Don’t Let Leg Cramps Rob You of Another Night’s Sleep

Many people wake up during the night with painful leg cramps especially those over the age of 50. This happens when the calf muscle within the leg contracts on its own and can be extremely painful. If this happens you usually must move your leg around and pull upwards on your toes to try and release the cramp by stretching the calf out. Nighttime leg cramps are actually caused by a magnesium mineral deficiency which causes too much calcium to enter the muscle triggering a cramp and prevents the muscle from relaxing. In more severe cases a cramp can leave your legs feeling painful for days afterwards.

What is magnesium?

It is a very important mineral for the human body which plays a role in 300 enzyme reactions in the body. One of its main functions is helping with muscle and nerve function along with regulating blood pressure. It works with other minerals like calcium and potassium to relax and contract the muscles of your body. When you do not have enough magnesium in your blood the legs tend to cramp up at night especially when laying down flat in bed.

Why am I low in magnesium?

  • Over 50% of the population is deficient in magnesium usually because they do not consume enough leafy, green vegetables.
  • Drinking alcohol and consuming refined foods like flour, sugar, bread, cereal, white rice, and caffeinated drinks all deplete your magnesium reserves.
  • High levels of mental stress or overtraining when you exercise can also cause a deficiency in magnesium leading to leg cramps during the night.
  • Low stomach acid – in order to absorb magnesium your stomach needs to be very acidic in its natural range of one to three on pH scale. As we get older however we tend to lose stomach acid which causes acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, and gas. When the stomach acid is low you can’t absorb magnesium and other nutrients properly which stops them from reaching the muscles in your legs.

How do I absorb more magnesium?

There are three key steps that you can take to stop these muscle cramps by absorbing more magnesium into your bloodstream.

  • Stop consuming antacid drugs as these neutralize your important stomach acid. Instead consume apple cider vinegar capsules and digestive enzymes before each meal. These are natural and restore digestion, heal acid reflux, and GERD. They also restore your pH balance in the stomach so that you can absorb magnesium from your food.
  • Consume foods rich in magnesium every single day such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, avocados, and lots of leafy green vegetables like swiss chard, kale, broccoli, and okra. Magnesium is at the heart of the green pigment found in plants called chlorophyll. This helps to block calcium channels in muscles when needed in order to relax the muscles in your legs at night.
  • Reduce refined foods from your diet especially alcohol and soda drinks because these deplete your magnesium reserves. Flour based foods like bread, biscuits, pastries, and cereal also deplete your magnesium reserves. You should also cut down on caffeine because this causes you to lose magnesium through your urine.

Benefits of Magnesium

By following these three key steps above your body will soon begin to digest and absorb more magnesium naturally from the foods that you eat. Soon you will notice improvements as the magnesium and other minerals start doing their job in supporting proper muscle contraction and relaxation. Cramps during the night will begin to diminish helping you to enjoy a more peaceful night sleep without concern. You will also feel more relaxed and calmer because the magnesium has been shown to reduce stress hormones  and treat anxiety.

Other Helpful Tips

Before going to bed you can perform a stretch on the calf muscle. Simply place your toes over the edge of a step. Slowly dip your heel downwards allowing your calf muscles to stretch out. Hold for a few seconds and then repeat it three to four times. This exercise only takes about 2 minutes but gently stretches your calf muscles to promote blood flow into them. This helps to prevent leg cramps especially if you have performed lots of exercise and may have depleted some of your minerals. Also try staying hydrated as dehydration can restrict proper blood flow to the muscle.

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Supplements To Prevent Leg Cramps

  • Taking a daily supplement of magnesium citrate will give you the most bioavailable form of magnesium which can quickly be absorbed in the digestive tract. This supplement helps to prevent leg cramps, soothe tired muscles, relax the nerves in the body, and reduce stress.
  • Apple cider vinegar take 1-3 capsules of apple cider vinegar before each meal. This strengthens your stomach acid which allows you to absorb more minerals and nutrients. This alone often helps to relieve muscle cramps by aiding digestion and balancing the pH level of the blood. You could also take one tablespoon of liquid apple cider vinegar mixed in glass of water if you prefer.
  • Vitamin D3 – over 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D because we do not get enough sunshine on our skin. Taking vitamin D3 daily helps your body to absorb magnesium and use it properly. Vitamin D also reduces stiffness in the muscles especially in the morning.

These supplements all work together in the body to boost your magnesium levels which directly reduces leg cramps within a few days to a couple of weeks. Magnesium takes time to be broken down and metabolized by the body which is why you should be eating lots of leafy green vegetables on a daily basis to meet your requirements.

Potassium Versus Magnesium Leg Cramps

If your leg cramps occur during the night when you are resting then you can ascertain that this is due to a magnesium deficiency. However, if you get cramping during exercise or when you’re active in the day then you are likely to be low in potassium, another mineral which works with the muscles. Luckily potassium is absorbed much more easily than magnesium by simply drinking a sports drink, eating an avocado, or taking some potassium citrate which will resolve these types of cramps within minutes. Magnesium cramps during the night take longer to address because it takes more time for your body to absorb and mobilize magnesium.

The Early Signs That You Are Becoming Diabetic

Diabetes occurs when the body struggles to regulate the amount of sugar that’s in your blood. This leads to high blood sugars called hyperglycemia, that over long periods of time these sugars start to weaken your blood vessels which causes damage to your internal organs. Diabetes is one of the most common causes of death in the world and is triggered by prolonged poor eating habits.

Your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin which is the key that allows sugar into your cells and removes it from the blood. However, it’s estimated that over 60% of adults suffer with some degree of insulin resistance, a situation where your cells can no longer accept sugar because they have been bombarded with sugary foods, refined carbs, nitrates, or too frequent meals for many years.

In the beginning this doesn’t usually show up on A1C blood test because your body compensates by pumping out more insulin. For this reason, it is important to recognize the top 12 early signs of insulin resistance and prediabetes to watch out for.

