
The #1 Thing Blocking You from Optimal Health

Think about all the trillions of cells in your body for a minute. Just image the intelligence that is required…

7 years ago

Did You Know Memories Can Cause Pain?

Memories are stored in every cell in your body, not just in your brain. Actively or Passively, you choose. So…

8 years ago

The Brain Adjustment: The Shift You Must Make For Your Health

When it comes to health, most everyone understands that it affects every part of life and so the desire is…

8 years ago

The Mindset Game – Set yourself up to Win

We’re almost 4 months into the year. How is it going so far? Are you accomplishing some of the tasks…

8 years ago

How many times per day do you shut down your laughter?

I’ve heard it said many times in life that “laughter is the best medicine”. Do you know that it’s impossible…

8 years ago

What is behind your pain?

During my 20 years of practicing Energy Healing I have found one Universal Truth: PAIN means “Pay Attention Inwards Now”…

8 years ago

Master The Psychology of the Supermarket

This information is courtesy of bon appetit and the research they have put together from a massive study on how…

8 years ago

Do You Want to Kill Your Stress Once and For All? Do This.

Stress has become an epidemic in our society. When someone asks “How are you?” the majority of people now answer…

8 years ago

I’m Single. Why Does Valentine’s Day Matter?

It doesn’t matter if you are attached or single on Valentine’s Day! The message that should be portrayed goes much…

8 years ago

Meditation isn’t Supposed to be Frustrating!

I don’t know about you, but whenever I sit down to meditate, I have instant anxiety! I have got a…

8 years ago