How To Get More Deep Sleep In Just 5 Simple Steps

How To Get More Deep Sleep

As night falls, some of us are really excited to crawl into bed to have a good quality sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.  Unfortunately, for a lot of people it’s not often the case.  Bedtime can be a frustrating time for some, tossing and turning with the inability to sleep.  With sleep being so valuable and so many of us lacking it, here’s how to get more deep sleep in just five simple steps.

sleep schedule

How To Get More Deep Sleep

#1 – Stick To A Sleep Schedule

Choose a bedtime and awake time that works best for your lifestyle and stick to it!  Even on weekends and holidays.  A sleep schedule will help regulate your bodies clock and keep you on a routine.

#2 – Honor Your Circadian Rhythm

When you honor your bodies clock, you also honor your body’s hormonal regulation system.  The hormone melatonin is released from your brain when you are in darkness.  Melatonin is a hormone that tells our body to slow down and sleep.  Melatonin is not released as readily when we’re out in the sunlight or around bright lights.  Honoring your circadian rhythm means creating a dark space to sleep and staying away from screens for at least one hour before bed.  It’s time to turn off the TV, computer and phone.  Create a dark space for yourself before bed.

When you wake up in the morning, spend time in a bright or well-lit area.  Open your blinds and let the sunshine in!  Start to eat breakfast by a window or out on the deck if weather permits.  Begin your day with a morning walk or outdoor time.  The exposure to sunlight and well-lit areas will signal your brain to decrease melatonin release and help increase your energy throughout the day.

bedtime ritual

#3 – Create A Bedtime Ritual

Creating a routine that divides your day may be helpful in falling asleep and staying asleep.  There are times during the day that we may experience anxiety, stress or excitement.  For some us it’s when we are at the gym, at work or playing with the kids.  Creating a bedtime ritual separates the high excitement state from the low energy and relaxed state you want to be in before bed.  The ritual allows you to shift to a state of calm and relaxation.

For some people the ritual may be an epson salt bath before bed, meditation listening to relaxing music in a calm quiet area of your house, sitting and chatting with your partner or reading an easy book.  Creating that bedtime ritual is also going to help you fall asleep and get you in that relaxed state.  Want to put a little Namaste in your life?  Click here to learn more!

#4 – Evaluate Your Room

Look around your room and determine if there are any factors that can affect your sleep. Sources of light like alarm clocks, night lights and windows can be contributing to your poor quality or lack of sleep.  Assess your room and evaluate if it is dark.  If you have a clock and it’s shining or flashing, turn it away from you or even remove it from your room.  Move electronics away from your bed and out of your bedroom.  Put the nightlight in the hallway and close your door.  You can even use a mask to help keep things dark.  Make sure that your sleep space is a quiet area.  If you find that there are noises that are waking you up
try to move them or use earplugs at night.  Avoid any sleep disturbances.

How To Find The Right Pillow

#5 – Get Good Quality Pillows & Mattress

The average good quality bed typically has a life span of 10 years.  If your mattress is old and expired, than switch it out or invest in a new one.  I say invest because it truly is a solid investment.  The average person spends eight hours a day in their bed (sleeping or trying to sleep).  You use your bed every single day for years.  Therefore, a quality mattress is key to quality sleep!

If you’re sleeping on your side use one good quality pillow rather than a stack of pillows.  If you are sleeping on your back, use a small thin pillow.  Click here to take the pillow test.

Also, avoid sleeping on your stomach!  Need help picking the perfect pillow for you?  Click here to learn about all things pillows from the pillow doctor himself!

I hope you now know how to get more deep sleep and that these simple tips help you  improve your quality of sleep.  Of course, there’s many more things that you can do to help improve your quality of but this is a perfect place to start.

Also, something to consider if you have symptoms of exhaustion, anxiety and sleep disturbances is adrenal fatigue.  Click here to find out if you have adrenal fatigue and ways you can fight back naturally!

Have a wonderful night sleep tonight and sweet dreams!

Stroke And Heart Attack Linked To Drinking This!

The power of the brain and nervous system amazes me.  A system that controls literally every process and function in the body.  Therefore, I’m always interested in good research affecting the health and function of the nervous system.  Recently, I received an e-mail from a friend of mine in the US who is a practicing neurosurgeon.  The subject of the e-mail floored me. 

“Drinking two or more diet sodas a day linked to high risk of stroke and heart attack.” (1)

I needed to learn more.  So, I clicked on the link and pulled up the research studies they were referring to.  Why?  Because the media is NOTORIOUS for misrepresenting research and misleading the public just to increase viewership.  

Are We Surprised?

Let me state that for many health professionals, the findings of this study aren’t a surprise.  I would even argue that the majority of us with an interest in nutrition are well aware of the dangers of consuming artificially sweetened beverages on a regular basis.  We know that previous research has already shown soft drinks (both diet and regular) to be associated with a number of health risks.  Stroke and dementia (2), diabetes (3), obesity (4), and metabolic syndrome (5) which is a precursor to heart disease are just a few. 

