This Common Ingredient Has Been Linked To Cancer


Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent.  Many commercial products like plastic kitchen tools, cutting boards, and high chairs contain this chemical.  Toys, pencils and cosmetics also can have it.  Not to mention, hand soap, toothpaste and deodorant.  Even, clothing, bedding and other fabrics have been reported.

Also, it can pass through the skin.  As a result, it has been linked to a number of health concerns.  Most noteworthy, abnormal endocrine system (hormones) and a weakened immune system.  Poor muscle function, allergies and asthma.  Also, eczema and even cancer have been listed as conditions.

Triclosan Connected To Cancer

There was a study published in 2014 in The American Chemical Society’s journal.  Researched found that triclosan, as well another substance called octylphenol, promoted the growth of human breast cancer cells.

Also, triclosan has major effects on our environment.  The European Union and Environment Canada have both classified it as toxic.  As a result affecting both the aquatic environment and its organisms.  Sadly, remnants containing this chemical are being poured down our drains.  Hence the everyday use of them has led to pollution in our water.  What’s worse?  Triclosan does not degrade easily and can buildup overtime.  As a result, it is still detectable even after the water has been treated!

Now that this chemical is in the environment, it can gain exposure to sunlight.  As a result, it can then convert to Dioxins.  Toxic compounds that are environmental pollutants (POPs).  These have been linked to endocrine and immune system disruption.  Also, infertility and cancer.

How Does This Effect Me?

Consequently, it can combine with chlorine found in tap water.  As a result, the two agents form chloroform which is linked to cancer.  For more information about the danger of this chemical click here to read ‘Triclosan: Not Safe, Not Effective’.

Just how bad is this problem?  Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did a test.  Triclosan was found in the urine of 75% of the people tested!   Furthermore, there appears to be a link between that and the cause of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

More than 200 scientists and medical professionals concluded this chemical to be hazardous.  The lack of benefit from common uses of triclosan can be found in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

What Can We Do To Protect Ourselves?

The effects of this on our health and environment are alarming.  However, there are steps you can take to minimize it.

First of all, check the ingredients list of your products.  This includes personal care products especially if they are labelled as antibacterial, antimicrobial or antifungal.

When reading labels, watch out for aliases!  Triclosan may also be labelled as Microban or Biofresh.

The American Medical Association says to avoid using these products in your home.  And the Canadian Medical Association has called for a ban!

Also, if you use hand sanitizers, go for the alcohol based products.  They are less likely to contain Triclosan.

Even more, keep in mind there is no evidence that products with triclosan are anymore effective!  Click here To learn more about the effects of chemicals we put on our skin.


Calafat, A. “Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population: 2003-2004.” _Environ Health Perspect _116, 3(Mar 2008):303-307.

Hye-Rim Lee, “Progression of Breast Cancer Cells Was Enhanced by Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals, Triclosan and Octylphenol, via an Estrogen Receptor-Dependent Signaling Pathway in Cellular and Mouse Xenograft Models” Chem. Res. Toxicol., (2014), 27 (5):834–842.

European Commission. Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 , Annex VI, Table 3.2. Sep 2009.

Canosa, P. et al. “Aquatic degradation of triclosan and formation of toxic chlorophenols in presence of low concentrations of free chlorine.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 383, 7-8 (Dec 2005): 119-1126

“Environmental News.” _Environmental Science & Technology _36, 13 (June 1, 2002): 230A.

Canosa, P. et al. “Aquatic degradation of triclosan and formation of toxic chlorophenols in presence of low concentrations of free chlorine.” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 383, 7-8 (Dec 2005): 119-1126

Calafat, A. “Urinary Concentrations of Triclosan in the U.S. Population: 2003-2004.” Environ Health Perspect 116, 3(Mar 2008):303-307

Halden, R.U. et al. “The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban.” Environmental Health Perspectives (June 2017)

A Natural Proven Solution To The Opioid Crisis


The pharmaceutical industry has come under heavy fire in the media recently.  They’re being blamed for the opioid crisis facing many communities.  The irony of it all is that the Company responsible for initiating the opioid crisis is now claiming to offer a solution.  They want to introduce yet another drug to help suffers cope with their addiction.  I don’t have to tell you about the dangerous and unethical practices of this particular company for you to know we cannot place our health in their hands.

