Is It Time To Stop Eating Fruit?


I was asked an excellent question by a member of a private facebook community I started for people dealing with chronic pain and fibromyalgia.   She was working through an online course that I put together for our members so that they could take the proper action steps and move towards better health.  She had completed the unit on sugar which raised the following question; could she consume ANY sugar at all, which included fruit!

This was important for her to know as she has been dealing with chronic pain for years and was now in the midst of a major flare up of symptoms.  She starts her day each morning with a smoothie containing lots of fruit.  As many others in our facebook community are experiencing similar symptoms, this was important to address with our followers.

Important Points About Sugar

Firstly, we aren’t just talking about white table sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  There are many additional hidden sources of sugar (breads, crackers, pasta, rice and other grains that are all converted to sugar) contributing to this over-consumption problem.  It’s just plain bad for our bodies and creates an even bigger problem for those suffering in chronic pain or have conditions like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.  For this reason, it would be wise to eliminate sugar as much as possible from her daily diet or cut it out altogether!

How Sugar Impacts Our Health

Thankfully the sugar industry has finally started to come under fire.  The research demonstrating the numerous negative impacts sugar has on overall health is mounting.  It’s not just diabetes.  It’s a major factor in developing conditions like chronic fatigue, obesity, cancer, heart disease, alzheimer’s disease, immune system deficiency, metabolic syndrome, and all sorts of inflammatory conditions.

Sugar’s direct relationship to inflammation is of huge significance.  Inflammation is the underlying process of most diseases in North America.

The Hidden Truth

Some of you reading this may be thinking “well I can eat sugar because I’m not dealing with a disease process”.  But these disease processes sit quietly beneath the surface without you knowing.  This process can go on for many months or even years.

That is until your body can’t take it anymore and starts to manifest symptoms.  Don’t wait for this to happen.  Make changes now!

If you find yourself in a disease state, make the decision to heal your body!  When going through the healing process, the first thing to go away will be the symptoms.  But the underlying problem is still there.  So, if you are reducing or eliminating sugar from your life, and you’re feeling better and experiencing more energy, you may think it’s ok to slide back to your old food habits.  Don’t! The underlying disease process is likely still there. Keep pushing your health needle in the right direction!

Sugar Crisis

The reality is that the average North American is consuming the equivalent of 22 teaspoons of sugar every single day.  This is astounding!  It’s no wonder we are amidst a healthcare crisis!  The American Heart Association  suggests restricting your sugar consumption to 6-9 teaspoons per day.  Family Health Advocacy suggests eliminating it altogether.

Start by getting rid your table sugar.  Avoid high fructose corn syrup like the plague!  Read the ingredients list on products while in the grocery store before even bringing them into your home.  This way these products won’t even be an option for you should you get cravings.  Continuing to consume sugar in excess through its various forms leads to insulin resistance.  The cells in your body actually start to ignore your body’s insulin!  Like that annoying neighbor that keeps coming over to your house, insulin keeps knocking at the doors (receptors) of your cells but the cells won’t answer.  This creates inflammation and oxidative stress in your body.  Two processes that are big contributors to the development of disease, not to mention worsens the symptoms of chronic pain and fibromyalgia.

Sugar can also sabotage your healthy nutritional decisions as well.  Sugar affects the absorption of the nutrients of other foods.  It can also have a damaging effect on your liver, not allowing your body to properly break down and process fat.  This creates the inability to lose weight.  Hello obesity epidemic!

So What About Fruit?

So, back to the original question.  What about fruit?  Well in this particular case, where a person is dealing with a condition like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia or chronic pain, and you’re having a really bad flare up, it may be time to even cut out fruit.

It’s time to consider a sugar fast.  And not just the table sugar or high fructose corn syrup, but all grains and yes fruit.  Fruit is great for all of its nutrients and vitamins and should be a portion of everyone’s healthy diet.

