Looking for the perfect tasty treat without all the guilt??? Check out holistic nutritionist Ayla Krasa’s RHN, CPT recipe for these bad boys! These are keto brownies so you don’t need to feel bad about having a cheat or going off track with healthy eating!
Did you know there is a recognized National Brownie Day?? That’s right! AND it doesn’t just have one day to showcase it’s deliciousness, it has a total of 4. Click here to read about the history of the brownie and National Brownie Day.
– 4 large eggs
– 2 avocados
– 6 tbsp of organic cashew butter
– Half cup of melted organic butter
– 2/3 cup of cacao powder
– 2 tbsp coconut oil
– 2 tsp of baking soda
– Stevia
– 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
Pre heat the oven to 350 and bake for 20-25 minutes, then enjoy the goodness!
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She is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist working out of Mississauga, Ontario. She graduated from York University with a degree in phycology, but her love and passion for living a healthy and balanced life made fitness and nutrition her true calling. She has always had a passion for the human body and how the food we eat can directly affect our overall health, mental state, and well being. Her focus on treating each individual with their biochemically unique differences. She practices treating the underlying root cause of imbalance and illness rather than just treating the symptoms people may experience. As a Holistic Nutritionist she takes into consideration the mind, body, and spirit as different elements that all need to be addressed to assist in overall well-being.
You can either find her reading the latest book about holistic nutrition and remedies, or in the gym getting a workout in. She loves to teach her clients and show them how to make the rights choices for a healthy life style and creating balance rather than just following the next fad diet. If we don’t focus on nourishing our bodies now we will spend a lifetime using our wealth to pay for our health. Focusing on nourishing our bodies from within will truly help flourish us externally!
-Nourish to flourish