Click here to read more about how drinking diet soda increases your risk of stroke 3-fold.

What Did The Data Reveal?

Drinking two or more of any kind of soft drink increased the risk of stroke and heart attacks.  Early death in women over 50 years of age was also reported.  The study sample included over 81,000 people.  However, Only 5% of them actually consumed two or more diet soda beverages.  What is interesting about this study is that these findings were reported after they accounted for age, ethnicity, Body Mass Index, and blood pressure.  These women didn’t have a history of stroke, heart disease, or diabetes.  All confounding variables that lead to heart attacks and strokes. 

Also, they found that physical activity and diet were the same between people who drank two or more diet soft drinks and those who didn’t.  After controlling for all these factors, the study found the following;

  • Women who consumed 2+ diet drinks a day were 31% more likely to have a clot-based stroke
  • 29% more likely to have heart disease
  • 16% more likely to die from any cause than the women who either drank less or none at all

Whose Risks Were The Highest?

  1. Women aged 50-79.
  2. If you were African-American.
  3. If you had a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30+.

Stroke and Dementia Risk, Linked to Artificial Sweeteners

What Do The Results Tell Us?

For one, switching to diet sodas and juices with artificial sweeteners is not necessarily a “healthier” option.  They are both bad.  These studies don’t tell us outright that consuming soft drinks causes strokes.  However, it is safe to say the results of these long-term studies definitely raise some alarms.  

Also, it tells us that in people with no previous diseases that predispose us to heart attacks and strokes, result the exact same.  It would be interesting to look at a study that shows how long people would need to drink diet sodas before their risks start to increase.

But what is it about artificial sweeteners that increases our risk?  I am unaware if a scientific consensus exists that demonstrates causality.  Likely more research needs to be conducted before we can establish a direct causal relationship.  One explanation for the increased risk associated with artificial sweeteners may be that they alter the bacteria in the gut.  It could disrupts the body’s ability to control glucose.  If the body can’t control glucose than this can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and even stroke. (6)

Click here for my TV segment discussing the important role our gut plays in the regulation of our immune system.  Also, for helpful ways to avoid sugar, click here to read Sugar – Are you singing the sugar blues?

I’m an advocate for people breaking lifestyle habits that are unlikely to contribute to their well-being.  We are learning by way of repeated studies demonstrating similar results.  Consuming high amounts of sugar or diet sodas is ultimately going to lead to poorer health.  So next time you’re faced with a choice for a drink, maybe opt for water with lemon instead.


1. CNN – Drinking two or more diet sodas a day linked to high risk of stroke heart attacks

2. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

3. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

4. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health – nutrition

5. 4. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health – nutrients

6. TIME – Diet Sodas and Juices Are Linked to Higher Stroke Risk, Study Says

Lawsuit Filed Against Canadian Government Officials for ‘draconian and unjustifiable’ Response to the Pandemic

covid-19 lawsuit Canada

In Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic and the response by the Government has started a difficult conversation. Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC) is suing Trudeau’s liberal Government and the Government of Ontario. The lawsuit holds both governments accountable for declaring draconian measures in response to Covid-19.


In a press release statement by one of plaintiffs, the non-profit group said;

“We are living in unprecedented times. The indiscriminate containment of the people of Canada, the restricted access to parliament, medical and educational services. The destruction of local economies and the requirement to social distancing, along with the forced use of facial masks are measures that have never before been imposed on Canadian citizens. The impact of these aberrant measures on our physical, psychological, social, and economic well-being is destructive. And these actions are unsustainable, extreme, and unconstitutional.”

Legal Action Against Trudeau’s Government

On Monday, July 6, 2020 the legal action was filed against Trudeau’s Government and the Government of Ontario. The lawsuit, filed in the Superior Court of Ontario, includes many other parties including various public health officers, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Municipality of Toronto.

In the statement of claim by VCC, the group lists the following as defendants:

  • Justin Trudeau – Canadian Prime Minister
  • Doug Ford – Ontario Premier
  • Dr. Theresa Tam – Canada’s Chief Medical Officer
  • Dr. David Williams – Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer
  • Christine Elliot & Stephen Lecce – Ontario’s Health and Education Ministers
“VCC formally filed legal action in the Superior Court of Ontario to hold several defendants accountable for their actions concerning COVID-19 measures. The defendants include the Canadian Government, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Toronto, public health officers, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.”

The plaintiffs announced at an in-person event for accredited press only that the non-profit society is seeking payment of the lawsuit cost. It’s also seeking that the defendants no longer enforce the mandatory measures on Canada’s citizens. This is because the plaintiffs feel the measures violate the rights of citizens under the constitution of Canada and were not scientifically justified.

They are seeking a declaration that face masks should not be mandatory. The group also wants social distancing measures withdrawn as well as the closure of schools, playgrounds, and churches.

One of the plaintiffs said;

“During times of emergency, Constitutional rights do not stop being important. They become even more important.”