But when eating that typical North American diet with all those grains and sugars it all adds up and it’s time to allow your body to heal. Can you really keep sugar cravings at bay? Click here to find out!

And when your body does heal, you can start to slowly re-introduce fruit.  Start with organic blueberries, strawberries, rasberries, and blackberries.  These berries are high in anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-aging phytonutrients.  They are low in sugar content, best to be taken in the morning and taste great in a smoothie.  Click here for a great smoothie recipe.  The best part is that the sugar is in its natural form.  This means there is a higher fiber content and lower glycemic index.  This allows your body the opportunity to better process the natural sugars.

If you are someone who is dealing with chronic pain issues or fibromyalgia, I encourage you to  join my private facebook community by clicking here.  Once in the group, complete the course unit on sugar to learn more about how it can affect your chronic condition and overall health.

You’re one step closer!

This Common Ingredient Has Been Linked To Cancer


Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent.  Many commercial products like plastic kitchen tools, cutting boards, and high chairs contain this chemical.  Toys, pencils and cosmetics also can have it.  Not to mention, hand soap, toothpaste and deodorant.  Even, clothing, bedding and other fabrics have been reported.

Also, it can pass through the skin.  As a result, it has been linked to a number of health concerns.  Most noteworthy, abnormal endocrine system (hormones) and a weakened immune system.  Poor muscle function, allergies and asthma.  Also, eczema and even cancer have been listed as conditions.

Triclosan Connected To Cancer

There was a study published in 2014 in The American Chemical Society’s journal.  Researched found that triclosan, as well another substance called octylphenol, promoted the growth of human breast cancer cells.

Also, triclosan has major effects on our environment.  The European Union and Environment Canada have both classified it as toxic.  As a result affecting both the aquatic environment and its organisms.  Sadly, remnants containing this chemical are being poured down our drains.  Hence the everyday use of them has led to pollution in our water.  What’s worse?  Triclosan does not degrade easily and can buildup overtime.  As a result, it is still detectable even after the water has been treated!

Now that this chemical is in the environment, it can gain exposure to sunlight.  As a result, it can then convert to Dioxins.  Toxic compounds that are environmental pollutants (POPs).  These have been linked to endocrine and immune system disruption.  Also, infertility and cancer.

How Does This Effect Me?

Consequently, it can combine with chlorine found in tap water.  As a result, the two agents form chloroform which is linked to cancer.  For more information about the danger of this chemical click here to read ‘Triclosan: Not Safe, Not Effective’.

Just how bad is this problem?  Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did a test.  Triclosan was found in the urine of 75% of the people tested!   Furthermore, there appears to be a link between that and the cause of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

More than 200 scientists and medical professionals concluded this chemical to be hazardous.  The lack of benefit from common uses of triclosan can be found in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

What Can We Do To Protect Ourselves?

The effects of this on our health and environment are alarming.  However, there are steps you can take to minimize it.

First of all, check the ingredients list of your products.  This includes personal care products especially if they are labelled as antibacterial, antimicrobial or antifungal.

When reading labels, watch out for aliases!  Triclosan may also be labelled as Microban or Biofresh.

The American Medical Association says to avoid using these products in your home.  And the Canadian Medical Association has called for a ban!

Also, if you use hand sanitizers, go for the alcohol based products.  They are less likely to contain Triclosan.

Even more, keep in mind there is no evidence that products with triclosan are anymore effective!  Click here To learn more about the effects of chemicals we put on our skin.


Calafat, A. “Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population: 2003-2004.” _Environ Health Perspect _116, 3(Mar 2008):303-307.

Hye-Rim Lee, “Progression of Breast Cancer Cells Was Enhanced by Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals, Triclosan and Octylphenol, via an Estrogen Receptor-Dependent Signaling Pathway in Cellular and Mouse Xenograft Models” Chem. Res. Toxicol., (2014), 27 (5):834–842.

European Commission. Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 , Annex VI, Table 3.2. Sep 2009.

