Recipes Volume 2 – Hearty and Healthy

Recipes Volume 2 - Hearty and Healthy

It’s time for another volume of recipes! We always focus on finding ways to eat higher quantities of fruits and vegetables. There are thousands of phytonutrients in just one piece of fruit or one vegetable, and the best part is that we haven’t even scientifically identified them all yet, nor do we fully understand how they work synergistically together! But we do know that they are the foods with the densest quantities of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants, so we try to eat as many servings of F+V as we can every day!



Easy Slow Cooker Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Soup

It’s still winter up here in the northern hemisphere, so we’ll share a delicious, hearty slow cooker soup that you can start in the morning and enjoy at dinner!

3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 large sweet onion, diced
3 cups diced tomatoes
2 cups chopped carrots
1 cup chopped apple (remove skins)
3 tablespoons tomato paste
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili flakes
1 cup finely chopped kale
1 cup finely chopped spinach
3/4 tsp salt and pepper
5 cups water
1.5 cups cooked quinoa
1.5 cups cooked black beans

Place sweet potatoes, onion, tomatoes, carrots, tomato paste, apple, garlic, cumin, chill flakes, kale, spinach and salt and pepper into slow cooker with water. Cook on high for 4 hours and then add cooked quinoa and black beans and cook for 1 more hour. Enjoy!



Jo-Anne’s Amazing (almost) Raw Pad Thai

This is one of my most favourite raw lunch options. It’s so easy to throw everything into the blender, and mandolin/chop up your veggies! (Be careful with the mandolin, those things are dangerous!)

To make the sauce, In a high speed blender, add:
4 pitted dates
3 basil leaves
1 roma tomato
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp coconut aminos (or soy sauce if you don’t have aminos)
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 shakes ginger powder
5 shakes Himalayan sea salt
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp garlic powder

For the Noodles:

Chop 6-7 large leaves of romaine or leaf lettuce
Mandolin slice 1-2 carrots into match sticks
Mandolin slice 1/2 a cucumber into match sticks
Mandolin slice 1 stalk celery into match sticks
Mandolin slice 2 peppers into slices (choose yellow, orange or red!)

(or you can use your spiralizer for the carrots and cucumber)

Drizzle the sauce over your veggies and enjoy!



Cherry Berry Smoothie

This is a delicious smoothie to kick start your morning! You’ll love the bursts of flavour to awaken your taste buds and rev up your day! Filled with healthy fats and antioxidants, this one is a keeper!

To your high speed blender, add:

1/2 cup frozen cherries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 frozen banana
1 handful spinach
2 tbsp raw cacao powder
2 tbsp chia seeds
5 ice cubes
1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk

Blend until smooth and enjoy!! Recipe can easily be doubled to feed the rest of your family!


Is Eating Healthy More Expensive Than Junk Food?

Many people think that eating healthy is more expensive than eating junk food.

While this argument could be proven true by eating very inexpensive, very bad for you junk foods, there are several tricks that you can use to eat healthy on a budget.

If you have perused the junk food aisle at the grocery store lately, a bag of potato chips can run upwards of three or four dollars. Just imagine reallocating those three dollars to the produce department to buy a bag of oranges, grapes, or even a full pineapple. Now that is a healthy (and inexpensive) snack!

If you’ve turned on the TV lately, then it’s probably safe to say that you’ve seen Tim Horton’s latest commercial introducing their “Perfect Pairings” menu which allows consumers to pick and choose what “convenience” they are craving for a quick meal.  While this concept is probably enticing to many customers with a price of only $5.99 for a lunch on the go, by the time you add a beverage and tax you are likely breaking the eight dollar mark for ‘fast food’ that is not going to fuel your body for greatness.

I’m going to show you how you can spend less than $25 at the grocery store and make five healthy and delicious lunches for the entire week.


Packing a lunch doesn’t have to be time consuming or exhausting. It is as easy as adding a few items to your weekly shopping list to have fresh vegetables and fruit on hand. If you find that you run short on time in the mornings, you could prepare your lunch the night before or even on Sunday afternoon so lunches are ready in the fridge to grab and go in the morning.

Shopping List

1 large container of organic mixed lettuce $5.99
1 bag of 5 avocados               $2.49
2 bell peppers                        $2.00
1 cucumber                            $1.49
1 sweet onion                         $0.75
1 bag of carrots                      $1.99
4 limes                                  $1.00
3 bananas                              $1.00
3 apples                                 $2.00
1 bag of clementines               $3.00
1 bag of raw sunflower seeds   $3.00


Using the lettuce, bell peppers, cucumber and onion, prepare 5 garden salads.
For a very basic dressing, place half a lime in your salad container to squeeze over your salad when you are ready to eat it.

