The Foot Pain Identifier

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This foot pain identifier information is important.  People rarely acknowledge how important their feet are to their everyday life. Well, that is until they experience foot pain themselves!  Just think about it, you use your feet to:

  • Stand
  • Pivot
  • Jump
  • Turn
  • Step
  • Dance
  • Walk
  • Run

Even just to keep your balance.  But when you experience foot pain, these seemingly simple functions can become quite challenging.

Plantar fasciitis is the most common type of foot pain.  The plantar fascia is a layer of connective tissue on the bottom or sole of the foot. It provides support to the foot’s arch and plays a major role in the function and mechanics of walking or running.

Foot Pain Identifier – Feel The Burn!

Foot pain can have quite a few causes.  However, the most common (as detailed at for foot pain are:

Plantar fasciitis is also the most common cases we see at the clinic. When plantar fascia is relaxed, the toes are pointed down and the foot is in the “plantar flexed” position.

Conversely, the plantar fascia is tight and undergoes tension when the toes and foot are pointed upwards, “dorsi flexed.”  When this tension persists, the plantar fascia can become irritated and develop “burning-like” symptoms at the bottom of the foot.

The most specific problem area tends to be close to the heel.  The heel bone or calcaneus provides the foundation at the rear of the foot. This is also the origin point of the plantar fascia.

heal pain

Pain In The Heel

A cardinal symptom of plantar fasciitis is a sharp pain in the heel which is usually experienced when you take your first steps in the morning.  Remember, your foot is typically in a restful state (plantar flexion) throughout the night while you sleep.  Therefore, when you arise, there is a sudden jolt of tension shot into the plantar fascia as it is quickly stretched.  As such, it can make for a very painful start to the day.

In this case, specific stretches can be performed each morning before getting out of bed to help alleviate these symptoms.

Click here to read What You Should NOT Do if You Suffer From Numbness and Tingling.

foot pain identifier

Factors Of Plantar Fasciitis

The name of the diagnosis is kind of a misnomer as any diagnosis that ends with the word “itis” usually indicates the condition involves significant inflammation.  However, in actuality, there is research to both support and negate the relationship that inflammation actually has with this condition.

Poor foot position or posture is really the most common factor of this condition.  In most cases it is due to being flat footed or over pronation of their foot when walking.  Flat footed people are overusing their muscle at the bottom of the plantar fascia. Usually until it becomes irritated, causing plantar fasciitis.  Keep in mind, this is something that can happen at any age and is very common.

Plantar fasciitis doesn’t tend to discriminate and is usually associated with poor postural habits and lifestyle.  This condition is also common with increased activity and repetitive strain.  Transitioning to new footwear can also trigger plantar fasciitis resulting in the soft tissue breaking down.  Also, accumulative effects of gravity over time, along with weight gain can also precipitate plantar fasciitis.

Conservative care might include:

  • Frequent icing
  • Wearing a supportive slipper around the house
  • Night brace
  • Taping
foot scan

Prevention For Foot Pain

Prevention is best achieved through properly functioning feet.  So, supportive footwear is critical. Therefore, I strongly recommend getting a foot scan and examination by an appropriate healthcare provider to determine if custom orthotics are necessary.

Click here to read, How To Choose The Best Running Shoes – Part 1.

Because this condition has become such a buzzword, many people are misdiagnosed by their healthcare providers as other conditions, which cause similar symptoms need to be excluded. These include:

  • A stress fracture
  • Bursitis
  • Neuritis
  • Contusion of the calcaneus
  • Nerve entrapment

The most important thing here is to find the right healthcare practitioner who will conduct a thorough consultation and examination in order to achieve an accurate diagnosis.

Here’s to you putting your best foot forward.

You’re one step closer!

For additional information and at home stretches click here to read CORRECTIVE EXERCISES FOR RELIEVING FOOT PAIN.

  1. Plantar Fasciitis –
  2. Plantar Warts –
  3. Ingrown Toenails –

Activities For Toddlers In Quarantine

Activities For Toddlers

Looking for activities for toddlers to do during quarantine, keeping them occupied, engaged AND learning? Check out these top tips and resources!

As you already know by now, the Coronavirus outbreak has already affected most parts of the world. This has resulted in special measures being put into place in an attempt to ‘plank‘ the spread of the virus such as the closing of schools and daycares. With no clear date in sight of reopening school doors, parents are now being challenged to come up with new and creative ways to keep their children occupied, engaged and learning from the comforts of their home.

