The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Arthritis

Recently, through my own experience of joint pain,  I started a journey of discovering what was causing my sudden knee and hip pain which led me to seeking a physiotherapist to help me fix the problem.  To my surprise, the main factor was muscle weakness.

For most of us, when we think about arthritis, we usually can come up with the same causes like wear and tear from being active for many years, repetitive tasks at work, old injuries, and the big one: AGE! All of these are factors but as we now know so is nutrition, lifestyle and much more.  But muscle weakness was a shocker to me considering I have been strength training for years so surely that couldn’t have been the cause!  Well, after only a few sessions where I was given some very specific strengthening exercises, I was starting to feel better, so I had to re-think my concepts about arthritis.  For this reason, I thought it was important to learn more because I know too many people who have started down the same path that I did which is feeling joint pain, to taking pain killers, to getting imaging, to surgery.  My hope is that if dealt with early on and understanding what is actually happening, people can avoid more pain, more degeneration and surgery.

Let’s talk about imaging first because there are some interesting statistics that my physiotherapist pointed out to me that would surprise you.  In a study of 115 asymptomatic adults, MRI abnormalities were found in %97 of knees: %48 had bone marrow lesion, %30 had meniscal tears, %21 had moderate tendonitis, and %3 had ligament ruptures.  In a review of 1057 asymptomatic adults, impingement was identified via MRI in %37-%67.   There are a lot more statistics like this but the point is this: normal age related changes begin to occur around the age of 25.  Do not fear “abnormal” imaging results, because they are very common and are not directly associated with pain.  In other words, if you get imaging done and the results show tears or arthritis you might be inclined to think about it negatively, worry, change the way you behave, stop being active etc., and that is not usually a good way to approach it.  This was important for me to learn because I too started to slow down and start thinking about surgery.  I was surprised when my therapist told me that she has seen plenty of 80-year-old patients who, based on their x-rays, had advanced arthritis but are still active and pain free!

Strength training is important in preventing and treating arthritis because stronger muscles mean stronger bones.  During weight-bearing activity, the muscles and tendons apply tension to the bones, which stimulates the bones to produce more bone tissue. As a result, bones become stronger and denser and the risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and fractures decreases.   Understanding that by strengthening muscles surrounding a joint will offset the load placed on joints means that you can lead and long, active life without joint pain.  This is so important to understand, especially for our older population, because as we age, we tend to reduce our physical activity and even more so strength training when the opposite is going to help you lead a strong, healthy, pain-free life. It is especially important because as we age, we naturally lose muscle so we must do all we can to maintain and/or increase muscle tissue.  Some other benefits of strength training are increased blood circulation to the joint which in some joints is minimal, fat loss, improved balance, improved mood, better sleep.

As I stated earlier, I have been strength training for years, so I thought I knew what it was all about, and I believed I was fairly strong.  But it wasn’t until I started physiotherapy that I realized I really didn’t know much about strengthening the smaller muscles around joints and the muscles that don’t get much attention because they aren’t the “showy” muscles.   But when I started with a few simple exercises with no resistance, I realized a couple of things: 1. How weak some key stability muscles were and 2. How I can really sweat without seemingly doing much at all!  I also realized how valuable how valuable and underrated physiotherapists and the like are.  We really need to put more focus on those professionals whose expertise it is to optimize the healthy functioning of our bodies to prevent injury and to stop the damage from progressing. Their expertise will help with proper form, understanding how much weight to use, using equipment incorrectly etc. We can use this expertise to capitalize our time dedicated to exercise which these days is limited and understanding that movement, even though is sounds counterproductive, is really the key to healing the damage done to joints.

The Ultimate List of Foods That Get Rid of Joint Pain

Joint degeneration is very common with over one in four adults suffering with some type of arthritis or joint pain. If you’re one of these people you may experience pain, burning, throbbing, or a grating feeling in your joints. The joints in your body contain connective tissues like ligaments, tendons, and cartilage which allows them to move and bend. Sometimes these tissues can become damaged, or they wear away causing stiffness and a dull, aching sensation especially in the spine, hands, or the joints that you use most often.

Joint pain can be caused by poor posture such as slouching in front of the computer, rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, a deficiency in certain nutrients could be causing your joints to become weaker and inflamed. Or alternatively, you may have sustained a sports injury when exercising or carrying a heavy load. No matter what the cause there are natural diet tips that you can follow to help relieve joint pain and to repair the joint tissues.

