Did You Know Memories Can Cause Pain?

Did you know Memories can cause pain???

Memories are stored in every cell in your body, not just in your brain. Actively or Passively, you choose.

So why does it matter on how memories are stored? What does that mean for you or your loved ones?

Memories are either stored actively or passively in the chemical and hormonal receptors in your cells, tissues, muscles, organs, etc. When a memory is passive we remember the memory as a simple memory trace in the mind and store uncomplicated memory patterns without strong chemical reactions. The stronger or more interesting the memory is the easier it is to recall it. Pleasant scents and aromas, touch, colour, sounds can all contribute to this. Passive memory is a healthy, normal function of the body and the desired situation.

Active memory is a state where we store the memory with an active charge, or stress chemistry and this causes dis-ease!  Acrid disturbing smells (fire, smoke), touch (pain, wounds, trauma), colour and sounds can all contribute to this. Active memory is a normal however unhealthy imbalanced function of the body and the undesired situation.

Active memory occurs when we have not fully synthesized or processed the emotional component of an experience. The subconscious mind holds onto the memory and the body stores the emotion in the fascia (connective tissue), muscles, organs, or other locations in concordance with the bioenergetic nature of the body. For example FEAR is often stored in the ligaments around the knee ~ because fear courage are related to the kidney meridian (which flows behind the knee); or in the lower back (where the kidneys are).

However you are not stuck with this response forever, you are not a victim of this situation, and you can do something about this!! Reading “Feelings buried alive never die” by Karol Truman will give you much insight and awareness to release this yourself, or seeing a practitioner trained in Body TalkTM, Psych-KTM, or EFTTM, or NLPTM can relieve this faster, often instantly!

An example of Passive/Active memory could be this hypothetical scenario: 

Imagine, my friend and I are driving in a vehicle, and are involved in an accident which causes similar injuries in both of us. i.e broken collar bones, twisted knee, whiplash, crushed ribs… you get the gist so far, eh.  A year later after rehabilitation therapies, and medical care, we meet for coffee at an outdoor cafe. A car squeals by and we both have a reaction. I contract and go into pain response, my neck and shoulders spasm in memory of my accident, I am nearly in panic and have an anxiety attack. But my friend calmly sits there and sarcastically jokes “wow, he must be on his way to his funeral”. She notes his recklessness but without pain or contraction. She is calm and pain free. (She has healed emotionally and physically from her injury – lessons learned and processed).

I on the other hand am still in continuous pain, unprocessed Active memory! I respond emotionally and triggered the physical symptoms and will continue to exhibit the echo of dis-comfort until I heal these associations. This does not mean it’s all in my head, rather it triggers the memory and all associated feelings which flare up the body chemistry histamine and hormone release and relives and re-traumatizes the body!!! Trust me I speak from experience, I wish I had known about BodyTalk 35 years ago, I could have saved myself 6 years of agony.

Believe it or not, all this can also be triggered by watching a movie or TV show!

Your body doesn’t realize the difference between watching Jurassic Park safe on your couch, or living through the fear and drama of all 15 characters in the story being chased and eaten by dinosaurs!!!  There are many kids suffering from PTSD from playing hours of video games.

In my practice the traumatic memories can be cleared without the practitioner needing to know the details of an event. This is not talk therapy, this is energetic and consciousness healing. You can find relief in a totally all natural way, and without pills. Just by having a trained practitioner ask your body what the priority is.

If you have a nagging problem that has persisted for years, consider that a deep buried emotion is asking for release and awareness. Your body talks, it has all the answers you’re aching to know. Have you asked and listened lately? Need help? Call Jess to relieve your stress!


Blog by Guest Author:

01Jessy headshotJessy Morrison

Jessy Morison  has tremendous success in helping those to whom doctors have given no hope of recovery at all to Reclaim their Life, Refresh their Mind, Reclaim their Body, and Renew their Spirit.
A Reiki Master Teacher, BodyTalk & EFT Practitioner, Soul Genesis Facilitator, Founding Member of the Ontario BodyTalk Assoc., and Founding Member of The Whole Life Learning Collective, and Transformational Tuesdays, Jessy is also a  contributing author to “The Joy of an Ex”, Women With Vision Magazine, and Another View Magazine.

You can contact her at
[email protected]

How To Read Labels Like a Pro and Cut Grocery Shopping Time In Half

How To Read Labels Like a Pro and Cut Grocery Shopping Time In Half

Are you confident in your ability to read food labels?

Maybe you haven’t really taken the time to ever read a label properly before, or you are so overwhelmed by the information presented on the label that you just don’t bother.

