Your body is a self-healing and regulating organism. It doesn’t require help from any chemical drugs. In fact, you were not born with a deficiency of drugs that need to be supplemented for or too many organs that need to be surgically removed. The master system controlling all your body’s function and healing is your nervous system. It controls all your muscles, cells, glands, organs, and tissues. Removing interference to your nervous system and addressing the underlying cause of your problem is the only way to truly heal.
Your Body’s Ability To Heal
Health comes from within us. We are told by allopathic or conventional medicine that we can’t heal on our own. That we need pills, potions, and lotions to heal. Can you remember back to a time you fell on your knees as a child? You looked down to see your skin was scraped open, smudged with dirt, with a drip of blood starting to form. What would you do next? You would remove any dirt or stones that may have embedded themselves into the skin or cut. Rinse the area clean with water, and then cover it up with a band-aid. However, the band-aid didn’t heal the cut. It simply removed the chances of more interference to your body’s ability to heal. Preventing your pant to rub against it or allowing additional foreign objects to land on your open wound.
You didn’t have to go to the best doctor in the city to heal. All you needed to do was remove any interference from your body’s natural ability to heal, and it would do exactly that with time. Heal.
Action Steps For Natural Healing
You see, your body has the exact same healing ability as it did when you fell and scraped your knee. It has the same ability as it did the day you were born but years of physical traumas, emotional stresses, as well as chemical and toxic bombardment has caused interference to your body’s innate ability to heal. The Family Health Advocacy community is going to continue to remind you of your body’s incredible ability to heal and how to allow it to do exactly that.
What we provide is information on practical action steps to remove the layers of interference in your life so you can bring your body back to its natural state of healing. For some of you, your trauma’s, stresses and exposures are layers and years deep. For others, not so much. Everyone heals on their own timeline, some faster than others. Click here for a 6-Step Guide To Radical Self-Healing.
Let The Journey Begin
One thing is for certain. If you do exactly what we recommend in this community, in any of our courses or books to be released this year, you are going to see results! You will find that one day you are doing the things you thought you would never be able to do again. You will catch yourself smiling and enjoying moments with family and friends that you would not normally be able to enjoy because you were struggling through the pain, just trying to “show up.” We know this for certain because you are not different from the thousands of other patients we have helped along the way.
If you are willing to put in the work, you will get results. Don’t be intimidated by the word “work.” We refer to it as work because this healing journey is going to take time and energy. However the benefits will repay you one hundredfold in more energy and time for the rest of your life. Click here for more information on true health and why most of us get it wrong.
The Family Health Advocacy Movement
The Family Health Advocacy community is ALL about healing. I think it’s fair to say that everyone’s ultimate value in life is health. Often most people don’t recognize this until they have lost it. We often explain this to our patients by using the analogy of car keys. Think about your car keys. The only time you really acknowledge just how important they are is when you lose them. Most people have been treating their health the same way. Until now!
Thanks for joining the Family Health Advocacy movement.