Detox Now: 287 Industrial Chemicals Found in Umbilical Cord Blood

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I was 22 years old, wearing a white lab coat in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with an acupuncture needle in my hand, I was trying to steady my hand because it was shaking a lot!  I was about to stick this needle into a patient’s eye!!  Ok, not really their eye, but just below their eye, but above the eye socket bone.  You may be asking, Why?  Because this was one of the acupuncture points that I had to needle for this patient, who apparently had a tumour in her brain that was putting pressure on one of the nerves in her brain that was affecting her vision.  Who told me to use this acupuncture point?  It was the great Dr. Anton Jayasuriya, who was by far the greatest and smartest person that I had ever met by that point of my life.  I was a second year chiropractic student and had come to Sri Lanka with some fellow classmates to learn acupuncture from this famous Dr., who was a Board Certified Medical Doctor and Rheumatologist as well as a Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Master.  We would come to his class every morning to learn about acupuncture and in the afternoon, we gained experience treating patients in his clinic.  And there was no shortage of patients!  They were lining up to see him from the early morning until late at night and they would come from all parts of the country!  It was an amazing experience!

The reason I tell this story is that there is one thing he said to us while we were learning there that I still remember today.  During one of our classes, we asked him to predict the future of medicine and to guide us by telling us what to focus on in terms of patient care.  He said the next major shift in medicine would be towards something called “Environmental Medicine”.  We all looked at each other and wondered what he meant.  He explained that the world today (and this was back in 1994) was full of toxic chemicals and pollution and that it would cause an epidemic of health problems and diseases that would be impossible to treat. 

Since then I have thought about what this great man said and looked at my own life to see how I could eliminate toxins. 

• I changed my toothpaste to a natural one without fluoride
• I changed my under arm deodorant to one without aluminum (and yes, I still smell ok!)
• my family and I invested in a home water filtration system that helps to remove chlorine from the water (it’s been found that we can absorb a lot of chlorine through our skin when we take a shower!!)
• we buy organic produce to avoid the harmful pesticides sprayed on our vegetables and fruit
• we switched to organic and grass fed meats to avoid meat from animals that eat genetically modified grains that are heavily sprayed with an especially toxic herbicide called Glyphosate as well as to avoid meat from animals that were given hormones and antibiotics during their life.

From the book, Detoxify or Die by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D., I read something really scary, it was the results of a research study by the Environmental Working Group that looked at blood taken from the umbilical cord of 10 babies born in the US in 2004 which found 287 industrial chemicals and environmental pollutants including pesticides, mercury, fire retardants, consumer product ingredients, teflon chemicals and waste from burning coal, gasoline and garbage!!! 

Of the 287 chemicals found, 180 of them have been found to cause cancer in humans or animals!! 

I thought to myself, if all these chemicals are found in the blood of newborn babies, who knows how many chemicals are found in you and me!! Dr. Rogers also wrote about how industrial smokestacks disseminate into the air chemicals like dioxins and PCBs (the most potent cancer triggers known to man) and then clouds carry these chemicals to every continent and every body of water around the world!! 

As I think back to my time in Sri Lanka, treating that woman with cancer and remembering what Dr. Anton said about “Environmental Medicine”, I can’t help but think he had a magical crystal ball because we are living in a world where diseases like Cancer are so prevalent and even childhood cancers are at an all- time high as it is the number one cause of death by disease in kids ages 1-15!!

So as a Chiropractor, you may ask, why do I talk about toxins and the need to detoxify?  Well if you look back to the founders of our profession over a 100 years ago, they discussed the concept of removing subluxations from the spine so the body can get well.  They also discussed 3 causes of subluxation which are emotional thoughts, physical traumas and chemical toxins!!  That is amazing that more than 100 years ago they mentioned chemical toxins!  So let me ask you, what are you doing to detoxify???


Guest Blog by Dr. Suhill Samji, D.C. DABCN

Dr. Suhill Samji DC, DABCNDr. Samji has been in practice for over 20 years. He completed 2 years of his undergraduate degree at the University of British Columbia, after which, based on his academic performance was bestowed the honor of admission to the prestigious Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (Canada’s only English speaking Chiropractic college). Dr. Samji is a member in good standing with the B.C. College of Chiropractors which is the sole regulatory authority in British Columbia. Dr. Samji further expanded on his thirst for knowledge and higher education by immersing himself in a 3-year postgraduate study of the subspecialty of Chiropractic Neurology.

Dr. Samji is a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board ( having studied under Professor Carrick of the Carrick Institute in the USA ( The DACNB designation (although not recognized by the B.C. College of Chiropractors) earned by Dr. Samji, is one he shares with only 600 professionals worldwide. Dr. Samji has also undergone extensive training for the treatment of children and expecting mothers ( and can skillfully adjust the spine with his hands or gently with the use of an instrument. Dr. Samji’s office is conveniently located on the northwest corner of East Broadway and Commercial Drive. His clinic offers Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, and also has a Pain Medicine Specialist M.D. When not at the clinic, Dr. Samji can be found spending quality time with his wife and young son, and of course the 2 dogs, or playing soccer in North Vancouver’s Men’s League or practicing Yoga.

Find Dr. Samji at:

Embracing Technology: For The Good Of Your Health?

Embracing Technology

Over 80% of the population experiences significant back or neck pain at some point in their lives. In fact, it is the second highest reason for missed work days right behind the common cold and flu.

With back and neck pain at such epidemic levels, sadly, traditional medicine still has dismal success rates with treating the more difficult cases. Many patients have been through the gauntlet of medical and alternative therapies and have still not found a lasting solution.

If you are in this position, you are definitely not alone. The problem though is not medicine itself. It is the fact that the majority of back and neck pain has a physical cause. It requires the appropriately applied physical solution.

Mechanics of Back Pain

Through injury, and as the spine begins to age, some people begin to lose space between the spinal bones. This creates damaging pressure on the discs, joints, bones, nerves and other associated structures. This pressure creates swelling or “inflammation.”

Research is showing that the presence of this inflammation is the number one predictor of pain. If pressure and inflammation are the major reasons for pain, then the solution must focus on these factors. The logical solution becomes employing effective methods of directly removing the damaging pressure (or cause of inflammation) and directly removing the inflammation itself by enhancing circulation or flushing out of the affected area.

Focus On The Cause

There was no solution that focused on both causes of pain present in difficult back and neck pain patients, so at Spine Advanced, we set out to create it by concentrating on the cause.

This solution would combine Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression to reduce the physical pressure on the damaged structures and Class 4 Laser Therapy to increase circulation, clearing inflammation and reducing pain.

This simultaneous combination of therapies perfectly addresses both major components of back and neck pain systematically. It reduces both pressure and inflammation while stimulating healing. The Spine Specialist Laser Assisted Spinal Restoration (L.A.S.R.) system was born.

Technology is Progress

Technology is greatly enhancing doctors’ capabilities in every field of medicine. This is great news and it bears in mind that doctors must work hard to keep up with advancements to offer the best care available.

For you as a patient, it also means you have many more solutions for your pain than ever before. New treatment technologies are changing the face of healthcare and even evolving in their own spaces. The lasers of 10 years ago are obsolete technology in comparison to those released in the last 3 years. In the tech heavy world we live in it isn’t surprising that advancement moves so fast.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything for your pain look towards embracing new treatment technologies and seek out doctors that offer these advancements. From laser therapy to spinal decompression to the perfect combination of both on The Spine Specialist L.A.S.R. system, technology offers a solution for many patients that thought they just might have to live with their pain. Seek out treatment technology and NO PAIN WILL BE YOUR GAIN.


Mark Jagger Head ShotBlog by Guest Author: Dr. Mark Jagger, (H) B.A.(Kin),DC
CEO Spine Advanced
Creator of the Spine Specialist

“Dr. Mark Jagger is a leader in medical therapeutic technology innovation.  He is the CEO of Spine Advanced Inc., the manufacturer of the world’s first and only patented treatment device combining automated laser and spinal decompression, The Spine Specialist LASR Treatment Table.  Dr. Jagger is also the active Clinical Director of Spine Advanced Clinical Headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario.  He has a passion for achieving the best possible patient outcomes and a special interest in work with difficult spinal conditions previously non-responsive to other therapies.  He is the founder of Laser Enhanced Spinal Decompression (L.E.S.D.), Laser Assisted Spinal Restoration (L.A.S.R.), and Laser Assisted Meniscal Decompression (L.A.M.D.); therapies aimed at enhancing patient results through the unique combination of technologically advanced treatment methods.  He received his Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology and Health Science from York University in 1998 and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from New York Chiropractic College in 2002.  In addition to his medical device design endeavors, he has been in private practice since 2002 managing multiple clinical facilities and treating thousands of patients per year.”

For more information, visit and

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