Unleash The Power Within

unleash the power within

In my last blog I introduced you to the Six Human Needs.  The driving force and motivation behind everything we do.  I urged you to familiarize yourself with these needs.  Identify the two needs that you care about most as these two things will be the single greatest influential factors in your life.  Now I want to take what you discovered and help you unleash the power within.

Modern psychology teaches that all human motivation can be explained as the desire to meet one or more of these human needs.

Refresher On The Six Human Needs


The need to feel safe, avoid pain and be comfortable.  To feel secure in our environment and relationships.

Key words: stability, safety, comfort, predictability


The need to be challenged and experience variety in our emotional and physical world.

Key words: stimulus, change, surprise, unpredictable


The need to feel important, needed and wanted.

Love & Connection

The need to love and be loved.  Well connected with others.

Key words – belonging


The need to be able to learn and develop physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.


The need to give and contribute to others beyond our selves, without expecting anything in return.

Everyone is hard wired to meet the first four needs.  They are essential for human survival. Fundamental needs of the personality.  Everyone must feel that they have met those needs, even if they have to lie to themselves, create a problem, or violate their values in order to meet those needs.

The last two needs, growth and contribution, are the needs of the spirit.  They are essential to experiencing fulfillment, which we should all aspire to.  However, not everyone meets these two needs.

What Is The Significance Of The Six Human Needs To Your Life?

The Six Human Needs is a model of thinking and understanding yourself and others.  You become less judgmental at this deep and useful level because you understand the cause of a particular behavior or attitude.  I like to think of it as a game you don’t even know you are playing.

Once you are aware of this dynamic, you will be able to interrupt your own self- limiting or destructive behaviors.  Changing the way your needs are met, which begs the following question.

“How Are Your Top Needs Being Met?”

Needs are being met by what we refer to as vehicles.  Everyone finds these means or vehicles to meet our highest two needs, those that we favour the most.  Interestingly, some of these vehicles can either empower or disempower you in your quest. This happens through either constructive or destructive behavior.

We behave in certain ways because consciously or unconsciously, we believe that by doing this, feeling this, or by acting this way, we will meet one or more human needs.

For instance, most people will have you believe that their non clinical depression happens to them.  However, they are actually using depression as a negative vehicle to satisfy the need for significance.

Depression is also a vehicle used to meet the need for love and connection.  Certainty with depressions predictable emotional state.  I use depression as an example to show that anytime you associate with a vehicle (overeating, drinking, gambling) that meets three or more needs, you become addicted to it.

Chronic complaining or hanging onto a problem is another example of a negative vehicle to fulfill a need.  I believe it is the greatest addiction of them all.  Most people hang onto their problems because it meets their needs without having to risk facing their greatest fears.

Conversely, many needs are met by positive vehicles such as a strong work ethic, dedication, caring, providing and learning to site a few.  Click here to read, “WHY DO I DO WHAT I DO?”

Unleash The Power Within

Relationships and marriage are probably the greatest psychological relevance of Human Needs.  Let’s briefly explore this dynamic by asking ourselves “what is stopping you from having the life and relationship you want?”

Human needs are the primary source of meaning in our relationships.  For instance, in conversation with your partner, you can experience the conversation in terms of your greatest need of significance or in terms of your partners greatest need of love and connection.  This conversation may take on a different meaning which may create a conflict.

Who Are You In Your Relationship?

Remember, the needs you value determines who you are.  So a person who values security (certainty) will have a very different life from someone who values adventure (uncertainty).

Someone who values family (love and connection) is quite different from someone who values success (significance).

These are potential land mines of conflict between two people.

Simply put, you cannot enjoy a relationship at the highest level unless both people are meeting the others needs and putting each other first.  If you can achieve this your relationship will transform before your eyes.

Human Needs and its situational applications and nuances are endless.  Only by identifying your primary needs and that of others, will you be able to eventually peel back a layer of insight.  Understanding why we do what we do, what life is about for you and unleash the power within.

As a life coach, to better understand a client’s world, it is necessary to determine your most important needs.

In our next blog we are going to talk about our values.  While our needs are required for our survival, our values are what is important to us.  Needs and values are distinctly different but highly interrelated.

We all have a hierarchy of values.  And, if we live in congruence with our highest value we will live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

What’s The Big Deal About Probiotics?


Probiotics are one of the most common self-prescribed supplements I see in patients.  When I ask them why they are taking them, I often get the standard “I heard they were good for me”.  Followed by “I’m not sure if they are helping.”

Without understanding why a probiotic can be good for you, it is hard to gauge if it is working for you.  In addition, there are vast differences in probiotics.  Picking an appropriate choice depends on the kind of “good” you are trying to achieve.

Understanding Probiotics

To understand probiotics, you must be introduced to your amazing microbiome.  The microbiome consists of the trillions of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc) that live in and on our bodies.  The microbiome exists primarily in our digestive tract and embodies the concept of good bacteria.  We have evolved to live symbiotically with our microbiome.  Meaning that we rely on one another for survival.  The health of our microbiome is crucial for our own health.  Particularly our digestive health and our immune system.

Digestion, Nutrition, & The Microbiome

The majority of our microbiome exists in our digestive tract.  Particularly the large intestine.  It supports the break-down of a variety of foods.  Primarily in more fibrous foods such as vegetables and legumes.  The microbiome also turns indigestible foods into short chain fatty acids (SCFA) which are anti-inflammatory for our system.

A healthy microbiome also plays a role in our metabolic health.  Aiding in both blood sugar regulation and fat digestion and storage.  In animal research, mice without a microbiome are more prone to obesity and diabetes.  In humans, we see a similar effect.  Those with a healthy balanced microbiome tend to be leaner versus those with “unbalanced” or unhealthy microbiomes who tend to be overweight.

The microbiome is considered healthy when there is a good balance between the various species that we know are beneficial to our health.  Also called commensal organisms.

When there is too much of one species or if there are harmful (pathogenic) species present in the microbiome, then it is considered unhealthy.

Eat This, Not That!

The food choices that we make have a huge impact on the health of our microbiome.  Eating an abundance of vegetables, particularly non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains has a positive effect on the health of our microbiome.  In contrast, diets that are high in refined sugars, sugar alternatives, and preservatives (found in packaged foods) have a profoundly negative effect on our microbiome.  The use of anti-biotics and frequent laxatives also harm our microbiome because they flush out and kill our good bacteria and organisms.

