The 10 Healthiest Seeds You Can Eat

Seeds are one of the healthiest, whole foods that you can eat regularly to support a healthy body as they are packed full of vitamins, essential oils, and proteins. They come in all shapes, colours and sizes and each seed has different health benefits for the human body.

Let’s explore the top ten healthiest seeds on the planet that you can eat on a regular basis examining the key benefits of each seed and some interesting ways to get them into your diet.

Black seeds

Black seeds come from the nigella sativa plant and are known as one of the most powerful super foods in the world. Used as far back as ancient Egypt, these seeds are still used today in Indian, Middle Eastern and North African cooking. What’s unique about the seeds is that they contain a high amount of antioxidants such as thymoquinone which protects the body against cellular damage. Consuming these seeds or black seed oil has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, kidney disease and many other health problems. Eating two to three teaspoons per day can help to lower inflammation throughout the body, ease pain, swelling and tenderness or you can take one teaspoon of black seed oil.

Chia seeds

Originally grown in Central America, cultivated all over the world and are packed full of soluble fiber, zinc, Omega-3’s, B vitamins, trace minerals and protein. They are sometimes known as “runner’s food” as they are often used by athletes to boost energy levels when exercising. The high fiber content improves gut health, and weight loss by helping to control blood sugars and feed the friendly microbes in your digestive system. Chia seeds are also packed full of antioxidants called lignans which can help to slow the aging process, protecting your skin and organs from oxidative damage. Eating just one tablespoon of chia seeds per day can help to lower blood pressure, improve bone strength, support healthy skin, control blood sugars and boost your immune system against infection. Try adding these to your smoothies, stir fries or sprinkle them over your salad.

Chili seeds

When you slice open a chili pepper you’ll find an abundance of seeds. These are actually the spiciest part of the plant and are often used to make curry’s, meat marinades and to add heat to delicious meals. These are some one of the top seeds for improving digestion as they are loaded with capsaicin, the compound that makes them spicy. Capsaicin is also one of the best natural pain relievers and can reduce headaches, sinus infections, joint pain, nerve pain, swelling, indigestion, and arthritis amongst many other problems.

Pumpkin seeds

When it comes to seeds it’s impossible to overlook the power of pumpkin seeds. Packed full of protein, B vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seeds are some of the most nutrient dense of all.  Most people throw these away after cutting into a pumpkin during Halloween, but you can also purchase these dried in health food stores. Loaded with zinc and phytosterols, pumpkin seeds help to balance hormones in both women and men and can reduce prostate enlargement in men. The high vitamin E content helps to protect against heart disease while the antioxidants. tryptophan and minerals support better sleep quality, improved bladder control, and anti aging.


Pistachios are often considered to be nuts, but they are seeds that come from the fruit of the pistachio vera tree which harden and split. These seeds are loaded with potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and B6, folate, K1, E and C. Out of all the nuts and seeds, pistachios contain the lowest number of oxalates, lowering the risk of developing kidney stones. To eat these simply remove the shells and consume a small handful of them raw.

Flax seeds

To stay looking young and healthy flax seeds are some of the healthiest foods that you can consume. These are rich in alpha linolenic acid, an essential fat that’s involved with making membranes around your cells. Getting more of these into your diet helps to prevent rough, dry, and wrinkly skin with age. Flax seeds also help to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system by lowering inflammation. To get the most benefits grind them with a coffee grinder to help your body absorb the essential fats within them.

Hemp seeds

Like flax seeds, hemp seeds are also a fantastic source of protein containing 20 amino acids including the nine essential amino acids are bodies used to build muscles, blood cells, and hormones. Eating hemp seeds has been shown to reduce problems from autoimmune diseases like arthritis, celiac disease, Graves’ disease, and type 2 diabetes. Eat one to two tablespoons per day for a super health boost.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are one of the oldest crops of mankind and were farmed at least 5500 years ago in India. These are also nutritional powerhouses loaded with calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron phosphorus, B Vitamins, linolenic acid, and zinc. Eating these also supplies your body with sesamin and sesamolin, two substances that have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels and control your blood pressure. Sesame seeds are also well known for improving liver function, helping to detoxify harmful chemicals from your body and making antioxidants. Sprinkle sesame seeds over your salads, use them to make tahini or simply eat a handful each day.