Canosa, P. et al. “Aquatic degradation of triclosan and formation of toxic chlorophenols in presence of low concentrations of free chlorine.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 383, 7-8 (Dec 2005): 119-1126

“Environmental News.” _Environmental Science & Technology _36, 13 (June 1, 2002): 230A.

Canosa, P. et al. “Aquatic degradation of triclosan and formation of toxic chlorophenols in presence of low concentrations of free chlorine.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 383, 7-8 (Dec 2005): 119-1126

Calafat, A. “Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population: 2003-2004.” Environ Health Perspect 116, 3(Mar 2008):303-307

Halden, R.U. et al. “The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban.” Environmental Health Perspectives (June 2017)

Sugar And Cancer – How One Affects The Other

sugar and cancer

As I was considering what I should write about, I sadly learned that a dear friend of mine was just diagnosed with cancer and it made me cry.  She is a wonderful person and although nobody deserves that diagnosis, there are some who in my opinion deserve it less than others.  She’s in her 40’s and as I turn 50 shortly, I feel now more than ever before the awarness of my own mortality.  So, as a former research scientist, this got me thinking about what I have learned about the relationship between sugar and cancer and the effects they have to our bodies.  Due to my previous profession, it is important to me that I present information backed by science.  Not always easy, since science has moved so quickly recently to find novel ways to answer questions we have been trying to answer for years.

What Is Cancer?

By definition, “Cancer is when abnormal cells divide in an uncontrolled way.”  It starts when there are changes in a cell’s gene which makes one cell or a few cells begin to grow and multiply.  These cells no longer function as they are supposed to and are no longer considered pancreatic cells or lung cells or liver cells.  As they multiply, they may cause a growth called a tumor and in order for these cancer cells to grow out of control, they need energy just like all the cells in your body.  Research shows that cancer cells do not create the energy they need in the same way as regular, healthy cell would.  Scientists believe cancer cells support their rapid growth by changing their metabolisms to take in glucose.  It then ferments it unlike a normal cell, which takes in the glucose and breaks it down into carbon dioxide and water.  This alternative mechanism for getting energy and thus growth was discovered more than 70 years ago by Otto Warburg and is called “the Warburg effect.”  This is why I believe it is important to think about the relationship between sugar and cancer and how your daily diet can affect more then how you look.

The effects of sugar and cancer within the body

Fermentation of sugar is not a very efficient way to extract energy from glucose.  I have read it can be up to 15 times less effective than what our cells normally do to make the energy needed to keep our cells alive.  Based on this finding, it means cancer cells need considerably more glucose to grow than normal cells do and can’t get nearly as much energy per glucose molecule.  Scientists and doctors use special scans called PET scans to look for cancer by using a glucose injection that is marked with a radioactive dye.  They then look at where the glucose clumps on the scan.  Since cancer cells will need to feed on a lot more glucose than regular cells to stay alive and multiply, their inefficient use of glucose will clump which often will represent cancer.

If all my cells need glucose, how do I cut out carbs or sugar?

Table sugar contains one glucose and one fructose, and we call glucose or fructose a sugar.  That’s where the low-carb diet or the ketogenic diet come into play.  If you eat good quantities of healthy fat, moderate amounts of protein and keep your carbs low, your body will switch to burning fat and will feed your cells with ketones.  To learn more about the Keto diet and benefits associated with it click on this link 

Nearly all cancer cells cannot feed on ketones so if your body is fed correctly, cancer cells are not given enough energy to grow hence the relationship between sugar and cancer.  This allows your body’s natural defense systems to have time to put up a fight and can help stave off cancer all while feeding your cells the preferred fuel of ketones.

Can cancer can be beaten by nutrition?

I believe wholeheartedly that nearly all cancers can be beaten with nutrition when caught early enough.  What you eat fuels everything inside you, both your good cells and your cancer cells.  So eat whole foods, limit or remove simple sugars, stick to good-quality carbs and high-fibre foods.  Eat healthy fats and good-quality proteins and you will have a much better chance of living a long, healthy life.