Break The Cycle Of Opioid

Pharmaceutical companies are showing time and time again that instead of helping manage peoples pain, they are instead only out to further benefit their investors.  In order to tackle the problem of opioid addiction, which is now a pandemic, we need to look past the big Pharma for help.  Their solution will only place more people under the influence of their drugs.  They will only provide solutions within their capacity creating a vicious cycle of drug dependence as a means of solving a health problem.  It’s important that patients and health professionals look for natural alternatives to put an end to this crisis.  Click here for more facts about the opioid crisis.

Where To Turn To For Help!

In 2017 a new systematic review was published in a medical journal which confirmed an association of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), with clinical benefit and harm for acute low back pain.  This is the standard treatment method utilized mainly by chiropractors.  The review looked at 26 eligible randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and showed that 15 of the trials (involving 1711 patients) provided evidence that Chiropractic care, in the form of spinal manipulative therapy, recorded improvements with their pain.

Twelve RCTs [1381 patients] produced evidence that SMT has a statistically significant association with improvements in function.  No RCT reported any serious adverse event.  This is important to consider given the multitude of side effects that drugs produce.  High quality studies tended to report larger benefits.  So, the analysis of 26 randomized clinical trials, spinal manipulative therapy was associated with statistically significant benefits in both pain and function of, on average, modest magnitude at up to six weeks [compared with sham or alternative treatments].

The Evidence Is Clear

Chiropractic adjustments reduce pain, increase comfort, and lead to increased functional abilities.  Chiropractic adjustment is not just effective compared to placebo or sham adjustment, it is also more effective than surgery, usual medical care, or physiotherapy.

The key take-home points from the study are that opioid are addictive, deadly, expensive, and ineffective in the long-term.  Introducing more drugs to fix the problem created by opioid does not lead to better results based on lack of evidence for effectiveness and have their proven side effects.  Physiotherapy was also shown to be ineffective for spinal conditions and back pain compared to chiropractic.  There is only one scientific logical conclusion from all this: Chiropractic is the safest, most effective, and most cost-effective choice for patients with spinal health issues if you exclude spinal fractures, spinal infections, and spinal cancer.  To learn more about natural healing click here read about what conventional medicine doesn’t want you to know.


Paige et al. (2017) Association of Spinal Manipulative Therapy with Clinical Benefit and Harm for Acute Low Back Pain. Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA;317(14):1451-1460
Dr. James Chestnut (2018) Newsletter: New Systematic Review in Medical Journal Confirms Benefits of Manipulation for Low Back Pain

Nervous System – What Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Want You To Know

nervous system

Your body is a self-healing and regulating organism.  It doesn’t require help from any chemical drugs.  In fact, you were not born with a deficiency of drugs that need to be supplemented for or too many organs that need to be surgically removed.  The master system controlling all your body’s function and healing is your nervous system.  It controls all your muscles, cells, glands, organs, and tissues.  Removing interference to your nervous system and addressing the underlying cause of your problem is the only way to truly heal.

Your Body’s Ability To Heal

Health comes from within us.  We are told by allopathic or conventional medicine that we can’t heal on our own.  That we need pills, potions, and lotions to heal.  Can you remember back to a time you fell on your knees as a child?  You looked down to see your skin was scraped open, smudged with dirt, with a drip of blood starting to form.  What would you do next?  You would remove any dirt or stones that may have embedded themselves into the skin or cut.  Rinse the area clean with water, and then cover it up with a band-aid.  However, the band-aid didn’t heal the cut.  It simply removed the chances of more interference to your body’s ability to heal.  Preventing your pant to rub against it or allowing additional foreign objects to land on your open wound.

You didn’t have to go to the best doctor in the city to heal. All you needed to do was remove any interference from your body’s natural ability to heal, and it would do exactly that with time. Heal.

Action Steps For Natural Healing

You see, your body has the exact same healing ability as it did when you fell and scraped your knee.  It has the same ability as it did the day you were born but years of physical traumas, emotional stresses, as well as chemical and toxic bombardment has caused interference to your body’s innate ability to heal.  The Family Health Advocacy community is going to continue to remind you of your body’s incredible ability to heal and how to allow it to do exactly that.

What we provide is information on practical action steps to remove the layers of interference in your life so you can bring your body back to its natural state of healing.  For some of you, your trauma’s, stresses and exposures are layers and years deep.  For others, not so much.  Everyone heals on their own timeline, some faster than others.  Click here for a 6-Step Guide To Radical Self-Healing.

Let The Journey Begin

One thing is for certain.  If you do exactly what we recommend in this community, in any of our courses or books to be released this year, you are going to see results!  You will find that one day you are doing the things you thought you would never be able to do again. You will catch yourself smiling and enjoying moments with family and friends that you would not normally be able to enjoy because you were struggling through the pain, just trying to “show up.”  We know this for certain because you are not different from the thousands of other patients we have helped along the way.

If you are willing to put in the work, you will get results.  Don’t be intimidated by the word “work.”  We refer to it as work because this healing journey is going to take time and energy.  However the benefits will repay you one hundredfold in more energy and time for the rest of your life.  Click here for more information on true health and why most of us get it wrong.

The Family Health Advocacy Movement

The Family Health Advocacy community is ALL about healing.  I think it’s fair to say that everyone’s ultimate value in life is health.  Often most people don’t recognize this until they have lost it.  We often explain this to our patients by using the analogy of car keys.  Think about your car keys.  The only time you really acknowledge just how important they are is when you lose them.  Most people have been treating their health the same way.  Until now!

Thanks for joining the Family Health Advocacy movement.

Antioxidants – Can They Be Boosted With Chiropractic Care ?


One of the biggest misconceptions about chiropractic is that it’s ALL about the neck and low back pain.  While their care IS beneficial and chiropractors do help a lot of people suffering in pain, the true benefit of chiropractic care is that it helps your body function better and optimally.  By caring for the spine and nervous system, I have had the privilege of helping so many people achieve better health and a better quality of life so they can continue to do the things they love!  I spend countless hours reading research to better understand how the chiropractic adjustment and how removing nervous system interference can accomplishes JUST THAT!  In doing so, I read a very interesting study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics which demonstrated that chiropractic adjustments can BOOST antioxidants!  Now, if you are someone who has yet to see a chiropractor, not knowing if it’s for you or what to expect, take a look at this link If I go to the Chiropractor, do I have to go forever? and explore how chiropractic can help you!

Why The Fuss About Antioxidants?

Most people nowadays are familiar with antioxidants and know enough to know that they are GOOD and that they are important to your health.  However, here’s WHY antioxidants are so important.  Most people are blasted with different types of stress every single day from poor nutrition to exposure to toxins.  Most people are overworked and over-stressed working sedentary jobs, working 40-60 hours a week, trying to meet the next deadline and getting very little exercise.  All of these stressors lead to the buildup of oxygen-containing toxic waste in your body.  These are known as free radicals.  Free radicals lead to the breakdown of cells.  The more free radicals, the more cellular breakdown.  This process is called “oxidative stress”.  Click here For more information on the importance of antioxidants and get a list of the top 10 antioxidant rich fruits.

What Is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress leads to conditions like cardiovascular disease and cancer and causes accelerated aging, a lowered immune system, and harms the nervous system.  We cannot completely avoid free radicals and oxidative stress but we can offset their impact on our health by ensuring a healthy daily consumption of antioxidants through proper nutrition.  But get this, the study I am referring to looked at 23 patients that were in pain and received chiropractic adjustments over the span of 5 weeks.  Blood samples were taken from each patient before and after receiving their adjustments and researchers found a significant increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase anti-oxidant levels!  Now obviously this is a preliminary study that warrants further research but the results are exciting nonetheless.  It illustrates that taking care of your spine and nervous system with chiropractic care enhances your body’s ability to heal and function properly.