Sunflower seeds

Eating sunflower seeds on a regular basis helps to boost vitamin E levels in the body, the antioxidant that protects your heart, skin, and blood vessels. They’re also loaded with phytosterols which help to keep your cholesterol levels in check and fight against certain types of cancer like prostate or breast cancer. Make sure that you always purchase organic seeds as sometimes they can contain pesticides that are harmful to the body.

Cumin seeds

Not to be confused with black seeds, cumin seeds are often used as a tasty spice in Indian cuisine. They are actually the most popular spice in the world and loaded with compounds that kill harmful bacteria, microbes and pathogens before they can infect your body. In fact, cumin is often added to sausages to act as a natural preservative. The best way to use cumin is by making a homemade Curry or a stew. You can also steep the seeds in water to make a herbal tea or use it in a spice rub for grilled chicken or fish.

One problem with seeds is that they contain phytic acid. This is known as an antinutrient because it can block the absorption of certain minerals into the body. When you eat foods high in phytic acid, minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc are not digested properly and they are expelled through your waste. To overcome this problem there’s a very simple hack that you can use involving sprouting your seeds. Simply add a mixture of the seeds you want to eat into a jar and cover with cold water. Let them soak for 12 hours and then drain the water from the jar. Then simply rinse the seeds in water and drain them again twice per day for three to five days and the seeds will grow little sprouts. This removes the phytic acid from the seeds and makes the nutrients more bioavailable to improve your health.,and%20anticancer%2C%20have%20been%20reported.

6 Ways Chia Seeds Can Help You Live to 100

chia seeds, chia seed benefits, benefits of chia seeds, chia seed pudding

Ch-ch-ch-CHIA! Remember the commercials for Chia Pets — the terra cotta animals that grew “fur” from chia seeds? While that fad has passed, people have started to realize that chia itself is no joke. Chia seeds are small yet mighty, packed full of nutrients. They’re perfect for adding to smoothies, topping your yogurt or cereal, or sprinkling on your salad. No matter how you use them, they offer some wonderful health benefits! Here’s why you should pick up some chia seeds on your next grocery run.

Mega-Fiber, Minimal Calories

Fiber is crucial to your overall gut health. Although your body doesn’t digest fiber, your gut’s microbiome — the beneficial bacteria in your intestine — will love it. They feed on it, growing their population. By consuming enough fiber, you ensure that your gut has enough probiotic microbes to efficiently break down your food.

Fiber also soaks up excess liquid and keeps things moving along, as it were. IF you struggle with bowel movements, you probably need more fiber in your diet.

Unfortunately, many fiber-rich foods are also high in carbohydrates. Your body converts carbs to sugar, which is normally a good thing. If you’re trying to lose weight, though, you definitely don’t want those extra carbs.

Chia contains just one digestible carb per 28 grams — 12 grams total, 11 of which are fiber. That high fiber content allows chia seeds to soak up liquid and expand in your stomach. This helps you feel fuller, absorb more nutrients from your food, and avoid sugar overload from excess carbohydrates.

Fiber also promotes cardiovascular health, both indirectly through weight loss and by lowering the amount of LDL — the bad cholesterols that impacts blood pressure.

In short, chia is a fiber-rich food that should absolutely be in your diet if you wish to lose weight, improve your gut health, or both.

Chia vs. Cancer

Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, which prevent fats and proteins from breaking down. That’s what oxidation is, and when it happens too much in your cells, cancer can develop. The basic chemistry is that electrons detach from the molecules that drive your cellular function. These are called free radicals and they can tear apart cells and lead to cancerous growth.