There are foods that you can eat daily that will reduce the symptoms and even heal your arthritis.


Start to consume chopped, raw cabbage as a side dish to your meals and you’ll soon notice less pain and inflammation in your joints. Cabbage is unique among the salad vegetables as it’s loaded with L- glutamine, an amino acid which stimulates healing throughout your body. Cabbage is also loaded with the vitamin C complex which stimulates collagen production. This can strengthen the framework and the connective tissues in your joints. It’s also recommended to eat one serving of sauerkraut two to three times per week. This is a type of fermented cabbage and it’s one of the richest sources of vitamin C on the planet to lower inflammation in your joints.

Oily fish and wild salmon

With joint pain it’s recommended to eat oily fish at least three times per week like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. These fish are loaded with unsaturated fats called DHA and EPA. These are two omega-3 fatty acids which regulates inflammation in your body and prevent your immune system from attacking the tissues in your joints. These fats also help to lubricate the joints by producing the healthy synovial fluid that’s between them. On a side note, please avoid the farmed fish and opt for the wild caught varieties instead as these naturally contain more nutrients from the ocean. If you don’t want to eat the fish, you can supplement by taking one to two teaspoons of virgin cod liver oil daily.

Extra virgin olive oil

Real extra virgin olive oil is one of the most powerful natural pain killers in the world and it’s being compared to ibuprofen in some studies. You want to stop consuming inflammatory vegetable oils and seed oils that are making your joint pain worse. These include corn, cotton seed, peanut oil, sunflower, canola, and margarines. Real olive oil contains oleocanthal, a substance which blocks certain enzymes in your body that are causing the inflammation in your joints. Using at least two to three tablespoons daily, ideally drizzling it over your salads or stir fries, will help you to extract and absorb more antioxidants from other vegetables.


Take some walnuts and soak them in water for 24 to 48 hours. This germinates the nut and removes any phytic acid which could have blocked certain minerals from being absorbed. Dry them out on a low heat and then consume a small handful of them daily to get rid of arthritis pain. Walnuts are loaded with L -arginine. This is an amino acid which increases human growth hormone, the hormone that can regenerate the ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and the muscles that surround your joints. Walnuts are also loaded with alpha linolenic acid another type of omega-3 which can get rid of the stiffness and inflammation and help to improve mobility. You can also do the same with Brazil nuts as these are also rich in selenium a trace mineral which improves the quality cartilage proteins in the bones and joints.

Moringa powder

Produced from the moringa tree which grows in warm climates like India has some of the most nutrient dense leaves in the world. These leaves contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. Both are key nutrients that you need to reduce inflammation, stiffness, and to heal joint problems. You can eat these leaves fresh, or you can take one teaspoon of the powdered moringa mixed in a glass of water daily. This will rapidly improve mobility in your joints and get rid of pain and swelling.

Thyme, Oregano and Rosemary

You should try adding these herbs to your diet to reduce joint pain. If you have rheumatoid arthritis this means that your body is attacking its own tissues causing a breakdown of the joints. However, if you consume certain herbs like fresh thyme, rosemary, oregano, they can help to modulate your immune system which will prevent your body from attacking the joints. These herbs contain thymol, carvacrol and Rosemarinic acid which have all been shown to block leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are agents that are in your body that cause inflammation. So, lowering them by eating these herbs helps to turn off the inflammation in your body.

Black seed oil

Black seeds have been used for thousands of years by ancient cultures for getting rid of diseases, infections, and inflammation in the body. 1 teaspoon of black seed oil every morning can help get rid of joint pain. It contains a powerful compound called thymoquinone which also helps to fight off rheumatoid arthritis and lower inflammation in the joints. As a side note, it’s also excellent for fighting bacteria and viruses to keep you free of any cold or flu infections.


Start eating at least 1/2 an avocado every single day to see some major improvements in your pain and mobility. Being one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world, avocados are rich in potassium and magnesium, two of the key minerals that you want to focus on when fixing joint pain. The vitamin E and the boron in avocados has also been shown to help treat osteoarthritis by stimulating the growth of cartridge cells.

