The Healing Power Of Mantra Meditation

mantra meditation

A Mantra is a Sanskrit word for “sound tool”.  Along with only a few other ancient languages, Sanskrit evolved as a complex system of onomatopoeia – where the sounds evoke movements of energy.  The sounds themselves create actual interactions or events, while resonating in different parts of the body and mind, like ‘Mantra Meditation’.

OM (AUM), SO HUM and SA TA NA MA are well studied mantras used for healing bodily tissues, lowering blood pressure, reducing bad habits and staving off Alzheimer’s.  In fact the Alzheimer Society uses Kirtan Kriya (SA TA NA MA) as an effective Kundalini Yoga meditation for brain and memory vitality.

Words like screeeeech, craaaaash and purrrrr are examples of English words that resonate both sound of meaning.  Cats will even vibrate their “purr” at certain frequencies to heal themselves from ailments.  Many animals (just like us humans) can be highly sensitive and greatly affected by the influx of sensory stimuli all around us.

Those wi-fi waves can mess with our natural and relaxed states.  They are invisible and subtle but very, very powerful!  Laying a foundation for the conscious construct of good vibes is where all the magic in relationships and family dynamics begin.

Mantra Meditation

Mantras are information, and in the Sanskrit language, it’s like an information sequencing system that mimics the process of nature’s repeating patterns.  As the Sanskrit scholar, Dr. Douglas Brooks has said, “Sanskrit tells us what Nature shows us.  The way Nature goes about doing its thing, Sanskrit goes about its language.”  Much like the way that music “moves” us and can bring us into different feeling and being states, Mantra uses sound to evoke movement of physical and emotional energy.  Stimulating the nervous system which then informs our experiences.  Click here to read, “Nervous System – What Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Want You To Know” for more information about your nervous system.

What Does All This MEAN?

It means that Mantras can positively or negatively “charge” and affect our feelings, emotions, and thought patterns, as well as the people and environments that surround us.  There are Mantras for anger, stress, grief, fighting, love, healing, addiction, insomnia, anxiety, asthma, joy…the list goes on and on!  Attune sound currents like a finely crafted symphony of sound and energy!

By repeating UPLIFTING & HEALING sound currents or “Mantras”, over and again, you’re intentionally attuning your mood and energy into a desired state with a specific sound current.  It’s like tuning an instrument to refine and manipulate its sound.  We can REDIRECT all our energy beyond the anger, fear and frustration (this is an act of self-love).  We know that our children absorb and pick up on the subtleties and nuances of our tones and expressions.  Even if it’s subconscious, it’s vibe passes through the nervous system.

We can feel wildly emotional when triggered and it feels good to release the ROAR!  In fact it feels “so good” and “so necessary” in the moment that we can hardly feel it flowing out the floodgates!  In the aftermath of heavy energy and hurt feelings, the guilt ensues.  That is unless we chime a new Mantra that is intentional and fueled by love.  In between the frustration and the ROAR is a beautiful, neutral, silent space.  If we can tap into that very small windowed space in time, we can change our reactive, ha-BITCH-ual rants, into Mantras that serve to transform, the current feel and mood and allow us to better RESPOND, Not REACT.  This will reverberate a ripple effect of positive vibes through the home, and the hearts & souls of your loves.

How To Use Mantra Meditation

A good place to start is by first recognizing your OWN Mantras.  Ask your kids and they’ll tell you straight up.  Just don’t take it personal because it’s not!  You can get the kids to talk about theirs too.  Once you catch on to your daily drone, you will have cultivated an awareness to continuously recognize it and switch on the GOOD VIBES.  You will notice your kids really digging your new energy and try to match it.  This is a fun way to watch an energy exchange in action.

Mimic exactly the vibe you want back from them and see what you get.  If you like the power packed punch of “swear” words, try shouting SAT NAM instead!  This means “true self” and it’s pronounced like, “but mom” (go figure) and will have you tapping into deeper states of joy, love, and gratitude in no time.  You can also use any words or sounds that FEEL uplifting and happy.  Come up with clever CODES to establish personal boundaries and other family agreements.

You can also use mantra or music in the background for hours on repeat.  Infuse your home with classical music, nature sounds, or other good vibe beats, that uplift your soul and give calm to your space.  FEEL out the new vibrations, give it some time and then see what you notice.  The ripple effect is real.  When WE do the work to EMPOWER ourselves, we EMPOWER our children.  What we put out is what we’ll attract.  Click here to learn How to Create Your Own Personal Mantra.