In the Statement of Claim, it’s noted that the plaintiffs are also seeking $10 million in punitive damages and $1 million in general damages from CBC. The group is suing CBC for spreading “false news” and “misinformation” about the pandemic.

In the news release, one of the plaintiff groups state;

“An over-rated (COVID-19) pandemic narrative is being used to create panic and justify the violation of rights, including Constitutional rights, the rule of law, democracy, sovereignty, and financial security.”

Both global and health research experts have criticized the Canadian Government for enacting unjustifiable measures in response to the pandemic. One of those experts is Emmet Macfarlane, a University of Waterloo political science professor. He said;

“It’s not surprising that non-profit groups are taking issues with some of the  measures set by the government. The longer the emergency situation continues, the more restrictions on personal liberties…”

VCC Opposes New Brunswick Bill

Recently, one of the plaintiffs [VCC] outwardly opposed the New Brunswick bill mandating the vaccination of kids attending public schools. The controversial bill would have removed philosophical and religious exemptions as reasons for forcing parents to vaccinate their kids.

The bill, introduced by Dominic Cardy, the New Brunswick’s Minister of Education, failed. In the free vote, the Bill 11, received 20 against 22 votes.

One of the voters who objected to the bill was Attorney General Andrea Anderson-Mason. In a statement to CBC, she said the reason for opposing the bill was the lack of “evidence” that there was an impact on immunizations as a result of the anti vaxx movement.

Ted Kuntz, President of VCC, told that any form of forced vaccination, even the Covid-19, is unconstitutional. This is after the site inquired about the approval of Health Canada human trial testing of a COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine is from an aborted fetal cell line. He also said;

“The decision by Health Canada to approve human trial testing for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine should concern us all. Bypassing standard safety protocols and rushing a vaccine to market increases the risk of producing a product that will cause more harm than good. It has the potential of undermining the trust in our medical professionals, and health organizations.”

VCC news release states;

…warning bells are being rung about the consequences of the extreme and unwarranted actions that violate the freedoms and rights well established in the Canadian and international law.”

As a non-profit group founded by families who suffered from vaccine injuries and reactions, VCC (Vaccine Choice Canada) is and has been a vocal opponent of government responses. In the lawsuit, Rocco Galati, an attorney at a Toronto-based law firm, represents the group among other plaintiffs listed in the statement of claim available at the top of this page.

Ten Tricks To Get The Best Sleep EVER!


Poor sleep quality is a very common complaint I hear from patients in my clinic.  It’s also a multi-faceted problem that doesn’t have one solution.  Often, I find myself offering various solutions for sleeping to try to create the ideal environment for a peaceful sleep. rest.

To understand just how much of a problem sleep is we can look at the results of a StatsCan study that found, “43% of men and 55% of women aged 18 to 64 reported trouble going to sleep or staying asleep “sometimes/most of the time/all of the time.”

Why Quality Of Sleep Matters

The Canadian Health Measures Survey showed that “Short sleeping duration’s and poor sleep quality are prevalent among Canadian adults.  About one-third sleep fewer hours per night than recommended for optimal physical and mental health.  This group also experiences poor sleep quality more frequently than do those who sleep the recommended number of hours.(1)

According to these statistics it is evident that there is a high percentage of people reporting sleeping problems.

Chronic sleep problems can have detrimental health consequences as well.  Poor sleep quality and duration is “…associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, injuries, death from all causes, depression, irritability and reduced well-being…” (2)

How Many Hours Of  A Peaceful Sleep Do You Need?

For adults aged 18 to 64 are recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.  While seniors aged 65 or older should get 7 to 8 hours. (3)

Dr. Nenos talks about how many hours of sleep you actually need on Hamilton Life

What Are The Best Sleeping Positions?

Most people fall into three general positions for sleeping, back, side, and stomach.  While there are numerous arguments to be made on which is best, it comes down to what allows your spine to maintain a neutral position that is as straight as possible with little to no tilts and bends. Ensuring you have the right pillow is also essential for a painfree and peaceful sleep. Click here to take the pillow test then watch this video on how to find the right pillow.

Proper sleeping positions - Dr. Nenos on Hamilton Life

In order to address the issue, it’s important to understand the cause.  This differs for many people, however, rather than diving into the complexity of the problem, I’d like to offer the reader the following possible solutions for a peaceful sleep based on my experience.

1. Limit Your Exposure To Artificial Light At Night

Light alerts the body that it is daytime so dimming or as I do in my house, shutting off all the lights in the house a few hours before bedtime, allows me to get sleepy and fall asleep faster.  Keeping your bedroom dark may also help, just make sure the area around your bed is safe from obstacles in case you do wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom.  This is especially important for seniors who are at risk of falls.

2. Create A Regular Sleeping Schedule

Stick to a regular schedule that has you going to bed at the same time every night as well as waking up at the same time in the morning (even on weekends).  A routine for sleeping may be the momentum you need to achieving good night’s rest.