Dark patches of skin

You may start to notice darkened areas of velvety or leathery skin in the folds of your body such as your armpits, neck, or groin. When there’s too much sugar or insulin in your blood the skin cells start to reproduce too quickly and at a rapid rate. These new cells have more melanin pigment making it appear darker then the surrounding skin.

Sugar cravings

After you’ve eaten, when your blood sugars aren’t being controlled properly, you will likely crave the sweet or sugary snack shortly after you finish your meal. This happens because your cells aren’t accepting the sugar normally from your blood which tricks your brain into thinking that you’re still hungry and you crave sugar for a quick energy boost.

Blurred vision

At the early stages of insulin resistance you may begin to develop blurred vision. This happens because your cells are no longer accepting insulin and glucose causing the lenses of your eye to swell with fluid. The high blood glucose could also damage the blood vessels connected to your eyes causing distorted vision, blurriness.

Frequent urination at night

If you have too much glucose or sugar in your blood it binds to water causing your body to hold more fluid. Your kidneys also must work overtime to filter this extra sugar in your blood which causes you to pee more frequently especially during the night. This also makes you thirstier during the day and this causes a vicious cycle.

Puffy face

If you’re eating too many carbohydrates or sugars and your body can’t control your blood sugars, you’ll likely develop puffy face especially around the cheeks. The high amount of sugar in your body is causing fluid retention and making your face appear bloated. You also get darkening and puffiness around your eyes and eyelids. You may notice that if you cut out the carbohydrates for a week or two your face starts to shrink very quickly. This is not usually fat loss but simply a loss of the excess fluid.

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Tingling or numbness in the feet or hands

Tingling, burning, stabbing, or shooting pain in your feet, toes, or hands may be a sign of neuropathy. The high insulin and sugar in your blood is damaging to blood vessels and peripheral nerves causing them to misfire and send odd signals to your brain. This can also worsen into numbness and a loss of function if it develops from pre diabetes into full blown type 2 diabetes.

Skin tags

Skin tags can be harmless but if more continue to grow over time then this could be a sign of prediabetes. High levels of insulin causes the skin cells to reproduce rapidly and as it’s an anabolic hormone, it causes the skin tags to grow. Many people who have reversed insulin resistance with natural methods find that their skin tags naturally start to disappear.

Belly fat

When you have high amounts of sugar in your blood for long periods of time your body must convert this into fat to preserve the energy for the future. Too much insulin and glucose causes your liver to become filled with fat and this starts spilling over into your belly area.


After eating a meal, you should feel energized and alert as you’ve just nourished your body with vitamins and minerals. However, if you notice that you feel extremely tired after eating then this may indicate that you have insulin resistance, and the fuel isn’t getting into your cells properly.

Itchy skin

This occurs because high blood sugar and insulin is damaging to blood vessels which supply nutrients to the skin. It can also make your skin more susceptible to bacterial or fungal infections which may cause boils and abscesses. Eating too many carbohydrates and sugars can also deplete vitamin B3 which is very important for keeping your skin healthy.

Slow wound healing

Higher levels of sugar in your blood causes poor circulation so it can take longer for a minor cut, bruise, or a wound to heal properly. This gets progressively worse as you become a diabetic and can eventually lead to loss of limb.

Brain fog

This happens when your blood sugars spike and then fall dramatically leaving you hypoglycemic. This means that not enough fuel is reaching your brain causing you to feel foggy.

Causes of Prediabetes/Diabetes

Why do refined, highly processed foods cause prediabetes? The nutrients in these types of foods have been stripped away leaving you with only the energy portion which is glucose. Without these nutrients like B vitamins, for example, your body struggles to process the sugars properly causing insulin resistance.

The second cause is high levels of mental stress. When you’re stressed your body makes more of a hormone called cortisol. Problem is that if you have too much cortisol it breaks down your muscle and fat and turns it into blood sugars which overtime can cause insulin resistance and diabetes.

Another cause is having too frequent meals throughout the day which bombards your cells with so much fuel that they cannot handle anymore. Every time you eat you raise insulin, and our bodies weren’t designed to be eating all day which is why fasting really helps to reverse prediabetes.

Can You Prevent Diabetes?

The answer is yes and here are a few tips to start incorporating into your daily routine.

  • Cut out refined carbohydrates, sugar, flour, and grain-based foods.
  • Replace refined foods with healthy fats to keep your hunger levels down.
  • Consume nutritional yeast to supply B vitamins which reduce cravings and reverse nerve damage.
  • Eat lots of organic, cruciferous vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. These leafy greens are loaded with potassium and magnesium, two key minerals which help to reverse insulin resistance and regulate your blood sugars.
  • Soluble fiber in vegetables also helps to stabilize your blood sugars.
  • Start taking the daily supplement of chromium picolinate. This is a very powerful trace mineral which helps insulin and glucose become more sensitive in the body so that it can be moved into the cells. Chromium also helps your liver to produce the master antioxidant glutathione which also helps to prevent diabetes and oxidative damage.
  • Stop snacking between meals.
  • Try taking a teaspoon of MCT oil at the end of your first meal. This is made from coconuts that keeps you feeling full for longer by providing an alternative fuel source to your cells which are called ketones instead of glucose.
  • Manage your stress levels and get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.,than%20those%20who%20took%20placebo.

Moringa Powder – The Most Powerful Superfood You Need to Know About

The health benefits of moringa powder also known as drumstick or malunggay. Moringa powder is made from the dried leaves of the moringa oleifera, a drought resistant tree native to warm climates like India. This has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years and is known as the miracle tree. You can purchase organic moringa powder from health food stores and take between one to two teaspoons per day to help heal diseases and infections in the body.

Let’s us explore the many benefits of this powerful powder while first keeping in mind to consult your healthcare professional before taking any supplements.