I hope that any of my readers that are under chiropractic care find this potential benefit as interesting as I do!

You’re one step closer!,

Research Reference:
Kolberg C, Horst A, Moraes MS, et al. Peripheral oxidative stress blood markers in patients with chronic back or neck pain treated with high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2014 Original source

Best Sunscreen – Product Review

Yes, it’s happened folks, the bees are buzzing and the days are longer and the sun is higher and hotter! I have seen lots of families already hitting the local splash pads and front yard sprinklers (not only for kids, I spied a grandma getting in on the fun too!).  However, how do you choose the best sunscreen that is safe, natural yet effective?

The UV has been creeping up too–and to feel confident about hanging out outside without getting a burn, here are my Top 3 Naturopathic Approved Sunblocks for this summer:

Green beaver natural mineral sunscreen SPF 27 spray – I love this brand as it is super clean with only the best ingredients AND it goes onto my kids bodies easy and quickly (both important as they are constantly wriggling away as i apply the lotion). I use this everyday on my kids and have never had them get a burn.
The fact that it is a spray allows it to be massaged into the skin very evenly.

Natural Sunscreen - Green BeaverSubstance baby sunstick I love this stick because it is easy to store (as a back up in my purse) and even though it is a stick, does rub in fairly easily. I like to apply this one to kid’s faces, ears and neck when they are out in water playing. This sunblock is chalked full of lovely ingredients including the herbs St. John’s wort and calendula–both excellent for the skin.Substance - Baby SunscreenCoola mineral sunscreen spray and Natural BB cream for face – I love this sunblock for the mamas out there! Goes on VERY easily without streaking or greasiness like a lot of other products. A fun fact about this ‘cool’ sunscreen is that many of the products are crafted in California in a solar powered facility.

Coola - Face SunscreenWith all of these brands, it is important to reapply when swimming or playing in water.

Another great option for kids and parents alike are rash guards. These keep everyone warm in cold water and most are have high UV protection and are widely available.

Have a great time this summer!

Disclaimer: as i love these brands, i do not get an receive any commission from these products

Muscle Pain Natural Relief Product Review

Natural Relief for Muscle Pain

Looking for muscle pain natural relief?  If you’ve been faced with chronic muscle pain then you’ve probably asked yourself the following questions at some point:

  • What is causing my pain?
  • How can I fix it?
  • What is the cause of my fatigue (aka chronic fatigue syndrome)
  • Could this be linked to Fibromyalgia?
  • Are there natural solutions?

At Family Health Advocacy we always promote addressing the underlying cause of your symptoms as the ultimate goal however when you’re stuck in a chronic pain cycle we understand that sometimes you need a little help to break free.  We have lot’s of great tools available to help you heal like our Chronic Pain Protocol but understanding the cause is an important first step and then possibly finding something non-invasive and natural to reduce your pain to get started.

Is This You?

“I feel like I’m on a journey leading nowhere. I’m getting desperate for direction but don’t know where to turn.”

When the muscle pain began you didn’t think much about it. You thought to yourself that it’s normal and everyone has to deal with pain sometimes, so it made sense just to ignore it and hope that it would go away on its own.

However, it didn’t. The pain continued and was either frequently intermittent or constant, which started to concern you more. It started to affect your mood and possibly your relationships. Simple activities like going for walk became more difficult, and if you’re a parent, then it’s possible the pain is even affecting time with your children.

You decided to finally get help and went to see your doctor.