Got that Mantra ready?  Now get out there and start flexing your victorious vibes!
Sat Nam xo

Visit Melanie’s Instagram for related stories on Mantras, Mamas & Mindful Living
IG – urbanrootsyoga
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Conscious Lifestyle Design

About The Author:

Melanie Woolsey is an established Yoga Therapist, KundaliniYogini, and Ayurveda Practitioner with over 10 years of experience journeying through study, self discovery, healing and teaching. She is also a mama to one little guru who has been her greatest teacher yet.

Chocolate Brioche Bread Recipe

brioche bread recipe

Impress your friends with these decadent chocolate brioche beauties.  It’s the perfect pairing for Sunday Brunch or really any get together!  All you need is 40 minutes to make this brioche bread recipe and that includes baking time.

Ingredients For Brioche Bread Recipe:

  • 175g whole wheat flour
  • 2 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp baking soda
  • 200g vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 3 Tbsp dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit/160 degrees celcius
  2. In a medium bowl, mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon creating a sticky dough
  3. Shape the dough into a ball
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the dough on top
  5. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown
  6. Enjoy your delicious chocolate brioche bread!!

Looking for more easy to make recipes?  Click here for my Homemade Chocolate Cluster recipe.  Also, click here to discover 7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate!

Don’t Kill The Dandelions!

health benefits of dandelion

Dandelions often get a bad rap.  Yes, they are an invasive species that tend to spread quite quickly, but they are also a really useful plant.  This is because there are many health benefits of Dandelion!  Here’s the low-down on dandelions and why I think they are one of the most underrated little weeds.

A Bit Of History…

Did you know that dandelions are actually thought to have been brought to America by early European settlers in the 17th century?  Yes.  That’s right.  The early Europeans leaving their countries thought dandelions were so important that they brought the seeds with them to their new home and planted them here.

Why would they do that?  Was it just for the pretty yellow colour?  Probably not. Dandelions were actually an important source of food and medicine.  And, since they grew so easily, the early settlers knew they’d be helpful to start them off in their new life.

Health Benefits Of Dandelion

Well first off, aside from maybe the stem, every part of the dandelion is edible and we now know that they do indeed have nutritional and medicinal properties.  They have been shown to help with inflammation, digestion, cancer, the flu and diabetes, just to name a few.  Dandelions are part of the Asteraceae plant family and mature dandelions consist of a strong taproot, serrated green leaves, a stem, and a bright yellow flower.

Nutritional & Medicinal Properties Of Dandelions


The strong taproot of the dandelion is what can drive gardeners crazy since it makes it hard to uproot this tenacious little plant.  The best time to harvest the root is in the spring or fall when the soil is moist.  Once you do get a hold of the root, it is very much worth the effort.  The bitter root is a great source of inulin helping to support the digestive tract and liver in natural detoxification and fat metabolism.

One of the easiest ways to prepare the root (and extract that inulin from it) is as a tea.  But, it can also be prepared as a tincture (alcohol extract) or decoction (boiled).  The chopped up root can also serve as a great coffee substitute.

Fun fact: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is the season of the liver.  How convenient that an herb that supports the liver grows so abundantly during this time!


The leaves are high in nutrients like vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.  They also taste great in salads and help promote healthy digestion.  If you’re planning on using the leaves for a salad, they are best harvested in the early spring, before the plant begins to flower.

Once the plants start flowering, the leaves become more bitter.  This is when they are typically used in teas or tinctures, as their diuretic properties make them great for kidney support.  These diuretic properties are what can make dandelions useful in treating things like urinary tract infections (UTI’s) or kidney stones.

The Flower

The flower is highest in antioxidants known as polyphenols.  This can be helpful in the treatment and prevention of inflammation and cancer.  The flowers can also be consumed in so many fun ways.  My favourite way to eat the flower is in cookie form.  Click here for my recipe!

Want more information about the health benefits and additional recipes? Click here to read, “Don’t Pull Out That Weed! All About The Cancer Fighting Medicine That’s Growing in Your Yard”.

Be Safe!

Dandelions are not likely to cause harm when eaten as a food (unless you have allergies!) However, as we start getting into teas and tinctures, their medicinal properties become more potent.  In this way they do have the potential to interact with other medications and would not be safe to consume while pregnant or breast-feeding.  Always make sure you’re consulting your naturopathic doctor or herbalist before trying any herbal medicine.  Click here to find a doctor near you.

The health benefits of Dandelion are one of many different plants that can help with healing.  Do you have a health concern and are wondering if herbs and naturopathic medicine can help?  Get in touch.  I’d love to chat.


1. “Taraxacum Officinale Complex .” Invasive Species Compendium, CAB International, 2019,
2. Jackson, Bernard S. “Dandelion.” The Canadian Encyclopedia, 4 Mar. 2015,
3. “Dandelion.” Natural Medicines, Therapeutic Research Centre, 19 Apr. 2019,,-herbs-supplements/

What Your Food Cravings Are Trying To Tell you!

food cravings

Food cravings can occur for a variety of reasons including emotional ones.  Perhaps you are dissatisfied with a relationship, stressed, bored, or lonely?  Maybe your unhappy with your job and you have uncomfortable emotions/situations?  Regardless of what your emotional trigger is, you find yourself looking for solution.  Instant gratification, and for many, they seek balance through food.

It can provide you with a temporary form of relief.  A kind of escape when you are under pressure.  However, many of us feel even worse and guilty after eating.  This is why using food as a way to fulfill areas of our lives that are unsatisfied is not a solution.  The result is often the same and the effect temporary.  The emotions return and it leads to an unhealthy cycle.

Food Cravings & Triggers

It is important to identify your emotional eating triggers.  What situations, places or feelings make you reach for the comfort of food?  Is it Emotions (Anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, shame…)?  Boredom or feelings of emptiness?  Perhaps social influences, stress or fatigue?  Really take the time to understand what may be triggering your cravings.  For further information, click here to discover Top Tips To Manage Your Emotions.

Healthy Plates

Well-balanced meals with fiber, protein and healthy fats are more likely to keep you satisfied.  Protein requires more work for the body to digest and fibers keep your blood sugar levels in check.  Hence why those macronutrients will make you feel full longer.  Click here to read everything you need to know about macronutrients.


If you are eating less than usual or if you are on a diet and cutting out on an entire food group, you may have more frequent feelings of hunger.  According to research from the University of Toronto, restrained eaters are more likely to experience cravings and to overeat the “forbidden” food when given the chance.  Due to this reason, it is important to not deprive yourself and enjoy your favorite foods in controlled portions.  Click here to learn How To Find The Best Diet For You.

Stay Hydrated

Mild dehydration can affect your metabolism, the rate at which you burn calories and compromise your health.  Drinking water increase the body’s ability to digest food and convert it into energy.  Furthermore, staying hydrated helps to reduce cravings and may help regulate the amount eaten.


Eating while you are also doing other things (watching TV, playing with your phone etc.) does not allow you to enjoy your food.  Your mind is not focus on what you are doing/eating.  Therefore you will not feel satisfied and will continue eating even when you are no longer hungry.

Eating more mindfully can help you to focus on your food and the pleasure of the meal.  Try these simple strategies;

  • Take time to sit down at the table
  • Eat your meals with no distractions
  • Allow yourself at least 20 minutes per meal
  • Take small bites and chew them well
  • Put your utensils down between bites


Stress can play a large role in hunger cravings and it can cause some people to crave foods that are sugary or more calorie-dense.  Breathing exercises, walking, meditation and yoga can help the body to refocus and calm the mind.  Click here for 5 Natural Solutions For Coping With Stress!


Menstruation, pregnancy or menopause makes testosterone and estrogen levels fluctuate. Therefore it may cause unique cravings.  Allow yourself to feel uncomfortable emotions. Allow yourself to have all kinds of feelings.  Cravings are not the core problem.

If you have negative emotions you can take steps to control cravings such as keeping a food diary.  Also, try to distract yourself, take a walk, snack healthy, DO NOT DEPRIVE YOURSELF and most important of all; Get support.

If self-help does not help you to control emotional eating or your cravings, consider talking with a health professional.  Click here for information on Unraveling Emotional Cravings.

5 Natural Solutions For Coping With Stress!

Stress is often the result of daily life experiences and can negatively impact women’s bodies, minds and emotions.  But, what exactly is Stress Syndrome?  Stress Syndrome is often the result of chronic stress due to the effects of modern-day life or poor work-life balance.  As such, it causes the body and the mind to begin demanding rest.  Coping with stress can be a challenge but is doable.

Life is filled with positive and negative challenges.  Your mindset, past conditioning and beliefs can determine how you perceive these experiences.  Click here to read, “How Our Perceptions Affect Our Pain”.  In addition to what level of stress they may cause.  However, all stress is not bad stress.  Click here to read “Effects Of Stress – Stress Can Be Good For You?!”  

How Do Stressors Activate the Stress Response?

When stressors like long work hours, family responsibilities or toxic relationships compound, the stress response is activated.  The amygdala in the brain sends a distress signal causing the hypothalamus to send signals.  This is done through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands, which in turn, activates the sympathetic nervous system.  Click here to view “Four Types of Stress You Have to Know About and How to Avoid Them”.

The adrenal glands respond by pumping the hormone epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into the bloodstream.  Several physiological changes occur as epinephrine circulates throughout the body.

Be Aware Of The Symptoms

Most people are unaware of these ongoing, subtle changes.  They can become physically and psychologically drained over time by a chronic stress response.  As a result, your body will begin to exhibit general, biochemical, emotional, cognitive or behavioral symptoms.

Examples of these include:
  • exhaustion
  • insomnia
  • irritability or anger
  • headaches
  • panic disorder
  • hypertension
  • pain
  • sadness
  • anxiety
  • nervousness
  • decreased memory
  • poor judgement
  • poor appetite
  • inability to focus
  • frequent colds or infections
  • weight gain or loss

Stress Syndrome is not just the result of a stress response, but it more frequently is a result of adrenal fatigue.

Is Adrenal Fatigue The Underlying Cause?

Over time the adrenal glands, which sit on top of your kidneys, become depleted due to stress.  They are responsible for releasing hormones to regulate energy function, your immune system and muscle.  However, adrenal fatigue occurs when these glands are so exhausted they cannot respond to high stress levels.

The hormone production of DHEA and testosterone decreases.  Therefore, resources needed to produce these sex hormones are diverted to production of stress hormones like cortisol.  After months or years of chronic stress, these hormones become so low that the adrenals become severely depleted.

Women most often experience extreme difficulty waking up in the morning.  Also, high levels of exhaustion throughout the day.  Dark circles under the eyes, dizziness when standing and a weak immune system.  Also, uncontrollable cravings for salty foods.  Click here to read “Adrenal Fatigue? 7 Tips to Fight Back Naturally”.

Natural Techniques & Remedies For Coping With Stress

1.  Be Physically Active

Exercise is known to increase release of the ‘happy’ brain neurotransmitters called endorphins.  Regular physical activity also increases self-confidence, relaxation and can help reduce anxiety.  If you haven’t exercised for some time or are just beginning a new exercise routine, consult your doctor if you have health concerns.

2.  Healthy Eating Makes A Difference

Make sure to eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables, fermented foods, berries, nuts and seeds.  Sugary, starchy and processed foods can increase stress.  A great tip to bring the thyroid and adrenals back into harmony is to include non-soy collagen protein blended with a handful of berries and a pinch of salt.  This combination will calm the nervous systems and stabilize blood sugar.

3.  Calming Music Calms Your Mind

Studies have shown that listening to music modulate anxiety levels due to the experience of stress.  As such, music has also been shown to beneficially affect stress-related processes of the mind and emotions.

4.  Biofeedback Brings Back Balance

Biofeedback is a method to measure the body’s physiological responses in real time, using computers or machines.  The tools and process of biofeedback help to eliminate problematic symptoms and return the body and mind back to homeostasis.  It does this by regulating a person’s stress response and increasing relaxation.  Often deep breathing, visualization and meditation techniques are utilized.  Click here to read how to “Put A Little Namaste In Your Life.”

5.  Take Your Supplements

A daily dosage of B-complex is beneficial.  These vitamins, including thiamin, niacin, biotin and folic acid.  Each play a key role in brain and nervous system function.  B5 and B6 are food sources for the adrenals and B12 supports energy production.  Also, add to your diet a liquid trace mineral.  Up to 10 drops per day and a probiotic help to improve mood and protect the gut.

Healthy and stress-free living IS possible.  The first step to coping with stress is to take a holistic approach to eliminating stressors.  Diligently committing to incorporating techniques and lifestyle changes that will boost your adrenals, relax your body and calm your nervous system. Fight stress syndrome naturally and reclaim your life.  For further information click here to read “9 Steps To Heal Adrenal Fatigue Naturally”.

Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms & Natural Solutions

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a condition that affects as much as 10% of adults (1).  In fact,  most are unaware that they even have the condition.  RLS is also referred to as Willis-Ekbom disease.  A nervous system condition that causes an irresistible urge to move your legs.  Typically, RLS symptoms are characterized as an unpleasant feeling inside the legs.  Some even described it as a crawling and creeping sensation on the feet and thighs.

While Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms can be felt throughout the day, most people commonly suffer these symptoms at night.  Especially after going to bed.  Because of this, it can cause difficulty sleeping at night and is now being considered as a sleep disorder.  The condition affects 2% of children (2).  However, research shows that the majority of those with RLS are adults.

Restless Leg Syndrome can have various causes.  For example, underlying medical conditions, iron deficiency, excessive smoking and alcohol.  Also, stress and lack of exercise are among the many factors linked to RLS.

Restless Leg Syndrome Symptoms

Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms can vary from one person to the next depending on the severity of the condition.  As a result, symptoms may include:

An Overwhelming Urge To Move The Legs:   A major symptom of Restless Leg Syndrome is an overwhelming feeling to move your legs.  This commonly occurs when resting or in a sleeping position.  The urge to move your legs is so strong that it causes you to move your legs uncontrollably.  As such, your legs will continue to move until the urge is gone which can last for many minutes.

Sensations After Rest:  These sensations tend to happen when you have been resting for some time.  In most cases after lying down to sleep.  Patients who suffer from RLS describe the sensations as creeping, crawling, aching, itching and tingling.  However there are some who describe sensations like an “electric shock”.

Leg Twitching At Night:  RLS is also associated with leg twitching at night.  However, this is not something that is due to a sudden urge or a conscious decision and can occur several times a night.

Insomnia:  People with RLS can suffer from sleep disturbances and therefore may get hardly any sleep at all.  This is primarily due to the urge to move your legs while sleeping.  Not to mention the accompanying sensations and twitching.  Depression and anxiety are also common side effects of lack of sleep and can lead to other serious medical conditions.

Painful Leg Cramps:  Painful leg cramps that are usually experienced on the calf muscles.  Similarly with the majority of RLS symptoms, muscle cramps mostly happen at night or when in a resting position for long periods of time.

RLS Treatment

In short, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should visit your healthcare practitioner.  Tests and a through medical history can help uncover the underlying problem.  Various treatment methods are available and vary according to the cause and extent of the condition.  Natural remedies that may help relieve symptoms of RLS include:

1. Adopt Healthy Habits

Caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol can trigger any symptoms of RLS.  Thus, avoiding them can provide relief.  Additionally, fatigue is also known to aggravate RLS.  Therefore, you need to keep a healthy regimen.  You can achieve this by maintaining a regular bedtime and wake up time.  Also, regular exercise can help provide relief for RLS patients.  However, it is worth noting that working out within a few hours of going to bed may get in your way of a good night sleep!  Overall, lifestyle changes can have a profound positive affect on your health.  Thus,  alleviating your RLS symptoms and improving your quality of life!

2. Cold And Hot Therapy

Applying a cold or warm compress to the affected area may soothe your nerves.  Also, gently massaging your muscles while taking a warm bath can achieve this effect.

3. Relaxation Methods

Managing your stress levels can ward off the symptoms of RLS.  Therefore including practices like meditation and deep breathing in your everyday routine will help you turn that negative stress into positive energy!  For more information on this, click here to read the Benefits Of Meditation – Does It Really Improve Your Health?

4. Vitamins

Maintaining sufficient levels of magnesium and calcium in your body can improve both muscle and nerve function.  Click here to watch “This One Test Could Save Your Life!” Proper nutrition and taking daily multivitamins can achieve this and help alleviate RLS symptoms.  Low iron levels can also result in RLS.  Therefore it is important to get supplements rich in iron to relieve the symptoms.  Iron is needed by your body’s organs to function properly.  Therefore, get proper testing by your healthcare practitioner to determine your iron levels.  For further reading click here for “Calcium without Vitamin K2 is a Heart Breaker” and click here to view “Sleeping problems? This one mineral could be the answer.”

5. Quit Smoking

Smoking is associated with Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment.  So, for extra support , click here for The 23 Best Ways to Quit Smoking.

6. Exercise

This doesn’t have to be complicated!  Simple exercises such as walking, climbing the stairs, swimming and gentle lifting can all help combat the condition of RLS.  Also, you can even find ways to exercise while at work. Click here to expose 10 Desk Exercises You Should Be Doing Every Day.

7. Avoid Taking Medications For Prolonged Periods Of Time

Medications are chemicals and can increase inflammation in your body.  Exacerbating your symptoms.  Potential side effects of certain medications include symptoms of RLS.  Therefore, discuss with your physician to see if this relates to you.  Also, click here to read The Great Drug Hoax: How Taking Pills May Actually Be Making You Worse.

Conventional Medicine Approach may include:

  • Opioids
  • Dopamine agonists
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Dopaminergic agents
  • Painkillers

While these forms of treatment may improve symptoms and sleep, many are not without their serious potential side effects.  Therefore it’s important to take that into consideration when discussing a solution with your physician.  Click here to reveal information on the Nervous System – What Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Want You To Know!

Today, there are various holistic healthcare providers that may help resolve your RLS including:

Also, there are other natural remedies (including relaxation techniques) such as;

• Yoga (5)
• Deep breathing
• Stretching (6)
• Meditation

You can find a practitioner near you by searching our online directory.


1. Montplasir J, Allen RP, Walters A, Ferini-Strambi L, “Restless Legs Syndrome and Period Limb Movements During Sleep,” in Kryger M, Roth T, Dement W (ed.), Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (5th Edition), St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2011, pages 1026 – 1037.

2. Daniel Picchietti, Richard P. Allen, Arthur S. Walters, Julie E. Davidson, Andrew Myers, Luigi Ferini-Strambi, Pediatrics August 2007, VOLUME 120 / ISSUE 2 Article
Restless Legs Syndrome: Prevalence and Impact in Children and Adolescents—The Peds REST Study

3. Stupar M. Restless legs syndrome in a primary contact setting: A case report. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2008;52(2):81-87.

4. Meg Russell Corrigendum to “Massage therapy and restless legs syndrome” [J Bodywork Movement Ther 11 (2007) 146–150]
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 15, Issue 2, April 2011, Pages 253

5. Kim E. Innes, MSPH, PhD, 1,2 Terry Kit Selfe, DC, PhD,1,2 Parul Agarwal, MPH,3 Kimberly Williams, PhD,1 and Kathryn L. Flack, MPH1, J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Jun; 19(6): 527–535.
doi: 10.1089/acm.2012.0330Efficacy of an Eight-Week Yoga Intervention on Symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): A Pilot Study

6. Mansooreh Aliasgharpour,1 Zahra Abbasi,2,* Shadan Pedram Razi,1 and Anoshiravan Kazemnezhad3 Asian J Sports Med. 2016 Jun; 7(2): e31001.
Published online 2016 Jun 11. doi: 10.5812/asjsm.31001
The Effect of Stretching Exercises on Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients on Hemodialysis

Trying To Conceive? Follow These Important Steps!

Trying to conceive?  Planning to start a family can be a lot of fun until months go by with no baby.  Sex can become more like a burdensome chore.  Relationships can become strained.  You may even feel betrayed by your own body.  However, consider this before you turn to fertility medicine which can be really hard on your body and quite expensive.

How To Conceive Naturally

There are some natural things you can try to get your body in the best shape possible to support a baby.  And, if you do end up needing fertility medicine, you will have a better chance of success.

This will be the first article in a series on how to conceive naturally.  We will cover:

• Getting the right tests
• Eating the right foods
• Supplements to consider
• Eliminating toxins
• Managing stress
• Healthy sperm
• Managing health challenges like obesity, endometriosis, PCOS, and fibroids

Get The Right Tests

When it takes a while to get pregnant, there are a few things to consider.  It could be that your thyroid is not working right, your hormones are out of whack, or you have a nutritional deficiency.  Testing can help you determine what next steps to take.


• Your cholesterol should be over 150 mg/dl or 3.879 mmol/l.  Cholesterol is the building block on progesterone, the baby making hormone.  You need adequate cholesterol to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy.  Click here to learn The Myths About Cholesterol.

Full Thyroid Panel

• Get a full thyroid panel (not just a TSH) with antibodies.  You want to ensure you don’t have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune thyroid condition that often gets diagnosed as depression or anxiety.  A full panel will help to determine what kind, if any, thyroid issue you might have.  Thyroid hormones are essential for a healthy pregnancy so you want to make sure you are taking proper care of the thyroid gland.  A TSH by itself is not very useful as TSH can be normal in many thyroid conditions.

Iodine Loading Test

• See if you are deficient in iodine.  This is a common problem with endometriosis, fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).  Iodine deficiency is very common because we don’t consume adequate amounts unless we are eating sea vegetables and seafood.  This is a urine test, not a blood test.  You want a score of 90% or better.  Click here to read how This One Urine Test Could Save Your Life!

Check Estrogen, Progesterone & Testosterone

• A very common hormone issue is estrogen dominance.  You may actually have normal values for both estrogen and progesterone, but they may not be balanced well.  This can hinder fertility.  Excess testosterone can also interfere with conception and is common in PCOS.  Click here to read my article on how Get Your Body Ready For A Baby.

These tests will give you a good picture of what could be preventing a pregnancy.  Once you know what is going on, you can take the right steps to solve the problem and enhance your chances of getting pregnant.

For more information, Click here download my free Baby-Ready Body guide or click here to visit my website .

Homemade Chocolate Clusters

These healthy homemade Chocolate clusters are the perfect tasty treat for any chocolate lover.  Plus they’re packed with protein!  They can last 1 week in the fridge but lasted 2 days at home because of my son and husband.  Here is the recipe ⤵️


– 1 can of chickpeas
– 1 bag (225g) dark chocolate chips 71% (I used @caminoamigos)

Want to learn why using dark chocolate is the way to go?  Click here to read 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate!


1️⃣  Preheat oven to 365 F
2️⃣  Line a baking tray with parchment paper
3️⃣  Add chickpeas to tray
4️⃣  Roast in oven for 50-60 minutes or until crunchy
5️⃣  Stir twice to make sure undersides are also toasted.
6️⃣  In a large bowl, combine roasted chickpeas and dark chocolate chips and stir using the residual heat to melt.
7️⃣  Spoon the chocolate chickpeas candy onto grease proof paper using a dessert or tablespoon and chill in refrigerator for one hour.
8️⃣  Enjoy your very own homemade chocolate clusters without any guilt!

Looking for more easy at home recipes to satisfy the chocolate lover in your life?  Click here for my recipe for Healthy Chocolate Truffles.  You can Surprise your guests by making these healthy chocolate truffles using my secret ingredient, avocado!  Your guests will never know that these are a healthy alternative to the traditional truffle, only that they taste great.

The Important Role Fruit Stickers Play On Our Health!

Have you ever noticed those little stickers on fruit and vegetables you’ve purchased from the grocery store?  Maybe you did, but didn’t realize what purpose they served.  Chances are you were more preoccupied with the shape, colour and price of the produce, so you may not have given those tiny numbered stickers (PLU codes) a 2nd thought.  Further more, you may not have understood what the miniature numbers printed on them signified.  However, knowing what they mean could have a big impact on your overall health and that of your family!

PLU Codes – How To Decode Your Produce

I always found those stickers to be an annoying thing I would struggle to peel off my apple before I could sink my teeth into it!  However, these stickers and numbers known as “price look-up or PLU codes” contain a ton of information.

For almost 20 years, grocery stores and supermarkets have used PLU code stickers on their produce.  They tell YOU, the consumer, how the produce has been grown and treated before even arriving at the supermarket.  Cashiers use them to properly ‘ring you up’ at the checkout more quickly and efficiently.  This prevents them from mistaking your rare Black Oxford apple with a regular McIntosh.  They also tell the cashier what to charge you because they identify the fruit or vegetable as being either organically or conventionally grown (organic produce costing more).

The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) is composed of national produce associations from around the globe.  This organization is responsible for labeling produce and assigning PLU codes.  Their codes consist of 4- or 5-digit numbers found on stickers attached to your fresh produce.

As a health conscious shopper, these codes are your way of making sure you are getting what you paid for!  Here’s what to look for while shopping:

Five-Digit Number Starting With A “9”

If your health is a priority, this is what you are looking for!  Five-digit PLU codes starting with a 9.  This indicates that the produce was grown organically or is a product of biodynamic agriculture.  It’s satisfying to know that the fruits and vegetables you’re going to consume meet a detailed set of principles, guidelines, and permitted substances that are used in the organic certification process!

Four-Digit Code Starting With A “3” or a “4”

Four-digit PLU codes beginning with a 3 or a 4 means the produce was likely grown conventionally.  Conventionally grown produce really is the complete opposite to organic growing methods.  It uses synthetic chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones) or genetically modified organisms.

The quality of our food has a profound impact on the quality of our health and prevention of disease.  Sure, conventionally grown fruits and vegetables will contain vitamins and minerals but they will also contain varying amounts of pesticide loads and chemical residues.  These are all known to be cancer causing agents.  In a nutshell, something that should be improving our health can now be harming it!