Reduces inflammation

Moringa powder contains 46 different types of antioxidants and a wide range of anti-inflammatory compounds making it one of the most powerful super foods in the world. This helps to lower inflammation and swelling throughout the body especially for those with joint pain, osteoarthritis or even rheumatoid arthritis.

Liver cleansing

The powerful antioxidants in moringa help to cleanse the liver and help to remove fatty deposits and scar tissue. This can improve your liver function keeping your blood free of toxins and boosting your overall health.

Rich in minerals

Moringa powder contains zinc, plant-based iron, copper, beta carotene and B vitamins. These act as cofactors in the body to help grow, long, strong and healthy strands of hair. They also help to protect against hair loss with age.

Thyroid health

Moringa powder also helps your liver to make certain thyroid hormones to prevent hypo or hyperthyroidism, hot flashes, excessive sweating, and an irregular heartbeat. This helps to keep your body temperature under control and your hormones in balance.

Muscle health

Moringa contains all nine essential amino acids needed to build strong, healthy muscles. You can consume moringa powder before exercising as it boosts stamina and energy levels. It contains seven times more potassium than bananas, four times more calcium than milk and 36 times more magnesium than eggs. These electrolyte minerals help your cells to produce stable energy, maintain healthy muscle mass and prevent cramping.

Regulates your blood sugar levels

Moringa powder regulates blood sugar levels thereby reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Anti aging

Some refer to moringa as the elixir of life as it contains high concentrations of zeatin. This is a plant hormone which has been linked to slowing down the aging process of the body. As this plant is rich in antioxidants these two play a role in keeping your skin youthful and healthy by improving your antioxidant network and destroying free radicals in the blood.

Breast feeding

It’s very important to make sure that you’re getting lots of nutrients in your diet to make rich breast milk. Being nutrient rich, moringa makes a good supplement for nursing mothers.

Heals gastric ulcers

This is likely due to the chlorophyll or the green plant pigment which is very healing to the digestive system. Not only will it heal ulcers but also prevent them from occurring.

Hormone Balancing

Women who suffer with facial hair, deeper voice and irregular periods may have a hormonal imbalance and a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome. Moringa is actually one of the best supplements to reduce androgen hormones, to overcome this condition and balance the hormones.

Blood builder

Chlorophyll, plant-based iron and antioxidants found in moringa could also help your body to build robust, healthy red blood cells. These carry oxygen and nutrients to all of the organs and tissues throughout your body keeping you strong, healthy and prevent anemia.

Regulates blood pressure

By taking stress off the liver, the antioxidants help to relax the blood vessels and the arteries for better blood flow to and from the heart. It also lowers the risk of heart attacks and plaque in the arteries because it contains over 46 types of antioxidants.

Weight loss

By lowering insulin resistance, the nutrients in moringa help your body to tap into its fat stores for energy and reduce hunger levels. This naturally helps you to lose weight especially when you’re following a low carb diet like keto for example.

Healthy brain

If you want to stay sharp as you get older, the amino acids in moringa help to build hormones and neurotransmitters in your brain. These support better memory, concentration, and learning.

Protects against exposure to UV

UVB rays from the sunshine can be very damaging to the skin especially if you stay out in the sun too long. However, the antioxidants within moringa help to protect against skin cancer and premature aging.

Fights Infection

Due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, moringa can also help to fight off infections in the body and boost your immune system.

Lung health

Moringa is also very useful for those with asthma as it can help to improve breathing and airflow. It does this by improving oxygenation of the blood allowing nutrients to travel freely through your body.

Eye health

Antioxidants in moringa also help to protect the blood vessels that are connected to your eyes. This lowers the risk of vision loss and macular degeneration that comes with age, and it also helps to protect the nerves within the eye.

How to consume

Simply mix 2 teaspoons of moringa powder in a glass of water and then drink. Some of the nutrients are fat soluble so it is best to drink this after eating a meal that contains a fat like olive oil, cheese, or butter. This will help your body absorb more nutrients from the moringa. Do not add hot water to moringa because this may kill off the enzymes within which are needed to help your body absorb some of the antioxidants.

Other moringa uses

Other parts of the moringa tree are also used in traditional medicine including the bark, the seeds, pods, roots, sap, flowers, and oil. The oil, in particular, can be used topically on the skin and the scalp to prevent dandruff, irritation and to heal various skin problems.

The Best Probiotic Foods You Can Eat

Probiotics are friendly, live bacteria and yeast naturally inside your body, especially in your gut, mostly the larger intestine, urinary tract, and on the outside of your skin. These friendly microbes have many different health benefits. One of the main benefits is that they fight off pathogens like harmful bacteria and viruses by taking up space and preventing the harmful microbes from growing and spreading in your body. Probiotics also support your digestive system in breaking down foods and absorbing nutrients whilst preventing bloating and indigestion. Probiotics also help to produce B vitamins and butyrate which can help to control your blood sugars. They make neurotransmitters for your brain which lower stress and anxiety which helps to improve your sleep and helps to regulate hormones like insulin to prevent you from gaining too much weight. Unfortunately, many people have an imbalance in their microbiome because they’re eating too many junk foods, artificial sweetness or they’re taking antibiotics and drugs which can kill off the friendly microorganisms. Fortunately, there are certain fermented foods that you can eat which contain live strains of friendly microbes to improve your overall health and your microbiome.


One of the best natural sources of probiotics, kefir is a liquid type of yogurt made from fermented milk from cows, goats, or sheep and it’s much easier to digest than regular yogurt. For those with lactose intolerance, kefir contains up to 10 times more probiotics than Greek yogurt with over 61 different strains of friendly yeast and bacteria and between 15 to 27 billion colony forming units per serving. Kefir was used by Russian doctors in the 19th century to treat ailments like tuberculosis because of its immune boosting effects. Studies show us that the friendly microbes found in kefir helps to lower the risk of cancer cell formation by protecting your DNA from oxidative damage.


Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from a mixture of fermented radishes, chili, ginger, onions and cabbage. It’s actually one of the healthiest superfoods in the world. Fermented vegetables are made in a process which is called lacto-fermentation. Basically, the vegetables and the spices are brined in salt to kill any band bacteria and then they are crushed into a jar and covered for a few days. The natural wild probiotic cultures that are already in the vegetables such as Lactobacillus starts to produce lactic acid and acetic acid. The microbes then eat any sugar present in the vegetables and start fermenting them so that they can multiply becoming a super food for your gut. This fermentation process helps to breakdown cell structures in the vegetables and spices making the existing nutrients more bioavailable and easier for your body to absorb. Kimchi is particularly special as the ingredients alone are all excellent for helping your liver to detoxify harmful substances from your body whilst the probiotics are also amazing for your digestive system and overall health. One Cup of kimchi contains an astonishing 5 billion CFU’s of probiotics

Bulgarian yogurt

Bulgarian yogurt tends to be less processed and contains higher amounts of friendly microbes than regular yogurt, between 10 to 18 billion colony forming units per cup. This type of yogurt contains a unique strain of bacteria which is called Lactobacillus bulgaricus along with streptococcus thermophilus. Both these have been shown to help people who struggle to consume dairy products like cheese, milk or yogurt due to lactose intolerance. The friendly stains that are found in Bulgarian yogurt help the body produce lactase, an enzyme that helps your body to breakdown the lactose which is milk sugar.

Kombucha tea

If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to alcohol to help you relax and release stress, Kombucha tea is a fantastic option. This is black tea and sugar that’s been fermented which removes the sugars leaving you with live, beneficial bacteria, healthy acids and trace amounts of alcohol. Make sure when you’re buying kombucha tea, that you choose a brand that doesn’t contain any more than 3 grams of sugar per serving and only drink small amounts to enjoy its anxiety-soothing properties. It’s important to note however that if you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, please avoid this drink as its pH is a little too acidic which could aggravate pockets of damage in your stomach.


Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage with many health benefits especially when it comes to healing the gut. Regular cabbage is loaded with methyl methionine also called vitamin U and it’s well known for healing stomach ulcers, improving gut health and feeding the colon cells so that they can heal from all types of damage. If you have any type of autoimmune disease, it’s recommended to start loading up on cabbage and sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is also one of the richest sources of vitamin C on the planet with over 700 milligrams per serving helping to boost your immune system and stimulate collagen production for healthier skin, nails, joints, and eyes. Try to look for sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables that are unpasteurized. This is very important as pasteurized products have been heated and cooked which destroys their beneficial live bacteria.


It is a product made by fermenting organic soybeans which was perfected in Japan over 1000 years ago. Natto has a stringy texture and a very pungent flavor however it is one of the most powerful fermented foods for improving blood flow around the body and protecting the heart. It is rich in vitamin K2, a nutrient which helps to remove a buildup of calcium that can get lodged in your arteries, pulls it out and puts it into the bones where it belongs. This can help to make your arteries more flexible. Natto also contains an enzyme called nattokinase which has been shown in studies to help thin the blood and prevent blood clots from forming preventing a stroke pulmonary embolism or heart attack.


With between 12 to 14 billion CFU’s per cup, fermented Pickles that are made in brine not the vinegar variety are yet another amazing superfood for your gut and your entire microbiome. Pickle juice, in particular, can be consumed to relieve leg cramps, eye twitching, PMS and muscle spasms due to its high concentration of electrolytes. The healthy acids from both the pickles and pickle juice can be used to relieve heartburn and acid reflux by helping to normalize the pH of your stomach. Like all of these fermented foods please check the labels and make sure that there are no added preservatives and that they are unpasteurized.

Other Foods

Other probiotic rich foods although there’s a definite lack of data out there on fermented foods you can actually ferment any type of vegetable, herb or plant matter that you like. This means that there are a diverse range of different fermented foods in the world that you may not have even heard of or tried.

  • Saurruben – made from fermented turnips in Germany.
  • Miso – made from fermented soybeans rice or barley originating in ancient China.
  • Tempeh – is an Indonesian form of fermented soy.
  • Douchi – a culinary paste made from spices and fermented black beans in China.
  • Puto – is a steamed cake made from fermented rice in the Philippines.
  • Greek yogurt – is made from fermented cows’ milk from Greece.
  • Furundu – is made from mashed and fermented sesame seeds in West Africa.
  • Crème Fraiche – is made from fermented heavy cream in France

What about the existing microbes that already live inside you? Well that’s where prebiotics come in. Prebiotics are basically the food that will feed your existing microbes. Prebiotics mostly come in the form of soluble fiber and plant sugars from various fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Although our own bodies can’t digest soluble fiber, the microbes that live in your gut do it for you. They ferment prebiotic fiber, and this gives them energy. As these microbes become energized, they release some very powerful healing chemicals like butyrate lactic acid and propionic acid. All of which have some amazing health properties especially in protecting the lining of your intestines preventing toxins from leading into your gut, and autoimmune diseases arising like psoriasis arthritis fibromyalgia etc. Some of the best sources of prebiotic fiber to support your existing microbes are artichokes, chia seeds, psyllium, garlic, leeks, asparagus, dandelion greens, chicory root, and avocados. Both probiotic and prebiotic foods on a daily basis will support both your physical and mental health.

A Guide for Increasing Patients’ Quality of Life After Mesothelioma Diagnosis

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Generally, mesothelioma is already at an advanced stage when diagnosed. This situation may make it more challenging for patients to come to terms with the diagnosis.

Moreover, patients can experience varying degrees of discomfort depending on the disease’s progression.

For example, advance-stage mesothelioma can induce higher levels of fatigue than early-stage. You may want to learn more about mesothelioma stages to understand better what life is like for individuals with this condition. You may also visit The Mesothelioma Group Site for more information.