Apple cider vinegar

Consuming one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water before each meal is one of the best remedies in the world for joint pain. It helps to strengthen the pH of your stomach so that you can absorb more minerals, collagen and amino acids that are all needed to strengthen your joints.


Cherries contain a wide range of antioxidants that can help to control arthritis and reduce pain, especially the anthocyanins. People with arthritis often choose to drink concentrated cherry juice because it can help to lower uric acid for those with gout and can also reduce stiffness throughout the body. Please make sure that you choose a brand which contains no added sugar as the sugar varieties can have the opposite effect.

Cruciferous vegetables

If you really want to completely heal your joints permanently you will need to be consuming lots of leafy green cruciferous vegetables daily like kale, collard greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, arugula, and spinach. These vegetables are absolutely loaded with potassium and carotenoids which are vital the lowering inflammation in your joints. Eating these often will help to prevent free radical damage to your cells and tissues to allow the healing to begin. Make sure that you consume your vegetables raw or very lightly steamed ask cooking and heat can kill off many of the live enzymes within them that your body needs to heal.

Bone broth

The connective tissues in your joints are made up of collagen. This gives them a strong mesh like framework. If your joints are weak and painful however, you can start consuming bone broth as it’s the best natural source of collagen as it’s made from boiled animal bones. It’s also rich in chondroitin and glucosamine which are well known for improving joint pain. When you drink this your body is supplied with all the raw materials that it needs to build new collagen in your tissues including your joints, hair, skin, arteries, teeth, and nails.

Turmeric and black pepper

Turmeric is a golden colored spice which contains an active ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin has been proven as one of the most potent anti-inflammatory remedies in the world especially when it comes to aches, pains, and joint problems. You can use turmeric powder in your curries, stews or you could even boil it to make herbal tea. Make sure to also add a pinch of black pepper which contains piperine. This helps your body absorb the curcumin by an additional 2000% to help lower inflammation throughout your body.

Other tips

It’s very important that you stick with the whole food diet long term and make sure that you’re also cutting out junk foods like refined flour, sugar, and soda drinks as these can all damage your joints by triggering inflammation. The number one food that you must avoid however is vegetable oil. Examples of this are corn, soy, cotton seed, canola, rapeseed, grapeseed, and margarine. These cheap oils are rich in Omega 6 which is pro-inflammatory. They are often used in restaurants, take out food and ready meals, so you want to start cooking your own healthy dishes at home using healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, raw coconut oil, or grass-fed butter.

On a final note, being overweight puts your body in an inflammatory state and puts added load onto the joints in your spine, hips, and knees. Your joints will not heal properly but following a whole food, sensible, caloric deficit diet will allow you to lose those extra pounds.

Arthritis: Natural Remedies

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Joints do not age the same way that people do. Joints can age due to overuse, also known as wear and tear. In the United States, 23% of all adults—over 54 million people—have arthritis. About 24 million adults are limited in their activities from arthritis, and more than 1 in 4 adults with arthritis report severe joint pain.

 What Does Arthritis Pain Feel Like?

 “Arth” means joint, and “itis’ means inflammation of. It makes perfect sense that arthritis is the inflammation of the joint. It is not a specific type of pain or disease like many might think. The joint swells and is red and hot. When this swelling occurs over a long period of time, pressure is created, which then causes pain. If it is left alone, the joints are damaged and destroyed over time.

 Can Arthritis Happen Suddenly?

Pain and stiffness in and around one or more joints are common symptoms. Depending on the type of arthritis, symptoms can develop suddenly or gradually over time. Symptoms may come and go or persist over time.

 What Are the Early Signs?

Symptoms of can include…

  1. Joint pain, tenderness, and stiffness.
  2. Inflammation in and around the joints.
  3. Restricted movement of the joints.
  4. Warm red skin over the affected joint.
  5. Weakness and muscle wasting.

The Three Most Common Types

  • Osteoarthritis the most common form.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks parts of the body—especially the joints.
  • Psoriatic arthritis affects the skin and joints.

What Can You Do to Naturally Treat Arthritis?

There are numerous approaches to arthritis treatment. It can include:

  1. Chiropractic care,
  2. Diet reduction of foods known to increase inflammation in the body,
  3. Nutritional supplementation,
  4. Acupuncture,
  5. Exercise, and
  6. Weight management.

arthritis, psoriatic arthrits, Rheumatoid arthritis

Can a Chiropractor Help Prevent Damage with Arthritis?