As a parent of a toddler (and young baby) myself, I understand and certainly sympathise with other parents facing this same situation. It can be really difficult to know where to start and to find the appropriate tools while still obeying proper quarantine / social distancing guidelines. Especially when it comes to activities for toddlers. As such, I have put together a list of tips and resources that have been working for my family.

kids schedule

Create A Daily Schedule

If your child attended any sort of daycare/preschool/school, then following a daily schedule should be a familiar task.  Therefore creating structure and rules, like a set schedule to follow at home, is the perfect place to start.  In fact,  According to Kathy Eugster, MA, RCC, CPT-S, BCRPT-S (Pacific Spirit Play Therapy Resources);

“When parents provide structure, it means they are asserting and establishing their parental authority and control in a responsible manner in order to encourage healthy growth and development of their children.” –Providing Structure for Your Child: How to Assert Your Parental Authority

Start by breaking the day into blocks including tasks such as:

Depending on your child’s age you can also incorporate a ‘recess’. Perhaps this is a 15 minute break between activities to have a healthy snack, run around or let loose before moving on to the next item on the schedule.

One schedule that has been floating around and seems to tick off all the right boxes is this COVID-19 Daily Schedule.

I particularly like this schedule because it incorporates all the topics I listed and gives examples on how to achieve each of them.

Another benefit to following a schedule like this is it allows the kids to still have some say.  Allowing your child to make their own choices within a given category will help keep them interested. Plus they can change up activities throughout the week depending on how they’re feeling and still get the benefits of learning. Also, when you include your children in the decision making, they are more likely to follow willingly in addition to learning a life skill.

Decision making is one of the most important skills your children need to develop to become healthy and mature adults. Decision making is crucial because the decisions your children make dictate the path that their lives take.” – Jim Taylor Ph.D.

how to play with your kids

Play And Activities To Do Together

According to Kenneth R. Ginsburg and the Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health

“Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth.”

They go on to discuss the importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds.

So, what are some of the activities you can do with your child? Well, here are some of my favorite links I use to get ideas and keep things fun!

importance of reading to your children


There are incredible benefits of reading to your child which can start at a very young age. In fact, according to a study by Ohio State University;

“Young children whose parents read them five books a day enter kindergarten having heard about 1.4 million more words than kids who were never read to. This ‘million word gap’ could be one key in explaining differences in vocabulary and reading development.” 

There are several statistics and benefits which demonstrate the importance of parents reading to their children. Click here for a list of tops tips on how to read to your child in order to get the most out their literary experience.

Why do we need creativity?

Engage In Creative Tasks

Toddlers are curious and active by nature. So, you can’t simply expect your child to stay calm in the house for the whole day without any sort of proper engagement. Some great examples of activities that can keep your toddler interested and occupied include:

With such activities, you can enhance their imagination and creativity. Besides, such tasks can even help your kid discover their passion. Click here for a fantastic list of 20 ACTIVITIES FOR TODDLERS among additional tips and resources.

quality time with kids

Spend Quality Time With Them

Negative things always have some positivity in them. Before the self-isolation period, you may not have had enough time to be with your kids. However, you now have all the time to sit and listen to your kids. You can let your kid lead you to do what they love.

By taking such an approach, your kid will feel appreciated and in control. This can go a long way towards ensuring that your child does not get bored even when they have to spend most of their time indoors. Click here for some fun ways you can encourage quality time with your family.

Final Thoughts

You now know that even though your child has to stay in the house to meet the social distancing goal, there are still several activities for toddlers and older children you can do to keep them:

  • Active
  • Engaged
  • Stimulated
  • Learning

For another great resource for an ‘all in one’ learning experience at any age, click here to obtain Scolastic Learn At Home – day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking and growing.

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Are Chiropractors Safe?

is chiropractic safe

Are Chiropractors safe? Furthermore, what do they do??

Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments by applying a gentle and specific impulse with their hands to the spine and other joints in the body. The adjustment corrects and aligns the spine removing stress from spinal nerves. By correcting spinal alignment and removing nerve interference the body is better able to function and heal properly.

Chiropractic adjustments are effective in restoring mobility and relieving pain. Especially to injuries caused by traumatic events such as slips and falls or due to repetitive strain.  

