Healthy Vegan Breakfast Bowl

healthy vegan breakfast

It’s been said that, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.  Although this may no longer stand true depending on which experts you believe, one thing is for certain. The foods we eat, regardless of whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, have a direct impact on our health. Effecting us both mentally and physically. This is why I created this healthy vegan breakfast.

So, when it comes to breakfast stay clear of the  highly processed, nutrient deficient food and refined carbohydrates. They will spike your blood sugar and insulin, setting you up for crash and cravings by 11 am!

Click here to read, “This One Thing Has Been Linked To Almost All Diseases”.

Instead, start you day (whenever your first meal happens to be) with my go-to, all-morning energy, healthy vegan breakfast.

balanced breakfast


  • 2 Tbs almond butter (good fats & protein)
  • 1 tsp fresh ground organic flax seed (good omegas & fiber)
  • 1 Tbs chopped nuts – walnut, pecan (good proteins/fats/fiber)
  • Dash organic cinnamon or pumpkin/apple pie spice (no sugar)
  • Coconut milk to desired consistency (almond milk works too)
  • Fresh fruit (optional)


  1. Warm almond butter until it becomes a liquid.
  2. Combine all the ingredients together and stir well
  3. ENJOY!

It’s just that simple! As an added option, you can add 1 tsp raw organic honey or unsweetened applesauce and even topped with your favorite fruits.

Breakfast Muffins

These breakfast muffins are a great way to start your morning off right!  Not only are they super easy to make but also great when you are hosting a breakfast as this recipe makes 12 small muffins AND you can also customize to suit specific dietary needs.  What more can you ask for in a breakfast muffin!


• 6 eggs
• 3 tbsp soy milk (unsweetened)
• Spinach, mushrooms, ham, cheese, tomatoes… (ingredients of your choice)
• Spices, herbs, salt & pepper
• Avocado oil (optional)


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F
2. Oil the muffin tin if you don’t use a silicon muffin tin
3. Whisk 6 eggs, 3 tbsp milk, salt, pepper and all the spices/herbs to taste
4. Divide your ingredient evenly into tin
5. Pour the egg mixture in each well to come to the top
6. Sprinkle with cheese if you want
7. Bake for 20-25 min

Note: Store in the refrigerator until ready to eat