Still, regardless of the stage, there are several ways patients can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

This article suggests various ways that can help improve the quality of life of individuals with mesothelioma.

Tips For Mesothelioma Patients: Improving Your Quality of Life

Although mesothelioma is potentially life-threatening, preventive measures can help patients live better while receiving treatment.

A patient’s improved quality of life may also help improve the outlook for their condition (prognosis).

Focusing on essential aspects of health may help enhance the patient’s overall quality of life.

Below are some areas you may want to address to help alleviate your mesothelioma-related discomforts.

Stress Reduction

Battling cancer is one of life’s most trying experiences. However, stress strains a patient’s body and mind, turning an already bad situation into a more demanding one.

Mental or emotional distress may significantly reduce a patient’s quality of life. Some studies even indicate that severe distress may correlate with poorer clinical outcomes.

On the other hand, you may adopt strategies that can reduce stress to improve your quality of life.

Below are several practices patients can use to manage their health condition better.

  • Reduce the impact of stressors by preparing for and avoiding them.
  • Learn about the latest current therapies and treatments based on your condition diagnosis.
  • Get information regarding mesothelioma and take responsibility for your health.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and awareness.
  • Work with the top mesothelioma experts you can find.

Patients may help minimize their stressors by doing the following:

  • Seek assistance
  • Know your limitations.
  • Schedule appointments in a planner.
  • Avoid having too many obligations.
  • Identify your priorities, especially when it comes to daily activities.
  • Learn to accept that you cannot change some circumstances.

Nutrition and Diet

Healthy living and wellness begin with eating the right food. Patients who take care of themselves with a healthy diet full of nutritious foods are more likely to enjoy life and continue to do their favorite activities.

A study showed that malnutrition correlates with a poor quality of life.

Malnourished individuals tend to have lower energy levels, experience fatigue and irritability, are more prone to illness, and struggle more with recovery after becoming ill.

Additionally, the effects of a bad diet have a detrimental effect on a person’s quality of life and make it more difficult for patients to recover from their disease.

Patients may consider the following tips to enhance their diet:

  • Reducing consumption of alcohol, harmful fats, and red meat
  • Selecting whole-grain products with a lot of fiber
  • Being healthy in terms of weight
  • Requesting nutritional assistance from medical professionals
  • Consumption of a lot of fruit and veggies

mesothelioma, mesothelioma symptoms,what is mesothelioma, mesothelioma cancer, mesothelioma definition, mesothelioma treatment,symptoms of mesothelioma

Seeking Specialized Mesothelioma Treatment

Specialists who are knowledgeable about the condition can work with patients to create a strategy to increase their quality of life and life expectancy.

An expert professional will consider diet, exercise, stress and pain management, community support, and education.

Pain Management

Many people ignore the disease when they can lessen or remove their feelings of pain.

Patients who adopt pain management techniques can reduce the discomfort brought on by their illness and the adverse effects of treatment.

Natural and medical pain management options are available to patients, including:

  • Acupuncture
  • Mindfulness
  • Stress reduction therapies, such as massage, yoga, and music therapy
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Nerve blocks
  • Exercise
  • Epidurals
  • Radiation therapy

Pain relief and pain management alternatives for mesothelioma patients are available. However, patients should seek assistance and research their choices.

Final Statement

You may adopt various strategies to help you overcome obstacles and adjust well to life’s hardships.

Several options are available to help ease mesothelioma-caused pain.

Moreover, working with a physiotherapist can teach you how to prevent discomfort and make life more comfortable. This move is an excellent one for pain management.

The step above may be as significant as taking medication orally, through a patch, or intravenously.

Also, you might experience pain in many different ways. It is crucial to discuss any discomfort you encounter with your doctor because it might lead to inadequate nourishment, poor sleep, and exhaustion.

Additionally, palliative care, which helps you manage your symptoms, is crucial to managing mesothelioma.

You may be able to lessen symptoms’ psychological consequences with the aid of palliative care from medical professionals trained in treating mesothelioma patients.

Lastly, your palliative care provider will typically concentrate on your unique needs rather than your prognosis.


  1. Mesothelioma Stages

2. Psychological Stress and Cancer

  1. Body composition and nutritional status in malignant pleural mesothelioma: implications for activity levels and quality of life

5 Ways Word Games Boost your Brain Health

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Regarding mental health, it is best to keep things simple. Word games are a fun activity that many individuals participate in. These games put your lexical knowledge and expertise to the test. 

Word games are among those dual-purpose games that can be used for amusement and teaching. These games impact your cognitive function whether you are playing for enjoyment or to learn. Many individuals think that playing such games keeps their minds fresh. Continue reading to understand how word games boost one’s mental health.

Improves your Concentration 

Playing word games necessitates a high degree of attention. The game is based on how concentrated you can be when identifying brain teasers, solving riddles, and deciphering clues. 

Despite how challenging the game was, you will always find it refreshing once you are done. Furthermore, the greater the complexity, the more concentrated you are during the game. 

After all, who denies needing good concentration power at some point in their lives? No one, for sure. So if you want to keep your concentration and focus at its peak, you should play more. 

Moreover, our attention spans have shrunk dramatically due to messages, emails, and multitasking. This leaves us with few opportunities to focus on a single task. Playing word games demands focusing on the board and planning your next move ahead of time. So training your brain to focus can be highly beneficial for both children and adults. 

Aids Psychological Well-being 

Keeping an active mind requires more than just studying and memorizing; it also entails keeping a sound and healthy mindset. If you wish to have keen cognitive talents, you must take care of your mental health. 

Many folks consider that distracting their brains with a word game is calming and stress-relieving. It allows them to escape the innermost anxieties and troubles they may have had during the day. To put it differently, it is one of the many helpful and healthy breaks a person can enjoy every day to improve their mental health. 