I could have gotten quite scientific about how it all works but I am hoping that my information about how sugar and cancer work together within your body will compel you to reduce your simple carbs and sugars significantly.  Especially refined sugars and processed foods that are easily broken down by your body.

Here’s another great link to learn more about cancer fighting foods

I want you to live a long, healthy life and I don’t want anyone to find out at 42 that they have cancer.

To your health,

Jack Lauzon, B.Sc. Honours Physics, Health Educator
Follow me on Facebook: or Instagram www.instagram/ketojack or follow me around Streetsville, come for a walk and let’s talk about your health.
Relevant links and additional information about sugar:

Recommended Books:
Fat Chance, but Dr. Robert Lustig
Fat for Fuel, Dr. Mercola
The Keto Cure, Dr. Adam Nally

Sugar – Are you singing the sugar blues?

sugar cool math

Let’s be honest, maintaining healthy weight with all the sugar options available is much harder to do today than it was 100 years ago or even 50 years ago. It just seems a bit unfair, but we are humans and we adapt. Sometimes we just don’t adapt fast enough.

Back when we had to hunt and forage for food, our brains were perfectly suited to seeking out calorie dense foods which was a good thing because we never knew when the next meal was coming and we had to expend a lot of energy to get a meal, so it needed to be a good one.

Now we live with food on every corner, donuts in meetings, and candy bowls on desks. And sugar comes in so much more variety. Honey was about the only option in our foraging days, not we’ve got sugar combined with fat and salt; think of all the different ways we do chocolate, salted caramel, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries. I mean it just goes on and on!

Unfortunately for us, our brains haven’t quite adapted to our abundance of food. It’s still in the pattern of seeking out calorie dense and highly rewarding food and when the brain sees death by chocolate cake, it’s eyes get big and does a touch down dance; SCORE! Think about it; lots of yummy, satisfying calories and it didn’t involve any effort except that of you moving a fork from the plate to your mouth.

So, yes, it’s harder for us today, but not impossible. Here are some strategies to help retrain your brain:

  • If you don’t buy it, you can’t eat it – the first thing you can do is keep your money in your wallet. It’s much easier to talk yourself out of buying a decadent treat than it is to stop yourself from eating it. Call someone if you need to.
  • You don’t have to eat the whole thing – if your money does come out of the wallet, take up to 4 bites and leave the rest. It will satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your goals. You can also share.
  • Eat it with a meal – making dessert part of a meal allows the fat, protein, and fiber from the meal to help slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream so you don’t end up with roller coaster blood sugar where it goes high and then comes crashing down, leaving you with more cravings for sugar.
  • Get your sugar fix with healthier options – try berries and whipped cream, a kids size scoop of ice cream with cinnamon, frozen grapes, frozen bananas dipped in dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao), or apples stir fried in butter with cinnamon and ginger. You’ll get some nutrients with these treats and they will help cut cravings for more extreme desserts.
  • Create barriers – if you want a treat, make it yourself instead of buying it premade. This helps you expend a few extra calories in obtaining it and allows you to control the ingredients so you can use healthier fats, reduce the sugar and use more nutritive sweeteners. Plus, if you have to make it, you might just decide to do without. Another barrier you can set up is cost. Get more nutritive sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, molasses, coconut sugar, and date sugar. These are more expensive than white sugar which can help to cut down on the amount of sweets you eat.

Note: If you’re looking to make a change with a fresh start then check out this other Family Health Advocacy article on cleansing in just 21 days.

If you just can’t resist the sweet treats, examine your diet. You might not be getting enough salt and fat. It might take some practice and a few strategies, but you can get the upper hand when it comes to sugar.  Be careful with artificial sweeteners as well.  You may think that you’ve found a healthy alternative but all sweeteners are not created equal and many come with some serious health risks.