Chiropractic Adjustment Benefits Your:
  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Joints
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Cartilage

Click here to read, Are Chiropractors Doctors?

benefits of chiropractic

Chiropractic Benefits

  1. A Great Way To Relieve PainChiropractic care is one of the best ways of getting rid of aches and pains. It’s effective and helps people avoid taking pain medication. Also, it’s great for relieving neck pain, back pain and headaches.
  2. Corrects The Underlying ProblemPain medications don’t address the source of the problem but the symptoms. Furthermore they can become addicting and cause an opiod addiction. However, Chiropractic focuses on the nervous system, which controls the body’s function from breathing to digestion. The spine protects the spinal cord and nerves. Therefore, spinal health is essential to the overall wellness. Click here to read, A Natural Proven Solution To The Opioid Crisis.
  3. Helps Avoid Medication – Medication can be useful in addressing various health problems but typically they just mask the symptoms. Unlike chiropractic care which can relieve aches and pains by getting to the root cause of the problem. Giving you relief without any drugs or pesky side effects.
  4. Personalized TreatmentNo formula must be followed for chiropractic care. A qualified chiropractor will assess your situation and come up with a care plan to correct the problem. Chiropractors may use different instruments and techniques that best suits that patient’s specific needs.
  5. Complements Other Treatment ProceduresThe great thing about chiropractic care is that it can be used alongside other forms of treatment. Chiropractic patients may also be receiving massage therapy or acupuncture. All of which complement each other.

Click here to read, What The Neck? Are You Short-Circuiting?

Is Chiropractic Safe?

Are Chiropractors Safe?

Chiropractic care is an extremely safe. It’s conservative, yet effective option for correcting spinal problems. Maintaining a healthy spine is crucial to having a healthy nervous system. But must be handled with care. Chiropractic is non-invasive and drug-free, making it a safe option.

Most patients feel instant relief after receiving chiropractic adjustments. Some patients may feel mild side effects such as soreness and aching. The good thing is that it typically doesn’t last and will go away in a few hours.

Always share any concerns you may have with your chiropractor.  Chiropractors are well-trained professionals who understand how to take care of their patients.
To find a chiropractor in your area please click here for our online directory.

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What Is Coronavirus?

what is coronavirus

It seems like no matter what channel you watch or radio station you listen to, word of the Coronavirus is everywhere! But what is Coronavirus exactly?

Well, the first case of Coronavirus (recently changed to Covid-19), was traced back to Wuhan, China where patient X is believed to have been infected from an animal source at a “wet market”.

It is believed that the lack of hygienic standards may partly be to blame since animals such as live birds and fish were being kept and butchered in close proximity. Since that first report, the virus has spread rapidly infecting entire communities, in different countries, all across the globe.

As of now, the outbreak has yet to be tied to a specific source of animal. However, the original host is believed to be bats whom incidentally are host to a variety of zoonotic viruses including:

  • HIV
  • Ebola
  • Rabies
coronavirus pandemic

What Is Coronavirus?

Typically, Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause diseases. This includes the common cold to more severe illnesses like:

  • The Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)
  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV)

First discovered in 2019, Coronavirus is a new strain that hasn’t been identified in humans before. Recently, scientists in China have reported that the Coronavirus has mutated into two strains. One of which is so aggressive that it makes developing a vaccine more complicated.

So far, about 15-20% of hospital cases reported across the globe have been classified as “severe”. Furthermore, the death rate has been calculated as 0.7% to 3.4% depending on patients location and access to good medical care.

Answering Kids’ Questions About The Coronavirus

How Is COVID-19 Spread?

Animals appear to be the origin of the virus. However, recent studies indicate that COVID-19 is rapidly passed from one person to the other. The disease is caused by an infection with SARS-CoV-2. This only affects those who have been in contact with someone who has been confirmed to be infected. Everyone is therefore advised to exercise standard caution to prevent the spread of the infection.

Recommended Precautionary Measures For Coronavirus 
  • Covering nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing
  • Regular hand washing
  • Cooking meat and eggs thoroughly
  • Avoid close contact with people

Especially with those showing any symptoms of respiratory illness like coughing and sneezing. Social distancing is one of the most important steps in containing the spread of this virus.

Click here to read, How To Prepare For The Coronavirus.

Why fighting the coronavirus depends on you

What Are The Symptoms Of COVID-19?

Symptoms of Coronavirus can appear within 14 days of being exposed to the virus. Diagnosed similarly to any other conditions caused by viral infections, doctors can either take samples of saliva, blood, or tissue to test you for the virus.

Common Signs Of The Coronavirus Infection Include:
  • Respiratory symptoms
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Breathing difficulties

In more severe cases, Covid-19 can cause:

  • Acute respiratory syndrome
  • Pneumonia
  • Kidney failure
  • Death

Therefore, call your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Tell them about your symptoms over the phone before making the official visit to the doctor’s office. Your doctor will advise you accordingly and make appropriate recommendations. 

Click here to read, How Do I Get A Coronavirus Test?

What Treatments Are Available?

