6 Bizarre Orange Peel Facts You Need to Know

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Most people rush to throw their orange peel away after eating a delicious orange. For many, this has been ingrained into their heads since childhood that we simply do not eat the peel! However, orange peels have so many other uses beyond eating them. Orange peels are the outside or “bumpy” part of an orange, along with some of the stringy white stuff that surrounds it. Believe it or not, the orange peel is packed with nutrients and health benefits. In this article, we’ll provide some of the amazing benefits of orange peels and how to use them. Orange peels can actually be a beneficial addition to a healthy diet. You’ll never trash an orange peel again after reading these benefits.

What does an orange peel contain?

Oranges are part of the citrus family and are known for having a high Vitamin C content. However, as far as the peel goes, there are several other nutrients and antioxidants found in orange peels, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, copper, calcium, and magnesium. Orange peels contain polyphenols that protect against diseases, too, such as lung problems and heart conditions. Orange peels contain a compound known as limonene which may also have anti-cancer effects. Keep reading to learn more about all of the amazing health benefits of orange peels!
Although the peel of an orange is edible for humans without harm, it may not be feasible or recommended for most people. Due to their rough and tough outside texture, it is not generally pleasant to eat as it can cause digestive problems and stomach upset. Orange peels are high in fiber, which can lead to stomach upset as well. Eating too much or very large pieces of orange peels can cause digestive symptoms such as bloating, cramps, or abdominal pain. In addition, many people find them unappealing due to their bitter taste and dry texture.

How do I consume it?

There are other methods to ingesting an orange peel rather than direct consumption. Using a knife or veggie peeler, you can cut thin strips to use in salads or smoothies. Another common orange peel usage method is to make them into sweetened, dried orange peels for a delicious and nutritious snack. Orange zest can be used in many ways, too, including in marinates, oatmeal, yogurt, and much more.

When consuming orange peel, be mindful of quantity as too much orange peel can cause some other unwanted side effects, such as a headache, body weakness, or vision problems. This is only seen in excessive consumption of orange peels.

Orange essential oil can be used for a variety of applications that range from lifting mood and reducing stress to adding a fresh, citrusy aroma to a room.

Benefits of Orange Peels

Other than the ways mentioned above to use orange peels, there are even more benefits and uses of orange peels to incorporate into your life.

orange peel benefits, orange peel tea benefits, health benefits of orange peel, orange peel benefits for skinSkin Care Benefits- A great use of orange peel is to improve your skin! Due to the antioxidants found in orange peels, applying them to your skin can help fight skin conditions that are linked to inflammation and even prevent wrinkles and age spots. Some people have also found orange peels to help with dry skin, acne, and blackheads. For those looking for natural skincare products, an orange peel could be your answer to fresh, glowing skin!


orange peel benefits, orange peel tea benefits, health benefits of orange peel, orange peel benefits for skinHeart Health- Since orange peels are high in fiber and have numerous vitamins, peels can help improve your heart health! Orange peels can lower blood pressure and prevent problems such as high cholesterol. Orange peels also contain a common flavonoid known as hesperidin. Hesperidin helps regulate blood pressure and maintain good cholesterol levels.


orange peel benefits, orange peel tea benefits, health benefits of orange peel, orange peel benefits for skin

 Lung Health- In addition to positive benefits for your overall heart health, orange peels can have amazing health benefits for your lung health. The vitamin C within orange peels helps clear chest congestion and cleanse the lungs. Vitamin C also increases immunity and strengthens the immune system to fight off viruses and colds to help improve overall health.


 orange peel benefits, orange peel tea benefits, health benefits of orange peel, orange peel benefits for skinHangover Cure-This is one unique use for orange peels! Feeling hungover after a long night out? Try boiling an orange peel for 15 to 20 minutes and create a tea. Drink this tea for a hangover cure!


 orange peel benefits, orange peel tea benefits, health benefits of orange peel, orange peel benefits for skinCancer Prevention- Orange peels have the ability to slow the growth of cancer cells, specifically found to help with skin cancer. Regular consumption of orange peels can help you decrease your risks for skin and lung cancer. This is due to specific types of flavonoids that inhibit a protein that has been linked to cancer.


 orange peel benefits, orange peel tea benefits, health benefits of orange peel, orange peel benefits for skinAllergies & Inflammation – Struggling with nasty allergies? Orange peels contain active compounds which can help suppress allergic reactions and serve as an anti-inflammatory. A recent study has compared the use of orange peels with a commonly known anti-inflammatory drug, known as Indomethacin. The study concluded that orange peel can be a great natural alternative with positive anti-inflammatory benefits.

