4 Tips to an Abundant, Joy Filled Life

4 Tips to an Abundant Joy Filled Life

We all want to live in a rich, fulfilling and abundant life. But sometimes it feels like it is far out of our reach. We can get bogged down with the daily struggle and sometimes it feels difficult to turn life around and create abundance, health, time freedom, wealth and happiness in our day to day lives. There are several tips that you can follow to create the best version of your life from no matter where you are starting from.

1. Gratitude

The most important aspect of creating an abundant, joy filled life is having an attitude of gratitude. By focusing on the most positive aspects of our lives, we are able to increase what we focus on. Find gratitude for even the most small things in our day – the gift of being able to move our limbs and walk! Or the gift of having food to eat throughout the day or the ability to be connected to everyone we could want simply at the touch of a button on the device in our hand.

If you are struggling to find something to be grateful for, just sit with your breath for a few minutes. Follow the inhalations and exhalations and have gratitude for the rich oxygen flowing into your body to nourish and fuel your cells and brain.

When you are able to focus on small pieces of gratitude, your overall abundance of gratitude grow and spills over to be your main focus during more of your day.

2. Detachment

Detachment from the outcomes that you are hoping for is an essential part of living a life that is balanced and healthy. It is the ability to not focus on how events will play out and how it will affect you, but how you can thrive every day no matter what happens. Things have a way of working themselves out, and by trying to stay neutral to outcomes, both good and bad, it helps you to stay level and not follow the highs and lows of life.

3. Attraction

Use the Law of Attraction to your benefit and use the magnetic attraction of like and like, to draw things into your life that you would like to see. Create space in your life to allow new things to come into your life, but again, stay somewhat detached by knowing that either way, life is good when you are filled with gratitude.

4. Refuel

Take time to refuel your body, mind and spirit and know that the time you spend with yourself, enjoying your own company is a worthwhile investment into your health. Enjoy hobbies that you have long forgotten about and devote a few hours per week to you own mental health and clarity, to clear the way for feelings of gratitude and to become clear on what you would like to attract into your life.

Spend time with your family and friends, those who make you feel good about the world and focus on the positive parts of your life and they are sure to multiply.


relationship goals

When is the last time that you sat down with your spouse and discussed your relationship goals?

The hashtag #relationshipgoals is running rampant on social media showcasing photos of celebrity couples that people are idolizing over. Maybe the man in the picture is opening the door for his partner or a couple is working out together or maybe they are cuddled up watching a movie.

Basically these photos are a snapshot of what their reality truly is. The use of a hashtag by no means equates to the truth or reality. In some cases, I would like to imagine that their relationship is meaningful and fulfilling, but in others, unfortunately it is likely a cry for attention.

When we first enter a new relationship, things tend to be all warm and fuzzy. You are getting to know your partner and you are intrigued by their goals and desires in life. As the relationship progresses and life starts to take over, we can become less focused on our partner’s goals and needs.

We become focused on work, our social lives, children, and other commitments and we stop being as attentive or focused on healthy relationship communication. It is crucially important for any longterm relationship to re-examine the goals of each person and communicate ways in which those goals can be achieved.

We need to be our partner’s biggest fan and support system in life. Learning how you can support them in the various aspects of their life will strengthen the bond that you have with your spouse. If you have children, it will also set an incredible example of how love can be shown in so many different ways in a relationship.

My advice is to set up a regularly scheduled date with your spouse to discuss your relationship and create a safe space where both people feel that they can be open and honest about how they are feeling. This is the perfect time to discuss issues that may have arisen or it could be a time to put in place a plan for the future.

Remember that one of the keys to a successful conversation with you spouse is to listen with an open mind and heart. Refrain from being critical or judgmental if what your spouse is communicating isn’t what you are expecting or wanting to hear. Finally, ask your partner how you can help them to achieve their goals. It could be something as simple as taking on more responsibilities at home to allow your spouse to go to a weekly exercise class or it could be finding ways to save money to go on a vacation that you have both been wanting to take. 

Every conversation that you have with your spouse will and should be different. Our #relationshipgoals change as we grow and develop as people and they should never be compared to the standard that social media tries to impose upon us. Every relationship is unique and should be celebrated for the love that it brings to the world.