Currently, there’s no treatment particularly approved for COVID-19. Nor has a cure been found. However, treatments are currently under study. So, there is no need to panic.

Also, there are medications and supplementation that focus on managing symptoms. Therefore your doctor can recommend an appropriate regimen or treatment based on what your symptoms include or any complications you are suffering with.


Are Chiropractors Doctors?

Are Chiropractors Doctors

Many people often ask the question “are chiropractors doctors?”. Well, they are healthcare practitioners in a regulated profession, and so, the common assumption is that they are doctors. However many people wonder what the difference is between chiropractors and medical doctors.

Let’s look at what chiropractor’s do and what the practice of chiropractic includes. Therefore, you can be better prepared and more confident about your next visit to see a chiropractor!

What Is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a licensed healthcare profession that focuses on the body’s natural ability to heal. Chiropractic care most commonly centers on manual therapy. More specifically the chiropractic adjustment, with an emphasis on the health of the spine and nervous system. Physical exercises and lifestyle advice are also frequently included as part of a patients care.

What Is A Doctor Of Chiropractic?

A chiropractor is a health professional that provides care for disorders related to;

But, they aren’t medical doctors. Therefore do not prescribe medication. However, they undergo extensive training and are highly qualified in their field, practicing as doctors of chiropractic.

Click here to read, If I go to the Chiropractor, do I have to go forever?

doctor of chiropractic

Education For Doctors Of Chiropractic

Chiropractic education is very similar to that of medicine. However, compared to their medical counterparts, chiropractors spend more hours studying;

  • Anatomy
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics
  • Radiology
  • Nutrition

A chiropractor usually attains their undergraduate degree with a strong emphasis on sciences such as;

  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Chemistry

All before attending a 4-year chiropractic graduate course. All this totaling close to 4,700 instructional hours.

what is chiropractic

What Does A Doctor Of Chiropractic Do?

Similar to medical doctors, chiropractors will firstly have a consultation with their patient. Next, they will perform a patient history and examination. This often includes specialized tests, before providing a report of findings.

After providing a diagnosis, they will recommend a management plan. Once a patient begins care, their progress will be closely monitored to maintain optimal health. Chiropractors most commonly provide care for health conditions that involve the neuromusculoskeletal system.

Standard chiropractic care includes joint manipulation. Also referred to as chiropractic adjustments performed by the hand through a combination of quick and gentle thrusts. The main objective of the chiropractic adjustment is to improve the alignment and functions of spinal joints. Reducing stress on the nervous system. Many chiropractors will provide joint manipulation to the extremities as well.

Click here to read, Cracking Open The Biggest Myths About Chiropractic.

what is chiropractic

How Chiropractic Can Help

Chiropractor’s care can help solve several health problems. It can help resolve issues and conditions relating to:

  • The nervous system
  • Bones, ligaments, and cartilage
  • Tendons and muscles

Frequent problems that can resolve under chiropractic care are;

  • Pelvic pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Leg and hip pain
  • Neck pain
  • Arm and shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Numbness and tingling

Click here to read, Chiropractic Heals Nothing!

So, Are Chiropractors Doctors?

On the whole, chiropractors are holistic healthcare practitioners. Providing care to help their patients achieve optimal overall health. They are highly skilled and will offer excellent solutions to a number of healthcare issues. Click here to find a chiropractor near you.

For further reading click here to read, Antioxidants – Can They Be Boosted With Chiropractic Care and What The Keto Diet And Chiropractic Have In Common .

Leaky Gut Syndrome And It’s Connection To Fibromyalgia

leaky gut syndrome
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1. Is it original writing? Does the article contain significant portions of plagiarized materials?

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Recent studies have identified a connection between chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and a leaky gut. Alterations in the gut, or ‘leaky gut’ is an increased intestinal permeability disorder. This condition is a recent phenomenon, and ongoing research is being conducted to help health practitioners fully understand the condition and to better assist their patients. Leaky gut syndrome is of great interest to people with fibromyalgia. This is due to the proposed link between the two conditions.  Here is a review of the correlation between the leaky gut and fibromyalgia and some of the top ways to treat it.

What Is Leaky Gut?

The intestinal lining beneath our stomach is usually referred to as the gut. The lining is meant to act as a barrier to prevent toxins and bacteria from being absorbed in the bloodstream. However sometimes the gut may develop holes or cracks, a condition referred to as “leaky gut”. When this happens food, toxins and other elements are allowed to penetrate the blood. As a result, this leads to inflammation in the gut system, frequently causing digestive problems. The bacterial development in the gut is reported to result in other chronic conditions. Fibromyalgia being one of those.

Who Can Experience A Leaky Gut?

Everyone has a certain level of a leaky gut since the intestinal lining is not completely impermeable. However, some people may experience some genetic changes which may alter their digestive system. Thus resulting in the cracks or holes in the gut lining. Other common causes of a leaky gut include:

Therefore, anyone can experience the leaky gut condition depending on a number of lifestyle factors.

leaky gut symptoms

Correlation Between Fibromyalgia And A Leaky Gut Condition

Fibromyalgia is a condition of chronic widespread pain. Frequently accompanied by sleep and memory loss as well as depression. Believed to be connected to the increased intestinal permeability associated with leaky gut. Severe widespread pain of fibromyalgia can be a result of the release of toxins and other molecules into the bloodstream.

This can also lead to severe headaches and general body weakness. A genetic mutation associated with fibromyalgia is also connected to the increased permeability of the gut walls. Studies have shown fibromyalgia sufferers to have gut alterations, linking the two conditions.

Treating Leaky Gut

Increased intestinal permeability is still a new disorder. Significant conditions linked to leaky gut syndrome include;

Therefore, healing the gut is seen as the solution to numerous related health problems including fibromyalgia. Healthcare practitioners are now focusing on proper nutrition to do this by eliminating;

Addressing food allergies is also key. Steps such as these have significantly helped people battling leaky gut syndrome and rebuild the gut to its original state.

Final Thoughts

Fibromyalgia is a condition that significantly impacts millions of lives all over the world.  Sadly, medical treatment of this condition has fallen far short of the needs of the fibromyalgia community.  However, healthcare practitioners are advocating for fibromyalgia sufferers to stick to a proper and healing nutrition plan. Preventing the absorption of toxins and bacteria into the bloodstream and as a result helping to treat the fibromyalgia condition. Regular exercise and stress reduction have also been proved to help in treating this condition.

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Top 7 Health Benefits of Pumpkin

pumpkin recipes

When most people think of pumpkins, they think of Halloween. Perhaps it’s time to change this perception and start thinking of pumpkins as a year round thing. Pumpkins are a highly nutritious-dense food that is rich in both minerals and vitamins, and low in calories. There are a number of different ways to introduce pumpkin into your daily nutrition including;

Click here to get our recipe for “Vegan Protein Bars” containing pumpkin seeds.

Here are some of the health benefits of eating pumpkin.

High in Vitamins

According to Maggie Michalczyk, a cup of pumpkin contains 200% recommended daily intake of Vitamin A, which is an essential vitamin for night vision and eye health.

Pumpkins orange color of concentration is carotenoid and is what similarly gives carrots, corn and tomatoes their colour and provides a host of health benefits. Beta-carotene, a type of carotenoid and precursor to vitamin A, helps improve cognitive function and decrease risk of type 2 diabetes.

Helps In Regulating Blood Pressure

Taking pumpkin is essential for a healthy heart. Pumpkin supports good health due to the presence of fiber, vitamin C and potassium. An increased intake of potassium is associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

Additionally, it helps protect muscle mass loss. Even more, studies suggest that consuming potassium is equally essential as decreasing your intake of sodium.

Reducing The Risk Of Cancer

A platter combo of iron, Vitamins A and C and other nutrients make pumpkin a natural armor against cancer cells. Notably, studies indicate that pumpkin helps in decreasing the risk of breast, prostate and colon cancer. Taking antioxidants present in food like pumpkins and beans can lead to reduced oxidative stress, which is a significant factor in decreasing cancer risk.

pumpkin squasg

Helps In Combating Diabetes

Pumpkin squash is low in calories. Following a low carb diet and losing weight is key to keeping away from type 2 diabetes.  This makes pumpkin a popular food for people suffering from or at risk of developing diabetes.

Research indicates that the phytochemicals present in the fruit help in controlling blood sugar levels; in turn, it helps lower the risk of diabetes. If you want to lose weight, you need food rich in fiber that can help in maintaining blood sugar levels.  That is precisely what you got when you included pumpkins into your diet.

Helps In Digestion

Pumpkins are known to be a good source of fiber. A fiber diet helps in keeping one full, therefore, promoting healthy digestion. Besides making you complete and satisfying your stomach, it helps in lowering the risk of obesity while at the same time supporting an increase in nutrient absorption such as iron and zinc.

Additionally, just like other hydrating fruits, pumpkins have a huge water content, which promotes healthy bowel movement, improved digestion, with fewer stomach grumbles.

Boosts Muscle Function

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of amino acids. Amino acids are known to be responsible for muscle building. So if you’re looking to gain muscle mass, it is recommended that you take pumpkin seeds. Besides, the presence of potassium in pumpkin can help improve muscle function.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Pumpkins contain compounds that can promote healthy skin. It’s rich in carotenoids in which the body can turn into Vitamin A. One cup of cooked pumpkin contains 245 percent of RDI for Vitamin A. Research indicates that carotenoids can act as natural sun blockers.

Let’s get started!


How To Include Pumpkin Into Your Diet

There are different ways to eat pumpkin. Here are some tips to help incorporate this nutritious vegetable into your diet.

  • Use canned pumpkin in any baking recipe instead of butter or oil
  • Combine Greek Yoghurt, cinnamon, honey, and canned pumpkin to make pumpkin smoothie or yogurt
  • Consume pumpkin seeds to gain more muscle mass

Click here to read, “Breakfast On The Go – Mixed Berry Smoothie”.

Final Thoughts

Too many people simply look to pumpkins for its decorative purposes. Nonetheless, its true value lies in its significant health benefits when included in your diet. If you are looking for a great low carb food, start consuming pumpkins regularly.

You’re one step closer.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Affect Mostly Women

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fibromyalgia symptoms women

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Women – Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome known by symptoms of musculoskeletal pain in specific anatomical sites. However the identifiable physical or physiological causes are unknown.  In addition, this diagnosis is considerably more common in women than men.

Why Does Fibromyalgia Affect Women More Than Men?

Think You Might Have Fibromyalgia?  Take Our Fibromyalgia Test

The Fibro Pain

The pain is also described as;

  • Sharp or achy
  • Spread out
  • Severe
  • Pounding
  • Stabbing

Some will have fairly consistent symptoms while others may experience periods of remission and then flare ups. When it’s at its worst they can be accompanied by heart palpitations.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Women

Fibromyalgia symptoms in both woman and men can overlap into psychosomatic disorders  starting first from;

  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Seep disturbances

Which can turn into depression and anxiety.  Are we saying that Fibromyalgia is a mental problem?  No but it can lead to one.

It has more commonly been categorized as a central nervous system disorder.  One that can be chronic. However, research suggests a strong correlation between Fibromyalgia and mental health.

Fibromyalgia affects approximately 4% to 6% of the population.  Affecting 1 million people in Canada alone.  Interestingly enough, 70% to 90% of the diagnosed cases are women.

That doesn’t mean that men can’t be affected obviously.  However, it is clearly a condition affecting more woman.

Click to read, “The Dos and Donts of the Fibromyalgia Diet” to find the  best diet for fibromyalgia. 

No Fibromyalgia Lab Tests

Unfortunately there are no lab tests to diagnose fibromyalgia.  Determining the syndrome is by confirming a list of symptoms (see above).  Mainly the symptoms of pain and fatigue, assessed by a qualified doctor.

Why this is so important is because other conditions need to be ruled out.   Sadly, this condition can be used as a label to acknowledge a problem without any other known cause.

A fibromyalgia diagnosis can be considered if no other known cause is determined.  Presence of tender points in 18 possible sites on the body must also be present.  These points produce pain when pressure is applied.  A person must have 11 or more of these tender points among other symptoms if a diagnostic conclusion will be made.

Think You Might Have Fibromyalgia?  Take Our Full Fibromyalgia Test


Amanda MacMillan / Health. (Sep. 2017). Lady Gaga Has Postponed Her Tour Because of Her Fibromyalgia. Here’s What to Know About the Painful Disorder.
Retrieved from

(Jul. 2018). Fibromyalgia. Britannica
Retrieved from

Fibromyalgia – Doctors Discussion

Dr. Morgan:

Are you suffering from fibromyalgia or the severe symptoms of fibromyalgia?  Or symptoms that are associated with fibromyalgia, like chronic pain?  Are you suffering from things like numbness and tingling?  Headaches?  Lack of energy?  Chronic fatigue?  Brain fog?

Dr. Casey:

Some people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia also experience other symptoms like;

  • Digestive problems
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

There’s all sorts of different symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.  What’s worse then the actual symptoms is how they affect your life.  For a lot of people they find it very difficult to go out and enjoy the day with their family and friends when they’re suffering from fibromyalgia.

Do these mild to severe fibromyalgia symptoms resonate with you?  Do you want to know if you may have fibromyalgia?  Take our full Fibromyalgia Test

Dr. Morgan:

It’s really difficult to just be a part of your family.  If you have children, it can become difficult to take care of them which obviously puts a huge burden on relationships.  Sometimes you feel like a burden because you’re in chronic pain and not able to participate in family activities.