If you’d like to be notified when my book, The Switch Diet, is available, follow me on Facebook or get on my email list.

How To Find The Best Diet For You

How to find the best diet for you

From keto to vegan, there are a plethora of diets to choose from and proponents of specific diets think their way is the right way for everyone. So, what is the healthiest diet?

Weston A. Price was a dentist in the early 1900s and he went around the world studying the diets of indigenous populations. He wanted to find out why Americans had such narrow jaws, cavities, and required root canals. He found that people who were eating their traditional diets (no processed foods) had wide jaws with plenty of room for wisdom teeth, few if any cavities, and no need for root canals. So, what diet provided these benefits?

This may surprise you, but Price found a wide variety of diets that promoted health, from mostly plant based to mostly animal based. He did not find a one-size-fits-all diet.

Here are some tips to finding the diet that works best for you:

  1. Listen to your body – this is key! Stop paying attention to what everyone is saying and start paying attention to how you feel. Do you have energy? Do you sleep well? Do you feel bloated? Do you have digestive issues like acid reflux? Do you have a bowel movement every day? Any skin issues, like acne or eczema? Get in touch with how you feel and what is going on with your body.
  2. Eat real food – Price did not find any healthy populations eating processed foods. Whatever diet you choose, whether keto, vegan or something in between, you need to eat real food, not fake, processed foods.
  3. Enjoyment – do you enjoy the foods you are eating or do you dread the diet you are on? Life is stressful enough without having to add to it with a diet you don’t enjoy.
  4. Can you stick to it for life? – this is important if you don’t want to keep going on and off diets. A diet should be nourishing, taste good, and support your lifestyle, otherwise you won’t stick to it.

What’s more important than what you eat is what you don’t eat:

  1. Avoid fats that did not exist before 1850, like canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed oils, margarine, and Crisco.
  2. Limit sugar and flours.
  3. Avoid GMOs, pesticides, and herbicides. Go to and print out the dirty dozen and the clean 15 lists to see which fruits and vegetables are best organic. If you eat anything with soy, corn, cotton, or canola, make sure it is organic.
  4. Eat animals that are humanely raised, eat their traditional diets, and are not loaded with antibiotics and hormones.

So, what’s the best diet? The diet that makes you feel good, you enjoy, and you can stick to for life.

Boost Health and Drop Weight in 2018 with Chia

lose weight and improve health with chia
Hey everyone!

Dr. Chanderbhan, N.D. here. Happy 2018 and with that said I’d like to share with you one tip that’s going to help you achieve any New Year’s resolutions that might include improving your overall health in addition to possibly losing some weight. So that tip is basically including about 3 tablespoons of chia seeds into your diet everyday. The average American consumes about 22 grams of fiber per day and studies have shown that if you want to be losing weight and preventing certain risk factors for developing different types of cancers then you need to be consuming about 40 grams of fiber.  So with just three tablespoons [of chia seeds] I’m able to get 11 grams of fiber into my diet right off the bat.  In addition to that I’m getting 5 grams of protein, 20% of my calcium intake, and about 15% of my intake for iron everyday.


The great thing about chia seeds is that there is no flavor so what I do is I actually just include the three tablespoons into my water bottle. I add a little bit of vitamin C in there because Vitamin C is great for hair, skin and nails.  It also helps to balance your hormones. And so I include this and I drink it over the course of about 1 or 2 hours and the wonderful thing is that chia seeds, like I mentioned before, they have no flavor and because one chia seed absorbs about 10 times its own weight in water it helps me to feel fuller for longer so that I’m not binge eating or that I’m not over consuming food.

So I hope you’re able to incorporate this super easy tip into your diet.  If you are, by all means share your story with everyone else.  Enjoy the rest of your 2018 and good luck with the rest of your resolutions!

Unraveling Emotional Cravings

Natural Migraine Relief

Anxiety. Self-doubt. Sadness. Loneliness. Frustration. Boredom.

