Losing your hair is a devastating experience so trying natural remedies first before trying medication is best because there are side effects to medications. So, we’re going to take a look at 12 simple and powerful remedies for hair loss that will help you regrow your hair. By the way, a bonus is that they don’t cost that much money.
Shower Water
Your hair is exposed to a lot of chemicals on a regular basis. The water you take a shower with exposes your hair to fluoride. Fluoride creates significant hair loss as well as acne under skin. Fluoride that is supposed to be good for our teeth actually destroys your hair. So, the first piece of advice is to get a simple showerhead that filters out fluoride. Another note of interest is that fluoride also blocks your thyroid, and it can very easily lead to hair loss among other health issues.
Shampoos That Cause Hair Loss
Sulfates in most shampoos destroy protein in your hair which is made-up of 91% protein. If you are exposing your hair to sulfate shampoos daily, you’re creating all sorts of problems. So, you really want to make sure you get a sulfate free shampoo.
DHT Blockers
Let’s first look at the mechanism of how most hair loss medications work. They basically block an enzyme to inhibit DHT which is a powerful form of testosterone. DHT tends to burn out the hair follicles. Testosterone turns into DHT, a very powerful form of testosterone, through this little enzyme. So, these drugs inhibit that enzyme called 5 alpha reductase. People that have too much DHT get this condition called androgenetic alopecia which is pattern hair loss both in males and females. So now the question is are there natural things that can inhibit this enzyme because of course the drugs have side effects? The answer is yes.
- Onion juice is natural inhibitor of that enzyme. You would dilute it in water in a 50/50 ratio and lather it into your scalp and let it set for 15 minutes and then you would wash your hair.
- Green tea diluted by 50% can also be massaged into your scalp for about 15 minutes then washed out with shampoo.
- Rosemary oil in one study showed that it is comparable to Rogaine as far as the effectiveness for preventing hair loss. Rosemary oil can be massaged into the scalp and left in overnight. Then washed out in the morning. Rosemary oil is a potent inhibitor of 5A reductase.
Other Causes of Hair Loss
- Zinc deficiency, which is very common, can cause hair loss. But the best food source for zinc is oysters. It is also in red meat, seafood and eggs. But red meat and oysters have the most zinc.
- Apple cider vinegar diluted in water is a good scalp cleanser. The pores of the scalp can get filled with sebum which is an oil that could be preventing the follicles from growing properly. Also, apple cider vinegar gives a really nice shine to your hair. It is also acidic so it can help re-establish the pH of your scalp which can actually support the friendly microbes of the microbiome in your scalp. You don’t want to create an environment where the outside of your skin is so sterile because you have millions of microorganisms living on the outside your skin helping you. When you sterilize or clean your skin too much you can end up with all sorts of problems including hair loss. This is why you want to minimize the amount of chemicals that you expose your skin to.
- Ketogenic diet can cause hair loss. This usually means that you’re not consuming enough protein. So, making sure you’re taking in enough protein is important.
- Trace minerals are important, especially if you are doing intermittent fasting or fasting, with a ketogenic diet. We are very deficient in trace minerals. These are minerals needed in very small amounts, but they are very essential. So, either consume food high in trace minerals like sea kelp, shellfish or fish from the ocean. Sea salt is a good source or just taking a plant based trace mineral product will add more trace minerals to give the hair what it needs.
- Other key vitamins that are needed in larger amounts when you’re on the keto diet plan are the B vitamins. There are a lot of links between a B vitamin deficiency and hair loss. Nutritional yeast is a really good source for B vitamins just make sure that when you get nutritional yeast that is not fortified with synthetic vitamins.
- Cruciferous vegetables – if you have too much estrogen this can cause hair loss. This is why women, when they go through their menstrual cycle, tend to lose hair. This is caused by an excess amount of estrogen. One of the natural ways to help regulate estrogen is to start consuming cruciferous vegetables. Another great way to regulate estrogen would be to take sea kelp because you get more iodine and iodine also regulates estrogen. If you are menopausal and you start losing your hair that usually is because of high levels of cortisol related to stress.
- Selenium supports a hypothyroid condition. If you have a slow thyroid sometimes you lose hair and one of the key minerals for the thyroid to help convert T4 to T3 is selenium. The best food for selenium is Brazil nuts, seafood, seaweed or sea kelp. If you consume sea kelp you also get the iodine that’s also good for your thyroid. One thing to note about that, you can have a hypothyroid condition from other reasons that are not related to selenium. For example, you could have high estrogen. Too much estrogen inhibits thyroid function. You could have a fatty liver or liver damage that can stop your T4 from converting to T3. Gut damage from antibiotics or from eating the wrong foods, especially gluten, is damaging to the thyroid. If you have Hashimoto’s which is usually 90% of all hypothyroid cases, you definitely need to avoid gluten.
- Increase your vitamin D. You want to get more sleep, to start exercising and to reduce stress.
- Stress is a huge precursor to hair loss. In fact, a lot of people, if asked, when did you lose your hair? The answer usually is after an emotional, stressful event because you’re spiking cortisol and cortisol is very damaging to proteins. If this is your situation there are a couple of remedies. Start taking more vitamin D. In fact, you just need to be in the sun more. If it’s winter, it’s going to be more difficult but more Vitamin D can greatly help your hair and lower your stress. Vitamin D3 can act like the natural cortisol hormone but without the side effects. It does very similar things as an anti-inflammatory. So, to reduce stress you want to increase your vitamin D and or expose yourself to sun. Start doing daily walks and you want to start exercising to reduce stress.
- A lot of hair formulas add silica because silica gives the hair its strength. Most spring water has silica. You can even buy silica-rich water which is really good for the hair. Actually, you will probably notice that your skin, your hair and your nails will all just start growing and become very strong.
- Ketogenic diet and fasting – if you are female and you have polycystic ovarian syndrome one big side effect is hair loss because you have the spike of androgens and that’s coming from insulin. So just by understanding that simple relationship and lowering the amount of insulin you can help lower androgens and help prevent hair loss. How does that happen? You can start going on a low carb diet that’s called the ketogenic diet. And you can try fasting.
- Biotin helps proteins in your body especially hair, it will help regrow your hair and prevent hair loss. Biotin is a key B vitamin for the manufacturing of these proteins that gives the hair its structure. Biotin is made by bacteria, so your own gut makes this vitamin. So many people after they lose the gut microbiome start losing their hair because they don’t have the microbes to make biotin anymore. The food that is loaded with biotin and can help increase your own through your gut bacteria is sauerkraut. It has 100 times more probiotics then in most probiotic supplements and the good bacterium in sauerkraut survives the acid in your stomach. Also, it gives you massive amounts of vitamin C which is also needed to help grow proteins specifically collagen and keratin.

As a retired registered massage therapist, I’ve always been interested in health. I grew up loving sports so that carried into my adult life in my chosen career paths and in my personal life. I now stay active with weight training, hiking and biking. My professional life has always been in health care. This has inspired me to seek out and adopt a life of natural health and wellness.