An unhealthy microbiome leads to unhealthy digestion, causing bloating, gas, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea.  It has also been linked to a variety of digestive conditions including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).  Research has shown that probiotics can have a positive effect on these conditions by returning the microbiome to a more balanced state.  For further information, click here to read, “The Brain in Your Gut”.

Immunity, Inflammation, & The Microbiome

A healthy microbiome is also essential for the health of our immune system.  Our microbiome is an active part of our immune system.  Our commensal organisms will attack outside germs to prevent them from infecting us.  The microbiome also plays a major role in educating our immune system.

An unhealthy microbiome tends to be a poor teacher and promotes a more inflammatory immune system.  This leads to wide-spread inflammation in your body which has been linked to arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, depression, and anxiety.  It also leads to a weaker immune system overall, meaning you are more likely to get sick.

Using probiotics in these conditions can help shift the microbiome to educate a less inflammatory and stronger immune system.  It is also important to note that antibiotics, pain killers, and corticosteroids, which are all used to treat the above conditions, have a negative impact on our microbiome health.  Using probiotics after rounds of these medications is a great practice for supporting your microbiome health.

What Makes A Good Probiotic?

It is always helpful to consult a knowledgeable health care professional when picking a probiotic.  Especially when it comes to treating specific conditions.  There are specific strains that have been shown to be beneficial for specific conditions.  They can also recommend better quality brands to ensure that you are actually getting the probiotics stated on a label.  That said, there are general rules that everyone should know when picking probiotics.

What To Look For When Choosing Probiotics

Firstly, you want a minimum of 10 billion CFU (colony forming units).  This is the number of organisms present in the probiotics.  Our microbiome organisms vastly outweigh the cells in our body.  If you are getting a probiotic with a lower number than 10 billion, the probiotic is likely not making it all the way through your digestive tract.  Thus won’t be as effective.

Secondly, you want to look for a variety of species on the ingredient list, usually 10 -15 total.  Most should be lactobacillus species or Bifidobacterium species.  These make up the bulk of our microbiome.  In specific conditions, you may only want 1-2 species in your probiotic but for general health, a variety is more appropriate.

Most probiotics must be kept in the fridge as they are living organisms.  To see noticeable changes, I recommend a minimum of 4 weeks of consistent dosing, although some conditions require up to 3 months of dosing.

Lastly, I probiotics are not meant to be taken for a lifetime (really there are very few supplements that would even fall into that category).  They should be used strategically and temporarily to shift and balance your microbiome back into its healthiest state.  On a daily basis you should be supporting your microbiome through diet & lifestyle.

Aim for 7-9 servings of vegetables per day.  Drink lots of water, and avoid artificial sweeteners and refined sugar.  Consider adding fermented foods in your diet to give your body small doses of probiotics for maintenance.  Kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and plain yogurt are all great options to incorporate into your diet.  Click here to read, “7 Must-Eat Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut”.

gut health

8 Easy Tips

For Good

Gut Health

1. Sit down to eat.

Digestion is a resting activity.  If you are eating on the move, your body is sending its energy to keep you moving instead of focusing on breaking down that food.
Take time to enjoy your food!  Sit down, smell it, and taste every bite!

2. Increase your vegetable intake.

Yes you must eat your veggies.  There are so many reasons but for your gut it’s about feeding your microbiome and keeping you regular.  Your plate should be half filled with a variety of veggies – raw or cooked, both are great!

3. Say goodbye to packaged foods.

Your gut doesn’t know what to do with the preservatives.  Plus these foods tend to be high in sugar which is going to feed bad bacteria.

4. Try adding a fermented food to your diet once a week.

Kimchi, sauerkraut, & kombucha are all great things to add to your diet to get an extra dose of good bacteria for your gut.  Yogurt can be great too however many popular brands (ex: Activia) are filled with extra sugar that makes your gut friendly decision a bit counter-productive!

5. Limit your red meat consumption to once per week.

Even better get consider grass-fed, hormone-free cuts of meat to get your fix!
Red meat can be inflammatory on the gut and eating too much has been linked to colon cancer!  Click here to read, “What Meat Do You Eat?”to learn more about what kind of meat is best for you.

6. Sigh it out.

Or hum or sing.  That vibration you feel at the back of your throat when you do these activities is stimulating the vagus nerve.  The vagus nerve runs from your brain to your gut and promotes relaxation and digestion.  Stress reduction + gut health promotion in less than 30 seconds!  Click here to learn more about The Healing Power Of Mantra Meditation.

7. Get yourself moving.

Physical activity is always the answer.  Not a fan of the gym?  That is okay – it’s about moving and getting that heart rate up.  Find something you enjoy and aim to get 30 minutes per day.  Walking, dancing, vigorously cleaning the house, walking up and down the stairs – whatever so long as you are moving!

8. Try adding some gut friendly tea into your life.

Peppermint, chamomile, and ginger are all tasty teas that we consider carminatives – a fancy word for saying they promote digestion!  A great way to end a good meal!

CFS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms & Natural Solutions


What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex chronic disorder characterized by extreme fatigue and isn’t typically relieved by rest.  The cause is not explained by any underlying medical condition.  People with CFS are frequently unable to perform their daily activities.  In some of the worst cases, some are confined to their beds.  The condition affects millions of people all over the world.  Although it affects both children and adults, women appear to be affected the most (1).

There is no known “cure” for CFS.  Primarily because the underlying cause can be different from person to person. However, many people have resolved their condition or significantly reduced their symptoms by employing several natural solutions.  CFS can last anywhere from months to years.  Especially true when no action has been taken.  There are a number of factors that are associated with this condition.

Causes Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The exact cause of CFS is unknown to each individual person.  However, research has shown many contributing factors to this condition which includes;

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms

The symptoms of CFS will vary from one individual to the next.  The symptoms will also range in severity.  The most prominent symptom will be fatigue.  A frustrating factor for many is that the fatigue doesn’t get relieved by rest.  This results in a noticeable decrease in one’s activity level.  Episodes of fatigue can last for months or years.  Other CFS symptoms my include;

  1. Sleep Disorders (5)

People with CFS may experience sleep disorders such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Hypersomnia
  • Restless legs
  • Night sweats
  • Light sleep
  • Fragmented sleep
  • Lack of refreshing sleep

Sound like you?  Click here for Ten Tricks To Get The Best Sleep EVER!

2. Pain (6)

People with CFS may experience different types of pain such as:

  • Muscle pains
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain and swelling
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen and painful lymph nodes on the neck and armpits.

Click here for a Natural Relief For Muscle Pain.

