Are you still consuming this poison that causes your brain cells to self destruct?

This is one of the worst substances ever created in the laboratory. And it has been systematically added to our food supply for the last few decades.

This artificial sweetener is hiding in many of your foods and it is important to be diligent in reading labels to be sure you are avoiding it.

Aspartame is a neurotoxin – which means it actually chemically toxifies your brain cells to death with poison.

It is used as a sweetener in diet drinks, yogurt, gum, and many pre-packaged foods.

There is overwhelming evidence (over 900 studies) stating that it creates irreversible damage in the body, with over 92 known side effects.

You can imagine that it can be somewhat difficult to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms if you are unknowingly ingesting this sweet poison.

For example, some of the known side effects include epileptic seizures, aggression, heart palpitations, migraines, brain damage, hives, nausea and blindness. Also, multiple sclerosis, cancer, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and brain tumours.

The side effects can either build up gradually over time, or can be an acute reaction.

According to Lendon Smith, M.D. there is an enormous population suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, yet have no idea why drugs, supplements and herbs don’t relieve their symptoms.

Are you being poisoned by Aspartame and don’t even know it?

You are being poisoned if you are using any of these products:
• NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Amino-Sweet
• Children’s Tylenol chewable tablets
• Centrum Jr. and Silver Vitamins
• Metamucil (sugar free)
• Some Flintstones vitamins
• Dimetapp
• Some Gerber hydration solutions
• All diet sodas
• Smucker’s sugar free products
• Kool-Aid
• Crystal-Light
• Jello
• Most brands of gum and mints
• Sugar free candies
• Some sugar free yogurts
• Some breakfast cereals and granola bars
• Most items that are labelled sugar free

There are many more products that aren’t on this list that also contain aspartame. It’s important to read the labels of everything you consume, to be sure you are not inadvertently poisoning yourself or your family.

Also look for anything that contains Asesulfame K or Acesulfame Potassium. They can also mimic aspartame and are sometimes used in conjunction with each other.

So how do you avoid Aspartame?

The easiest way to avoid aspartame is to eat real food. Shop in the perimeter of the grocery store and spend 90% of your time in the produce department. Choose foods that do not require a label. For example, an apple is an apple. It doesn’t need a label to identify the ingredients that are inside of the apple.

If you used to sweeten your coffee with an artificial sweetener, switch to real food!

Honey has amazing health benefits and tastes great. Pure maple syrup also contains a great deal of nutrition. Use these sugars sparingly, as they are very sweet and can add several calories to your beverage. However, those calories come with a lot of nutrition, and no matter what, they are SO much better than aspartame.

This is a very informative short video outlining the dangers of Aspartame and how to avoid it.

With Sources from:


Are You Still Consuming Dairy Products? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be!

dairy milk

Are you a big fan of dairy milk?  Did you know that humans are the only species that drink milk past infancy?  Also, we are the only species to drink the milk of another animal – that grows to be 1500 pounds!!

If you are still drinking cow’s milk, it’s time to ask yourself two question.  Firstly, are you a calf?  Secondly, are you aiming to grow to 1500 pounds?

Dairy milk is specifically designed to nourish a baby cow.  It contains all of the nutrients necessary to grow a calf into a healthy, 1500 pound adult cow.  The same is true for human breast milk.  It is perfectly designed to nourish a developing infant.

Dairy milk contains proteins that are much larger than those in human breast milk.  As such, it is very difficult for humans to break it down effectively.  Because of this, our body identifies dairy milk as an invader in our system.  So in response, our bodies go into defensive mode.  Dairy sensitivities and allergies can then develop which can wreak havoc on your immune system long term.

Common Dairy Misconception: But If I Don’t Drink Milk, Where Will I Get My Calcium?

The dairy industry has done an excellent job marketing milk to “protect your bones”.  Assigning it as the go-to substance to fulfill your daily requirements for calcium.  Studies have reported higher contents of calcium circulating in the blood stream after drinking milk.  However, what these studies fail to illustrate is the source of where the calcium came from.

Milk creates a very acidic residue inside the body.  In order to maintain a healthy pH internally, it must be buffered immediately by an alkaline balance.  Your body’s response to this acidic effect (caused by ingesting milk) is to release calcium stored inside your bones.  This will buffer the acidic levels and bring them back to a safe reading.

So, yes.  After drinking milk, there is more calcium in your bloodstream.  However, this is only because your body had to release it from its own storage inside your bones.  For more information on bone health,  click here to read, “Calcium without Vitamin K2 is a Heart Breaker”.

So Where Will I Get My Calcium?

Where do cows get their calcium?  Greens!  It is much easier for your body to break down and assimilate nutrients from fruit and vegetables.  Especially compared to breaking down dense, heavy foods like meat and dairy products.  Include the following in your diet for great sources of calcium that your body can easily use.

Bok Choy
Bok Choy

For some great ‘green’ recipes, click here to read, “Happy St. Patrick’s Day Recipes”.

Important Tip:

Focus on magnesium if you are worried about your bone health and calcium levels.  The majority of adults are deficient in magnesium.  As a result, serious health issues may develop.  Having excessive amounts of calcium in the body, while having a deficiency in magnesium, can lead to the following according to Dr. Mercola:

  • Heart disease
  • Problems with your heart muscle spasming
  • Sudden heart attack

Be sure you are getting enough magnesium.  Eat your green leafy veggies, beans, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Further Reading

According to Harvard Medical School;

“You need magnesium for many tasks. It’s involved in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. Muscles need this mineral to contract; nerves need it to send and receive messages. It keeps your heart beating steadily and your immune system strong.”

For the full article, click here to read, “What you should know about magnesium”.
