
The Most Decadent and Healthy Dessert You Can Make for Mom this WeekendThe Most Decadent and Healthy Dessert You Can Make for Mom this Weekend

The Most Decadent and Healthy Dessert You Can Make for Mom this Weekend

It is common to end the meal with a rich, chocolatey dessert, or fudge, cookies or brownies. This decadent and…

8 years ago
Drinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-FoldDrinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-Fold

Drinking Diet Soda Increases Your Risk of Stroke 3-Fold

“Individuals who consumed at least one artificially-sweetened beverage a day were 3 times as likely to develop ischemic stroke and…

8 years ago
How to Detoxify without Retoxifying Your BodyHow to Detoxify without Retoxifying Your Body

How to Detoxify without Retoxifying Your Body

Everywhere you turn, you hear about detoxifying your body. But what are you not being told? What do you need…

8 years ago
In Praise of SaltIn Praise of Salt

In Praise of Salt

For the last 40 years or so, salt has been getting a really bad reputation. Many people are terrified of…

8 years ago