 Chiropractic care is a great option to manage pain that comes with having arthritis. It is a safe, nonsurgical, natural alternative to pain treatments. Chiropractors are skilled in detecting and correcting misalignments and joint issues with gentle and specialized adjustments.

Chiropractors work with the joints of the spine and extremities. When inflammation is present in the body, certain chemicals are released by the body and it starts to deposit calcium in the joint, causing bone spurs and other problems that cause the joints to break down.

We will be the first to admit that arthritis cannot be cured, even by chiropractic intervention. What we can do is prevent the damage arthritis creates. If a joint is fixated and out of alignment, it is not working the way it should. The stuck or uneven surfaces will begin to grind. This grinding causes inflammation, leading to arthritis, and if left untreated, joint damage results.

arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

The Crucial Time Frame

If we can allow for proper alignment and function, we will have stopped the process that can cause the arthritis in the first place. Studies show that when a joint is stuck for seven days or longer, it causes microtears in the disc. These tears mean the disc is breaking down and decaying, thereby causing arthritis.

We will make sure your joints are never fixated for more than those crucial seven days, preventing deterioration. We suggest arthritis patients see us regularly, and we will make your personalized recommendations for care after thoroughly assessing your case.

Top Supplements to Help Treat the Pain

  1. Curcumin (from turmeric root) Evidence suggests the turmeric root has anti-inflammatory properties. …
  2. Vitamin D. If you have arthritis pain or are at high risk for arthritis, your nutritionist may recommend a vitamin D supplement. …
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids. …
  4. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

 In the Kitchen with Arthritis:

 Foods that are known to cause inflammation are best to be avoided, some include …

  • Processed foods. Avoid processed foods, such as baked goods and prepackaged meals and snacks.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Sugar and certain sugar alternatives.
  • Red meat and fried foods.
  • Refined carbohydrates.
  • Cheese and high-fat dairy.
  • Alcohol.


Numbness or Tingling

If your life is afflicted by numbness or tingling in the arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet or toes then you will be interested in this clinical study that showed…

How Patients Significantly Improved Their Sharp Pains, Grip Strength, and Eliminated Numbness and Tingling Without Drugs or Surgery

Numbness, tingling, and pain affects all parts of your life

Numbness and tingling is a huge problem which affects every part of your life from sleeping, sitting or walking.  The thought of getting a good night sleep or playing with your kids or grandchildren may seem like a pipe dream because your arms or legs are in too much pain and may even be weak.

Maybe you’re frustrated because you’ve been told that you have to live with it as all the medical testing indicates that you shouldn’t have a problem. Or maybe you’re even fearful because the only options left are drugs with heavy side effects or surgery.

I can tell you one thing…… you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy which can be caused by different things. It is described by as a condition that results when nerves from the brain and spinal cord which carry messages to and from the rest of the body are damaged or diseased.

This condition obstructs the nerve signals that control your muscles, joints, connective tissues and organs and if ignored could lead to more serious complications.

“I feel like I’m 30 years older than I actually am.  I can’t walk great distances without pain.  My hands go numb while doing the simplest activities like watching tv or lying in bed.  I am tired of living this way.”

More Pills Are Not the Solution

There have been many clinical studies which have demonstrated the benefit of chiropractic and nerve conditions:

Patients showed an 85.5% resolution of the nerve symptoms after only 9 chiropractic treatments. – Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2008

With chiropractic care, patients had “significant improvement in perceived comfort and function, nerve conduction and finger sensation overall.” – JMPT 1998

“Significant increase in grip strength and normalization of motor and sensory latencies were noted. Orthopedic tests were negative. Symptoms dissipated.” – JMPT 1994

What these studies mean is that there is hope for you to get your life back.

Where should you start?

Finding the cause of your neuropathy is where you should start.  The doctor of chiropractic is trained to identify the causes of neuropathic conditions and if your case is beyond the scope of chiropractic you would be referred to the appropriate health professional.  However, often these conditions are caused by a degeneration or misalignment of the spine which can press on the roots of the nerves.  This pressure can arise from the bones or intervertebral discs anywhere on the spine from the base of the head down to the tail bone.