Your self-confidence is enhanced due to crafting complex words and scoring double and triple letter words. It makes no difference whether you win or lose. Word games are also known for bringing out creative and innovative sides of a person as they think of new words and try to figure out where they should go on the board.

Helps with Memory 

Anyone with a fish brain is aware that it is not the best they want. Word games have been demonstrated in studies to help your brain by improving memory. They stimulate your hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for long-term and short-term memory. 

You will notice that the more you play, the more it gets difficult. Most word games need you to decode letters, and it is always a smart option to hunt for more practice and help resources online, for example, a jumble solver. They help in solving jumbled words and can solve just any word puzzle. This also strengthens memory by reinforcing old knowledge with new knowledge. 

It will eventually dawn on you that having a better recall is among the most valuable assets somebody can acquire. You will be far more likely to recognize specific items for a long period as your memory strength improves.

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Makes your Brain Work Harder 

A healthy brain is an active one. Word games need concentration and critical analysis, which holds your brain engaged. They do the same to your intellect as going to a gym does to one’s body: they exercise it. 

Your mind will constantly focus on finding strategies to master any word game as soon as you start it, regardless of how challenging it is. After that, you will notice that your brain is much more alert and capable of doing more tasks than it normally does. Moral of the story is that word games train your brain to change its activity.

Improves Cognitive Abilities 

Playing semantic games that strengthen mental abilities can help people improve their cognitive skills. If you are unsure how you should learn further about your intellectual capacity. 

Cognitive talents are the abilities that enable your brain to think, focus, memorize, and understand. After you have grasped this simple definition, you will see how word games can help you improve your cognitive abilities. 

When confronted with real-life problems, acquiring such a talent will come in handy. They are beneficial not only to your mind but also to your interpersonal skills and relationships with others.

Final Verdict 

Semantic games are a lot of fun since people of all ages can play them. You can enjoy playing word games and profit from the perks it can provide to your intellect, regardless of your age.


Fun Ways to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

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Oral health is one of the most crucial aspects of our overall well-being. With numerous dental products and services available today, like dentures, night guards, and cleaning and whitening services found in clinics like, it is key that we take advantage of them for the sake of our oral health and appearance. This goes especially for kids.

Children need plenty of guidance when it comes to oral health.  How often have you reminded your kids to brush their teeth, but they still don’t do it? You’re not alone: many parents struggle to get their kids to brush their teeth regularly. But don’t worry, there are plenty of fun ways to encourage them. Try some of these ideas to get your kids to brush their teeth!

Make Dentist Visits Fun

If we’re being honest, a visit to the dentist is one of the least fun things that a kid can do, especially since a dentist’s office is hardly the most fun place. One of the best ways to help your kids promote healthy teeth, especially if you want to get them to brush, is to establish a healthy perception of the dentist.

Of course, many dentists make their offices as kid-friendly as possible, like Edmonton Emergency Dentist in Edmonton, especially in the case of a dental emergency, which can be a scary situation for a child. These dentist offices do their best and make an effort to make the child as comfortable as possible.

Although visits to the dentist are often stressful, there are things that you can do to make the experience fun, too. One way to make a dentist visit fun is by making a day of it. For example, after visiting the dentists, you can take them to eat their favorite food or visit an amusement park.

Teach with Games

Another thing you could do if you want to get your kids to brush their teeth is by teaching with games. Games have been added to education because educators have realized that kids learn faster when having fun.

One game that you could play with your kids is telling them that they are small, tiny, invisible monsters living on their teeth, and the only way to get rid of these monsters is by brushing them away. Of course, you’ll have to introduce this game in a fun way. Otherwise, it can be particularly scary.

Offer Rewards

The best way to make brushing their teeth fun for kids is by rewarding them for doing it. It can be easy to forget to reward your kids for the behaviors you want them to display, especially if you have been battling with them to do it in the first place.

However, it’s imperative to remember that positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator for young children, even adults. As such, every time your kids finish brushing their teeth, reward them somehow, whether it be with some playtime or introducing them to a new toy.

Set an Example

Another fun way to get your kids to brush their teeth is by setting an example. How can you expect your children to brush their teeth if they never see you doing it? More than this, when you brush your teeth, take it as an opportunity to make it seem like the most enjoyable activity in the world.

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Be the Test Subject

Very similar to setting an example, what you can do is be the test subject for your children. Some kids might be hesitant or nervous about brushing their teeth by themselves since it is quite a strange action if you think about it.

To counteract this, all you need to do is hand them the toothpaste and toothbrush and tell them to brush your teeth. While they are brushing your teeth, you can make it seem like you’re having fun. This will naturally make them want to do it, too.

Fun Toothpaste

Finally, if you want to inspire your kids to brush their teeth, consider buying fun toothpaste. There’s a very good reason why toothpaste for kids features fictional characters. If you know that your child’s favorite fictional character is Iron Man, try to find toothpaste with Iron Man on it. This creates a positive association with brushing their teeth, and they’ll be excited to brush their teeth using a toothpaste that has their favorite character on it.

The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

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How Massage Therapy Restores and Maintains Your Mind and Body

During these highly stressful times, it’s easy to let our own physical and mental health fall by the wayside as our stressors slowly accumulate in our mind and body. It can be easy to become hyper focused on work, raising a family, and keeping up with other obligations. However, no matter how busy you get, you should always make time for self-care.

You may have already noticed that when you’re stressed and tense that you’re not performing at your best. Sometimes this results in a lack of focus and inability to concentrate on things like work or school. Other times, stress can cause physical discomfort, like tense and sore muscles. Whatever the case may be, you don’t have to endure this.

In fact, professional massage therapy has proven to be effective in combating both the mental and physical aspects of stress. It is helpful in combating conditions relating to physical and mental health that aren’t stress related. Unlike medication, massage therapy is a holistic method of helping the mind and body feel and function at their best. Let’s dive in a little deeper about the health benefits of massage therapy and how to become a part of the healing body club.

You Feel Better When You Sleep Better

According to the CDC, roughly 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep issues. That means that approximately one out of every five people you walk by on the street aren’t fully rested. There are several issues associated with sleep deprivation, including lack of focus, decreased brain function, memory loss, weakened immune system, and even more serious issues like risk of heart attack and hypertension.

If you have been dealing with sleep issues, then you are a prime candidate for massage therapy. The techniques used during massage therapy should release serotonin, which is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that aids sleep. Even after one massage therapy session, you will notice that you can get to sleep quicker and stay asleep longer.

It is a wonderful holistic alternative for those who have tried sleep medication and other methods, to no avail.

Reduce Stress and Boost Your Mood

According to, more than half of Americans report feeling stressed throughout the day. Of course, there are several ways to deal with stress. Some do it through breathing exercises, engaging in physical activity, and some even go as far as to take a vacation. However, don’t overlook the benefits of massage therapy when it comes to combating stress and improving your mood.

The scientific explanation behind this is that licensed massage therapists are specially trained to manipulate the body’s muscle tissues so that the brain will release endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. These chemicals that naturally occur in the body holistically make a person feel good, which reduces their anxiety and naturally boosts their mood.

The great thing about massage therapy is that it’s amazing for both combatting stress or preparing the body for when you expect stress. For example, if you’re expecting a particularly tough week at work, book yourself a massage therapy appointment over the weekend. You will be amazed at how you are mentally and physically prepared to deal with stress.

Combat the Pain in Your Body

According to the CDC, approximately 20% of people suffer from some variety of pain. That could be because of a physical injury or a medical issue, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. Additionally, many older adults suffer from pain in their joints and muscles that is related to aging. That can lead to them relying more on over the counter and prescription medications.

However, massage therapy is a holistic alternative that can naturally help them reduce their pain. Licensed massage therapists can manipulate muscles in a way that improves the body’s circulation with oxygen-rich blood flow. Recipients of massage therapy will instantly notice that their pain levels will go down significantly after only a single treatment. Massage therapy is also a great way to reduce pain and soreness for those who are engaging in physical activity or competitive sports.

Booking Your Massage Therapy Appointment

The beauty of massage therapy is that it is a widely available service that you should be able to find in your local area. Start by Googling the term “massage therapy near me” or “massage therapy in Kansas City.” That should bring up many massage therapy clinics that can help restore your mind, body, and spirit.

There is no reason to suffer from stress or pain. Book your massage therapy appointment today and take the first step to an improved, happier you.


Vitamin Overdose and Toxicity

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Scientific studies showed that vitamin and mineral supplementation may be beneficial to a person’s health. However, the harmful effects of vitamins often receive little attention(1).

For example, high doses of vitamin C may put people at risk of developing kidney stones(2). To diagnose the condition and support its treatment, doctors use advanced medical imaging procedures, like computed tomography (CT) or X-ray.

Experts have also noted the importance of looking for non-toxic vitamin alternatives that promote health without any adverse effects. To avoid the harmful effects of vitamins, some people opt for natural solutions to boost the immune system.

Water-Soluble vs. Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are divided into two categories: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins(3).

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are compounds not stored by the human body. These compounds, including vitamins B and C, are excreted through urine(4).

Water-soluble vitamins are less likely to cause side effects even in high doses than fat-soluble compounds.

However, high doses of water-soluble vitamins may still trigger the onset of harmful conditions in the body.

For example, niacin or vitamin B3 may cause liver damage if administered in high doses(5). Additionally, taking high doses of vitamin B6 may lead to potential nerve damage over time(6).

Other water-soluble vitamins include thiamin, riboflavin, and folacin(7).

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are compounds that do not dissolve in water and are stored in the body’s tissues(8). Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, and E(9).

Although uncommon, taking these vitamins in high doses may lead to harmful side effects(10).

Side Effects of Vitamin Overdose

Vitamins are generally safe to consume on a daily basis. However, taking high doses of these supplements may trigger adverse side effects.

Although rare, there have been recorded cases of death associated with vitamin toxicity.

Complications arising from vitamin overdose vary depending on the compound administered.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin A

Hypervitaminosis A (vitamin A toxicity) may occur from consuming high amounts of vitamin A supplements.

Data from the Mayo Clinic show that high doses of vitamin A may cause(11):

  • Diarrhea
  • Joint pain
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Skin irritation
  • Liver damage
  • Birth defects

Vitamin A overdose may also trigger increased intracranial pressure, coma, and even death(12).

A study on hypervitaminosis A was conducted on a patient with kidney failure.

Results showed that one large dose of more than 200mg of vitamin A, which is over ten times the recommended daily dose, may lead to serious complications. These complications include higher spinal fluid pressure, coma, and fatal organ damage(13).

Vitamin D

Side effects of vitamin D overdose include weight loss, irregular heartbeat, and appetite loss. Vitamin D overdose may also boost blood calcium levels, which may lead to organ damage(14).

Additionally, taking over 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily over long periods may increase calcium levels in the blood. This condition, called hypercalcemia, is potentially fatal(15).

Vitamin E

Excessive vitamin E intake may affect the body’s blood clotting process, cause hemorrhages, and even trigger a hemorrhagic stroke(16).

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid

Adverse effects of vitamin C overdose include migraine headaches, nausea or vomiting, flushing, and dizziness(17).

Vitamin C overdose may also cause tissue damage and fatal heart conditions in patients with hemochromatosis, a disorder caused by iron buildup in the body(18).

Vitamin B3 or Niacin

High niacin doses may cause abdominal pain, high blood pressure, impaired vision, and liver damage. Nicotinic acid, a form of niacin, may cause severe skin flushing, dizziness, and nausea(19).

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine

Long-term intake of vitamin B6 in high doses may cause skin lesions, severe neurological impairment, heartburn, sensitivity to light, and nausea(20).