They may have told you that what you’re experiencing is all in your head, and you should eat healthier (fibromyalgia and diet) and exercise more.  But you know the muscle pain and/or fatigue is real and makes it difficult sometimes to even get out of bed some days, let alone go for a walk.
They may have given you pills that you don’t want to take and furthermore, they don’t work.  This leaves you feeling stranded with nowhere to turn because you want to exercise but can’t. You want to get better, but don’t want to take any more ineffective medication… because it’s not working, and you know that the side effects can be worse than your original symptoms.

Do You Have Fibromyalgia?

Have you been told that your muscle pain is caused by Fibromyalgia?  If so, what is Fibromyalgia anyway?  Some go as far as saying that it doesn’t even exist but we disagree… somewhat.  As a disease label with a single cause and a simple pill solution being the answer, then no that is not Fibromyalgia.  As a collective of symptoms with potentially multiple causes and therefore requiring a multi-approach solution, then yes Fibromyalgia is real.  The first place to start is to take our FREE online Fibromyalgia Test.  This will help you understand if Fibromyalgia is the issue and then you can start by breaking the pain cycle and implementing our Truth About Fibromyalgia Protocol.

Choosing a Topical Muscle Pain Natural Relief Product the Family Health Advocacy Way

We always pay close attention to the attributes of any product or supplement before we make any recommendations to our community.  Especially when it comes to pain relieving gels or creams we ensure that the products meet the following requirements:

  • Natural Ingredients
  • Safe for Everyone to Use
  • Research Supported
  • Non-Toxic: Free of dyes, colouring agents, parabens bioaccumulative/carcinogenic
  • We’ve Tried It and Actually Works

Product Review: Muscle Care™

Natural Muscle Pain ReliefBeing a health professional helping people with chronic pain conditions for over a decade now, I’ve been presented with many products like these.  As long as it ticks all the boxes above then I’m willing to try it.  However, sometimes a particular product is much different from the rest and stands out.  This is exactly what happened with Muscle Care™.  Countless patients of mine reported amazing results with the  pain relief function of this product which would be enough for us at Family Health Advocacy to endorse it however, I even have an emotional personal story with this product that I would like to share.

In the summer of 2007 I was an excited student just entering the final year in my professional studies.  This meant we that we finally started seeing patients in clinic and began to help people with their health problems.  Unfortunately, at that time there was one person who discovered she had a major health crisis that was beyond my scope as a health practitioner.  That person was my mother and her major health crisis was cancer.  She fought long and hard and as grateful as I was to have another decade with her, just like most cancers, she was in pain for most of that fight.  She didn’t need any more toxic chemicals in her body so discovering Muscle Care™ was a blessing.  She was able to extinguish much of her pain that was related to joints and muscles naturally and more importantly, she was able to stay physically active rather than stuck in bed or on a couch all day.  Nothing else I tried before with her worked as well.

MuscleCare Provides 3 Functions Never Before Seen in Topicals

  • Pain Relief
  • Anti- inflammatory
  • Muscle Spasm & Stiffness Reduction

This triad of functions really sets this apart from it’s competitors not to mention the amazing results they found while conducting gold standard clinical studies.

What The Research Demonstrated

Two published doubled blind studies conducted by the Dr. Jack Goodman Performance
Lab at the University of Toronto proved that Muscle Care outperformed it’s top competing products like Icy-Hot, Bengay & Biofreeze and was even shown to be marginally more effective than medical/pharmaceutical products like Voltarin, Diclofenac and NSAIDS.  If this natural product is even better than a pharmaceutical drug intervention why wouldn’t you go that route?  Muscle Care™ is so safe that even pregnant or lactating woman can use use it.

How to Use It Effectively for Chronic Pain or Fibromyalgia

The company told me there are literally millions of users around the globe using this product which is exciting for me to hear, however as a practitioner I want to make sure that the product is being used responsibly and effectively.  If you suffer from chronic pain like that associated with Fibromyalgia then here is what I recommend:

  • For acute mild pain – 1 rollon, 1 cream for 30 days. Cream 3 x AM, rollon 4 x in day
  • For chronic mild pain – 2 rollon, 2 cream – 60 days. Cream 3 x AM/PM, rollon 4 x in day
  • Moderate to Severe Acute Pain – 2 rollon, 2 cream – 30 days. Cream 3 x AM/noon/PM, rollon 4 x in day
  • Moderate to Severe Chronic Pain – 2 rollon, 2 cream – 30 days. Cream 3 x AM/noon/PM, rollon 4 x in day

Where Do You Buy It?