Research has shown that orange essential oil may have several benefits. Some examples include antimicrobial activity, pain relief, insecticide activity, weight loss, exercise performance enhancement, anxiety and depression relief.


The Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Cinnamon

health benefits of cinnamon, ceylon cinnamon benefits, cinnamon benefits, benefits of cinnamon tea

What is Cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for thousands of years and yet as popular as ever today. In fact, it is currently ranked as the number 1 spice out of the most common spices used in the world.  Why is cinnamon enjoying such incredible popularity?  This inexpensive spice can be found in every grocery store and it not only provides its characteristic taste of sweetness and warmth when added to recipes, but as many ancient cultures who have used it medicinally have known, cinnamon has many health benefits as well.


What’s Good About Cinnamon?

health benefits of cinnamon, ceylon cinnamon benefits, cinnamon benefits, benefits of cinnamon tea

Cinnamon’s numerous healing and medicinal properties are well established.  Here are just of few the benefits of this ubiquitous spice.

Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants that reduce free radicals, fight oxidative stress, and limit nitric acid build up, all of which can help prevent various brain and heart diseases as well as cancer, and generally help slow the aging process.  Cinnamon is ranked number 7 among all foods for its level of antioxidants.

Cinnamon can boost heart health by reducing high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, all of which can help avoid strokes and heart disease. Further, its natural anticoagulant properties help it form blood clots that can stop excess bleeding and improve tissue repair and circulation in the body.

Cinnamon’s flavonoids help relieve inflammation, which can ease muscle soreness, swelling, menstrual pain, and allergic reactions. It can also preserve brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.  More research is needed, but it may help protect against neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Cinnamon can help stabilize blood sugar due to its anti-diabetic effects, while also improving insulin sensitivity for improved movement of sugar through the blood and into tissues.  Supplementing with cinnamon extract may assist people with Type 2 diabetes.


 Cinnamon is produced from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree and is harvested by extracting its inner bark which dries into rolls that can be ground into cinnamon power.  While most people would likely be surprised to learn that there are hundreds of types of cinnamon, most of the varieties used commercially can be classified as one of two types: Cassia cinnamon, with a flavor that is somewhat deeper and spicier, and Ceylon cinnamon with a bit of a lighter, sweeter, more citrusy taste.  When most people think of “cinnamon,” they are thinking of the more commonly available Cassia variety, while the Ceylon variety is harder to find and more expensive.

Identifying and Buying Types of Cinnamon

Cassia cinnamon is readily available in the spice section of most grocery stores and supermarkets; however, you may need to look for Ceylon cinnamon in health or ethnic food stores, or in those sections of your grocery store.  Cassia cinnamon is generally a red or dark brown in color while Ceylon cinnamon is a tan color.  If the variety of cinnamon you are buying isn’t listed on the label, it is likely the more common Cassia variety.

Too Much of the Spice?

All varieties of cinnamon contain coumarin, a chemical that is present in plants and acts as a natural blood thinner.  However, the concentration of coumarin is higher in Cassia cinnamon than in Ceylon cinnamon, an important distinction because coumarin has the potential to damage the liver if eaten in high enough quantities. This is something to keep in mind if you are if you are taking medications for or have a damaged liver, are about to undergo a dental or surgical procedure, or are at high risk of bleeding.  Therefore, consuming too much Cassia cinnamon per day could be problematic for the liver.  If you consume cinnamon daily for health reasons, you may want to consider exclusively eating Ceylon cinnamon.  So even with cinnamon, there can be “too much of a good thing” as the adage goes, even for people without these health considerations, but the average person does need to be overly concerned with the effects of excess coumarin in their diet.

In summary

Cinnamon is a very popular spice that has been used for thousands of years for its sweet, warm flavor and its health and medicinal properties.  Some of its many benefits are that it is loaded with antioxidants and can boost heart health, relieve inflammation, preserve brain function, and stabilize blood sugar.  The two main varieties of cinnamon are Cassia, the less expensive and more commonly available variety with a deeper, spicier taste, and Ceylon, the more expensive and less common variety with a sweeter, more citrusy flavor.  Coumarin is a natural blood thinner that is present in Cassia cinnamon in higher concentrations.  People who are sensitive to liver issues or bleeding may want to consider switching to Ceylon cinnamon.