3. Turn The TV Off A Few Hours Before Bedtime

Our brains are not programmed to process motion picture for extended periods of time. Quiet your brain by reducing TV exposure before heading to bed.

4. Limit Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a stimulant and avoiding may decrease the likelihood of being alert while lying in bed.

5. No Naps Close To Bed Time

After travelling around Europe one summer I noticed some Europeans enjoy a nice “siesta” which is an afternoon rest or nap, especially one taken during the hottest hours of the day in a hot climate. However, these naps are taken early in the afternoon which allows you have ample time to fall asleep later in the evening. Be sure to avoid taking a nap late in the afternoon as it may cause you to either fall asleep much later than anticipated or worse, not sleep at all.

6. Keep The Bedroom Cooler Than Usual

Turn down the thermostat a few degrees at night to allow your body to fall into a state of hibernation. It works for bears so it’s worth a try.

7. Draw Up A Warm Bath

A warm bath or shower helps to soothe and relax the body and prepare it for bed.

Note: a cold shower has the complete opposite effect in case you feel drowsy and sleepy during the day.

8. Avoid Using Technology In Bed

There are several reasons for this. One being that the blue light emitted from our mobile devices strains our eyes and could cause sleep disturbances. Some tech companies have even incorporated a “night shift” mode to allow your eyes to adapt to warmer colours.

9. Keep Mobile Phones And Computers Away From Your Bed

Although the jury is still out on this factor, your cell phone and computer transmit signals even when you’re not using them. Avoid the problem of radio frequencies altogether by leaving your electronic devices in the living room, far away from where you sleep.

10. See A Chiropractor!

One of the most common responses I get from patients after starting Chiropractic care is that they report better sleep.  This may due to patients having sleep disturbances as a result of spinal related problems.  Since many find relief while addressing their back problems, it may explain why a significant number of those patients report better sleep as an unintended, but much appreciated, side benefit of being under Chiropractic care.

Be sure to check with your health practitioner first before attempting any of these suggestions.

Also, do you find that it’s a struggle to get the kids asleep or better yet stay asleep?Click here to read, Why Do We Make Young Children Sleep Alone?

Sweet dreams!


2. Institute of Medicine Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research. Colten HR, Altevogt BM, eds. Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2006.
3. Hirshkowitz M, Whiton K, Albert SM, et al. National Sleep Foundation’s updated sleep duration recommendations: Final report. Sleep Health 2015; 1: 233-43.

DIY Sunscreen That Is Natural, Safe And Effective!

DIY sunscreen

This article will help you to determine which natural sunscreens are both safe AND effective but also what you NEED to avoid. I even include a natural DIY sunscreen that even helps to repel insects!

With the summer upon us, many of us are eager to soak up lots of sunshine. The sun is great for boosting mood and immunity but in excessive amounts the UV rays can also cause skin damage and an increased risk for skin cancer. This is why most of us know to reach for a sunscreen before heading out into the sun.

Unfortunately, many of these products that protect us from the sun’s UV rays, also get absorbed into our bodies and disrupt our hormones. Hormone disruption can cause issues with:

  • Mood regulation
  • Sleep quality
  • Energy
  • Fertility

Things we definitely want to avoid just as much as the skin damage we risk from the sun. This has led to an increase in the production of “natural” sunscreens as a safer alternative. This is great, however you must be cautious of clever marketing and false claims.

toxic chemicals in sunscreen

Look For The Active Ingredients

The first step in picking safer sunscreen is knowing the ingredients to avoid. These are the main chemicals we find in sunscreen that we know cause hormone disruption:

1. Oxybenzone
2. Octinoxate/Octyl methoxycinnamate

We also need to cover the natural products that claim to have sun protecting factors (SPF) but don’t have enough research to back them up.

I would recommend avoiding these if they are the ONLY active ingredient:

  • Carrot seed oil
  • Red raspberry seed oil

They are not harmful so you don’t need to avoid them but they cannot be relied on as your sole sun protection.

6 Common Chemical Sunscreen Ingredients Can Get Into the Bloodstream

Safer & Effective Active Ingredients

The best alternative active ingredients are mineral sunscreens which do not get absorbed. These ingredients are:

1. Zinc Oxide
2. Titanium Dioxide

These both have proven broad spectrum UV protection and have not been shown to interfere with our hormones.

There are also some natural products that do have evidence to support their sun protecting factors (SPF). The following natural ingredients all have around 5 SPF:

  • Coconut oil
  • Almond oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Peppermint oil

These are all great additions to your sunscreen but should not be relied on solely as they do not provide enough protection.

how much spf do you need?

How Much SPF Do You Need?

SPF stands for sun protecting factor and it is a measure of how much it blocks UVB rays. The higher the number, the more protection it provides. However, the numbers are not equivalent to the amount of protection. For example, SPF 30 does not provide double the amount of protection as SPF 15.

SPF 15 blocks out 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 blocks out 97%. SPF 50 then blocks out 98%. This means there really isn’t a significant benefit to getting sunscreen above SPF 50.