Or a homemade salad dressing could also be made using extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and your favourite herbs and spices. Just mix up the dressing at home and store it in your fridge at work. Add one avocado to each salad when you are ready to eat it (otherwise it will turn brown if exposed to the air).

Cut up carrots into carrot sticks for an afternoon snack.  Grab two pieces of fruit each day and carry the bag of sunflower seeds for snacking if you feel like your energy is dropping or you are having a craving for something crunchy.

There you have it! Five quick and easy lunches that are so easy you won’t even have to think about it! There are a plethora of healthy lunch options out there that are easy on the wallet, but more importantly, they will provide you with the nutrients and energy that you need to fuel your day.

Curbing Cubicle Crash: 12 Healthy Snacks To Quell The Mid-Day ‘Hangry’ Attack

12 healthy snacks to quell the mid-day ‘hangry' attack

Do you struggle with the 3 pm energy slump?  Find yourself thinking, should I have another cup of coffee…?  Wondering if there’s any birthday cake left in the staff room or where the darn change for the vending machine snacks…?

Research shows that eating a combination of complex fibre with protein and healthy fats every three or four hours, helps to;

  • Maintain normal blood sugar level
  • Give you an energy boost
  • Conquer tummy rumbles

Here are some well-balanced snacks that are fun, portable and will keep you satisfied until your next meal.

Let’s Get Snacking!

  1. Energy Bars

Energy bars are everywhere these days.  They are quick, no bake, easy to make ahead and can be left at room temperature.  Most recipes call for a combination of;

  • Ground nuts and seeds
  • Mixed with peanut or almond butter
  • your choice of cranberries or raisins

However, my favorite recipe switches out the nut butter for ground pitted dates.

For anther great date recipe, click here for, “Salted Cashew Butter & Dark Chocolate Stuffed Dates”.

2. Avocados

Avocados are ‘good for you’ fats.  They are nutrient dense and fibre rich.  Try an avocado in the half shell stuffed with lightly salted or spicy sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

3. Hummas To The Rescue

Hummus doesn’t have to be bland and boring anymore.  Think Mediterranean!  Try various recipes like sundried tomato and basil hummus for a taste of pow!  Spread on multi-grain or high fibre crackers.

cucumber snacks
4. Kukoo For Cucumber

Try having thick slices of cucumber double as a sandwich with cheese, lean meat or peanut butter filling.

5. Who Loves Goat Cheese?

Goat cheese chunks rolled in ground nuts or granola are a perfect balance of creamy and crunchy.  Pop-in-the mouth kinda snack.

6.  I LOVE Goat Cheese!

Try rice crackers or thin wholegrain crisps, spread with goat cheese.  Then top it with raisins or better yet chopped dates.

7. Change It Up!

The traditional apple or banana slices with a nut butter always tastes great, but how about slices of fresh pear, pineapple chunks, or mango?

dates and nut butter
8. Take The Road Less Traveled

Pair up delicious dried fruits like chopped dates, figs, prunes or apricots with nut butter, or wait for it…hummus!

9. Go Greek

Top your low fat Greek yogurt with ground flax, hemp, or chia seeds.  Sprinkle with some gluten free oats or granola, and add berries of your choice.

10. Roasted Chick Peas

Another satisfying fibre and protein rich finger food is roasted chickpeas.  Add tons of flavour with some curry, paprika, garlic or chili powder…or for a touch of sweetness, while still warm toss with a half teaspoon of honey or pure maple syrup, and a dash of cinnamon.

11. Fresh Take On Veggies & Dip

Pair up various fresh cut veggie sticks, (or home baked veggie chips) with a protein dip made with light ricotta, basil, parsley, oregano and a touch of lemon juice.  Your taste buds will thank you!

12. Not Yer Granny’s Granola

Packed with healthy fats and loaded with nutrients, this is the perfect snack to power you through the rest of your day!

Yes, we’ve all been there.  Sometimes mornings are a rush, so don’t add more stress to your day.  Keep a stash of yummy, accessible snacks in your car, bag and desk.  That way you won’t be craving birthday cake at the office.

Plan for success.  Your daily energy requirements are important.

I’m Single. Why Does Valentine’s Day Matter?

Valentine's Day

It doesn’t matter if you are attached or single on Valentine’s Day! The message that should be portrayed goes much deeper than getting chocolates from a secret admirer.

Sadly, the confectionary and stationery companies have gotten ahold of this once-sacred holiday and turned it into another opportunity for consumption.

If you are able to look past spending money on teddy bears, chocolates, flowers and lace, you will begin to see that there is a beautiful side to the now-commercialized holiday.

The message that shines through from the deeper side of this holiday is the importance of taking a moment to appreciate love, the wonderful people in our lives and to take a minute to shower each other with gratitude.