Dr. Casey:

And some people feel that they are a burden because sometimes there’s so much chronic pain and they have such severe fibromyalgia symptoms, they have a difficult time being able to work or support the family.  These symptoms can also be frustrating because it limits your ability to play sports and enjoy hobbies.

Dr. Morgan:

Some of our patients explain that they feel like getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest task in the world.  Others have so many symptoms that it limits them from being able to drive or it takes away the confidence to do so safely.  As a result, they are often left feeling isolated and hopeless.

Dr. Casey:  

Eventually they get to a point where they want to seek help.  A lot of sufferers will go out and seek a doctors help.  They want to figure out what’s going on with their body.  They want answers.

Some people have gone to doctor after doctor, after doctor and are left frustrated.  Often times, even though they are experiencing all of these symptoms, the doctor reports there’s nothing wrong or that they have Fibromyalgia.

Dr. Morgan: 

What is frustrating for most people about the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is people always wonder what caused it?

Dr. Casey:

Exactly, and quite frequently doctor’s say there’s no cause.  Or even worse, there’s no cure.

So you get this diagnosis but it’s of very little help.  There are so many questions but the diagnosis offers little to no answers.

Dr. Morgan: 

If anything it offers a feeling of being shackled to a diagnosis and feeling more helpless than you did when you went in to see the doctor.

Dr. Casey:

Typically if you go the medical route, there are approved medications that are prescribed to fibromyalgia sufferers such as;

There are people that do experience some benefit from these medications.  However on the whole, the fibromyalgia community are unhappy with this being the only solution.

First off, medications can be dangerous. Secondly, in most cases, they are not effective.

I know that people are looking outside of the medical world and they’re looking for a solution to the actual underlying problem.

Dr. Morgan:

When someone is diagnosed with mild to severe fibromyalgia they often feel helpless.  They maybe have a medication that might be giving them some relief or no results.  This can be frustrating.  However, even more frustrating is telling their family;

“I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia”

And hearing crickets.  Having nobody understand you.  Even worse, having people think it’s all in their head.

Dr. Casey: 

Here’s the problem.  You can be diagnosed with fibromyalgia but you look good or you look “normal”.  Just look like everybody else.  Thus, people can’t really identify with the fact that you’re suffering with all these different symptoms.  In many cases your own friends and family don’t believe you and say it’s all in your head.

Dr. Morgan:

Imagine this; You have a condition you’ve been diagnosed with.  You don’t know what the underlying cause is.  Don’t have a straightforward cure or solution for it.

You are given a medication that gives you little to no results along with potential side effects.  Your family doesn’t understand and you’re feeling alone and helpless.   At this point you’re desperately looking for answers.

If you go to the bookstore there might be a handful of books on fibromyalgia.  When searching online, you don’t know which information you can trust and what resources you should use.

This is why we have created an online community for people affected by fibromyalgia.

Hey Dr. Casey, I guess at this point we should let them know who we are!

Dr. Casey: 

I’m Dr. Casey, I’m a doctor of Natural Health.  This is my sister, Dr. Morgan. We’ve been practicing together over the last 10 years so we have years of experience dealing with patients with mild to severe fibromyalgia.

The reason why we are starting this community and filming videos is because fibromyalgia is one of the most frustrating, misdiagnosed and misunderstood conditions people are dealing with today.

People are searching for answers.  A lot of our patients are asking us to help people they know located around the globe because they have had great results in our office.  As a result, we have created a community where people can join in and be with other people who are in a similar situation.  At the same time provide a resource for people to get help from us and other doctors we work with all over the world.

Dr. Morgan:  

So that is one of the reasons why we created the Family Health Advocacy community.

Dr. Casey: 

Family Health Advocacy is a natural health website and social community with loads of original content from contributing healthcare practitioners around the world.  Our goal is to help you and your family get healthy.  However, today specifically we’re here to talk about Fibromyalgia.

Dr. Morgan: 

I think what really draws us to fibromyalgia is that in practice we’ve helped so many people affected by it.  We have handed them Kleenex while they open up and tell us about their lives.  We’ve had people very close to us experience chronic pain and fibromyalgia.  Sadly, we’ve also witnessed lives be destroyed.

On the other end of things, through our care, resources and tools that we’ve been able to provide, we’ve seen many lives be restored.  That is what absolutely fulfills us.  This is why we are so excited to provide resources worldwide and not just to our local community.

Dr. Casey:

And, it’s important that we start helping people worldwide because this is a condition that crosses all borders!