It is time to get on the label reading train so you can be properly educated on what you are feeding your family and you can get in and out of the grocery store in half the time. No more staring at a label for 5 minutes trying to decipher if you should put it in your cart or not.

First off, it is critical to note that you won’t find a label on anything in the produce section of the grocery store – and this is where the majority of your food should be found!

The reason for that is that those foods haven’t been processed. The focus of your grocery shopping trip should be concentrated to the produce department, filling your cart full of wonderfully nutrient rich fruits and vegetables. It is important to be mindful on what produce should be purchased organically if funds and availability allow for it.

Leafy greens, strawberries, grapes, celery, and apples are some of the most highly sprayed crops and therefore should be purchased organically if possible.

As you move into the packaged food section of the grocery store, you will want to focus on the following tips to ensure you are reading labels properly.

1. Check the serving size first, and consider what a realistic serving size is for your family. In the case of most packaged products, the serving size is an unrealistic estimate of what a typical person would eat and therefore causes the caloric values, fat and sugar content to appear more acceptable.

2. Most people only focus on the top half of the label where you will find the caloric content and nutritional breakdown. While this information is important to know, the list of ingredients will be more helpful in determining just what additives might be present. Remember that the ingredients are listed in descending order based on their volume, so if a harmful item is listed as one of the first five ingredients then you may want to reconsider what you are buying.

3. Choose products with the fewest number of ingredients. But, also make sure that you know and feel comfortable eating what all the ingredients are.

4. Purchase frozen vegetables and fruit instead of canned to eliminate exposure to preservatives that are used in the canning process.

5. Beware of endorsements on products and clever marketing campaigns that make any special product claims. Just because a label claims it is sugar-free, diet, all natural or trans fat free doesn’t mean that it is healthy. 

6. Finally, avoid ingredients like monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial sweeteners (Splenda or aspartame), sodium nitrate, food dyes, high-fructose corn syrup, trans fats, refined grains, and any other items on the label that are almost impossible to pronounce.

By following these tips, a trip to the grocery store should be a lot less confusing and time consuming. Remember that life isn’t perfect, and neither will your grocery shopping experience be. 

Select products that are as close to natural as you can and always keep your eyes open for higher quality alternatives.

How To Throw A Sugar Free Kids Birthday Party

Sugar Free Kids Birthday Party

What do you get when you mix a group of children with too much cake, junk food, candy and party games? A recipe for overtired, cranky, and overstimulated children.

The excitement of a birthday party can be enough to trigger emotional behaviour in children. The tradition of eating pizza and cake, followed by presents and games just doesn’t make sense anymore.

Children are sensitive to what they eat, and because they don’t have the same emotion regulation that adults have developed, hosting a birthday party for your child could be more than you had bargained for.

Below are some tips to host a kid-friendly party, that considers their health. Trust me, other parents are going to thank you!

The Cake

Food colouring and dyes that are used in cake icing have been linked to hyperactivity and allergic reactions. Ultimately, cake icing is a mixture of sugar, unhealthy fats, and chemicals. The cake itself is not much healthier being high in sugar, gluten and is likely high in fat as well. Opt for a homemade cake that is lower in sugar and fat and free of harmful food dyes. To avoid the traditional cake altogether, there are plenty of ideas on the internet to make a beautiful cake out of fruit. The base is a large watermelon and other fruits are used to decorate the “cake.” 

The Drinks

Avoid high-sugar drinks like pop and juice that can cause children to be on a sugar-high. Create a buffet of chopped strawberries, raspberries, orange slices, lemon slices, and cucumber slices to add to water. Children will be excited to make their own flavoured drinks and they can experiment with different combinations.

The Food

Serving a group of children a meal that they all like can be the largest obstacle of any birthday party. It’s pretty safe to say that most children like pizza and chicken nuggets and French fries. So, rather than buying these highly processed options at the grocery store, make your own at home so you have control of the ingredients. Make individual pizzas on pita bread so each child can select the ingredients they want on their pizza. Homemade chicken fingers and baked French fries are also a fast and convenient solution.

The Goodie Bag

Most parents can agree that the junk that comes home in a goodie bag from a child’s birthday party is ready for the garbage. Candy, chocolates, and little plastic toys do not offer any health benefit for the child. Instead, opt for activities like painting a picture or a craft that children can take home with them in place of a goodie bag. Alternatively, have children decorate a picture frame and take a group photo and print a copy for each child to put in their picture frame.

The Activities

The key to a fun birthday party is to be prepared with more activities than you think you might need to fill the time of the birthday party. Create a dance party and have kids be creative in making a music video. Have a scavenger hunt where children have to work together to find clues and a prize.