You can buy this off the shelf at most of the big retailers for these types of products in both Canada and the United States but my recommendation is to buy it directly from the manufacturer because I told them that we have a large number of people in the Family Health Advocacy community suffering in pain that need relief.  So they worked out a special for us so you can get 10% off if you buy through this link here and use promo code “fha10”:


I recommend that you give it a try but remember this is just the first step in your healing journey and yes it will help you break the pain cycle however if you are going to beat your chronic pain or Fibromyalgia for good then there are other action steps that you need to take which we detail for you in our Online Truth About Fibromyalgia Protocol.  Also be sure to click here to read, ” The Dos and Donts of the Fibromyalgia Diet”.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Heal Your Pain

Have you ever experienced, or are you currently suffering from nagging, chronic pain?

There can be many causes of pain, and even more reasons why you aren’t getting relief from your pain.

What have you done to relieve your pain?

Many people try to do stretches, physiotherapy, ice or heat packs or extended periods of rest. While these therapies do have merit, they alone, do not usually offer the actual healing required inside of the body to find respite from pain.

Here, we will identify the Top 5 Reasons Why You May be Unable to Heal Your Pain:

1. Vitamins and Minerals Deficiency

If your body is deficient in essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids or antioxidants, it will be very difficult to effectively heal your pain. Your body needs to be provided with abundant nutrients from various sources to fulfill your daily fuel requirements.

Your diet should consist of a variety of colours, with a base colour of many greens, and adding in reds, oranges, yellows, blues and purples. If you focus on eating 80% fruits or vegetables at every meal, you will definitely be on your way to fulfilling your colour and nutrient requirements.

Include fresh green salads into your day, with lettuce, spinach, kale, and add red/yellow/orange peppers, carrots, grapes, cucumbers, and all of your favourite vegetables for colour and nutrient value.

2. Insufficient, Poor-Quality Sleep

How many hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep do you squeeze in per night? If you’re getting less than 8, you are doing a serious disservice to your well being.

Your body needs to experience deep, uninterrupted, quality sleep to reap the restorative benefits of this resting time.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try turning off your electronics and dimming your lights at least one hour before your bed time goal. The light from your devices skews your circadian rhythm and prevents you from realizing that it is bedtime.

Sleep Goal: Go to sleep with the sun and rise with the sun!

3. Lack of Movement

Our bodies were designed to move. But our sedentary lifestyles have taken over and too many hours at the computer, at our desks and in front of the television have changed our ancestral ways of hunting and gathering to stumbling to the fridge and then back to your chair.

It’s incredibly important to build regular exercise into your schedule. Speak to your natural health practitioner about what would be the best ways to get started, but really whatever you can manage while you are in pain to move your body is great. Start off slowly and build up to your goals. Go for short walks, do some yoga stretches or any exercise that feels good to you.

4. Pharmaceutical Overload

A common treatment for pain is a prescription for pharmaceuticals. However, these medications can often negatively impact your overall health, and cause immense inflammation in your body. Inflammation is often a cause of chronic pain, and we must work to eliminate inflammation rather than contribute to it. It is important to find natural solutions that work to boost up your body, rather than add dangerous pharmaceuticals that have a long list of potential side effects.

5. Central Nervous System Interference

Your central nervous system controls every single aspect of your body from breathing to digestion to cell division. Your brain sends messages to every single part of your body and they travel via your central nervous system which is encased by the bones of your spine.

If any of the spinal bones shift out of alignment, it puts pressure on your central nervous system, and your brain is unable to efficiently send all of the messages it needs to, to every cell, organ and tissue of your body. The messages that your brain sends out to direct healing can be halted or interfered with, and this can cause the pain to continue or intensify, because the healing messages are not able to reach their destination.

The only way to detect these misalignments of your spine is to have an examination with a chiropractor, who can determine a program of care to correct your spine and help to reduce or eliminate your pain.

The Great Drug Hoax: How Taking Pills May Actually Be Making You Worse

Look Around You

How many opportunities are there for advertisements to be placed? They are strategically placed on billboards, buses, and signs, on the radio, television, online, in magazines, and they are even slapped onto eggs!

And if you notice, there are hundreds of ads for various medications that are touted to treat every disease experienced today. From asthma to allergies, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and nerve pain to insomnia and depression, there is a chemical ‘cure’ for just about any ailment that you could be dealing with. Maybe You Haven’t Noticed that these drugs are being marketed to the final consumer just like breakfast cereals and the newest Coach purses.

The Big Pharma Strategy

The pharmaceutical companies are training you to ask your medical doctor for medications by name. They are trying to pump up their profits by increasing consumption and using you as a big part of their marketing strategy.

The curious thing is that only the United States, Canada and New Zealand are allowed to market medications directly to consumers. In no other countries would you find pharmaceutical companies speaking directly to you. In those countries they must only market their products to the medical doctors, and have them try to boost sales through prescriptions.

Taking Pills May Actually Be Making You Worse

Have you ever spilled spaghetti sauce on a white couch? And then just covered it up with a white towel, sat down, finished your dinner and forgot about it? Of course not!! But this is exactly what you are doing when you take medications. They mask your symptoms, and for a while, you sort of forget they were there. But at some point, that spaghetti mess is going to soak through that towel and you will realize the monster of a mess that has been created.

Your body is the same way. It can only deal with the condition/symptoms and the pharmaceutical band aid that is poisoning your body for so long until your health really deteriorates. It is important to find out what is causing your symptoms at the outset, and work to identify natural solutions, rather than covering them up with a mask of pharmaceuticals that do immense damage to your body.

But what if it’s all a big Hoax?

What if the pharmaceutical companies just see you as numbers and dollar signs? What if you don’t actually need medication to heal?

Your body is a self-healing, self-regulating, brilliant organism that wants to function optimally every single day.

You were born whole, perfect and ready to grow and develop with natural resources. You were not born with medication in your system, and that was not by accident! It means you do not need pharmaceuticals to function in daily life.

Pharmaceuticals are a foreign substance, unrecognizable by the body. They are a threat to your inner balance, chemically, mentally and physically.

For every medication you take, there is a long, detailed list of potential side effects that you may experience. Some are incredibly serious and even caution that death is one of the more serious side effects.

Have you ever looked at the side effects listed on your medication? These need to be approached as though they are quite possible to occur, not to be waved away lightly, as though that could never happen to you.

For example, Ibuprofen is often prescribed as an anti-inflammatory and painkilling medication to help with numbness and tingling.

According to WebMD, Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body’s production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever.

The problem is that your body is giving you symptoms of pain, swelling, fever or numbness and tingling, etc to alert you to a problem inside that needs tending to, rather than covering up.

Web MD also explains that there can be severe side effects associated with taking Ibuprofen, such as:

• abnormal heart rhythm • blind spot in the eye • bloody urine • decreased blood platelets • depression • hallucination • heart attack • high blood pressure • kidney failure • nosebleed • stroke • trouble breathing • ulcers • vocal cord swelling

And this is just a partial list of the most severe symptoms possible, not to mention the ones categorized as “less severe” such as fast heartbeat, sun-sensitive skin, hearing loss, anxiety, ringing in the ears and more.

So if Not Drugs, What is the Solution?

There are many avenues of natural health and healing to explore. Speak to your natural health practitioner about what could be the right solution and before you EVER abruptly stop taking prescribed medication then make sure you speak to your medical doctor first.