3. Cognitive Impairment (7)

This can range from:

  • Memory loss
  • Reduced concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness
  • Panic attacks

Click here to read about Natural Solutions For Brain Fog.

4. Additional Symptoms

Other symptoms that some people may experience include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Body temperature changes
  • Stress

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosis

Diagnosing CFS can take time.  The symptoms can mimic other medical conditions.  Doctors must rule out all other illnesses in order to diagnose you with CFS.  Be sure that you see your healthcare practitioner if you have experienced chronic fatigue or any of the above symptoms for more than six months, and you do not feel refreshed after sleeping.

CFS affects many people.  Most of which are unaware they have the condition.  It is important that you understand all the symptoms.  Inform your healthcare practitioner of them.  A review of your full health history including any medications you may be taking should also be discussed.  It’s important to be through as any missing information may hinder your ability to uncover the underlying cause of your condition.  This can lead to depression and a restriction of physical activities.

Natural Solutions For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There is no specific cure for CFS.  However, there are various natural solutions that patients use to eliminate the symptoms.  In some cases, even resolve their condition.  It is always a good idea to discuss your natural approach with your healthcare provider.

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The treatment involves helping patients manage CFS.  The therapy focuses on helping one accept the condition, be able to manage the symptoms and change their attitude towards the condition.  This will allow the you to gain a better understanding of how to overcome the symptoms.  The treatment is offered on a one to one basis; hence you need to have an experienced practitioner (8).

2. Physical Activities

The best natural remedy for chronic fatigue syndrome is physical exercise.  It’s especially important to engage in exercises that raise your heart rate.  Exercises such as swimming, walking, and climbing stairs should not add to the fatigue you already have.  Always start with just a few minutes of exercise and gradually increase.  If you lack confidence or are unsure where to start, consider consulting your healthcare practitioner or personal trainer (9).

3. Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes involve resting and relaxing more.  If you are facing difficulties with sleep, stress and pain, you should rest and relax during the day.  Make sure that you do not sleep too much during the day.

4. Decrease The Consumption Of Caffeine & Alcohol

If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, you should eliminate caffeine and alcohol.  The remedy is for those people who have difficulties sleeping at night (10).  For more information click here to read, “Are you Addicted to Caffeine? How to Detox without Withdrawals”.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition that affects many people.  It is important to understand the causes, symptoms and how to treat it naturally.  Working with a health care provider will help you recover faster.

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Does Health After Marriage Exist?

healthy lifestyle

Society tends to normalize the idea of getting comfortable after marriage and ‘letting yourself go’ with the person you love.  Whether you are busy putting in crazy hours at the office, shuttling kids to and from events or just not finding enough hours in the day to get it all done, it’s easy to allow your health to take a backseat.  However, how good is this for you?  Does loving your better half unconditionally mean you accept to see them run their health into the ground?  Follow these Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Good Health After Marriage.

If you are looking for a way out of this rut, the solution may be working together.  This could begin with just you and your partner or can be a family wide approach.  The key is togetherness.  When you work as a team, you will gain support and accountability to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle while limiting temptations that may have previously led you to fall off the wagon.

5 Tips For Families To Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Identify Your Goals

As your relationship and family dynamics evolve, you will, too.  Whether you are struggling to navigate a food sensitivity, trying to lose weight or looking to reduce stress, your health needs to be just as much a priority as going to the dentist or showing up to work.

We tend to forget that how we treat our bodies ultimately decides at what capacity we can carry ourselves through life. The food you are choosing to fuel your body with, the lifestyle choices you make and the thoughts you have are all affecting your overall health.

Remember, it is not selfish to put your health first.  It is necessary.  It’s important to recognize your individual needs and openly share them with your partner.

2.  Commit Together

This is the most crucial part.  Too often, clients will share that one of their biggest obstacles is watching their partner or children indulge while they are trying to be “good”.  As if it isn’t hard enough to pass up the refined sugar donuts in the staff room all day.  The last thing you need is to come home and watch your partner eat a bag of chips while you’re trying really hard to stay on track.

The only way to overcome this is to create a household that supports the food choices you want to be making.  One of the easiest things you can do is to plan a pantry clean out.  As a family, decide what good quality foods you plan to restock it with.

When it comes to kids, this can be surprisingly easy.  Kids only know what they are exposed to.  The younger they begin to enjoy healthy eating, the more likely they will ask for it.  Pre-packaged snacks may be convenient but chopped fruits, veggies, good quality cheeses, seeds and nuts are easy solutions that pack tons of health benefits.  They’re good for mom and dad, too!  For further reading, click here to discover “#Relationshipgoals”.

3. Meal Plan Together

At first, this may seem like work but it will soon become a routine that you’ll be thankful you started.  You can invite your kids into this discussion as well.  Develop a repertoire of easy meals and snacks that can be rotated throughout the week or month.

To start, consider what you already enjoy eating.  Even if that answer is Mac & Cheese or chicken fingers.  There are tons of recipes out there to make it healthy and enjoyable for the whole family.  It is all about the small steps to start your journey.

4. Get Moving Together

This one is so important and easily attainable with a little creativity.  You need to get your family up and moving.  This doesn’t mean you need to sign up for a triathlon or drag your kids to the gym.  Simply get outdoors!  While you may be tempted to stick the kids in front of the TV and plop on the couch, a quick walk in your neighbourhood will do the whole family some good.  Being active for at least 30 minutes a day is crucial to lower your risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

5. Communicate

We know you’ve heard this one.  You need to communicate throughout your health journey.  Identify what’s working, what isn’t and what’s next.  Perhaps you didn’t love the kale smoothie your partner prepared for you – and that’s ok.  What’s important is not to sub that kale smoothie for your old habits.  Instead take the time to figure out a different healthy alternative.  Click here for a mixed berry smoothie the whole family is sure to love!

Communicating your changing needs is the only way to get the best results out of your health journey.  If you find you need more support making healthy choices, meal planning or identifying your specific dietary needs, consider working with a Holistic Nutritionist or Health Care Professional to help you attain your optimal health.  Click here to connect with a health professional near you.

More questions? Click here to connect.  We would love to support and guide you on your health journey!

Natural Solutions For Brain Fog

brain fog

Brain fog is a major complaint among countless people.  It traditionally occurred mostly in older people, but now is increasingly more common among people that are under 40.  Brain fog affects your memory.  One becomes forgetful, unable to focus and learn as well as other cognitive dysfunctions and is not something you can medically test for.  

