
The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About SaltThe #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Salt

The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Salt

For the longest time sodium has been given a bad rap.  So many products advertise as low sodium because somewhere…

2 years ago
Unraveling Emotional CravingsUnraveling Emotional Cravings

Unraveling Emotional Cravings

Anxiety. Self-doubt. Sadness. Loneliness. Frustration. Boredom. These emotions are can be quite uncomfortable. When they make an appearance it is…

8 years ago
What is the Best Type of Exercise for My Body?What is the Best Type of Exercise for My Body?

What is the Best Type of Exercise for My Body?

There is so much conflicting information about the best way to exercise. How do you know what is best for…

8 years ago
Vision and Health: Can’t have one without the otherVision and Health: Can’t have one without the other

Vision and Health: Can’t have one without the other

I had worked at a homeless shelter for 2 years giving free chiropractic care to the down and out in…

8 years ago
Put A Little Namaste In Your LifePut A Little Namaste In Your Life

Put A Little Namaste In Your Life

If you are like me, I’ve often been intimidated to go to a public yoga class because of all the…

8 years ago
Are Toxins Making You Fat?Are Toxins Making You Fat?

Are Toxins Making You Fat?

Every day we are bombarded by thousands of chemicals in our environments and lifestyles that have the potential to accumulate…

8 years ago
Exercises to Help Improve Your PostureExercises to Help Improve Your Posture

Exercises to Help Improve Your Posture

Virtually everything we do requires us to hunch forward – typing, cooking, driving, etc. When we slouch, our chest muscles…

8 years ago