SPF also has nothing to do with the length of time spent in the sun but rather with the intensity of the sun. If you are out in the sun when UV rays are higher (i.e. mid-day), you need to limit your sun exposure in addition to applying sunscreen, instead of simply trying to apply higher SPF sunscreen.

Click here to read everything you need to know before having Fun in the Sun.

make your own sunscreen

Try Making Your Own Sun Screen

If you love DIY best for your natural products, you can also make your own sunscreen at home. I’ve adapted this recipe from Wellness Mama and added essential oils to provide some protection against insects as well.

DIY Sunscreen Ingredients:

  • ½ cup of almond oil
  • ¼ cup of coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp. beeswax
  • 1-2 tbsp. shea butter
  • 2-4 tbsp. non-nano zinc oxide
  • 20 drops of lavender augustifolia essential oil and/or peppermint essential oil

Instructions For DIY Sunscreen:

  1. Fill a big saucepan half full with water and put on medium heat
  2. Mix all your ingredients except the essential oils and zinc in a large mason jar and place in pan
  3. Stir your ingredient every few minutes until completely melted (wash the stirring instrument immediately when your done or you will be scrapping beeswax off)
  4. Remove the jar from the pan and slowly stir in each tbsp. of zinc.
  5. Add in the essential oils and stir them thoroughly
  6. Allow to cool on the counter. You may need to add more or less beeswax to get the right consistency.

This formulation gives about 20-30 SPF. The problem with homemade formulations is that you cannot guarantee their composition. This formulation is also not waterproof and should be applied every 3-4 hours.

In addition to sunscreen, always use safe sun practices. Wear hats and try to avoid prolonged sun exposure, particularly between 12-4 pm. Cover the skin where you can to reduce exposure to sun rays.

If you are looking for more direction on sunscreen products that are safer for your skin, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Database.

Top 5 Brain Exercises To Improve Seniors Health And Happiness

brain exercises for seniors

So, you may be wondering, why are these brain exercises that important? Well, traditionally we work for about 40-45 years of our lives to build up enough wealth so when we’re ready, we can enjoy the sweet bliss of retirement. However, by the time retirement is in full swing many retirees, now seniors are dealing with a host of health problems. Because of this, a large portion of their time is spent visiting different doctors trying to fix their ailments rather than enjoying their fruitful ‘golden years’.

This is why it is more important than ever to encourage seniors, and really anyone you love to stay mentally active. This can help to reduce the chances of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and even depression.

The following list of activities were complied to provide seniors with hobbies or activities that they can do to help their cognitive function abilities. So let’s get to it!  Here is my top 5 brain boosting activities to help maintain and even boost cognitive health.

music therapy

Brain Exercise #1 – Musical Therapy

Musical therapy has been extensively studied in all age groups and has been proven to have a wide range of health benefits which include:

  • Heightened IQ
  • Improved mood
  • Relaxation
  • Energy
  • Increased cognitive function

Listening to music can bring up past memories and be a great form of comfort and enjoyment for seniors.

arts and crafts for seniors

Brain Exercise #2 – Arts And Crafts

Maintaining dexterity and good hand eye coordination should also be an important goal as we age. Therefore consider a variety of arts and crafts which may include:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Knitting
  • Crocheting
  • Quilting

You can even suggest partaking in the latest trend of adult colouring.  These are all excellent inexpensive options to help preserve cognitive function. Also, it’s been shown that unleashing your creativity can reduce depression, which can be an issue for isolated seniors.

Click here to explore, Crafts for Seniors: 52 Fun and Simple Ideas That Inspire.

best physical activities for seniors

Brain Exercise #3 – Physical Activity

Remaining physically active allows seniors to be more independent to care for themselves and partake in activities outside of the home. Therefore, encourage activities such as:

These all provide an engaging form of exercise that helps to not only strengthen the body but also maintain posture and agility. Furthermore, regular physical activity has also been linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline.

Now, if mobility is already a concern, chair exercises and stretches can also be incorporated to minimize further loss of mobility.

Chair Exercises for Seniors - Senior Fitness - Exercises for the Elderly

Brain Exercise #4 – Learn A New Language

Learning a new language at any age is incredibility stimulating to the brain. In fact, when we learn a new language it stimulates the brain to multitask and can even improve memory. There have even been studies on using bilingualism as a strategy to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Click here for Oprah’s 11 Best Language Learning Apps for 2020.

brain games for seniors

Brain Exercise #5 – Puzzles And Brain Teasers

Try including brain teasers into your daily routine to help keep your mind sharp. These can include:

Even playing cards is a fantastic way to keep the mind sharp and active. Who new brain exercises could be so much fun!

brain health

Consider This

If you are still in the workforce, prevention during the working years is the key to a happy, healthy retirement.

Now, I understand for many this may be easier said than done! Several jobs are high pressure and high stress which over time negatively impacts our health. But remember, utilizing the brain exercises that were highlighted in this article is excellent for individuals of any age! So give it a try and begin reducing your stress and improving quality of life.

Alimentary Canal Organs And Their Role In Digestion

Alimentary Canal Organs

So, I know what you might be thinking, why in the world do I need to know about alimentary canal organs and how my digestion works? Well, it is YOUR body! Shouldn’t you know what happens to the food you put in your mouth? Furthermore how it’s processed by your body?

The Digestive Process - University of Michigan Health System

Alimentary Canal Organs And The Digestive Process

The process of digestion starts in the mouth and buccal cavity. This is where large pieces of food are broken down mechanically by your teeth. Here, saliva is secreted by the salivary glands which are located on the lower jaw, between the tongue and teeth.

Saliva softens the food, making it easier for ingestion. It also helps break down starches to sugar. Once the swallowed food passes into the esophagus, the food is moved down the digestive tract by peristaltic muscular movements into the stomach.

Next, the food mixes mucus and stomach acids, secreted by the inner lining of the stomach. This step is responsible for killing bacteria in the food and breaking down proteins and carbs into simpler substances and usually takes an average of two hours.

The broken-down substance then continues through the digestive tract where it enters the small intestine.

function of small intestine

Function Of Small Intestine

Your small intestine are a highly coiled structure that stretches about 20 feet long and is divided in 3 parts:

As it receives food from the stomach, digestive enzymes, such as bile produced by the liver, breaks down fats. At the same time, pancreatic juices produced by the pancreas, break down proteins and carbohydrates.

The inner wall of the small intestine is covered by hair-like organisms (microvilli) that help food be absorbed which takes an average of 3 hours. Next, undigested food enters the large intestine.

Function Of Large Intestine

Spanning about 5 feet in length, the large intestine contains 3 parts:

Food generally spends around 19 hours in the large intestine—far longer than in the small intestines! There, the food mixes with mucus and bacteria that live in the large intestine to begin the formation of fecal matter.

function of the colon

Function Of The Colon

Another important step takes place in your colon as it absorbs most of the water and remaining vitamins and minerals. The 4 sections of your colon include:

  • Ascending
  • Transverse
  • Descending
  • Sigmoid

Furthermore, the bacteria present in your colon are responsible for producing some of the vitamin B’s and K which turn unabsorbed carbs into:

  • Methane gas
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Hydrogen

In addition, the large intestine flora is responsible to ferment soluble fibers. Producing approximately 20 to 30 grams per day of the short-chained fatty-acids (SCFA):

With a ratio of 3:1:1, 95% can be absorbed and the remaining 5% excreted. In fact, it is estimated that about 5% – 10% of total body energy comes from SCFA’s.

Lastly, the fecal matter reaches the rectum and triggers what is called, ‘the defecation reflex’. In other words, the urge to go the bathroom. It is here where the fecal matter exits by the anus and what we commonly refer to as a bowel movement.

So there we go, the complete role of alimentary canal organs and the digestive process, from top to bottom!

For more information be sure to click on the following links:

True Health – Why Most Of Us Get It Wrong

true health

I want to start this article with what could seem like a simple question, what is true health?

Most people living in western culture judge the state of their health based on how they feel and how they look.  It’s this mentality that is actually causing people to develop health problems and chronic pain.

Ask anyone that has survived a heart attack, “How did you feel 10 minutes before having your heart attack?”  Many will tell you that they felt fine, good or even terrific. Yet they were 10 minutes away from having a potentially fatal heart attack!

There’s a great chance this person looks like the ‘average Joe‘, like you or me.  They may have looked good and even felt good. However, they were NOT healthy!  This is why we need to change they way our minds work by asking this important question. What is true health?

Susan Lucci’s Heart Warning for Women: Listen to Your Bodies

Stop Looking And Start Listening!

How many people are walking around your town RIGHT NOW with diabetes or cancer but have no idea?  All because they still look and feel fine!  Conversely, just because you are experiencing symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t heal!

Remember we said, “symptoms can be a blessing”.  It’s actually your body doing a good thing (I know, bear with us!) letting you know there is a problem. Furthermore giving you the opportunity to fix it!

Your body giving you a symptom can be an example Of your body actually performing a proper function, so listen to your body!

how to listen to your body

Body Talk

Have you ever hurt your knee?  The pain can literally prevent you from:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Walking
  • Stairs
  • Crouching, or bending down

Sometimes even taking a few steps feels almost impossible.  However, what the pain is actually preventing you from doing is the things you shouldn’t be doing. Things that could actually make the actual problem worse.

Often, people will take a muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, or painkiller to help ease the symptom of the knee pain and allow you to get through your day with more ease.  However, what you are actually doing is fighting the body’s natural self-protection mechanism and overdoing it and making the problem worse.  Click here to learn more about why medications can be dangerous to your health.

definition of good health

The Definition Of Health

True health is not about how you feel or look.  The World Health Organization’s definition of health is when your body is in a state of “complete physical, mental and social well-being”. That’s true health.  Nowhere in their definition does it say being healthy is looking good or feeling fine!  It’s all about function and healing!

Your body is designed to function and heal optimally IF you give it the opportunity to by removing the cause or interference.  Put simply, this means removing or minimizing physical, chemical, emotional stress.

Click here to read more about the Effects Of Stress – Stress Can Be Good For You?!

final thoughts on good health

Final Thoughts

Make the important decision today to stop ignoring the symptoms (and signs!) and start looking for solutions.

It’s like getting a rust spot on your car.  Sure you can throw a little paint on it and make it look ok on the outside. But, eventually that rust will spread and deteriorate to the point where it’s no longer an easy fix.  Don’t treat your body with that same disregard.

Stop taking medication to mask the pain! Instead, start looking for solutions so you body can heal properly and even prevent problems from rising in the first place!

I’ll leave you with these words of wisdom:

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

― Thomas A. Edison

Click here if you want to learn more about how to find the best diet for you.

Become A BBQ Guru And Prepare A Tastier, Healthier BBQ In Just 10 minutes!

bbq guru

It’s officially summer!  The most wonderful time of the year. Especially if you’re a BBQ guru or connoisseur!  There’s something raw and desirable about cooking your food over a hot burning fire.  Everything about it gives me joy.  The stimulation of the senses, the grill marks, and unique flavours all add to the cooking experience of BBQ food.

However, back in the day I didn’t know any better and didn’t think about all the toxicity associated with your typical BBQ.  In fact, I can remember pouring a number of charcoal lumps, dousing them with toxic and dangerous lighting fluid and when they were hot enough, cooking some grub over the fire.

But wait!  The fire suddenly went out due to the elements!  That’s ok, throw some MORE fluid on the fire.  Ah the “good ole’ days.

Or, if you were more inclined to use a gas BBQ, you would continually burn propane to keep the fire going until you cooked your food.  For me, the idea of lighting a gas BBQ was terrifying!  All thanks to one sunny afternoon at my grandparent’s house when I scorched the hair off my arms.

As I got older and graduated from Chiropractic school, preparing healthier food became more important to me. That’s when I decided I’d had enough! I needed a better, safer, and healthier option when it came to barbecuing.

So, I Googled it.  This led me on an online search adventure that eventually landed me on a YouTube video about how to burn wood without lighting fluid in less than 10 minutes.

Here is what I learned from my journey.

best way to bbq

How To Become A BBQ Guru!

First, you will need to purchase 4–5 items from your local BBQ store.

1. A charcoal BBQ if you don’t have one (I use a Spiedini Grill)
2. Natural Fire Starter (non-toxic lighting cubes or compressed wood starter)
3. Charcoal Chimney Starter
4. Source of Fire (a match or lighter)
5. Hardwood (charred for fast lighting)

Playing With Wood Fire in Your Backyard

Step 1:

Find a non-flammable surface to start the process of burning the hardwood.  Be smart. Don’t place it on surfaces that will burn like wood or grass.  Make sure that you are doing this in an open area that is far away from your house or flammable objects.  Ask your local fire department if you are unsure but really some common sense goes a long way.

Step 2:

Take your chimney starter, which is a metallic cylinder with a heat-safe handle and dump enough hardwood into it that it reaches the top.  You don’t need to overfill the chimney as it may be a fire hazard.  If your BBQ is large, consider purchasing a couple of chimneys (I have 3 even though I’ve never used more than 2 at the same time).

Step 3:

Place 1–2 natural fire starters on a fire-proof surface or right on your grill.  Again, ensure it is in a well-ventilated area away from your house and anything flammable.  Then light the cubes or wood fire-starter using a match or lighter.

Step 4:

Place the chimney on top of the lighting cubes and wait approximately 10 minutes or until the wood is red hot.  The cubes will burn out but the chimney will keep the fire going in a blazing inferno.  Make sure you don’t leave it unattended for too long.

Step 5:

When your wood is red hot and ready, pick the chimney up safely with the handle wearing fire-resistant gloves and pour the wood into your BBQ.  Place the grill on top and let it get really hot before placing your food items on top.  To save time marinate, cut, season and prepare your grilling food items ahead of time.  Then place them on the BBQ and watch them sizzle.

Click here to read, What meat do you eat?

When the food is cooked to your liking, remove them and get ready to enjoy a succulent meal that would make any BBQ guru proud.  Above all, no more toxic lighter fluid.  No more briquettes (that may contain chemical additives for quicker lighting).  Just a little bit of nature and a couple of items from the hardware store.

For some great grilling recipes, click here to read, Victoria Day BBQ Recipes.

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Did You Know?

Grilled vegetables retain more of their vitamins and minerals. Also, meat cooked over an open flame actually preserves more riboflavin and thiamine. All these important vitamins and nutrients play a vital role in a healthy diet.

How To Build Strength And Lose Weight Without Looking Like A Body Builder!

