
The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Salt

For the longest time sodium has been given a bad rap.  So many products advertise as low sodium because somewhere…

2 years ago

9 Triggers of Inflammation You Need to Know

There are many reasons why inflammation should be a concern but most importantly we should note that cancer tends to…

3 years ago

The Brain in Your Gut

You live your life through your nervous system. Every sound, sight and touch is filtered through your brain so you…

8 years ago

Cracking Open The Biggest Myths About Chiropractic

Have you ever heard someone say, “ohhh I go to the chiropractor, but I don’t let him/her touch my neck.”…

8 years ago

Embracing Technology: For The Good Of Your Health?

Over 80% of the population experiences significant back or neck pain at some point in their lives. In fact, it…

8 years ago

How Processed Sugar Destroys Your Body

How much processed sugar sneaks into your diet in a day? You may be surprised at how many grams of…

8 years ago

In Praise of Salt

For the last 40 years or so, salt has been getting a really bad reputation. Many people are terrified of…

8 years ago