Are you trying to conceive? Check out the latest resources on how to increase fertility naturally using scientific advancements for prenatal care.
We are born with our genes, but our environment shapes how those genes are expressed. For example, we can turn off genes that express for disease and turn on genes that express for health. This is achieved by simply changing things in our environment such as:
- Food
- Exposure to toxins
- Getting adequate sleep
However, some people have certain gene glitches (like MTHFR) that make it harder for them to metabolize nutrients needed to create a healthy egg (or healthy sperm). The health of your egg and sperm is critical for:
- Conception
- Maintaining a healthy pregnancy
- Giving birth to a healthy baby
DNA’s Role In Pregnancy
The good news is we can use DNA like a blueprint to tell us where the glitches are. Furthermore, it can help determine what foods and supplements we can use to work around the glitch.
It is extremely important to ‘fix’ these glitches before IVF because you still need a healthy egg and sperm to get and stay pregnant. Even with medical manipulation. Therefore, DNA testing is beneficial for both partners since both partners contribute to the health of a baby.
Is Your DNA Sabotaging Your Pregnancy?
If you have already tried IVF without success and plan to continue using old eggs, you most likely will keep get the same devastating results. This is because those eggs may be adversely affected by gene glitches.
So, if you want better results with IVF or even better, a natural pregnancy without the need for IVF, the first thing you want to do is find out how your DNA may be impacting your ability to get and stay pregnant.
Only then will you be able to take the steps necessary to:
- Turn on the genes that work for you
- Turn off the genes that are working against you
Click here to read, Get Your Body Ready For A Baby.

DNA Testing
There are a number of DNA testing companies out there but not all of them are helpful. Some provide a supplement based on your results which can be particularly harmful.
You really need to work with someone knowledgeable about DNA to get the results you want. Only they will look at your DNA in conjunction with a full health history and other labs to pinpoint your true nutrient needs.
DNA alone will not give you the best results and you might end up taking the wrong form of supplements which will prevent you from getting the results you want.
What Is DNA Testing?
DNA testing generally involves a cheek swab or spitting in a vile. This process can take several weeks to get results. DNA from 23 and Me or can be used in conjunction with a third party like Genetic Lifehacks to help you understand the data.
Companies like Maxgen Labs and ASG do testing that is relevant to your health. In addition they provide a report with suggestions for what to change in your diet and supplements. Furthermore, working with a qualified practitioner can speed up the process of getting to the right foods and supplements so you get to a baby faster.
Final Thoughts
Knowing your DNA can provide answers to unexplained infertility and lead you to a solid plan for getting your body ready to receive, hold onto and nourish a healthy baby to term. Click her to download my free guide, 5 Things To Fix Before You Start IVF, or a one week prenatal meal plan. Also don’t forget to follow me on social media @themommymaker for even more tips and guidance on this incredible journey.

Annette Presley RD, LD, is a functional nutritionist, author, speaker, and entrepreneur. She enjoys helping people live their lives well so they can stay out of hospitals and spend more time with their families and doing the things they love.