Whether you have been to a chiropractor before or this would be your first experience, you may be wondering what to expect with us.  We want you to understand everything about your case and our procedures before we get started.  Our exams are thorough and our patients describe our techniques as “gentle and effective”.  We have many techniques that we can use to ensure that you are comfortable without hindering the results of your care and progress.

The goal is to release pressure on the nerves to allow your body to heal.

“I wish I had found you sooner”

The first step is to help you find the right practitioner in your area.  We know that you may have tried everything else without success but we could help you find the answer to your nerve problems.  We hear this from many people…

We want to make it easy for you to explore if we can help which is why we’re extending this opportunity to you.   We have a network of doctors in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom and have let us know that they will provide an examination for you for over 65% off so that you can get the answers to your questions…. finally.  We will connect you with them for an appointment

You would receive all of what is included with our full initial consultation:

  • A thorough examination exploring all potential causes of your condition
  • A complete neuromuscular examination
  • Specialized testing which may include x-rays if necessary. This can help to determine if any spinal problems are contributing to your condition
  • An in-depth review and analysis or your findings
  • A detailed plan of the course of action
  • We’ll really listen to all of your concerns, answer all your questions and let you know how we can help and what to expect.

The goal of this evaluation is to help find the problem and then correct it.  Imagine what your life could be like without these frustrating nerve problems.  In no time you could be feeling normal again.

Exclusive Numbness and Tingling Evaluation Website Offer

Your life could change for the better.  It’s time to start your body on the right path towards living normally again.  Watch your mobility improve, muscles relax and your pain ease up.

It’s so easy to take advantage of our network of doctors and the over 65% savings for your initial exam.  Simply fill out the form below and we will contact you to arrange the best health professional in your area that can help.

This One Thing Has Been Linked To Almost All Diseases


“Mommy, I fell off my bike and now my knee is all red and swollen!”  This is what we commonly refer to and understand as inflammation – swelling.  You receive a trauma and your body, specifically your immune system, goes to work.  It causes your body to make it swell, send pain signals, cause redness and protect the area.

Your body then sends in the cleanup crew to repair the tissue, to ensure no bad bugs get into the cuts and scrapes. Lastly your body caps it off with a scab (or just bruising) so it can do the repair underneath.  This is commonly referred to as acute (sudden or immediate) inflammation.

However, what we have learned is that throughout the body, small traumas to our cells are occurring regularly and quietly.  This is due to multiple factors such as stress, infections, toxins, lack of sleep, diet or alcohol.  Your diet plays an extremely important role in removing chronic inflammation.  It is being vigorously studied throughout the medical sphere, in areas from Alzheimer’s (brain) to irritable bowel syndrome (gut) and to cancer (everywhere).

Inflammation – Causes And Contributors

Chronic inflammation has been linked to the development of such serious health conditions as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Parkinson’s, and cardiovascular disease.  Also, depression, Alzheimer’s, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, cancer and other less serious conditions such as allergies and acne.

We have environmental and life stressors all around us, but diet is something we can all change.  It’s a lot easier than changing our relationship, job or our hour-long drive to work every day.

One of the biggest causes of chronic inflammation in our diet is refined carbohydrates/sugar which are pro-inflammatory.  There are several foods that can cause inflammation.  I won’t cover them here – rest assured vegetable oils (some types), dairy, fried foods and some others have a role in chronic inflammation.

Suffering With Fibromyalgia? Acute Inflammation VS Chronic Inflammation...Know the difference!

What Fuels Our Bodies

Let’s step back a second and talk about our body’s energy needs.  Our bodies can run on two energy sources.  Fat (which our body converts to ketones) or glucose.  Glucose is not always bad!  We have been fueling our bodies with glucose for a long time now (and you’ll be surprised to know ketones as well).  It’s how our bodies process the glucose that leads to the problem if we are not mindful.

How Glucose Affects Our Body

We need to give our bodies just the right amount of glucose, in the form of complex carbohydrates, otherwise we will overwhelm the system.  As well, we need to ensure we are not constantly giving our bodies too much glucose (i.e. snacking).  This is because our bodies create insulin to transport that glucose to give energy to our cells.  But insulin’s dark side is that it stores that glucose as fat if we give our body more than it needs.  I say dark side, but this fat storage is what keeps us alive during times of famine – you know, like last week when you had no snacks in the cupboard?

