What Is Frozen Shoulder, Anyway?

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Adhesive capsulitis, more commonly known as a frozen shoulder, is a common shoulder complaint that causes a limited range of motion in a person’s shoulder in addition to pain and discomfort.

How it Frozen Shoulder Starts

Over time, frozen shoulder can cause problems with movement such as shoulder tightness, stiffness, or pain. Most people start noticing symptoms when they experience generalized pain in their shoulder and have difficulty performing basic activities and daily tasks. Typically, a frozen shoulder does not start suddenly, rather it is a gradual onset that you might begin to notice over the course of some time. This could be months or even years where it begins to show symptoms. A sudden, acute shoulder injury is usually not related to the  condition.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

The primary symptom  is marked by limited range of motion. Patients will typically describe pain, discomfort, and tightness, especially when performing daily tasks. Patients may have trouble reaching or grabbing things above them, or issues when getting dressed.

Causes & Risk Factors

A frozen shoulder can be caused by many different potential risk factors or causes. It could be caused by what is considered normal usage and wear and tear. With normal usage, the tissues in your shoulder can become thicker over time, ultimately leading to scar tissue developing in the shoulder region. When tissues thicken, it can cause the shoulder to restrict, which causes the pain and restricted movement that people with a frozen shoulder experience.

There are also other causes that are not considered within normal limits. For example, having certain medical conditions can make you predisposed or at a higher risk of developing frozen shoulder. These conditions include things like diabetes, hormonal disorders and imbalances, or a weak immune system, all of which put you at an increased risk for inflammation in the body. Another common way that frozen shoulder arises is after prolonged bed rest or long periods of inactivity in a person’s life. For example, if you’ve had recent surgery, injury, or illness, and have not been very active. This inactivity can lead to inflammation, and scar tissue build-up, which in turn can lead to frozen shoulder.

This condition is more commonly seen in women who are middle-aged, although this condition affects any person at any point in their life. It is most commonly seen in people ages 40 through 70. As previously mentioned, people who have been inactive for a large period of time or are recovering from a major surgery or illness are at greater risk for a frozen shoulder. Diabetes puts you at three times more likely chance of developing a frozen shoulder.


If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your shoulder, or difficulty performing certain tasks, we recommend seeking care from a medical provider. A medical professional will perform an exam and ask you questions about what you are experiencing. The physical examination can tell the doctor how much range of motion you have in your shoulder. Typically, doctors will ask you to perform a series of tasks or movements, so they can understand the symptoms you are experiencing.
X-rays or MRIs may be used to help confirm a diagnosis of a frozen shoulder, as well as to rule out other possible differential diagnoses. These x-rays can help a doctor determine if there’s another underlying cause, such as arthritis, that is causing your shoulder pain, or properly diagnose the frozen shoulder.

Treatment of Frozen Shoulder

frozen shoulder, frozen shoulder exercises, what is frozen shoulder, frozen shoulder treatment, frozen shoulder causes

There are several different treatment options available to treat a frozen shoulder. Some types of anti-inflammatory medications can be used to manage inflammation and discomfort. Other mild treatment options include things like applying ice to decrease pain. Some other types of frozen shoulder treatments include:

  1. Physical Therapy- Physical Therapy is a common treatment for people with this condition. This is because physical therapy can help stretch out the shoulder and regain some range of motion. Physical therapy could include in-office sessions or an at-home program, or a mixture of both.
  2. Chiropractic Care- Seeking chiropractic care is a great option for treatment. Chiropractic care can be a great option to help reduce pain and improve the range of motion in your shoulder. It also can help speed up your recovery process. One technique used by chiropractors is known as the Niel Asher Technique. This technique involves manipulating the joints and muscles which can stretch it out, reduce your shoulder pain, and help improve the condition overall. There have been several studies that have shown positive results in patients with diagnosed frozen shoulders.
  3. Surgical Options- Surgery is generally reserved when all other treatment options have been unsuccessful. Your doctor should be able to advise if he or she feels you will benefit from surgical interventions.

What is behind your pain?

What is Behind your PAIN?

During my 20 years of practicing Energy Healing I have found one Universal Truth: PAIN means “Pay Attention Inwards Now”

Pain stems from unresolved and unacknowledged repression of emotions. E-motions mean energy in motion. If energy is repressed then dis-ease and pain results. We label these pains Arthritis, Allergies, Anxiety, Angina, Headaches, Migraines, Frozen shoulder, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel… the list is endless.

Pain is just information. Neither negative nor positive, pain is just ongoing feedback, “an indication of our current energetic vibration”. Or an indication of parts of our body that are not in sync with our total energetic vibration.

PAIN lets us know that we have something to discover and resolve. Stressful thoughts, limiting beliefs, worrisome stories replaying in our unconscious mind… these are reflected in your body. Often we inherit them from our ancestors, other times we pick them up from the energy around us, our environment, our media, our families and circumstances. When communication within the body cells is disrupted, we blow fuses, set up handicaps, and our perfect blueprint is derailed.

Your BODY is  your GPS, or rather it has the key to an effective built-in Human Guidance System that unlocks these hidden blocks preventing our mind and soul to communicate effectively. When we experience emotions that don’t feel good, it simply means that we are not in-line with our ‘true’ or ‘higher’ self. Our spirit is the part of us that lives at the top of the Guidance Scale in joy, love and self empowerment.

This is where we embrace the basic spiritual truths that:

We are worthy, deserving, loveable, loving, brilliant eternal BE-ings
and each of us is an important significant part of the Divine plan
we have a miraculous perpetually healing organism we call a body.

Knowing this truth, is not the same as embodying it. I love witnessing my clients RECLAIM their health and life after sessions. I love doing demonstrations and talks (group healings) at corporations and watching employees have ah-ha moments.

Helping people Reclaim their healthy body, by Refreshing their Mind, and Renewing their Spirit keeps me in my energy vibration of truth, joy and awe. We can all attain Complete BE-ing Clarity, if we listen to our body. Are you listening? What is your body saying to you?

The really fascinating truth is that all of this can be reversed and healed. Energy consciousness work is quick, easy and fun, you don’t need to rehash the past, get stuck in the story, or stay in the pain. If you are in pain, explore energy healing … Reiki, BodyTalk, Psych-K, Acupuncture, and other modalities. You will be amazed at the quick results, and love your new found understanding of your Self and your energetic vibration.


Blog by Guest Author:

01Jessy headshotJessy Morrison

Jessy Morison  has tremendous success in helping those to whom doctors have given no hope of recovery at all to Reclaim their Life, Refresh their Mind, Reclaim their Body, and Renew their Spirit.
A Reiki Master Teacher, BodyTalk & EFT Practitioner, Soul Genesis Facilitator, Founding Member of the Ontario BodyTalk Assoc., and Founding Member of The Whole Life Learning Collective, and Transformational Tuesdays, Jessy is also a  contributing author to “The Joy of an Ex”, Women With Vision Magazine, and Another View Magazine.

You can contact her at