These emotions are can be quite uncomfortable. When they make an appearance it is a natural inclination to push them away- with food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, excessive exercise. I’ve done it all, but for many years my most reliable self-medicating drug of choice was sugar. With that sublime hit of dopamine, sugar temporarily softened the edge of anxiety and self-doubt. The problem was that the post sugar-fix trough was even more unbearable than the initial uncomfortable emotion.

I gave up sugar a year ago; as a result I needed a new strategy to deal with my emotional cravings. Here are a few tips based on my experience (I believe the same strategies can be utilized to deal with emotional cravings for drugs, alcohol, shopping, etc.):

Address cravings directly by asking questions:

Am I craving this because I am hungry? If not, what is going on? Am I looking for a hit of dopamine?

• Am I hoping to numb an unpleasant feeling by eating this item? If so, can I sit with this feeling for a bit?

• Where is this feeling stemming from? Is the feeling irrational?

• Is there something else I can do to address this feeling?

Make a list of things you love to do. When you recognize an emotional craving commit to trying one (or more) of these activities. For example:

take a walk
• listen to a podcast
• cuddle with a partner/pet
• call a friend
• do yoga
• paint/draw/journal
• listen to a favorite song
• read a book or a magazine

Understand that freedom from emotional cravings is a process.

Don’t sink into self-loathing if you have a bit of a backslide. Forgive yourself and move on. You can choose to learn from the experience and be better equipped to deal with the next emotional craving.

The ability to understand the process is transformative. I am NOT cured of emotional eating. Just the other day I was experiencing a mental block while working on a big project and frustration was creeping in. I could feel the frustration transitioning to anxiety and suddenly I was daydreaming about almond butter. I could clearly envision sliding open the silverware drawer, grabbing a spoon, opening the fridge and reaching for the jar. How enjoyable a fat scoop of almond butter would be! But because I’ve been practicing, I was able to pull back and became an observer of my thoughts. It was interesting that the uncomfortable feelings led to the almond butter jar. I asked myself a few questions: Was I hungry? Nope. Was I experiencing an emotional craving? Yep.  

I turned to my tried and true anxiety remedy: I went outside. I took a hike in the woods. I stopped to notice the new buds forming on the plants and trees, to appreciate the bright green ferns poking out of the layer of decayed fall leaves. I watched the birds and listened to them calling to one another. The walk was refreshing and renewed a deep sense of appreciation in my soul. But when I returned and tried to sit once again with my project the frustration came rushing back. I clearly wasn’t done with my mental break yet.

So I played one of my favorite inspirational podcasts and cleaned out a cupboard. And you know what? The podcast happened to be about the very issue with which I was seeking guidance! I gratefully received the inspiration I had been craving, I felt accomplished about my tidy cabinet, and I had subsequent success with my project. All without almond butter!

If you are dealing with emotional cravings, they can feel impossible to resolve. Know that you have all the tools you need to start the unraveling process: awareness, a plan, and self-compassion!


Blog by Guest Author:

Katie HarrisonKatie Harrison

I am a teacher, a Primal Health Coach, and a resident of a tiny Alaskan town. My husband and I live in a 384 square foot wood-heated cabin without running water. We love to play outside, catch fish, and forage for wild plants.

You can find me on my website, Awaken Your Glow, and Instagram.

What Meat Do You Eat?

What Meat Do You Eat?

Are you a meat eater? On the paleo diet? Low carb diet? Atkins? A Carnivore?

If you choose to eat meat, there are several things to consider when you weigh your options for the best choice to consume.

Obviously, we want to choose a source of meat that is the least processed – that you can still see fat or bone present – such as a steak, ribs, pork chop, chicken leg or even the whole raw chicken.

Steer clear of the processed meats, such as hot dogs, deli meats, cold cuts, pepperoni, bacon and anything else that you know has undergone some sort of processing to get to its current state.

But when choosing the best meat for you and your family, it goes much deeper than just finding what is available at your grocery store that is the least processed.