Antioxidants intervene by reversing the oxidation process and keeping your cells intact. These days, we face unprecedented levels of exposure to UV and carcinogenic chemicals. Chia relies on antioxidants to protect its sensitive husk and oils. You can benefit from these cancer-fighting compounds by making chia a regular part of your diet.

Seeds For Smarts

While yes, chia seeds contain fat (they are seeds, after all), it’s the good kind of fat. Out of a single ounce’s 9 grams of fat, 5 are omega-3s, which boost cognitive power and protect your neurological system. Now, these omega-3s aren’t as easily converted to DHA as those found in fish, but every little bit counts.

Studies have also shown that omega-3s seem to lower cholesterol levels, blood vessel plaque, and your overall risk for cardiac disorders.

Chia is rich in vitamins B1, which creates helpful neurotransmitters, B2, which promotes energy production, and B3, which helps with cell communication and expression. Altogether, B vitamins keep your body ticking and your brain humming. So, if you need to focus on a project or ace that exam, toss a handful of chia into your snack to fuel your mind and body!

chia seeds, chia seed benefits, benefits of chia seeds, chia seed pudding

Protein Power

Many people assume you can only get protein from meat. Nope! Despite being part of a plant, chia packs a punch. Its seeds are 14% protein, which means a single ounce of chia provides 4 grams of protein. You need 46-56 grams of protein per day, depending on your body composition and activity level, so a handful of chia in your smoothie is a great way to start your day or follow up a workout!

Protein also satisfies your appetite sooner, so again, look to chia as a beneficial food for a weight-loss program.

And of course, if you don’t eat meat, chia can be a great way to boost your protein intake in a plant-based diet.

Speaking of getting strong: An ounce of chia provides 30% of your recommended daily magnesium plus a helpful dose of potassium, both of which support bone health, muscle function, and energy. Keep your body strong and healthy with a dose of chia!

Bone-Building Benefits

Vegetarians will also appreciate chia’s impressive calcium content, which is proportionately higher than most dairy products. A single ounce of chia seeds contains 18% of your recommended daily calcium. By contrast, an ounce of milk provides just 3.45%. This makes chia a powerful bone-booster for people who don’t consume dairy, whether due to ethical concerns or lactose intolerance!

Chia is also rich in phosphorus, which may not be as famous as calcium but is just as important for healthy bones! One ounce of chia seeds provides 27% of your recommended daily phosphorus. Like calcium, phosphorus is most often found in meat and dairy products, although you can also obtain it from beans, legumes, and grains.

If you’re on a low-carb diet, have Alpha-gal, or are sensitive to tyramine, purine, or FODMAPS, you probably want to avoid meat, dairy, wheat, and legumes. Chia can be an excellent alternative.

Blood Sugar Stability

We all know the importance of regulating our blood sugar, especially for diabetics and those at-risk for diabetics. High-carb meals are known to cause blood sugar spikes. However, chia seems to modulate blood sugar levels by boosting insulin sensitivity. This means you can still enjoy your carbs — as long as your bread is sprinkled with chia seeds!

Ways to Use Chia

Chia may be nutrient-rich, but they’re also relatively tasteless. This is a good thing — it means you can add them to anything! Here are some ideas for incorporating chia into your diet:

  • Sprinkle on top of cereal, yogurt, or muesli.
  • Add them to your smoothie or milkshake.
  • Soak them in juice or milk to make a jelly topping for bagels, biscuits, or muffins.
  • Sprinkle on top of your stir-fry, roasted vegetables, or rice dishes.
  • Use as a substitute for eggs in baking.
  • Thicken sauces while adding some nutrients.

chia seeds, chia seed benefits, benefits of chia seeds, chia seed pudding

Don’t go overboard, though: suddenly adding so much fiber to your diet can backfire! Nutritionists recommend about 20 grams of chia (1.5 tablespoons) twice a day to start. Always mix your chia seeds with liquid before you attempt to swallow them! They turn into a gel very quickly. Otherwise, be creative! Even a small amount of chia adds a nutritional boost to any of your meals or snacks.