Drinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-Fold

Drinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-Fold

“Individuals who consumed at least one artificially-sweetened beverage a day were 3 times as likely to develop ischemic stroke and 2.9 times as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease dementia within the next 10 years as compared to those who did not consume diet soda.”

These are alarming yet not surprising numbers taken from the Framingham Heart Study, a project of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and Boston University.

From 1991 to 2001 the researchers followed 2888 individuals over the age of 45 to track strokes, and 1484 individuals over the age of 60 for dementia, from the town of Framingham, Massachusetts.

The researchers reported that in the case of diet soda consumption, the artificial sweeteners consumed were saccharin, acesulfame, neotame, sucralose, and aspartame and found increased risks of stroke and dementia by approximately 3 times, compared to those individuals who don’t consume soda.

They also reported that those individuals who consumed sugar sweetened beverages showed very different, yet significant side effects.

Whether the beverage was sweet fruit juices or regular soda, there was evidence of accelerated brain again such as smaller brain volumes, poorer memory function and a smaller hippocampus, an area of the brain that consolidates memories.

Additionally, according to Dr. Josh Axe, drinking 4 cans a day of diet soda creates a 30% higher risk of depression compared with those who do not consume this toxic product.

If you can believe it, daily soda drinking also increases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by 67% or more!! It wreaks havoc with your blood sugar, insulin response and throws your body int a fat storage mode because of the negative effects on your metabolism.

It also destroys your teeth and enamel, as these products are almost as corrosive as battery acid. Not to mention the terrible damage you do to the vulnerable cells of your esophagus, stomach and digestive tissue from the acidic residue soda leaves behind.

What Should You Drink Instead?

Drink WATER!! Your body needs plenty of fresh, clean water every day. Aim for at least 3-4 litres. If you are bored by just plain water, try these delicious combinations.

Infused Water:

Chop up various fruit and vegetables and let them sit in the fridge in your water overnight for the most powerful flavour pop. Or, just throw them in and stir them around and enjoy right away!

• lemons and limes
• oranges and grapefruit
• basil and strawberries
• mint and oranges
• cranberries and apples with a cinnamon stick
• pomegranates and pears
• blackberries and raspberries
• watermelon and mint
• kiwi and strawberries

Experiment with various combinations of your favourite fruits and vegetables and enjoy a refreshing glass of water instead of a deadly soda.  For further information click here to read Stroke And Heart Attack Linked To Drinking This!

With Sources From:



5 Hacks to Upgrade Your Paleo Diet

5 Hacks to Upgrade Your Paleo DIet

There are so many diet plans that you can choose from to follow, but it really comes down to how your body functions best. You know your body and how you function, and how your body feels after eating certain foods.

That’s not to say that you can proclaim “my body feels best on bread and chips” just because your taste buds like it.

This is a real observation about how your body feels after eating meat, or dairy or starches.

It’s time to listen to your body because it’s easier to hear it when it whispers, than when it has to start shouting.

So if you have listened to your body and chosen to follow a Paleo diet, there are a few ways to make it even better.

But first of all, let’s break the Paleo diet down.

A Paleo diet consists of foods that mimic what our pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors may have hunted, gathered or foraged for in the wild. Such as a variety of meats and vegetables and a small amount of fruits and nuts. No grains or processed sugar.

Hacks to Upgrade Your Diet:

1. Buy Organic!

Organic foods that are not treated with pesticides and heavy metal toxins contain more accessible vitamins and minerals that conventionally grown produce. They may cost a bit more, but they are definitely worth it. To learn more about the value of organic, check out our previous blog on The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 here.

2. What Meat are You Eating?

Think back a few million years. Were there abundant sources or added growth hormones, antibiotics or vaccines added to the animals’ feed? I doubt it. So steer clear now!! Choose organic, grass-fed beef, buffalo, free-range chicken, wild caught salmon, elk, venison, etc.

3. Focus on Veggies

Choose a variety of leafy and cruciferous veggies to go with every meal! That means kale, lettuce, spinach, Bok Choy, Celery, Brocoli, Cauliflower, and Brussels Sprouts. Also add in low-sugar fruit, like raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and Granny Smith apples. These fruits will not spike your blood sugar. Raw nuts and seeds and avocados are great sources of healthy fats.