Many people see weightlifting as a way to build huge muscles and achieve a body builder-looking physique.  While this is a motivation for some, weightlifting is something everyone can and should do for optimal fitness. So, here’s how to build strength and lose weight without looking like a body builder! Regardless of your age, fitness level, or health goals as everyone can benefit from lifting weights.

Strength training promotes healthy bone density, skeletal muscle mass, and a healthy body fat percentage.  In this way, weightlifting will help you lose weight, boost your metabolism and give you a lean, toned physique.


Strength training involves using some form of resistance against your body to increase the size and strength of your skeletal muscles.

Forms of resistance can include:
  • Barbells
  • Dumbbells
  • Machines
  • Resistance bands
  • Your own body weight

Weightlifting increases lean muscle mass, and, of course, builds stronger muscles.


Because strength training increases lean muscle mass, it aids in weight loss.  How?  Lean muscle mass helps your body burn calories more efficiently.  It does this by increasing your Basal Metabolic Rate, or resting metabolism.

Two people could weigh the exact same amount, but the person with a higher muscle mass will burn fat and calories more efficiently.  In addition, the person with less body fat and more muscle will look leaner and more toned.

Click here to read, How To Lose Weight – 3 Beliefs That Make Us Fat.

Is Cardio Better than Strength Training for Fat Loss? How Exercise Impacts Weight Loss


In addition, weightlifting creates an after burn effect.  This means that it revs up your metabolism for up to several hours after your workout is complete.  After a workout, your body has to complete various tasks to recover, repair and build muscle.

One of the ways your body works to recover is via an increase in oxygen consumption.  This is called EPOC, or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption.  The duration of EPOC, or the afterburn, depends on both the duration and the intensity of your workout.  It can range from a few hours up to a day or so.


EPOC causes an increase in metabolism, which yields an additional calorie burn.  How many extra calories will you burn?  It depends.  The longer and more intense your workout, the longer the afterburn; therefore, the more calories you’ll burn.

However, you are not going to turn into a calorie-burning machine.  Studies show that even after intense workouts, EPOC yields only a slight increase in metabolism.  This means that most people will not burn an exorbitant amount of calories post-workout (think anywhere from 30-200 calories).

Furthermore, you shouldn’t view EPOC as a license to eat anything and everything you want.  Nutrition is the key to proper recovery, in addition to losing weight and building muscle.  Rather, for optimum results, stick to nutritious, whole foods that are rich in protein.  Things like lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, and protein powder are all good choices.

Click here to read, How to Start Eating Healthy and Stick to It for more on nutrition.


The more resistance you use, the harder your body will work.  This stimulates muscle growth, burns calories and boosts your metabolism.  Therefore, try lifting moderate to heavy weights.  You need to challenge your body to change your body!

If you’re a beginner, start out lifting light weights to acclimate yourself to the exercise. Then, gradually increase the load until you feel challenged.

Your body will adapt to the physical stress of lifting weights, and you will plateau if you always lift the same amount.  Therefore, it’s important to gradually increase the amount of weight you lift in order to continue to lose weight and increase your fitness.  Don’t worry about bulking up, either.  This would require frequently lifting heavy weights plus supplementation.

In addition to how much resistance you use, it’s also important to consider the types of strength training exercises you perform.  Full body or compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups will burn the most calories.  These exercises can include;

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Deadlifts
  • Cleans
  • Sled pushes

These can also include a combination of two exercises such as;

  • Bicep curl to overhead press
  • Push-up to renegade row

These types of exercises will engage the big muscle groups and increase your heart rate.  Therefore, you will burn a greater amount of calories and boost your metabolism.


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week.  Or, 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise, or a combination of the two.  Preferably, this would be distributed across the week, for least 4 days of exercise.  These guidelines also recommend at least 2 strength training sessions per week, using the major muscle groups.

Strength training sessions don’t have to take a long time in order to get the benefits.  You can spend as little as 20 minutes lifting weights, or up to an hour or so.  In general, the more intense the workout, the shorter it can be.  Incorporating full body exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups will engage the big muscle groups and therefore burn calories, even in a short amount of time.


Don’t forget about cardio!  While strength training is essential to achieving lean body mass, cardio is also essential.  Cardio burns more overall calories than strength training, which is necessary for weight loss.  However, cardio does not increase lean body mass like strength training does.  Therefore, a combination of strength training and cardio will give you optimal weight loss results.


It varies from person to person.  But in general, one cardio session for every strength training session will get the job done.  Refer back to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans for general exercise recommendations.  For more personalized exercise plans, speak with a healthcare or fitness professional to determine your specific needs.

Including strength and cardio, there are 4 Types of Exercise that will transform your body and improve your fitness.


Weightlifting is a critical component for losing weight and transforming your body.  Regular strength training will yield a lean, toned physique, as well as improve overall confidence.  If you’ve considered beginning a strength training regimen in the past but haven’t yet taken the first steps, now is the time!  Get with a personal trainer or healthcare professional to come up with a plan that suits your needs and goals and properly show you how to build strength safely.

For more weight loss tips, check out my post on 9 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight.