Have you Noticed This Problem?

chemtrails and environment

The snow is finally melting, but what we find under the snow is what makes spring such a troubling time. Litter lined streets are so common now that we almost don’t pay any attention anymore.

How have we gotten to a place in this world, where blatant disrespect to the environment is so common?

Last weekend as I drove my usual route to the grocery store, I came to a stop at a stop sign and counted a total of 6 coffee cups that had been thrown out the window. As I kept driving, I was admiring the bright blue sky above me but something seemed strange about the white marks in the sky. They weren’t clouds, and it wasn’t the lines that are left behind in the sky from a passenger jet overhead. So what were the white marks in the sky? Chemtrails.

What are Chemtrails?

“Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses and “chaff.” Chaff looks like snow but it’s actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper.” (The Truth About Cancer).

The idea behind the use of chemtrails is to reduce global warming. As the chemicals that are sprayed in the air begin to disperse, they form a haze that stops some of the sun’s rays from penetrating to Earth. There is an entire field of study now called geoengineering and the goal of this profession is to alter the way Earth or the weather systems on Earth operate. Rather than working to eliminate the very causes of global warming, chemtrails are adding to the pollution and poor air quality that we are already aware are contributing to global warming.

Then, on my way home, I stopped at the coffee shop to grab a coffee and to my dismay, there was a pile of old coffee cups that had been dumped in the drive-thru lane. There was no garbage bin, so patrons had taken it upon themselves to throw their old cups on the ground to make room in their vehicles for their fresh cup of coffee. Now, more than ever, we need to be protecting our beautiful planet and making steps to eliminate trash and the disposal of harmful toxins that are affecting our ecosystems.

It is time to start doing our own part in conserving our planet.

  • Recycle everything that you possibly can.
  • Repurpose larger items before sending them to the landfill.
  • Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store.
  • Save clean produce bags and reuse them the next time you grocery shop.
  • Participate in your local community clean-up day. 
  • Carpool to work.
  • Try to be as energy efficient as you can at home by turning off lights when you leave a room, using cold water to do your laundry and hanging clothes to dry rather than using the dryer. 
  • And finally, let’s treat our planet as though she were our best friend, because without her, we won’t have a future.

Toxins in Plastics are Putting Your Family at Risk

Avoiding plastic isn’t just good for your family, it is also good for the environment. According to a report by the United Nations, in every square mile of ocean, there are on average, 46,000 pieces of plastic.

That’s a plastic state of emergency!

Toxins in those plastics then leach out into the water and affect marine life, or they pose a risk to marine life by getting tangled in the plastics or ingesting them.

Why is plastic bad for your health?

• It disrupts the endocrine system and can have negative effect on reproductive systems, growth and metabolism
• Studies have linked plastic exposure to breast, prostate and colon cancer
• It leaches into food and drinks (especially when heated …never microwave anything in plastic!) (Actually, never microwave anything! But that is a topic for another day).

Studies have actually shown that it doesn’t even take repeated exposure to BPA, a common toxin in plastics, to cause health issues. One particular study compared two groups of people:

Group A: drank a beverage from BPA-lined cans.
-within two hours, they had a rise in BPA found in their urine and a rise in blood pressure during the same period. The BPA was 16 times higher in Group A’s urine than in Group B.

Group B: drank the same beverage from a glass container.
-no heightened BPA in urine.

(Hidden) Sources of Plastic:

• inside lining of canned foods and pop cans
• plastic lunch boxes
• water bottles
• receipts
• plastic wrap
• plastic and paper cups
• kitchen storage containers

How can you eliminate the use of plastic?

While in recent years many stores have encouraged the use of reusable bags instead of plastic bags, it is still not enough to to reduce the plastic waste that ends up in landfills every year. The Bulk Barn has recently announced that they will be allowing the use of reusable containers instead of plastic bags. Consumers are encouraged to bring their own clean, glass jars to the store to fill up rather than using the traditional plastic bags. This concept is a huge step in the right direction to reduce the environmental impact we are placing on the Earth.

• Store leftovers in mason jars or glass containers
• Use silicone lids rather than plastic wrap to keep foods fresh in the fridge
• Use a glass or stainless steel water bottle
• Use a stainless steel travel mug of coffee or tea
• Avoid the use of plastic disposable cutlery and plates for parties
• Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid buying processed foods that are packaged in plastic

• Recycle!! Teach your children to reduce their use of plastic products and to recycle. Now more than ever we need to take good care of our planet.

With Sources from:


Why and How to Pass on Plastic