Let’s consider for a moment the animals and animal products that we are consuming.

They have taken months or possibly years to get to their full size before slaughter. This gives them plenty of time to eat and eat and eat to grow large enough to be sent to market.

This also gives the animal plenty of time to gather up toxins in their bodies from the food supply they are given to eat when they are conventionally grown. Often, they are being fed genetically modified corn, soy and mixed feed that has been sprayed generously with many doses of pesticides. These pesticides are accumulated in the bodies of these animals and passed on to us when we eat them.

The animals are generally kept in tight quarters with several hundred other animals and can easily pass germs around to one another. This means that there is often antibiotics added to their food supply to control illness among the population. This is also passed on to us when we eat them, not to mention into the ground water supply from their excretions.

For these reasons and many others, it is important to choose meat that has been naturally raised to ensure that your family is getting a high quality product. When animals are raised in their natural environment and eat their native diet, they naturally produce meats that are higher in minerals, essential fatty acids and vitamins. 

Look for labels such as:

• organic
• grass fed
• free range
• pasture raised
• wild caught
• antibiotic free
• GMO free

The best place to find the highest quality meat for your family are directly at organic farms, Farmer’s Markets, and health foods stores in your community. Talk to the famers, the producers and associates to purchase humanely raised, and as-organic-as-possible animal products. 

Including animal products in your diet can add variety to your diet and provide you with essential vitamins and minerals if you are mindful of selecting high-quality products. Pairing meat with a salad and lots of colourful vegetables can make a great meal filled with the nutritious fuel your body needs to function at its best.

Don’t Pull Out That Weed! All About The Cancer Fighting Medicine That’s Growing in Your Yard

Dandelions fight cancer

There is an old shaman’s tale that when you are in the Amazon jungle, and you are bitten by a bug, or a snake or some other equally scary incident, the antidote is always within arm’s reach.

Nature provides the healing remedy at the very location you need it most.

This may be a fair ideal when you are in such a densely populated area of herbs, plants and insects as the Amazon jungle, but what if the principle can be applied elsewhere?

What if you looked out into your backyard and realized that the very dandelions that you spend so much time trying to rid from your yard actually provide immense healing properties!

If this is true, maybe Mother Nature is onto something – she provides abundant sources of healing if only we know what to look for.

The Truth About Cancer website is an authority on all things cancer-related, most especially known for natural healing remedies and prevention principles.

They are reporting that dandelions are actually a potent cancer fighting medicine that is loaded with vitamins and minerals.

There are reports of people pulling out the dandelions, drying the roots and grinding it into an edible powder that boosts the immune system to help fight off cancer.

Currently, clinical trials are underway to study how dandelion root extract can help to treat blood-related cancers including lymphoma and leukemia.

Additionally, researchers from Windsor Regional Cancer Centre in Ontario are also in the midst of a study on dandelion root extract on a group of 30 patients with end-stage blood related cancers. So their findings will be very interesting to learn about.

How Can You Incorporate More Dandelions Into Your Diet?

For starters, you can pick dandelion leaves from your yard and add them to salads or juice them with other greens. Be sure you are picking leaves that have not been sprayed with pesticides or that you dogs may have been near. Or you can purchase dandelion greens at your local grocery store!

You can also make dandelion tea by pouring hot water over the greens and flowers and steeping for 10 minutes. And you can incorporate dandelion greens and flowers into your regular salads.

My favourite way to use dandelion greens? Juicing!!

I found huge dandelion greens at the grocery store this week (literally 18 inches tall) and added them to our weekly green juice regimen.

Dandelion Green Juice: (use as many organic options as you can)

2 English Cucumbers
4 zucchini
1 head celery
1 large bunch Bok Choy
1 large bunch Dandelion Greens
3 lemons (Just peel and put the whole lemon with pith through the juicer!)
3 Granny Smith Apples (sliced in half and cored)


With Sources From: