Olive Leaf Extract – Nature’s Solution For Boosting Immunity

New superfoods and health trends seem to be constantly coming and going.  Knowing which sources to trust to maintain a healthy body can be stressful.  However, one extract making news for all the right reasons is d-Lenolate. This all-natural olive leaf extract supplement has been carefully researched over the past 20 years. Feedback consistently suggests positive results with no apparent side effects.

Natural Healing

The healing properties of olives have long been known and utilized by ancient Romans and others along the Mediterranean Sea.  However, it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that the healing benefits of olive extract became a serious topic among professionals.

D-Lenolate extracted from the Olea europaea species of the olive tree, has been shown in numerous articles and peer-reviewed studies. Backed by over 20 years of production, this extract has been deemed extremely potent for uses related to:

This is significant because this is an all-natural, safe-for-any-age, drug-free solution to many ailments. Helping people who are suffering from the flu to diabetes to herpes.  With its ability to strengthen the immune system and fight infectious diseases, d-Lenolate may be the most important underrated extract on the market.

For diabetics, d-Lenolate® may be the answer that changes their lives and reduces reliance on expensive medicines. In fact,  studies suggest d-Lenolate alone can reduce blood sugar levels by 105 percent with no apparent side effects. Now, compare that to the typical warnings on the side of an insulin bottle and the choice is clear.

d-Lenolate: Natures Antibiotic

The Multiple Benefits Of Olive Leaf Extract

Research performed at the LSU Division of Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine showed that d-Lenolate significantly outperforms competitors Abreva and PBS at effectively treating the herpes virus and symptoms related to healing sores and blisters.

Furthermore, it worked faster than leading products on the market and was also shown to prevent herpes sores from forming without any apparent side effects.

Many people ranging from healthy to those with various health conditions have reported experiencing positive benefits as a result of taking olive leaf extract.  From promoting a high-functioning immune system to providing relief from various chronic ailments.  D-Lenolate was consistent in helping people.

Even illnesses that appear to have a more physical component to them, such as arthritis, have been shown to be impacted positively by olive leaf extract. This is because of its ability to ease pain and reduce inflammation.

As the research continues to pile up, it may be worth it to experience the benefits of a d-Lenolate® for yourself.

For further reading, click here to read how This One Thing Has Been Linked To Almost All Diseases!

Don’t Pull Out That Weed! All About The Cancer Fighting Medicine That’s Growing in Your Yard

Dandelions fight cancer

There is an old shaman’s tale that when you are in the Amazon jungle, and you are bitten by a bug, or a snake or some other equally scary incident, the antidote is always within arm’s reach.

Nature provides the healing remedy at the very location you need it most.

This may be a fair ideal when you are in such a densely populated area of herbs, plants and insects as the Amazon jungle, but what if the principle can be applied elsewhere?

What if you looked out into your backyard and realized that the very dandelions that you spend so much time trying to rid from your yard actually provide immense healing properties!

If this is true, maybe Mother Nature is onto something – she provides abundant sources of healing if only we know what to look for.

The Truth About Cancer website is an authority on all things cancer-related, most especially known for natural healing remedies and prevention principles.

They are reporting that dandelions are actually a potent cancer fighting medicine that is loaded with vitamins and minerals.

There are reports of people pulling out the dandelions, drying the roots and grinding it into an edible powder that boosts the immune system to help fight off cancer.

Currently, clinical trials are underway to study how dandelion root extract can help to treat blood-related cancers including lymphoma and leukemia.

Additionally, researchers from Windsor Regional Cancer Centre in Ontario are also in the midst of a study on dandelion root extract on a group of 30 patients with end-stage blood related cancers. So their findings will be very interesting to learn about.

How Can You Incorporate More Dandelions Into Your Diet?

For starters, you can pick dandelion leaves from your yard and add them to salads or juice them with other greens. Be sure you are picking leaves that have not been sprayed with pesticides or that you dogs may have been near. Or you can purchase dandelion greens at your local grocery store!

You can also make dandelion tea by pouring hot water over the greens and flowers and steeping for 10 minutes. And you can incorporate dandelion greens and flowers into your regular salads.

My favourite way to use dandelion greens? Juicing!!

I found huge dandelion greens at the grocery store this week (literally 18 inches tall) and added them to our weekly green juice regimen.

Dandelion Green Juice: (use as many organic options as you can)

2 English Cucumbers
4 zucchini
1 head celery
1 large bunch Bok Choy
1 large bunch Dandelion Greens
3 lemons (Just peel and put the whole lemon with pith through the juicer!)
3 Granny Smith Apples (sliced in half and cored)


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