Dr. Morgan:

The statistics around fibromyalgia are jaw-dropping.  2 out of every 100 people here in North America experience fibromyalgia and chronic pain.  That’s 6% of people worldwide.

Dr. Casey: 

Which equates to 450 million people suffering with fibromyalgia world wide.  It is a fact that women tend to suffer the most.  At least 70 % of fibromyalgia sufferers are women.  And what’s crazy is that because everything is online now, we know that over a million people are Googling fibromyalgia online every single day.

Click here to read, “Fibromyalgia Symptoms Affect Mostly Women”.

Clearly there’s a lot of searching for answers and this is what we plan to provide for everyone.

Dr. Morgan: 

It’s confusing because fibromyalgia is also coined the “copycat” diagnosis. One statistic I’ve came across reported that two-thirds of mild to severe fibromyalgia diagnoses are actually misdiagnosed.

It could be misdiagnosed with other conditions like;

So we’re here to help clear up some of the common misunderstandings.  Help people find the help that they need.

We have the experience to help point people in the right direction and provide the right tools.  We have started putting out Facebook live videos discussing different aspects of the condition.

Suffering From Fibromyalgia? You Have To Acknowledge This One Thing

Dr. Casey: 

The goal being to provide information that you can sink your teeth into right now.  To start making some changes to improve your health.  We will continue to offer you helpful information and guidance moving forward.

Dr. Morgan: 

We encourage you to engage with us.  Click like!  Click share!  Feel free to ask us questions or give us feedback as we’re here to support you.  We are here as a community we want to help each other and that’s our real promise to you.  So stay tuned and keep checking in.

Click to read, “The Dos and Donts of the Fibromyalgia Diet” for the best supplements for fibromyalgia.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be an incredibly frustrating condition and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment can be even more frustrating if looking for a natural solution.  The syndrome frequently disrupts a person’s ability to;

  • Get quality sleep
  • Perform at their job
  • Do simple daily activities that at one time many took for granted

Frequently, this condition is characterized by pain in the wrist area.  However, symptoms can include pins and needles or numbness and tingling.  This sensation usually occurs in the hands and fingers, or in the arms up to the elbow.  When the condition gets really bad, some people even have difficulty grabbing objects such as holding a glass of water.

The Source Of Carpal Tunnel

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel can be caused by potential nerve entrapment sites.  This includes the wrist and elbow and need to be examined by a qualified healthcare practitioner.

The most commonly overlooked source of Carpal Tunnel symptoms come from nerve roots in the neck.  In fact, a study in in the Journal Lancet showed that up to 75% of carpal tunnel patients had a nerve problem in their neck.  As, such, it’s for this reason I strongly suggest that anyone displaying these symptoms should have their spine and nervous system assessed by a chiropractor.

I have helped countless patients who were diagnosed with, or demonstrating symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Those who sought help are now living pain free.  Unfortunately, too many people are quickly told by their medical doctor that they need medication or even surgery.  With many Carpal Tunnel Syndrome cases reportedly being mis-diagnosed,  in most cases these procedures offer little help.  Furthermore, they have the potential to make matters worse!

foods high in b6

What Does Food Have To Do With It?

There is a strong possibility that there is a nutritional component to a patients Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This potential evidence should not be ignored.  In fact, the symptoms could be due to nutritional deficiencies or heavy metal toxicity.

For example, a number of studies have linked people deficient in vitamin B6, to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  So if you are deficient, this is something that definitely needs to be addressed.

To reverse this condition, patients normally take 1-3 Vitamin B6 200 mg 1-3 times day, for a couple months.  Also, consider getting tested for zinc deficiency, as this can prevent the conversion of B6 into its active form.

Click here for tips to avoid surgery and medication. 

If all of this fails, its time to consider having your levels tested for heavy metal toxins.  This can be resolved with a heavy metal detox program.  A naturopath or certified practitioner of functional medicine can help you with this.

A "Not So" Known Cause Of Wrist Pain

Get To The Root Of It!

First off, the important thing is that you get to the root of the problem.  Find the cause in order to avoid further suffering.  If you do, you should be able to get your life back in a matter of weeks.  Once again enjoying all that life has to offer.

Second, whatever you do, DO NOT neglect the problem.  Too often I have seen people wait 4-6 weeks (or more) hoping the symptoms will just go away on their own.  Only, instead of them going away the problem has now turned into a chronic one.  So, take action now!

Click here for information on a natural muscle pain relief product FHA approved!   

These steps should provide a clear action plan in the case that you are experiencing any of these symptoms.  I hope this is helpful to anyone suffering with symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Also to anyone that knows someone who is suffering from it.

You’re one step closer!