect. 

I know that it is hard to believe that a remedy with no crude substance can work but it really does!  In fact, the system of action that gives homeopathics their capability is multifaceted, and specialists are now studying quantum physics and the science of nanoparticles to more completely understand how homeopathic remedies work.  Keep in mind that homeopathy is used on animals, infants and children with great success where the placebo effect is absent.

According to the Homeopathic Research Institute over 200 million people worldwide use homeopathy on a regular basis.  Homeopathy is included in the national health systems of a number of countries including the United Kingdom, India and Switzerland.  Homeopathy is practiced in 40 out of 42 European countries.

Homeopathic care is individualized and involves assessing an individual’s body system disorders.  We take into account the person as a whole; the physical, emotional and mental symptoms.  Specific homeopathic interview methods are used, then homeopathic remedies are prescribed to stimulate, maintain or restore health.  Homeopathy is used to treat acute conditions such as the common cold or a sprained ankle as well as chronic and long standing conditions such as depression, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances and eczema to name a few.

Homeopathy is a gentle but effective path to healing and can be used with children and infants, adults, the elderly, and even animals making it a wonderful starting point for anyone new to alternative medicine.  Homeopathy is safe and a natural system of healing that will assist your own body to clear itself of any imbalance, restoring itself and improving your overall health. All in all Homeopathy works by stimulating your body’s OWN healing power.


Blog by Guest Author:

Nanette BasicNanette Basic
Registered Homeopath, B.A., HOM
Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine that stimulates the body to heal itself. As a homeopath, Nanette’s vision is to promote individualized health and healing in its most gentle, effective and natural form.  She treats a wide range of physical conditions such as digestive and hormonal issues as well as mental and emotional concerns. Nanette completed an intensive program at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, has a B.A. in Sociology and is fluent in French. She has a network of professional colleagues in the natural health field, with which she collaborates including homeopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors and massage therapists. Her services include homeopathic treatment, natural supplement recommendations if needed, lifestyle and nutritional counselling. Her purpose is to put the choice of health back into the hands of the individual to live a happier, healthier and better quality of life. 

Find Nanette at


[email protected]


Drinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-Fold

Drinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-Fold

“Individuals who consumed at least one artificially-sweetened beverage a day were 3 times as likely to develop ischemic stroke and 2.9 times as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease dementia within the next 10 years as compared to those who did not consume diet soda.”

These are alarming yet not surprising numbers taken from the Framingham Heart Study, a project of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and Boston University.

From 1991 to 2001 the researchers followed 2888 individuals over the age of 45 to track strokes, and 1484 individuals over the age of 60 for dementia, from the town of Framingham, Massachusetts.

The researchers reported that in the case of diet soda consumption, the artificial sweeteners consumed were saccharin, acesulfame, neotame, sucralose, and aspartame and found increased risks of stroke and dementia by approximately 3 times, compared to those individuals who don’t consume soda.

They also reported that those individuals who consumed sugar sweetened beverages showed very different, yet significant side effects.

Whether the beverage was sweet fruit juices or regular soda, there was evidence of accelerated brain again such as smaller brain volumes, poorer memory function and a smaller hippocampus, an area of the brain that consolidates memories.

Additionally, according to Dr. Josh Axe, drinking 4 cans a day of diet soda creates a 30% higher risk of depression compared with those who do not consume this toxic product.

If you can believe it, daily soda drinking also increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 67% or more!! It wreaks havoc with your blood sugar, insulin response and throws your body int a fat storage mode because of the negative effects on your metabolism.

It also destroys your teeth and enamel, as these products are almost as corrosive as battery acid. Not to mention the terrible damage you do to the vulnerable cells of your esophagus, stomach and digestive tissue from the acidic residue soda leaves behind.

What Should You Drink Instead?

Drink WATER!! Your body needs plenty of fresh, clean water every day. Aim for at least 3-4 litres. If you are bored by just plain water, try these delicious combinations.

Infused Water:

Chop up various fruit and vegetables and let them sit in the fridge in your water overnight for the most powerful flavour pop. Or, just throw them in and stir them around and enjoy right away!

• lemons and limes
• oranges and grapefruit
• basil and strawberries
• mint and oranges
• cranberries and apples with a cinnamon stick
• pomegranates and pears
• blackberries and raspberries
• watermelon and mint
• kiwi and strawberries

Experiment with various combinations of your favourite fruits and vegetables and enjoy a refreshing glass of water instead of a deadly soda.  For further information click here to read Stroke And Heart Attack Linked To Drinking This!

With Sources From:



Have you ever been angry at your kids for ’swooshing’?

Coconut Oil Pulling

What if you discovered swooshing could keep cavities and plaque away, clean out bacterial infections, as well as reduce fungal overgrowth too….and may even improve their memory, and overall health… ?

Would you let them swoosh now?

“What is swooshing? “ you ask?

Swooshing is my daughter’s word for ‘oil pulling’. Oil what? Do you remember frothing soda pop, chocolate milk, or kool-aid through your teeth as a kid, or continually playing at running water thru your teeth after brushing them as a kid? I would get in trouble for playing with my food or dawdling at the morning bathroom sink. But children instinctively do what is healthy for them, whether we know it or not.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It involves the use of pure oils (I use a teaspoon of coconut oil) as an agent for pulling harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and even throat and sinuses.

The most effective oil pulling is done by swishing the oil around the mouth for approximately 10-15 minutes and then spitting it out into the garbage or toilet. (Coconut oil will plug your sink drains). Do NOT swallow the oil you have been “swooshing!”

The oil mixes with the saliva, turning it into a thin, white liquid. Lipids in the oils begin to pull out toxins from the saliva. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue, the oil continues to absorb toxins, and usually ends up turning thick and viscous and white. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it is spit out before the toxins are reabsorbed. Then brush your teeth and tongue with your favourite natural minty toothpaste.

You will probably have to build your jaw muscles up to 5 minutes, then increase to 10, until you can manage 15 minutes as you walk around the house styling your hair, making coffee etc. This makes for a quiet morning… it also makes the pain receptors in your jaw (12,000 of them) recalibrate and go from snail mail communication in your body to zipline! Pain in the body is reduced and body starts the healing process!

My dental hygienist can’t believe the healthy condition of my family’s mouths. Swooshing removes cavities, plaque and scale over time…reduces candida infections and thrush too.

 Other possible benefits of oil pulling for oral health include:

• Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws
• Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis
• Prevention for bad breath
• Potential holistic remedy for bleeding gums
• Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth and throat
• Possible holistic treatment for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw area
• Migraine headache relief, accelerates healing from concussions
• Correcting hormone imbalances
• Reducing inflammation of arthritis
• May help with gastro-enteritis
• Aids in the reduction of eczema
• May reduce symptoms of bronchitis
• Helps support normal kidney function
• May help reduce sinus congestion
• Some people report improved vision
• Helps reduce insomnia
• Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption
• Aids in reducing pain
• Reduces the symptoms of allergies
• Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms

So maybe we should rethink yelling at our kids and and join them as we all play with swooshing


Blog by Guest Author:

01Jessy headshotJessy Morrison

Jessy Morison  has tremendous success in helping those to whom doctors have given no hope of recovery at all to Reclaim their Life, Refresh their Mind, Reclaim their Body, and Renew their Spirit.
A Reiki Master Teacher, BodyTalk & EFT Practitioner, Soul Genesis Facilitator, Founding Member of the Ontario BodyTalk Assoc., and Founding Member of The Whole Life Learning Collective, and Transformational Tuesdays, Jessy is also a  contributing author to “The Joy of an Ex”, Women With Vision Magazine, and Another View Magazine.

You can contact her at
[email protected]