In present day, that gratitude can equate to purchases, but at the roots of the holiday, the message is love and appreciation.

However, the most important aspect of the love and appreciation we share on this day can sometimes be forgotten.

Self Love!!

What are you doing today to celebrate your SELF?? Your incredible value, your consciousness, your health and your life? Often, it’s too easy to forget about our selves and care for everyone else, showering them with all of our love, kindness, support and help, and we forget to leave some for ourselves!!

It is very difficult to fill someone else’s cup if yours is empty.

This week, in honour of Saint Valentine, spend some time with yourself, working on your self care, and noticing how you feel.

Spend time doing things that you love to do, take a time out and close the door. Remember back to less stressful times, or maybe when you actually had TIME! and think of things you used to love to do. If you have a hobby that you haven’t picked up in awhile, return to it and experience the joy of doing things you want to do, rather than things you have to do!

Maybe your self care is making time to have a luxurious bath without your children banging the door down. Ask for support when you need it – and have someone help you out so that you can take a bit of time for yourself.

Or maybe you love yoga and rarely get the chance to go to a class. If you have responsibilities at home that make it difficult to go to a class, bring one to you!! There are many amazing yoga classes on YouTube that you can do right at home. Look for an online teacher that is at your speed and make time to enjoy this practice. Get lost in your breath and breathe joy and love back into your life.

Whatever you choose to do to create space for some self care, it’s also important to focus on self love. Develop a mantra that you can say to yourself every day that makes you feel important, appreciated, beautiful, loved, healthy and supported. It is so important to develop a deep love for yourself and treat yourself how you treat your best friend – with kind, supportive words and overflowing love and kindness.

Are You Still Consuming Dairy Products? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be!

dairy milk

Are you a big fan of dairy milk?  Did you know that humans are the only species that drink milk past infancy?  Also, we are the only species to drink the milk of another animal – that grows to be 1500 pounds!!

If you are still drinking cow’s milk, it’s time to ask yourself two question.  Firstly, are you a calf?  Secondly, are you aiming to grow to 1500 pounds?

Dairy milk is specifically designed to nourish a baby cow.  It contains all of the nutrients necessary to grow a calf into a healthy, 1500 pound adult cow.  The same is true for human breast milk.  It is perfectly designed to nourish a developing infant.

Dairy milk contains proteins that are much larger than those in human breast milk.  As such, it is very difficult for humans to break it down effectively.  Because of this, our body identifies dairy milk as an invader in our system.  So in response, our bodies go into defensive mode.  Dairy sensitivities and allergies can then develop which can wreak havoc on your immune system long term.

Common Dairy Misconception: But If I Don’t Drink Milk, Where Will I Get My Calcium?

The dairy industry has done an excellent job marketing milk to “protect your bones”.  Assigning it as the go-to substance to fulfill your daily requirements for calcium.  Studies have reported higher contents of calcium circulating in the blood stream after drinking milk.  However, what these studies fail to illustrate is the source of where the calcium came from.

Milk creates a very acidic residue inside the body.  In order to maintain a healthy pH internally, it must be buffered immediately by an alkaline balance.  Your body’s response to this acidic effect (caused by ingesting milk) is to release calcium stored inside your bones.  This will buffer the acidic levels and bring them back to a safe reading.

So, yes.  After drinking milk, there is more calcium in your bloodstream.  However, this is only because your body had to release it from its own storage inside your bones.  For more information on bone health,  click here to read, “Calcium without Vitamin K2 is a Heart Breaker”.

So Where Will I Get My Calcium?

Where do cows get their calcium?  Greens!  It is much easier for your body to break down and assimilate nutrients from fruit and vegetables.  Especially compared to breaking down dense, heavy foods like meat and dairy products.  Include the following in your diet for great sources of calcium that your body can easily use.

Bok Choy
Bok Choy

For some great ‘green’ recipes, click here to read, “Happy St. Patrick’s Day Recipes”.

Important Tip:

Focus on magnesium if you are worried about your bone health and calcium levels.  The majority of adults are deficient in magnesium.  As a result, serious health issues may develop.  Having excessive amounts of calcium in the body, while having a deficiency in magnesium, can lead to the following according to Dr. Mercola:

  • Heart disease
  • Problems with your heart muscle spasming
  • Sudden heart attack

Be sure you are getting enough magnesium.  Eat your green leafy veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Further Reading

According to Harvard Medical School;

“You need magnesium for many tasks. It’s involved in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. Muscles need this mineral to contract; nerves need it to send and receive messages. It keeps your heart beating steadily and your immune system strong.”

For the full article, click here to read, “What you should know about magnesium”.