Vitamin B9 or Folate

Overconsumption of folate or folic acid may affect cognitive function, leading to mental decline.

High folate levels may also impair immune system response and hinder the detection of a potentially severe vitamin B12 deficiency(21).

Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Safely

The dosage of vitamin and mineral supplements depends on several factors, including the person’s age, medical conditions, genetic disorders, and diet.

Although most manufacturers provide dosing guidelines for supplements, dosage needs vary from person to person.

It is not recommended to administer more than the tolerable upper intake levels set for vitamin and mineral supplements. Taking high doses may result in adverse effects and, in rare circumstances, even death.

It is important to seek medical advice before consuming vitamin and mineral supplements in high doses.

Doctors and other medical professionals can offer advice about safe and accurate dosing to avoid adverse effects.


  1. Wooltorton, E., Too much of a good thing? Toxic effects of vitamin and mineral supplements. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 169(1): 47–48.
  2. Massey, L., Safety of vitamin C. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  August 2005, Page 488,
  3. Albahrani, A. & Greaves, R. (2016). Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Clinical Indications and Current Challenges for Chromatographic Measurement. The Clinical Biochemist Reviews,  37(1): 27–47.
  4. National Research Council (US) Committee on Diet and Health. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1989.
  5. Leung, K., Quezada, M., Chen, Z., Kanel, G., & Kaplowitz, N. (2018). Niacin‐Induced Anicteric Microvesicular Steatotic Acute Liver Failure. Hepatology Communications, 2(11): 1293–1298.
  6. Bacharach, R., Lowden, M., & Ahmed, A. (2017). Pyridoxine Toxicity Small Fiber Neuropathy With Dysautonomia: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, 19(1):43-46.
  7. National Research Council (US) Committee on Diet and Health. Op cit.
  8. Lykstad, J. &  Sharma, S. (2020). StatPearls.
  9. A. Albahrani, et al. Op cit.
  10. Hamishehkar, H., Ranjdoost, F., Asgharian, P., Mahmoodpoor, A., & Sanaie, S. (2016). Vitamins, Are They Safe? Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 6(4): 467–477.
  11. Mayo Clinic. Vitamin A. Retrieved from
  12. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin A. Retrieved from
  13. Hammoud, D., Haddad, B., & Abdallah, J. (2014). Hypercalcaemia Secondary to Hypervitaminosis A in a Patient with Chronic Renal Failure. West Indian Medical Journal, 63(1): 105–108.
  14. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin D. Retrieved from
  15. Koul, P., Ahmad, S., Ahmad, F., Jan, R., Shah, S., & Khan, U. (2011). Vitamin D Toxicity in Adults: A Case Series from an Area with Endemic Hypovitaminosis D. Oman Medical Journal,  26(3): 201–204.
  16. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin E. Retrieved from
  17.  Abdullah, M., Jamil, R., & Attia, F. (2020). StatPearls. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).
  18. Aronow, W. (2018). Management of cardiac hemochromatosis. Archives of Medical Science, 14(3): 560–568.
  19. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Niacin. Retrieved from
  20. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Vitamin B6. Retrieved from
  21. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. Folate. Retrieved from

How Do You Psychologically Prepare for Spinal Surgery?

Spinal surgery and surgeries on other vital organs are considered serious procedures. So it’s no surprise how challenging it is to find ways to stay calm before undergoing an operation that can significantly alter your life.

Aside from thinking about the surgery, you may have other concerns that need managing, especially once you take a break to recover post-surgery, such as your taxes and finances and your family’s security.

These recommendations have been collated to prepare you for your upcoming procedure psychologically.

Tips in Preparing for Your Spinal Surgery

1.  Do Your Research

Before the procedure, you should get ample information on your upcoming surgery. Research the measures you have to take before, during, and after the operation.

By doing extensive research, you can prepare the possible pre- and post-care practices that you may need.

Surgeons allot sessions to answer your questions about spinal surgery that are bothering you. Take this time to inquire about the possible complications and outcomes of the procedure and discuss the surgical plan your doctor is preparing for you.

2.  Know Your Surgeon

To help ease your mind about your impending spinal surgery, make sure that you fully trust your surgeon.

When researching, try to find out more about a doctor’s background, experience, and specialization before choosing the surgeon to operate on you. This information can help assure that you are in good hands.

Developing a healthy professional relationship with your surgeon can lead to more comfortable conversations about your spine surgery.

3.  Weigh the Pros and Cons

Prepare yourself mentally by thinking about all the matters you have to consider before, during, and after the operation.

Enumerate all the advantages and disadvantages of undergoing surgery and train your mind to focus on being optimistic about the procedure’s results.

Look at the bigger picture and avoid dwelling on the possible complications and risks of the process.

4.  Talk to Other Patients

Find comfort in talking to other individuals who underwent what you are going through and survived it.

Expressing your emotions and thoughts to another person who understands you and has survived the operation can help ease your anxieties.

You can ask them for advice or tips on preparing for the surgery and how to deal with the procedure’s impact on your life. These conversations may encourage you to concentrate on the success of your spinal surgery.

5.  Plan the Future

Once you already know what to expect from the procedure, start planning what to do and find ways to cope better after the surgery.

Inform family, friends, and workmates that you will be taking time off so that they will also know how to deal with your situation.

Although the procedure will significantly impact the quality of your life, look forward to what is in store for you after your successful surgery.

6.  Expect Downtime

Anticipate that after your spinal surgery, you will not be able to do your routine for a while. You may need help and assistance from your family or physical therapist.

Before your operation, ensure that you have accomplished all you have to do and adjust your work and other schedules accordingly.

7.  Cherish the Recovery Time

Keep a positive perspective when you think about recovery time. Look at this period as your time to recuperate, heal, and rest.

Do not mull over the things that you will not be able to do after the surgery. Instead, contemplate how recovery time will help you go back to your routine.