In Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic and the response by the Government has started a difficult conversation. Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC) is suing Trudeau’s liberal Government and the Government of Ontario. The lawsuit holds both governments accountable for declaring draconian measures in response to Covid-19.
In a press release statement by one of plaintiffs, the non-profit group said;
“We are living in unprecedented times. The indiscriminate containment of the people of Canada, the restricted access to parliament, medical and educational services. The destruction of local economies and the requirement to social distancing, along with the forced use of facial masks are measures that have never before been imposed on Canadian citizens. The impact of these aberrant measures on our physical, psychological, social, and economic well-being is destructive. And these actions are unsustainable, extreme, and unconstitutional.”
Legal Action Against Trudeau’s Government
On Monday, July 6, 2020 the legal action was filed against Trudeau’s Government and the Government of Ontario. The lawsuit, filed in the Superior Court of Ontario, includes many other parties including various public health officers, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Municipality of Toronto.
In the statement of claim by VCC, the group lists the following as defendants:
- Justin Trudeau – Canadian Prime Minister
- Doug Ford – Ontario Premier
- Dr. Theresa Tam – Canada’s Chief Medical Officer
- Dr. David Williams – Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer
- Christine Elliot & Stephen Lecce – Ontario’s Health and Education Ministers
“VCC formally filed legal action in the Superior Court of Ontario to hold several defendants accountable for their actions concerning COVID-19 measures. The defendants include the Canadian Government, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Toronto, public health officers, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.”
The plaintiffs announced at an in-person event for accredited press only that the non-profit society is seeking payment of the lawsuit cost. It’s also seeking that the defendants no longer enforce the mandatory measures on Canada’s citizens. This is because the plaintiffs feel the measures violate the rights of citizens under the constitution of Canada and were not scientifically justified.
They are seeking a declaration that face masks should not be mandatory. The group also wants social distancing measures withdrawn as well as the closure of schools, playgrounds, and churches.
One of the plaintiffs said;
“During times of emergency, Constitutional rights do not stop being important. They become even more important.”
In the Statement of Claim, it’s noted that the plaintiffs are also seeking $10 million in punitive damages and $1 million in general damages from CBC. The group is suing CBC for spreading “false news” and “misinformation” about the pandemic.
In the news release, one of the plaintiff groups state;
“An over-rated (COVID-19) pandemic narrative is being used to create panic and justify the violation of rights, including Constitutional rights, the rule of law, democracy, sovereignty, and financial security.”
Both global and health research experts have criticized the Canadian Government for enacting unjustifiable measures in response to the pandemic. One of those experts is Emmet Macfarlane, a University of Waterloo political science professor. He said;
“It’s not surprising that non-profit groups are taking issues with some of the measures set by the government. The longer the emergency situation continues, the more restrictions on personal liberties…”
VCC Opposes New Brunswick Bill
Recently, one of the plaintiffs [VCC] outwardly opposed the New Brunswick bill mandating the vaccination of kids attending public schools. The controversial bill would have removed philosophical and religious exemptions as reasons for forcing parents to vaccinate their kids.
The bill, introduced by Dominic Cardy, the New Brunswick’s Minister of Education, failed. In the free vote, the Bill 11, received 20 against 22 votes.
One of the voters who objected to the bill was Attorney General Andrea Anderson-Mason. In a statement to CBC, she said the reason for opposing the bill was the lack of “evidence” that there was an impact on immunizations as a result of the anti vaxx movement.
Ted Kuntz, President of VCC, told that any form of forced vaccination, even the Covid-19, is unconstitutional. This is after the site inquired about the approval of Health Canada human trial testing of a COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine is from an aborted fetal cell line. He also said;
“The decision by Health Canada to approve human trial testing for a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine should concern us all. Bypassing standard safety protocols and rushing a vaccine to market increases the risk of producing a product that will cause more harm than good. It has the potential of undermining the trust in our medical professionals, and health organizations.”
VCC news release states;
“…warning bells are being rung about the consequences of the extreme and unwarranted actions that violate the freedoms and rights well established in the Canadian and international law.”
As a non-profit group founded by families who suffered from vaccine injuries and reactions, VCC (Vaccine Choice Canada) is and has been a vocal opponent of government responses. In the lawsuit, Rocco Galati, an attorney at a Toronto-based law firm, represents the group among other plaintiffs listed in the statement of claim available at the top of this page.

the download link doesn’t work. show the proof to the people!
Thanks for letting us know! Fixed and once again proof to the people.