4. What else are you eating?

Food marketing companies are very tricky – they can put Paleo on just about anything and get away with it! I don’t think that cookies, bread and chips were available in the wild a million years ago, but somehow they have found their way to the Paleo aisle at the grocer. They tend to have excessive amounts of sugar, sweeteners, preservatives and varying degrees of unhealthy additives but fly off the shelves because they are “Paleo”.

I also don’t think that our ancestors had a deli they strolled up to and ordered salami, pastrami or any other nitrate-filled preserved deli meat. Eat real food!!

5. Mix it Up

Who says you have to be purely Paleo every day? Agricultural developments and transportation advancements have allowed for nutrient, vitamin and fibre-rich foods to come along. If your body likes legumes as they are significantly lighter to digest than meat, give it legumes! Or if you like freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have at it! Listen to your body and hear what it has to say.

Curbing Cubicle Crash: 12 Healthy Snacks To Quell The Mid-Day ‘Hangry’ Attack

12 healthy snacks to quell the mid-day ‘hangry' attack

Do you struggle with the 3 pm energy slump?  Find yourself thinking, should I have another cup of coffee…?  Wondering if there’s any birthday cake left in the staff room or where the darn change for the vending machine snacks…?

Research shows that eating a combination of complex fibre with protein and healthy fats every three or four hours, helps to;

  • Maintain normal blood sugar level
  • Give you an energy boost
  • Conquer tummy rumbles

Here are some well-balanced snacks that are fun, portable and will keep you satisfied until your next meal.

Let’s Get Snacking!

  1. Energy Bars

Energy bars are everywhere these days.  They are quick, no bake, easy to make ahead and can be left at room temperature.  Most recipes call for a combination of;

  • Ground nuts and seeds
  • Mixed with peanut or almond butter
  • your choice of cranberries or raisins

However, my favorite recipe switches out the nut butter for ground pitted dates.

For anther great date recipe, click here for, “Salted Cashew Butter & Dark Chocolate Stuffed Dates”.

2. Avocados

Avocados are ‘good for you’ fats.  They are nutrient dense and fibre rich.  Try an avocado in the half shell stuffed with lightly salted or spicy sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

3. Hummas To The Rescue

Hummus doesn’t have to be bland and boring anymore.  Think Mediterranean!  Try various recipes like sundried tomato and basil hummus for a taste of pow!  Spread on multi-grain or high fibre crackers.

cucumber snacks
4. Kukoo For Cucumber

Try having thick slices of cucumber double as a sandwich with cheese, lean meat or peanut butter filling.

5. Who Loves Goat Cheese?

Goat cheese chunks rolled in ground nuts or granola are a perfect balance of creamy and crunchy.  Pop-in-the mouth kinda snack.

6.  I LOVE Goat Cheese!

Try rice crackers or thin wholegrain crisps, spread with goat cheese.  Then top it with raisins or better yet chopped dates.

7. Change It Up!

The traditional apple or banana slices with a nut butter always tastes great, but how about slices of fresh pear, pineapple chunks, or mango?

dates and nut butter
8. Take The Road Less Traveled

Pair up delicious dried fruits like chopped dates, figs, prunes or apricots with nut butter, or wait for it…hummus!

9. Go Greek

Top your low fat Greek yogurt with ground flax, hemp, or chia seeds.  Sprinkle with some gluten free oats or granola, and add berries of your choice.

10. Roasted Chick Peas

Another satisfying fibre and protein rich finger food is roasted chickpeas.  Add tons of flavour with some curry, paprika, garlic or chili powder…or for a touch of sweetness, while still warm toss with a half teaspoon of honey or pure maple syrup, and a dash of cinnamon.

11. Fresh Take On Veggies & Dip

Pair up various fresh cut veggie sticks, (or home baked veggie chips) with a protein dip made with light ricotta, basil, parsley, oregano and a touch of lemon juice.  Your taste buds will thank you!

12. Not Yer Granny’s Granola

Packed with healthy fats and loaded with nutrients, this is the perfect snack to power you through the rest of your day!

Yes, we’ve all been there.  Sometimes mornings are a rush, so don’t add more stress to your day.  Keep a stash of yummy, accessible snacks in your car, bag and desk.  That way you won’t be craving birthday cake at the office.

Plan for success.  Your daily energy requirements are important.