Brain Fog Symptoms Include:
  • Confusion
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Forgetfulness
  • Low motivation

Causes Of Brain Fog Include;

  • Stress
  • Lack of physical exercise
  • Inflammation
  • Menopause
  • Allergies
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Gluten sensitivity

Natural Solutions For Brain Fog

If you are experiencing brain fog, remain optimistic!  Many people have resolved their issue by applying these natural solutions.  The following can improve your memory, focus, and concentration.   All three of which are major symptoms of brain fog.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Simply getting enough sleep is a major solution to a number of health problems, including brain fog.  If you are not getting enough sleep, you should make sure that you sleep for a minimum of 6 hours a

night.  If you are having difficulties getting proper sleep, start by avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol before bedtime.

Developing a proper sleep routine can improve the quality of your sleep.  This means going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at a certain time every day.  After a long day at work, make sure that you do not strain your body but take a rest by sleeping.  For further information, click here to read,”Bedtime Woe’s? – 5 Simple Tips For Blissful Zzzz’s”.

stress management
2. Manage Stress

Stress is the main cause of brain fog, so it’s worthwhile to eliminate stress or at the very least minimize it.  It’s much easier to take time to manage your stress is easy than it is trying to manage your brain fog.

Firstly, identify the things that are causing your stress and start working on them.  Excess stress can cause you to feel sluggish, foggy, and get depressed.

Secondly, to manage stress, you need to take care of your mind.  Make sure that you avoid the negative environment and talk to a stress therapist to help you out.  If you are stressed, make sure that you spend time with family and friends or those that can offer you support and help you.  Start writing in a gratitude journal.  Each day write down three things you are grateful for.  This is a known stress reducer!  For further information, click here to read, “Gratitude – An Attitude For Success”.

3. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Eating a lot of processed foods can lead to increased sugar intake in the body.  Your food should only include healthy and natural sources of sugar.  High intake of sugar, can provide you with a boost of energy feel…for a while, but will only lead

to a “crash” as your energy becomes depleted.  High sugar intake is a major contributor to inflammation and is commonly associated with the symptom of brain fog.  Consume natural sugars and healthy carbohydrates.  Healthy carbs are known to improve focus and memory and will give your body consistent energy throughout the day.  For further information, click here to read, “This One Thing Has Been Linked To Almost All Diseases”and click here to read, “Sugar – Are you singing the sugar blues?

healthy fats
4. Eat More Healthy Fats & Proteins

Protein deficiency can cause brain fog.  Fats and proteins are responsible for the production of certain hormones which improve brain function.  Make sure that you take proteins rich in amino acids such as eggs and fish, among others.  Healthy

fats include nuts and seeds, avocados, coconut, and olive oil.  Healthy fats improve cognitive functions and fight inflammation.  Click here for 20 simple healthy fish & seafood recipes!

5. Indulge In Exercises

Exercise will help keep your body active and your mind fresh.  Exercise also helps improve sleep, boosts your energy levels, and balance hormones.  When exercising, start simple and basic with frequent breaks, gradually increasing the duration

and intensity over time.  It is ideal to exercise 30-45 minutes a day to help eliminate brain fog.  If you are not sure of where to start or what exercises to do, seek advice from a qualified healthcare practitioner or personal trainer.  You can also engage in exercises around your home, such as climbing the stairs, swimming, and gardening.
6. Consume More Water!
Water is excellent for brain fog.  Dehydration can affect your brain functioning and cause brain fog.  It is important to keep your body hydrated throughout the day.  It is recommended that you take over two liters of water daily.

In order to keep your water intake on track, consider getting a glass water bottle that has the time markings on it.  It will help

motivate you to be consistent and act like it’s a daily challenge.  Also consider getting a glass bottle that has an infuser to add natural flavours to your water for an extra boost.

The bottle featured in the picture is only intended as an example however you can click here for more information or to purchase the bottle featured.

7. Make Your Brain Active

When your brain is not active, it will slow down its functions so it’s important to let your brain stay active.  There are a number of ways to stimulate your brain.  They include reading books, learning new activities, and solving puzzles.  If you find

that you are becoming forgetful, this is a sign that it’s time to exercise your brain muscle!

Click here for 9 free brain-training apps to make you smarter by improving your memory, attention, problem-solving, mental agility, language, processing speed, and visual skills — all while having fun.

Flax Seeds
8. Take Natural Supplements

There are various natural supplements that you can take to improve your brain function.  And what’s great is that they are easy to find!

These supplements will boost your 

required nutrient intake and support your immune system.  Flax seeds, chia seeds, basil, and fatty acids are all healthy and safe.  No prescription needed!

Boost Health And Drop Weight With Chia

Lastly, Brain fog affects people differently.  If you find yourself suffering with brain fog, make sure that you find the solution that works for you!  The above solutions for brain fog are all natural, effective, and you don’t need to spend a lot of money!

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Diabetes – The Hidden Cause Of Alzheimer’s?


In today’s society, diabetes is now so common that it’s rare for someone not to know a relative or friend who has it.  There are 30 million people living in the United States alone with diabetes.  2.3 million (roughly) in Canada.  It’s an epidemic health crisis to say the least.  But, before we get into a deep discussion let’s start with explaining exactly what diabetes is.

What Is Diabetes?

When we eat carbohydrates, most are broken down into simple sugars in our bodies.  Our cells then use these sugars for energy.  However, they are not able to get into our cells on their own.  They are shuttled there by insulin.  Ketones on the other hand can also produce energy without the assistance of insulin but we’ll get to that later.

There are two types of diabetes that people are generally aware of.  However, adults with diabetes could benefit from better treatment if the condition was categorized into the full five.

Type 1 Diabetes

This is the conclusion of a new study published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. (1)

Type 1 diabetes is the body’s inability to create enough insulin.  The pancreas is responsible for creating insulin but can no longer do so sufficiently.  Type 1 is thought to be caused by genetics or viruses that early in life infect and break the pancreas’ ability to do its job of creating insulin.

People with type 1 diabetes need to inject themselves with insulin to match what the body would have created to process the sugars.  Because this is a tricky matching process, there is a danger of too much or too little insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease or an illness created by the standard American diet.  It is also termed insulin resistance.  Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to make enough insulin or use it makes properly.  Insulin is a hormone used by the body to control glucose levels (the amount of sugar in your blood).  Glucose is one of the main sources of fuel for the body.  Providing the body with the energy needed to perform all necessary functions. (2)

Sugar And Its Affects On Our Bodies

After many years of inappropriate levels of sugars in our diet, our pancreas isn’t able to function as it should.  It’s either no longer able to quickly match our bodies sugar intake and/or our body is no longer accepting the insulin that our pancreas is creating to shuttle sugars into our cells.  This leads to rising levels of unprocessed sugars in our blood stream.  Increasing damage excess sugar has on our bodies.  For further reading, click here to read, “These Food Additives are Linked to Cancer, Diabetes and Obesity”.

I could go into detail about what that excess sugar does to your body (one thing is it is stored as fat) but I want to get to the main reason for this article.  What excess sugar does to your brain!

Type 3 Diabetes

Type 3 diabetes is not a common term that people have heard of unless you read a lot about health.  It is however becoming more mainstream.

Type 3 diabetes is what excess sugar does to your brain’s ability to keep itself fueled.  It is like saying Type 2 diabetes but the brain edition.  Your brain’s ability to run requires that it be given constant energy.  Much like a car needs X litres of fuel per 100 KM.  That is unless you own a tesla / run your brain on ketones.

Your brain needs a steady source of energy.  For most of us, that is coming from carbohydrates (sugars).  However it would be great if we could use ketones …. Oops, getting ahead of myself ….

As we constantly expose our bodies to excessive simple carbohydrates and thus simple sugars our bodies begin to take notice.  It then creates a safety mechanisms to protect us from the excess damaging sugar.  One of these mechanisms to protect the brain is called the blood brain barrier.

Alzheimer's Disease OR Diabetes Of The Brain?

Internal Special Forces – Brain Security

Our brain is protected by our body and the blood brain barrier is like Brain Security (special forces level, not mall security).  This barrier only allows what it thinks is the most important nutrients, fats and energy sources into our brain cells (neurons, etc.)

As we constantly expose our bodies to excess sugars, our body’s resist the insulin/sugar energy source and we get Type 2 diabetes.  Our cells want energy but our body’s security “protects us” from the excess onslaught.  So much so that our cells are actually getting less energy than they need.

The excess sugar that is not allowed past is stored as fat.  So the more security turns away sugar, the more fat is stored.  The more the body needs energy, the more carbs we eat to give it that energy.  That cycle continues until we are fat and tired (and sick).

The brain’s security guard does the same thing.  It starts to turn away insulin/sugar because it is protecting the brain.  However, this security guard doesn’t care that the brain needs all that energy.  It is designed for short term protection, not constant protection.  Thus, the brain gets less energy than it needs to function properly.  It’s like putting your foot down on the gas pedal and your car starts to slow down.  The engine is not getting enough gas to keep your speed let alone speed up.

Health Issues & Risk Factors Of Diabetes

Researchers believe that Type 3 diabetes (Type 2 diabetes of the brain) plays a strong role or is responsible for mental health issues such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), dementia, and other brain illnesses.  Studies have shown that type 2 diabetes can be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and other types of dementia … (2)

We conclude that the term “type 3 diabetes” accurately reflects the fact that AD represents a form of diabetes that selectively involves the brain and has molecular and biochemical features that overlap with both type 1 diabetes mellitus and T2DM. (3)  Type 3 diabetes occurs when neurons in the brain become unable to respond to insulin, which is essential for basic tasks, including memory and learning. (4)

If your brain isn’t getting fueled properly, it only makes sense that it won’t run properly and that it will manifest itself in some noticeable way.  In the beginning it could be fatigue, brain fog or memory issues.  However, in the end it could become a serious mental health issue.

The Superior Solution For Sourced Energy

So, you are wondering, Keto Jack, when are you going to get to the Ketone part?  Ketones are the other superior source of energy that your body can use to fuel your cells and to fuel your brain.  Ketones can be derived from the breakdown of fat in your body which will occur only when levels of insulin is low enough.  Your body likes to concentrate on using one fuel at a time or they can be ingested.

A ketogenic diet is one way to generate ketones.  However, it’s a very hard way.  Intermittent fasting gives your body small windows of no sugar intake and therefore your body doesn’t need to produce insulin.  Rather, it can generate ketones from your fat.

Another way is to drink pure therapeutic ketones.  There are naturally fermented and bioidentical versions available that your body sees as no different than if you had burned fat and made ketones.  For a great keto recipe, click here to for a great keto brownie recipe!

The bottom line is that excess sugars in our diet is causing not only damage from the neck down, but just as importantly damaging our brains!  So, cut back and/or eliminate added sugars.  Eat whole foods!  Save your brain so that when you are older you can still remember the advice I just gave you.  Your children and grandchildren will really appreciate it when you remember their names…For further information, click here to read, “Keto Diet and Chiropractic – What Do They Have in Common?”

As always, if anything I have written resonates with you, leave a comment.  If you have any questions or would like more information about drinking ketones, making ketones or healthy eating, feel free to send me an email ([email protected])

I am here to serve! (I just won’t serve you dessert ? )

Follow me on Facebook: facebook.com/therealketojack/ and Instagram @ketojack
Jack Lauzon, B.Sc. Honors Physics, Health Educator


Knee Clicking When Walking? Discover Why!

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Have you ever experienced knee clicking when walking? Or heard cracking, popping and creaking sounds in your knees?  If so, you may be wondering what it is.  As the weather starts to change, with increased moisture in the air, you may find your knees are bothering you and /or “speaking up”.

As a practitioner, I find that as the weather changes many more patients are saying that they’re starting to feel aches and pains.  The most common aches and pains I am hearing about are in the neck, low back and knees.  One of my patients asked me if the change in weather can cause knee clicking when walking or popping sounds in their knees.  So I think this is worth talking about….

Identifying ‘Knee’ Sounds

Personally, I have experienced these sounds in my knees since I was a teenager and still do on occasion get knee clicking when walking when I am not making time to ensure I have a balanced body.  When I was teenager, I remember being very curious, concerned and even confused about what the sounds in my knee were.  There are different types of sounds which may indicate different causes.

  • A creaking sound (technical term is ‘Crepitus’) may indicate that the cartilage is rubbing on the bone surface or bone on bone.  This may be sign that there is something wearing away resulting in degeneration.  This is often a result of long-standing abnormal pressure and function of the knee.
  • Cracking or popping sounds (technical term is “cavitations”) are the most common sounds people hear in their knees. This sound is often caused when a muscle or tendon is tight and is creating a popping sound as it slips over a bony prominence.  The popping sound may also be the release of oxygen build up inside of your knee joint itself.  If you can reproduce the sound repetitively it’s more likely the sound is coming from tight muscles and tendons.  If it’s something that pops and then you don’t hear it for another 20 minutes or until the next day, it might be from the oxygen building up.

