Although we live in a pretty toxic world, women are still managing to have babies. So, are toxins really that important?
YES! We all have different levels of exposure to toxins and different abilities to deal with toxins. If you have gene variants that make it difficult for you to detox, then you definitely need to reduce your exposure as there is a strong correlation between environmental toxins and infertility.
Top 10 Products To Watch For Containing Toxins!

Nail Salons
I might be shot for saying this, but one of the most toxic places is a nail salon. Especially since nail polish is toxic all on its own. If you can’t avoid the nail salon, at least find one that is well ventilated and sit as close to the door as you can.
You can also bring in your own non-toxic nail polish. Good brands include;
Nearly everything we buy contains plastic. Plastic contains ingredients, like BPA, that interfere with hormones so watch out for the following:
- Receipts – carry gloves with you when you shop and use them to grab receipts. Have cashiers put receipts directly into the bag, or get an email receipt.
- Food containers/dishes – heated plastic releases more chemicals and can cause these chemicals to leach into food. Look out for;
- Styrofoam containers for coffee
- Microwaved food packaging
- Canned foods (the lining contains BPA)
- Limit the amount of bottled water you drink
- Never let bottled water sit in a hot car
- Transfer any leftovers from restaurants to glass containers
Eat at home and prepare meals from scratch as much as possible to reduce plastic exposure. Also, use fabric or wood toys whenever possible over plastic toys.
Dryer Sheets
These are loaded with chemicals and toxins so choose wool balls and add essential oils.
Hand Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers increase the absorption of BPA, one of the main toxins in plastic. Thus, you really don’t want to handle receipts while wearing hand sanitizer.

Red Lipstick
Colored make-up and particularly red colors contain more lead. Other ingredients in make-up (and hair and skin care) you want to avoid are;
- Coal Tar Dyes
- Parabens
- PEG compounds
- Petroleum
- Formaldehyde releasing preservatives
Using more natural make up can help reduce your toxic load. Good brands include;
- Annmarie Skin Care
- Beautycounter
- Bare Minerals
- Mineral Fusion
- Zuzu Luxe
You can use the Environmental Working Group’s Healthy Living app to scan products at the store to see how toxic they are. Ideally, you want products rated a 1 or 2. However, try to stick with products that are under 4 at least.
Click here to read, “What Chemicals Are You Putting On Your Face?!”
Sunscreens With Chemical Filters (ie. oxybenzone)
Chemical filters contain chemicals that can interfere with fertility and also cause birth defects. Use sunscreens containing mineral filters like zinc oxide and antioxidants like green tea. Good brands include;
- Aveeno Baby
- Goddess Garden Organics
- Babyganics
- Badger
Click here to read, “Are You A Sun Worshiper? What You Need To Know Before Stepping Out In The Sun!”
You will find aluminum in deodorant/anti-perspirant and cooking equipment. To reduce exposure, avoid aluminum cookware. Especially if you are making something acidic like spaghetti sauce as acid leaches more of the aluminum. Use parchment paper instead of aluminum foil. Use aluminum free deodorant like Native or Schmidts.
Non-organic Feminine Care Products
Most feminine care products are made with cotton. Cotton is a GMO crop. GMOs cause infertility in animals so you do not want these products on your body. Instead try;
- Rael
- Diva cups
- Natracare
- The Honest Company
Non-stick Cookware
These products contain perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). These chemicals can accumulate in your body and make it difficult to get pregnant. If you must use non-stick cookware, do not heat it any higher than medium heat.

EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies)
Cell phones and wifi are everywhere but these technologies have a dark side. They can cause health problems and reduce fertility. Keep cell phones off your body (do not carry them in bras or pockets). Furthermore, keep them away from your bed when sleeping.
When talking on the phone, use the speaker or ear buds (not Bluetooth). Turn the wifi off while sleeping and get computers out of the bedroom. You can get shields for your phone that block the EMFs.
Detox Diet
The more natural the products you use, the better. Eat a healthy diet with proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to support the body in detoxing these chemicals.
Cruciferous vegetables like;
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Avocados
- Cilantro
- Artichokes
In addition, spices/herbs such as;
- Turmeric
- Cloves
- Cinnamon
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Black pepper
These are all great to include in your diet to support healthy detox.
If you’d like more information, click here to download my free guide to reducing toxic exposure.

Annette Presley RD, LD, is a functional nutritionist, author, speaker, and entrepreneur. She enjoys helping people live their lives well so they can stay out of hospitals and spend more time with their families and doing the things they love.