“Anything that raises insulin halts weight loss and stimulates significant inflammation, which is the cause of most diseases of civilization.”

“INSULIN MAKES INFLAMMATION WORSE.  Insulin drives the inflammatory cascade.  It stimulates the inflammatory hormones that cause arthritis, allergic rhinitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, and inflammatory bowel problems to become amplified.”

“The underlying cause of heart disease is high insulin response to carbohydrates, which leads to blood vessel wall damage, inflammation, and blockage; the cause is not the presence of one form of cholesterol.”

The Keto Cure: A Low Carb High Fat Dietary Solution to Heal Your Body and Optimize Your Health.

What Are Ketones?

Ketones manage the inflammatory response systemically and stop production of inflammatory molecules.

“When you take a deeper look at diseases and conditions ranging from diabetes, kidney disease, Crohn’s disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS) to Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, one key attribute seen across the board is chronic low-grade inflammation/neuroinflammation.”

“The most common treatments for Crohn’s, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants, are aimed at reducing inflammation in bowel tissues.”

““Ketones can limit oxidative stress and inflammation.”

Wilson, Jacob. The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Ketosis

When you are not eating carbohydrates/sugars/glucose, you do not suddenly die (hopefully).  Your body is designed to recognize that when the readily available source of cheap energy from carbs you eat is unavailable.  It goes to its energy stores of glucose in your body (which can only last a day or so) and if that is depleted it goes to your fat (which was created by storing the excess carbohydrates/sugars/glucose from days, weeks, months, years … you get the picture).  It converts this fat into ketones and runs your body on that better more efficient fuel.

What Is A Ketogenic State?

This ketogenic state, where you are burning your fat, can occur in small amounts if you wait as little as 12 hours after your last meal before you eat again (say you eat supper at 7 p.m. and you don’t eat until 7 a.m. or later).

With ketones running your system even partially, your chronic inflammation has time to reverse.  Going for 12 to 16 hours without eating is often referred to as intermittent fasting (and that’s a whole other topic but so good for you – I do it almost every day).

Athletes and biohackers take it to the next level and not only fast intermittently, they also commit to cutting out nearly all carbohydrates/sugars/glucose.  They then eat what is called a ketogenic diet, which means eating high fat (good fats), moderate protein and very little but only high-quality carbohydrates.  Ketogenic Diet Study Confirms Massive Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Benefits Of A Keto Diet

People doing the diet feel more energy, greater mental clarity, less to no brain fog, more flexibility (especially those with inflammatory conditions like arthritis) and generally a better sense of health.  Science suggests this is because chronic inflammation is reduced, and their bodies are running more efficiently (ketones are a cleaner burning energy source).

And lastly, there is the ability to “drink” your ketones – and studies suggest that these exogenous (outside the body) ketones, which are bioidentical and natural (the ones I recommend, at least) act in the same way as those created by burning your own fat or eating a ketogenic diet.

Whatever you decide to do to take control of your inflammation, I strongly urge you to eat healthy fats, remove as much processed foods and refined sugars from your diet as you can and stop snacking!  And try skipping a meal occasionally, you’ll be surprised at how much you can get done when you are not cooking, eating and then cleaning up! (Just ask Dr. Fung).

For additional reading check out Keto Diet and Chiropractic – What Do They Have in Common?  And as always, if anything I have written resonates with you, leave a comment.  If you have any questions or would like more information about drinking ketones, making ketones or healthy eating, feel free to send me an email at

I am here to serve! (I just won’t serve you dessert ? )

Follow me on Facebook: and Instagram @ketojack

Jack Lauzon, B.Sc. Honours Physics, Health Educator

The Ketogenic Bible

“Individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease also display elevated levels of inflammation in the brain (Hunot et al., 2003), likely due to energy deprivation and an inability to clear damaged proteins, both resulting in impaired mitochondrial function.”

“Impaired Mitochondrial Function in Alzheimer’s Disease As with Parkinson’s disease, extensive research has shown impaired mitochondrial function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Along with changes in mitochondrial function, individuals with Alzheimer’s tend to have elevated levels of oxidative stress (an accumulation of free radicals that may result in cell damage) and inflammation. When the ability of mitochondria to produce energy is impaired, it causes inflammation, increases amyloid plaque formation, and ultimately results in the deterioration of cognitive function.”