When To Seek Help When Experiencing Popping, Cracking or Knee Clicking When Walking?

Even healthy knees can experience knee clicking when walking and make these popping and cracking sounds.  Therefore, when you hear these sounds coming from your knee in the absence of joint swelling or pain, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with your knee.  However, if you are experiencing joint swelling and pain, that’s something that you should have looked at by your healthcare practitioner for a knee examination.

Our practitioner will do orthopedic tests to get a better understanding of the cause. Sometimes the creaking and cracking sounds may be related to internal damaged that could warrant further testing and imaging.  These are used to confirm a diagnosis and steer you in a specific direction of treatment options and rehabilitation protocol.

Stretching: Harmful or Helpful?

The Power Of Stretching For Your Knees

With or without sounds coming from your knee, most people will benefit from stretches!  To learn more about this, click here to read, “THE POWER OF STRETCHING –  4 WAYS IT IMPACTS YOUR BODY (AND MIND) IN A POSITIVE WAY.”

The stretches below will help you restore and maintain a balance in your body.  With or without symptoms, we often have imbalances as a result of lifestyle habits such as;

  • crossing our legs when we sit
  • wearing poor unsupportive shoes
  • sitting slouched and twisted at a computer
  • driving for long periods of time
  • even sitting on a wallet

These are some of the many examples of how your body shifts out of balance.  When your body is out of alignment, there are muscles that become weak, tight and no longer activate, which results in abnormal wear and stress on the joint.

Think of the knee cap as a train that rides up and down in the front of your leg in a specific track when your quadriceps muscle contracts and relaxes.  The knee cap is surrounded by muscles and ligaments.  As muscles on one side of the knee cap tighten or weaken, it pulls on the knee cap and derails the smooth track, putting uneven pressure on the patella (knee cap) which could lead to irritation and inflammation under the knee cap.  This often results in tightness, pressure, aches and pains.  This uneven tracking may also increase the risk of further injury if left uncorrected.

How To Get The Most Out Of Stretches

In order to get the most out of stretches, I recommend warming up your muscles.  Go for a short walk or bike ride.  You can also warm up your body with a series of controlled movements or dynamic stretches which will increase body temperature, activate the nervous system and improve your range of motion.  An example of a dynamic stretch is swinging your leg forward and backwards like a pendulum.

Typically, dynamic stretches are used for warming up the body prior to exercise which is then followed by static stretches.  Static stretches are typically held still for 30 to 60 seconds.  Typically, a stretch is felt in one specific muscle with static stretching

Let’s Get Started!

Here are some basic stretches that you can try at home.  Be sure to hold these stretches for 30 to 60 seconds, and then repeat 3 times.  Always stretch both legs.

Leg Swing Dynamic Stretch:

This is a great dynamic stretch for your knee as it warms up muscles that cross the knee joint; quadriceps & hamstring.

  • Support yourself on a wall or a post with one hand ensuring there is nothing in front of or behind you
  • Ensure you are standing straight and your core is engaged
  • Swing one leg forward and back like a pendulum
  • Start to swing it lightly and gradually increase your range of motion

As you get blood flow to the muscles, you will feel yourself loosen up and your range of motion increase.  Relax your hip joint as much as possible.  Do 20 swings for each leg.

Standing Quadricep Stretch

This is a great beginner exercise to loosen up tight muscles.

  • Start with your shoulders pulled back and down
  • Balance on one foot while bringing your opposite foot up and holing onto your ankle
  • Ensure that your knees stay aligned and you do not pull your knee back past your standing knee as it results in stress on the low back
  • Slightly thrust your pelvis forward and tighten your buttock muscles in order to increase the stretch

*If you experience knee pain, swelling or restricted flexibility, try modifying the stretch:

  • Hold onto your pant leg rather then your ankle

Alternative to the modification:

  • Hold on to a support wall or post
  • Place one foot on a surface (stair, table, foot stool)
  • Tilt your pelvis a little bit forward and you will fee a stretch in your quadriceps

*Alternative to the alternative modification:

  • Lay face down and pull on the bottom of your pant leg to pull the stretch into the quadricep.

Hamstring Stretch

  • Holding onto a supportive wall or railing, place one ankle on a slightly raised surface (a step or a curb) keeping your hips facing forward and your standing knee bent
  • Slowly bend your standing knee until you feel a very mild pulling or stretch on the back of your raised thigh
  • Be sure to keep your low back straight

*If you have poor balance, try sitting on a bench, couch or bed slightly rotated 45 degrees

  • Put one leg up on the surface that you are sitting on and sit up tall
  • Point your toes to your nose and slightly shift your pelvis forward to engage the hamstring stretch

Psoas Stretch

If you sit for long periods of time or hear clicking and popping in the front of your hip, stretching our psoas is key.

  • Start in a slight lunge position with both feet pointing forward
  • Keep your back straight and pelvis tucked forward and tighten your buttock muscles
  • Hold onto a wall or chair for support if needed


  • Drop your back-leg knee to the group and shift your body forward
  • Lift your arm that is on the same side as the knee that is on the group up in the air

IT Band Stretch

  • Stand tall and cross one leg in front of the other
  • Raise the same side arm as the back leg high overhead

To increase the stretch, extend the back leg further behind you so your pinky toe is the point of contact to the floor.

Note: you will not feel the same stretch sensation with this stretch however it is still productive!

I also recommend using a hand-held roller or rolling pin and rolling out your IT bands (the side of your leg) for 3 minutes both sides daily to break up adhesion’s (scar tissue) and increase blood supply.

It doesn’t surprise me when a patient takes this advice and does their homework daily for 2-3 weeks and comes back to report they no longer have knee clicking when walking or popping in their knees.  Remember, don’t push it too hard and stay within your pain threshold.  Relax and breath deeply and enjoy taking care of you.  You deserve it!

Further Reading

In the words of Dr. Casey Sinclair;

“YOU must address all areas of your health for your body to heal.  This includes your mindset, nutrition, exercise, environment, and nervous system.  Many people make it all about one thing (i.e., Nutrition or exercise) and neglect the rest.  This alone will not give your body the opportunity it needs to heal”.

Click here to learn more about how our perceptions affect our pain.

What Your Food Cravings Are Trying To Tell you!

food cravings

Food cravings can occur for a variety of reasons including emotional ones.  Perhaps you are dissatisfied with a relationship, stressed, bored, or lonely?  Maybe your unhappy with your job and you have uncomfortable emotions/situations?  Regardless of what your emotional trigger is, you find yourself looking for solution.  Instant gratification, and for many, they seek balance through food.