Five-Digit Code Starting With An “8”

Five-digit PLU codes that starts with an 8 indicates the item is genetically modified.  This means it has genes from other organisms.  GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are formed in the laboratories of big corporations using genetic modification/engineering techniques.  Many Scientists as well as consumer and environmental groups have referenced the numerous and significant health and environmental risks associated with foods containing GMOs.  Remember those vitamins and minerals that I mentioned were contained in fruits and vegetables?  Well they get stripped from these foods in exchange for foreign DNA!

The journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition has outlined some of these health risks to GMO foods.  GMO’s are believed to have toxic effects on the liver, pancreas and kidneys.  In addition to the reproductive and immune systems.  Unfortunately, stickers to indicate GMO foods such as corn, cotton, soybeans, papaya and squash aren’t used because they aren’t mandatory and are often labelled as conventional.  That’s scary when estimates suggest 90% of corn, cotton, and soy in the United States has been genetically modified!

The greatest thing we can do as consumers is make the decision to invest in our health.  Paying a little more for the organic produce rather than the conventional or GMO is NOT a COST, but an INVESTMENT!  For further proof, click here to read Do I Always Have to Buy Organic? Here’s What You NEED to Know. It’s time people really take their health into their own hands.  Research their healthcare choices.  Use PLU codes to their advantage.  And make the best decision for themselves and their families!  For further help on how to keep your family healthy, click here to read How To Read Labels Like a Pro and Cut Grocery Shopping Time In Half.

You’re one step closer!

Shrimp Taco Citrus Mix

Today’s recipe is a twist on ‘Taco Tuesday’.  Included are several variations on how you can serve this citrus shrimp taco dish.  This is perfect for any picky eaters and offers a great way to change things up to suit your dietary needs.

The Inspiration Behind Shrimp Tacos Citrus Mix

When cooking for family and friends, I always seem to find myself in a endless battle of what to make for dinner.  Most dishes that are quick and easy often are not the healthiest as they are usually deep fried or loaded in carbs.  And I’m sure most of you reading this now can agree that getting a child to sit down and finish a plate of boring vegetables will seem like a life sentence.  This is when I concluded it was time to make a bold change.  So, I decided to challenge myself and my family to help hunt for ways to not only make our favorite dishes healthier, but ones where my kids could learn to prepare themselves, eventually, as well.

Find Something They Love And Go With It!

Everyone in my family seems to enjoy avocados, so right there was a good starting point for me when looking for a healthy recipe.  Wondering why avocados so great?  Well, according to Medical News Today, “Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium.  They also provide lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.  Although most of the calories in an avocado come from fat, don’t shy away!”.  If you want to learn more click here to read, 12 health benefits of avocado.

Also, before purchasing your ingredients, be sure to click here to read, Do I Always Have to Buy Organic? Here’s What You NEED to Know.

Ingredients For Shrimp Taco Citrus Mix:

  • a small bag of cooked shrimp, thawed, and tails removed
  • 1 large orange
  • 1/4 cup red onions
  • 1/4 cup red, orange and/or yellow peppers (suit to taste)
  • 1 large avocado, diced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 a fresh lemon
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil, sliced finely
  • 1 large head of Boston lettuce (optional)
  • 1 package of flat bread (optional)
  • sour cream (optional)

Directions: Suitable For Kids 8 and Older

  1. Begin by cleaning the orange skin, then finely grate 1 tsp of orange zest (as shown in picture) 
  2. dice the red onion and chop the peppers and peeled orange
  3. toss all the ingredients into a bowl with the oil and salt and pepper to taste
  4. Squeeze the juices from half a lemon
  5. set in the refrigerator for 30 mins to a few hours to allow the flavors to come together.  This also helps take away the sharpness of the red onion.
  6. Before serving, add in the diced avocado and fresh basil.  Add more salt or pepper if needed.
  7. Now that the mix is prepared your serving choices are endless!

Some enjoyed their’s spooned into a leaf of the Boston lettuce with a few dashes FRANKS RedHot sauce (as shown as feature picture).  Where as the kids both preferred their shrimp taco mix inside flatbread also with a drizzle of FRANKSMy brother opted for it on it’s own, again drizzled with FRANKS and a dab of sour cream.

I would personally LOVE to try this dish again in the Summer, roasted on the BBQ for a smokier and perhaps sweeter flavour, topped on a bunless burger.  How will you be enjoying this dish tonight?