It’s that time of year- the sun is out, the smell of sunscreen is in the air and the breeze is blowing dandelion fluffs towards you at an alarmingly fast rate. Nothing goes better with a nice summer day than a BBQ with a side of seasonal allergy symptoms- sneezing, watery eyes and if you’re really lucky- a rash. Yum!
Simply put, allergies are the body’s immune reaction to allergens. Allergens are reactive products that are found everywhere in our environment- naturally such as grass or weeds, and in additives, like the parabens in personal care products. When we come in contact with allergens that our personal system is not equipped to breakdown, the body prompts the release of histamine, a neurotransmitter that triggers unwanted symptoms- the sneezing, the watery eyes, the rashes.
For about 30% of the population, with about 55% of us being susceptible to at least one trigger, allergy season (and even year long symptoms) seems unavoidable. That being said, it IS manageable to beat seasonal allergy symptoms and I’m not referring to the once- a- day anti-histamine that’ll make you drowsy.
There are ways to keep allergies in check naturally and for the long haul. Here are some tips!

We all know the damage that stress can have on our health such as:
- Overwhelming fatigue
- Decreased energy levels
- Weight loss or gain
- Hair loss
- Breakouts
- Decreased sleep
But stress is also connected to how we cope with allergies.
Studies done as early as 2012 show that when we are stressed, we are more susceptible to allergies and the symptoms are much worse! So what do we do? Exercise, take a walk, meditate or journal. Do whatever it is that helps you release stress. This will ultimately decrease the effects of your allergies as well!
Click here to read, “5 Natural Solutions For Coping With Stress!”

Ditch the over the counter medications for allergies. Instead, try a regular daily supplement that will help your health and alleviate the symptoms long term. Vitamin D, specifically D3, in the form of a supplement or even just SUNSHINE, has properties that have been shown to decrease the sensitivity to allergens. Omega-3s and vitamin C both have anti-inflammatory qualities that decrease the severity of allergic reactions as well.

Read the ingredients in the products you use in your home- for your home care AND for self care. This is important, whether or not you battle allergies. A lot of self- care products include sulfates and aluminum that are damaging to the skin and can easily cause reactions. Click here to read, “Are you poisoning your family?”
Home care products are loaded with ammonia and compounds, like triclosan, that can be irritants. An easy fix is using products such as apple cider vinegar, clear vinegar or baking soda mixes as safe cleaning products around the home. If you are married to pre-bottled cleaning products, head over to your neighborhood natural food store for safer cleaning product choices.
Click here to read, “This Common Ingredient Has Been Linked To Cancer”.

Water is vital when battling seasonal allergy symptoms- here’s why! When you’re not drinking enough water, you’re at risk of becoming dehydrated. Dehydration shows itself in different ways such as:
- Dry skin
- Itching
- Fatigue
Decreased water intake means that you have an increased amount of histamine. Again, it’s that pesky neurotransmitter that’s causing all these symptoms as a defense to keep your body from losing any more water. Water allows you to keep the histamine levels at bay, while flushing out additional toxins. It also thins the mucus that you’re producing with the allergies, to support sinus draining.

Chiropractic care is the most natural way to let your body do the healing. A misalignment in your spine causing a disruption in your nervous system could be causing the symptoms you’re having. Click here to read, “Nervous System – What Conventional Medicine Doesn’t Want You To Know”.
If you haven’t seen us- why not come get checked? If you have seen us, you know what the adjustment can do for you. For your nervous system and your overall health. So again, come see us!

A Western University alumni, and recent graduate of the Chiropractic program at D’Youville College, Dr. Jackie now serves the Mississauga area she has always considered home. She’s passionate about the life changes chiropractic care offers by just the touch of a hand and is dedicated to finding all patients an alternative to medicine.