It can provide you with a temporary form of relief.  A kind of escape when you are under pressure.  However, many of us feel even worse and guilty after eating.  This is why using food as a way to fulfill areas of our lives that are unsatisfied is not a solution.  The result is often the same and the effect temporary.  The emotions return and it leads to an unhealthy cycle.

Food Cravings & Triggers

It is important to identify your emotional eating triggers.  What situations, places or feelings make you reach for the comfort of food?  Is it Emotions (Anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, shame…)?  Boredom or feelings of emptiness?  Perhaps social influences, stress or fatigue?  Really take the time to understand what may be triggering your cravings.  For further information, click here to discover Top Tips To Manage Your Emotions.

Healthy Plates

Well-balanced meals with fiber, protein and healthy fats are more likely to keep you satisfied.  Protein requires more work for the body to digest and fibers keep your blood sugar levels in check.  Hence why those macronutrients will make you feel full longer.  Click here to read everything you need to know about macronutrients.


If you are eating less than usual or if you are on a diet and cutting out on an entire food group, you may have more frequent feelings of hunger.  According to research from the University of Toronto, restrained eaters are more likely to experience cravings and to overeat the “forbidden” food when given the chance.  Due to this reason, it is important to not deprive yourself and enjoy your favorite foods in controlled portions.  Click here to learn How To Find The Best Diet For You.

Stay Hydrated

Mild dehydration can affect your metabolism, the rate at which you burn calories and compromise your health.  Drinking water increase the body’s ability to digest food and convert it into energy.  Furthermore, staying hydrated helps to reduce cravings and may help regulate the amount eaten.


Eating while you are also doing other things (watching TV, playing with your phone etc.) does not allow you to enjoy your food.  Your mind is not focus on what you are doing/eating.  Therefore you will not feel satisfied and will continue eating even when you are no longer hungry.

Eating more mindfully can help you to focus on your food and the pleasure of the meal.  Try these simple strategies;

  • Take time to sit down at the table
  • Eat your meals with no distractions
  • Allow yourself at least 20 minutes per meal
  • Take small bites and chew them well
  • Put your utensils down between bites


Stress can play a large role in hunger cravings and it can cause some people to crave foods that are sugary or more calorie-dense.  Breathing exercises, walking, meditation and yoga can help the body to refocus and calm the mind.  Click here for 5 Natural Solutions For Coping With Stress!


Menstruation, pregnancy or menopause makes testosterone and estrogen levels fluctuate. Therefore it may cause unique cravings.  Allow yourself to feel uncomfortable emotions. Allow yourself to have all kinds of feelings.  Cravings are not the core problem.

If you have negative emotions you can take steps to control cravings such as keeping a food diary.  Also, try to distract yourself, take a walk, snack healthy, DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF and most important of all; Get support.

If self-help does not help you to control emotional eating or your cravings, consider talking with a health professional.  Click here for information on Unraveling Emotional Cravings.

6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Gut health, gut bacteria , gut flora, microbiome. Bacteria inside the small

Bacteria is not always your enemy, in fact when it comes to digestion and gut health, the “good bacteria” is your best friend, so you should treat it as such!

Here’s why…

Your digestive system is home to the largest part of your body’s immune system and determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens and microbes are kept out. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to what goes in there.

Your Gut Health Depends On What You Eat

I know it can be challenging to make conscious choices, considering our modern, fast-paced lifestyles and the abundance of convenient fast foods that are easy to reach for.

The problem is, when we don’t take the time to figure out what healthy eating means for us, and plan for healthy meals, we can end up with chronic health issues and diseases that can be directly correlated to what’s happening in our gut.

healthy gut


This FREE resource is a ? gift from the author of Amazon’s best selling book “Hack Your Health Habits”.  Get your gut and immune system performing optimally.

Finding The Optimal Gut Bacteria Balance Is Key

Did you know that your body contains around 100 trillion bacteria and that these bacteria make up an estimated 3 -5 pounds of your body weight? Of the 100 trillion bacteria some are “Good and some are “Bad”. When these bacterial colonies become out of balance it can lead to what is called gut dysbiosis, which is one of the main causes of digestive health issues. The good news is, small lifestyle changes can go a long way to helping your gut and you feel better.

You have the power to create good health that begins in your gut!

Here Are 6 Simple Ways To Get Started:

1. Eat well. There’s really no rocket science to it!
Choose from these prebiotic-rich foods as and example; garlic, onions, asparagus and bananas. Try to avoid processed sugar of any kind. Remember that bad bacteria thrive on sugar, so it’s important to avoid the sweet stuff wherever you can. Don’t forget about hydration. Your body, your gut and your brain needs a lot of water on a daily basis in order to function well.

2. Boost your food choices! Take a probiotic supplement.
Consider introducing a high-quality probiotic supplement into your daily health routine. This will help improve the health of your gut and your immune system. Probiotics come in a variety of formulations. My recommendation is to look for supplements that are kept refrigerated (or on the shelf but deemed “stable”), originally come from a human source, and contain both acidophilus and bifidobacterial (big words for the good stuff!).

3. Digestive Enzymes
Consider taking digestive enzymes with your meals. Digestive enzymes help your body break down food into nutrients that can easily be absorbed. Besides breaking down food, enzymes can help heal your gut and support your immune system. Lifestyle choices affect our body’s ability to produce enzymes. Processed, sugary foods, use of antibiotics, and other prescription medications can contribute to a decrease in digestive enzyme production and can cause a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms.

4. Reduce stress. Beware of your cortisol.
The effect of ongoing stress is literally is like a car going 100 miles an hour with the brake pedal on! That’s because our digestion function shut down in order to divert blood to other parts of the body to ward off the threat. This compromises your digestive and immune systems, so you need to do whatever you can to reduce your stress load. For instance, doing some deep breathing exercises is just one way to start putting a buffer in between you and high levels of stress.

5. Get your sleep right. It’s essential for good overall health!
Have you ever noticed when you’re tired that you’re prone to reach for coffee and other stimulants to keep you going? Get some rest! The trick again, is to start with something small like going to bed an hour earlier every night and turning off all electronics before you do. Sleep is truly important to help our bodies reset, recharge and rebalance.

6. Regular Chiropractic Adjustments
Your nervous system controls every function in your body including digestion. Misalignments or subluxations in your spine can compromise digestive function. Reg- ular chiropractic adjustments realign your spine, restore nerve function, and help your body to work optimally

Building a healthy relationship with good gut bacteria also means building a healthy relationship with your entire body. As you can see what we eat, our environment and our physical and mental health all contribute to a healthier better functioning gut! Start today in small ways to make changes, and you’ll soon find you really can improve your gut health!

Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms & Natural Solutions

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a condition that affects as much as 10% of adults (1).  In fact,  most are unaware that they even have the condition.  RLS is also referred to as Willis-Ekbom disease.  A nervous system condition that causes an irresistible urge to move your legs.  Typically, RLS symptoms are characterized as an unpleasant feeling inside the legs.  Some even described it as a crawling and creeping sensation on the feet and thighs.

While Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms can be felt throughout the day, most people commonly suffer these symptoms at night.  Especially after going to bed.  Because of this, it can cause difficulty sleeping at night and is now being considered as a sleep disorder.  The condition affects 2% of children (2).  However, research shows that the majority of those with RLS are adults.

Restless Leg Syndrome can have various causes.  For example, underlying medical conditions, iron deficiency, excessive smoking and alcohol.  Also, stress and lack of exercise are among the many factors linked to RLS.

Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms

Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms can vary from one person to the next depending on the severity of the condition.  As a result, symptoms may include:

An Overwhelming Urge To Move The Legs:   A major symptom of Restless Leg Syndrome is an overwhelming feeling to move your legs.  This commonly occurs when resting or in a sleeping position.  The urge to move your legs is so strong that it causes you to move your legs uncontrollably.  As such, your legs will continue to move until the urge is gone which can last for many minutes.

Sensations After Rest:  These sensations tend to happen when you have been resting for some time.  In most cases after lying down to sleep.  Patients who suffer from RLS describe the sensations as creeping, crawling, aching, itching and tingling.  However there are some who describe sensations like an “electric shock”.

Leg Twitching At Night:  RLS is also associated with leg twitching at night.  However, this is not something that is due to a sudden urge or a conscious decision and can occur several times a night.

Insomnia:  People with RLS can suffer from sleep disturbances and therefore may get hardly any sleep at all.  This is primarily due to the urge to move your legs while sleeping.  Not to mention the accompanying sensations and twitching.  Depression and anxiety are also common side effects of lack of sleep and can lead to other serious medical conditions.

Painful Leg Cramps:  Painful leg cramps that are usually experienced on the calf muscles.  Similarly with the majority of RLS symptoms, muscle cramps mostly happen at night or when in a resting position for long periods of time.

RLS Treatment

In short, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should visit your healthcare practitioner.  Tests and a through medical history can help uncover the underlying problem.  Various treatment methods are available and vary according to the cause and extent of the condition.  Natural remedies that may help relieve symptoms of RLS include:

1. Adopt Healthy Habits

Caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol can trigger any symptoms of RLS.  Thus, avoiding them can provide relief.  Additionally, fatigue is also known to aggravate RLS.  Therefore, you need to keep a healthy regimen.  You can achieve this by maintaining a regular bedtime and wake up time.  Also, regular exercise can help provide relief for RLS patients.  However, it is worth noting that working out within a few hours of going to bed may get in your way of a good night sleep!  Overall, lifestyle changes can have a profound positive affect on your health.  Thus,  alleviating your RLS symptoms and improving your quality of life!

2. Cold And Hot Therapy

Applying a cold or warm compress to the affected area may soothe your nerves.  Also, gently massaging your muscles while taking a warm bath can achieve this effect.

3. Relaxation Methods

Managing your stress levels can ward off the symptoms of RLS.  Therefore including practices like meditation and deep breathing in your everyday routine will help you turn that negative stress into positive energy!  For more information on this, click here to read the Benefits Of Meditation – Does It Really Improve Your Health?

4. Vitamins

Maintaining sufficient levels of magnesium and calcium in your body can improve both muscle and nerve function.  Click here to watch “This One Test Could Save Your Life!” Proper nutrition and taking daily multivitamins can achieve this and help alleviate RLS symptoms.  Low iron levels can also result in RLS.  Therefore it is important to get supplements rich in iron to relieve the symptoms.  Iron is needed by your body’s organs to function properly.  Therefore, get proper testing by your healthcare practitioner to determine your iron levels.  For further reading click here for “Calcium without Vitamin K2 is a Heart Breaker” and click here to view “Sleeping problems? This one mineral could be the answer.”

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking is associated with Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment.  So, for extra support , click here for The 23 Best Ways to Quit Smoking.

6. Exercise

This doesn’t have to be complicated!  Simple exercises such as walking, climbing the stairs, swimming and gentle lifting can all help combat the condition of RLS.  Also, you can even find ways to exercise while at work. Click here to expose 10 Desk Exercises You Should Be Doing Every Day.

7. Avoid Taking Medications For Prolonged Periods Of Time

Medications are chemicals and can increase inflammation in your body.  Exacerbating your symptoms.  Potential side effects of certain medications include symptoms of RLS.  Therefore, discuss with your physician to see if this relates to you.  Also, click here to read The Great Drug Hoax: How Taking Pills May Actually Be Making You Worse.

Conventional Medicine Approach may include:

  • Opioids
  • Dopamine agonists
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Dopaminergic agents
  • Painkillers

While these forms of treatment may improve symptoms and sleep, many are not without their serious potential side effects.  Therefore it’s important to take that into consideration when discussing a solution with your physician.  Click here to reveal information on the Nervous System – What Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Want You To Know!

Today, there are various holistic healthcare providers that may help resolve your RLS including:

Also, there are other natural remedies (including relaxation techniques) such as;

• Yoga (5)
• Deep breathing
• Stretching (6)
• Meditation

You can find a practitioner near you by searching our online directory.


1. Montplasir J, Allen RP, Walters A, Ferini-Strambi L, “Restless Legs Syndrome and Period Limb Movements During Sleep,” in Kryger M, Roth T, Dement W (ed.), Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (5th Edition), St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2011, pages 1026 – 1037.

2. Daniel Picchietti, Richard P. Allen, Arthur S. Walters, Julie E. Davidson, Andrew Myers, Luigi Ferini-Strambi, Pediatrics August 2007, VOLUME 120 / ISSUE 2 Article
Restless Legs Syndrome: Prevalence and Impact in Children and Adolescents—The Peds REST Study

3. Stupar M. Restless legs syndrome in a primary contact setting: A case report. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2008;52(2):81-87.

4. Meg Russell Corrigendum to “Massage therapy and restless legs syndrome” [J Bodywork Movement Ther 11 (2007) 146–150]
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 15, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 253

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The Effect of Stretching Exercises on Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients on Hemodialysis