“The direct cause of migraines and headaches is unknown; however, the fact that a ketogenic diet has been found to be beneficial may provide a clue: we don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but as in so many other health problems, mitochondrial dysfunction and its accompanying decreased ATP production in the brain may play a significant role (Roos-Araujo et al., 2014). Ketones would alleviate that issue by providing an alternative fuel that bypasses the problem areas of the mitochondria. The ketogenic diet’s ability to reduce inflammation may also play a role, as migraines may involve neural inflammation.”

 The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Ketosis

Additional info:

“A recent study published in the  Annals of Internal Medicine demonstrate significant improvement in overall inflammation in type II diabetic patients following a carbohydrate restricted diet versus a low fat calorie restricted diet.  Another bit of proof demonstrating what I’ve been seeing in my office over the last 8 years.  The study reveals significant improvement in glycemic (blood sugar) control in those following a low carbohydrate diet as well as significant lowering of C-reactive protein, IL-1 and IL-6 over those following a low fat diet.”

Dr. Adam Nally, Board Certified Family Physician and Obesity Medicine Specialist


Did you get this far down? Great, here’s something funny/serious to finish off:

John Oliver – Tonight with John Oliver

What is behind your pain?

What is Behind your PAIN?

During my 20 years of practicing Energy Healing I have found one Universal Truth: PAIN means “Pay Attention Inwards Now”

Pain stems from unresolved and unacknowledged repression of emotions. E-motions mean energy in motion. If energy is repressed then dis-ease and pain results. We label these pains Arthritis, Allergies, Anxiety, Angina, Headaches, Migraines, Frozen shoulder, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel… the list is endless.

Pain is just information. Neither negative nor positive, pain is just ongoing feedback, “an indication of our current energetic vibration”. Or an indication of parts of our body that are not in sync with our total energetic vibration.

PAIN lets us know that we have something to discover and resolve. Stressful thoughts, limiting beliefs, worrisome stories replaying in our unconscious mind… these are reflected in your body. Often we inherit them from our ancestors, other times we pick them up from the energy around us, our environment, our media, our families and circumstances. When communication within the body cells is disrupted, we blow fuses, set up handicaps, and our perfect blueprint is derailed.

Your BODY is  your GPS, or rather it has the key to an effective built-in Human Guidance System that unlocks these hidden blocks preventing our mind and soul to communicate effectively. When we experience emotions that don’t feel good, it simply means that we are not in-line with our ‘true’ or ‘higher’ self. Our spirit is the part of us that lives at the top of the Guidance Scale in joy, love and self empowerment.

This is where we embrace the basic spiritual truths that:

We are worthy, deserving, loveable, loving, brilliant eternal BE-ings
and each of us is an important significant part of the Divine plan
we have a miraculous perpetually healing organism we call a body.

Knowing this truth, is not the same as embodying it. I love witnessing my clients RECLAIM their health and life after sessions. I love doing demonstrations and talks (group healings) at corporations and watching employees have ah-ha moments.

Helping people Reclaim their healthy body, by Refreshing their Mind, and Renewing their Spirit keeps me in my energy vibration of truth, joy and awe. We can all attain Complete BE-ing Clarity, if we listen to our body. Are you listening? What is your body saying to you?

The really fascinating truth is that all of this can be reversed and healed. Energy consciousness work is quick, easy and fun, you don’t need to rehash the past, get stuck in the story, or stay in the pain. If you are in pain, explore energy healing … Reiki, BodyTalk, Psych-K, Acupuncture, and other modalities. You will be amazed at the quick results, and love your new found understanding of your Self and your energetic vibration.


Blog by Guest Author:

01Jessy headshotJessy Morrison

Jessy Morison  has tremendous success in helping those to whom doctors have given no hope of recovery at all to Reclaim their Life, Refresh their Mind, Reclaim their Body, and Renew their Spirit.
A Reiki Master Teacher, BodyTalk & EFT Practitioner, Soul Genesis Facilitator, Founding Member of the Ontario BodyTalk Assoc., and Founding Member of The Whole Life Learning Collective, and Transformational Tuesdays, Jessy is also a  contributing author to “The Joy of an Ex”, Women With Vision Magazine, and Another View Magazine.

You can contact her at