If you live in a part of the world that has an autumn and winter season then you are very familiar with cold and flu season and the last 3 years has had a great impact on our general health but especially our respiratory health. So, lets talk about what a lung infection is and how to use natural remedies to treat it.
A lung infection occurs when your lungs and airways become infected with a virus, bacteria, or fungus. This can cause a persistent cough, mucous and phlegm, wheezing, or shortness of breath. Most lung infections clear up on their own but sometimes they can be life threatening and lead to pneumonia and swelling in the lungs.
Natural Remedies For Lung Infections
- Fenugreek tea – add one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to a pan with two cups of water. Boil this for four minutes, sieve and then drink. Fenugreek contains natural polyphenols that breakdown mucus in the lungs and helps you to cough it up.
- Zink Chelate – start taking a daily supplement of 200 mg’s chelated zinc to keep your lungs strong and healthy throughout the year. Zinc lowers the risk of pneumonia by activating immune cells and regulating inflammation in your lungs.
- Wild oregano oil – take two to three capsules of wild oregano oil each day at the first sign of a lung infection. Oregano oil contains carvacrol, one of the most powerful natural antibiotics which speeds up your immune system and fights off respiratory infections in the lungs, throat, and sinuses.
- Salt inhaler – use an inexpensive salt inhaler to help reduce inflammation in the lungs to make it easier to breathe. Simply place some Himalayan salt into the device and inhale the salty air for 15 minutes per day. The ions from the salt help to calm your airways.
- Mullein – drop one to two milliliters of mullein extract into a glass of water and drink three times per day. Mullein leaves and flowers have been used for thousands of years to fight viruses and ailments in the lungs. This is effective at reducing lung infections, asthma, earaches, bronchitis, coughs, and even tuberculosis.
- Rosemary and thyme tea – pick and wash thoroughly a large bunch of thyme and rosemary. Infuse these into a 2-liter bottle of water in the refrigerator overnight and drink through the following day. Rosmarinic acid, Thymol and other compounds from these herbs are antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal which fight off lung infections.
- Ginger and lemon tea – slice and peel 2 inches of fresh ginger root, add to a pan with three cups of water and allow this to simmer for 20 minutes then add the juice of the fresh lemon at the end. This drink has an anti-inflammatory effect in your lungs helping to reduce the risk of pneumonia, open the airways, and fight off infection.
- Steam treatment – cover your head with a towel and lean over a bowl of hot water being careful not to burn yourself. Gently inhale the steam to help breakdown thick mucus in your lungs and sinuses. Do this for two to three minutes take a break and then repeat.
- Eucalyptus oil – is an Australian herb which has been used to relieve asthma attacks and calm the lungs during a coughing fit. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a steaming bowl of water. This will help to calm inflammation in your lungs for easier breathing.
- Vitamin D3 – take 20,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day and 200 micrograms of vitamin K2. Vitamin D helps to fight over 300 illnesses especially respiratory infections such as cold and flu. It is a natural hormone which reduces inflammation in your lungs and strengthens your immune system.
- Garlic – it is one of the most potent antiviral agents on the planet and fights all kinds of infections. This is a broad-spectrum healer rich in allicin which boosts your immunity. Consume garlic whenever you can in soups, stir fries, or shaved into salads to keep your lungs strong and healthy.
As you can see there are many natural remedies which you can use to help fight off lung infections, remove mucus from the lungs, and breathe easier. Try out some of these remedies and see which works best for your unique body. Many of these herbs have been used for thousands of years and have a deep history in the healing of respiratory disorders. These also help those suffering with asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and many other lower and upper respiratory illnesses. Remember to stay hydrated when you have a lung infection because dehydration causes mucus to become thicker and can trigger more painful coughing. It’s highly recommend taking vitamins D3, K2 and zinc as dietary supplements regularly. Most people are deficient in these because we do not get access to enough sunshine and the soils are often depleted of zinc. Zinc and vitamin D both play a crucial role in protecting the lungs from damage illnesses and respiratory infections. Eating shellfish soaked in vinegar at least once per week is a good way to raise your body’s supply of trace minerals to help protect against lung infections

As a retired registered massage therapist, I’ve always been interested in health. I grew up loving sports so that carried into my adult life in my chosen career paths and in my personal life. I now stay active with weight training, hiking and biking. My professional life has always been in health care. This has inspired me to seek out and adopt a life of natural health and wellness.