Fibromyalgia Symptoms Affect Mostly Women

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fibromyalgia symptoms women

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Women – Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome known by symptoms of musculoskeletal pain in specific anatomical sites. However the identifiable physical or physiological causes are unknown.  In addition, this diagnosis is considerably more common in women than men.

Why Does Fibromyalgia Affect Women More Than Men?

Think You Might Have Fibromyalgia?  Take Our Fibromyalgia Test

The Fibro Pain

The pain is also described as;

  • Sharp or achy
  • Spread out
  • Severe
  • Pounding
  • Stabbing

Some will have fairly consistent symptoms while others may experience periods of remission and then flare ups. When it’s at its worst they can be accompanied by heart palpitations.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Women

Fibromyalgia symptoms in both woman and men can overlap into psychosomatic disorders  starting first from;

  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Seep disturbances

Which can turn into depression and anxiety.  Are we saying that Fibromyalgia is a mental problem?  No but it can lead to one.

It has more commonly been categorized as a central nervous system disorder.  One that can be chronic. However, research suggests a strong correlation between Fibromyalgia and mental health.

Fibromyalgia affects approximately 4% to 6% of the population.  Affecting 1 million people in Canada alone.  Interestingly enough, 70% to 90% of the diagnosed cases are women.

That doesn’t mean that men can’t be affected obviously.  However, it is clearly a condition affecting more woman.

Click to read, “The Dos and Donts of the Fibromyalgia Diet” to find the  best diet for fibromyalgia. 

No Fibromyalgia Lab Tests

Unfortunately there are no lab tests to diagnose fibromyalgia.  Determining the syndrome is by confirming a list of symptoms (see above).  Mainly the symptoms of pain and fatigue, assessed by a qualified doctor.

Why this is so important is because other conditions need to be ruled out.   Sadly, this condition can be used as a label to acknowledge a problem without any other known cause.

A fibromyalgia diagnosis can be considered if no other known cause is determined.  Presence of tender points in 18 possible sites on the body must also be present.  These points produce pain when pressure is applied.  A person must have 11 or more of these tender points among other symptoms if a diagnostic conclusion will be made.

Think You Might Have Fibromyalgia?  Take Our Full Fibromyalgia Test


Amanda MacMillan / Health. (Sep. 2017). Lady Gaga Has Postponed Her Tour Because of Her Fibromyalgia. Here’s What to Know About the Painful Disorder.
Retrieved from

(Jul. 2018). Fibromyalgia. Britannica
Retrieved from

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