8 Reasons Licorice Root Is Going to Be Big in 2022

licorice root, licorice root benefits, licorice root tea, licorice root extract

Licorice root has been used throughout history and is extremely beneficial to the human body. Over the years, it has been studied and its effects have been observed, to give people an accurate idea of how the herb can help.

What is Licorice Root?

 Licorice root is an herb from the Mediterranean that has been used for its medicinal benefits from ancient times. It is extremely sweet, containing glycyrrhizin, which can be up to 50 times sweeter than sugar. Thus, the candy licorice, takes its name from the root known for its sweetness and medicinal benefits.

In the ancient world, it was used for the treatment of coughs, asthma, inflammation, and mucous membrane irritation. Documented use took place in Greece, China, Arabia, India, and more, making it a common treatment in history. In fact, licorice root was used as an ingredient in practically every herbal treatment in China, due to its ability to support and boost the effects of other herbs.

Today, people continue to use licorice root for multiple reasons. Having been used and promoted as an effective treatment option for centuries, people all over the world have discovered the natural gem that licorice root is.

What are the Benefits?

 Users and studies have claimed abundant benefits when it comes to licorice root. Take a look at some of the most common health benefits of this ancient perennial herb:

  • Helps with cold symptoms (coughs, sore throats)

 One of the most common uses of licorice root is for help with colds and cold symptoms. For centuries, it has been used to reduce congestion that is associated with colds and coughs. Its help lies in its ability to loosen phlegm, expel it from the lungs, and provide a soothing sensation for the irritation of mucous membranes.

  • Supports the digestive system and helps with acid reflux

It has been proven to be an effective aid in digestion. It also helps relieve acid reflux due to its ability to soothe the irritation and inflammation that occurs in the digestive tract.

Other negative effects of digestion issues, such as gas, bloating, and upset stomach, can be reduced, or eliminated with the use of licorice root. The extract of licorice root, combined with extracts from other herbs, has also been found to relieve other digestive issues such as vomiting and indigestion.

  • Stomach ulcer relief

Stomach ulcers are caused by the H. Pylori bacteria. Due to the antibacterial properties found in licorice root, it has been used as treatment and relief for those who suffer from stomach ulcers.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties that support the immune system

It contains compounds that assist in the regulation of T cell induction, which has a major role in immune response. The anti-inflammatory properties of licorice root assist the immune system, aiding in the fight against illness and other immunosuppressed conditions.

  • Helps fight viral infections

 There are anti-viral properties in licorice root that have the potential to fight against influenza, hepatitis, SARS, herpes, and other infections. From a research standpoint, more studies could make them an integral part of healing illness.

  • Constipation relief

 This root works as a natural laxative, helping the colon contract to move waste through. Anyone suffering from constipation could potentially find relief using licorice root.

  • Supports through PMS and menopause

 Licorice root has been known to help relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause, including reducing hot flashes. This is due to certain effects of licorice that act like estrogen. The herb can be used as an effective addition to hormone therapy.

  • Supports the adrenal system

 As an apoptogenic herb, it helps the body regulate cortisol, which relieves the adrenal glands. This relief helps to reduce stress, which positively supports the entire physical and mental condition of the body.

Is It Safe?

Overall, licorice root is safe and provides multiple benefits for the physical and mental health of its users. However, users must be sure not to take too much licorice root or to take it for extended periods of time.

Glycyrrhiza, the main active ingredient in the herb, can cause a condition that creates an overactive sensitivity in the adrenal cortex. This oversensitivity can cause headaches, high blood pressure, and has been known to cause heart attacks.

Licorice root should not be taken for over a week at a time or be pregnant and breastfeeding women. With safe practices, licorice root can be a very useful treatment for multiple ailments.



The Simple Formula for Success with Insulin Resistance

insulin resistance, what is insulin resistance, insulin resistance diet, insulin resistance symptoms, how to reverse insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is a condition that occurs when the human body fails to use insulin properly. This means that the body cannot balance blood glucose levels. The prevalence of this condition among adults ranges from 15.5 to 46.5% across the world. However, insulin resistance occurs across all age groups. This post provides you with all you need to know about insulin resistance, including how you can prevent or reverse the condition. But before we can go deep into insulin resistance, we should understand what insulin is and how it works.

The Importance of Insulin

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas; a large gland situated at the back of your stomach. The primary role of this hormone is to help your body absorb glucose and use it for energy.  After eating, your digestive tract processes carbohydrates into glucose, which is then absorbed in your bloodstream through the small intestines. Insulin enables the cells in your body to absorb the glucose and use it for energy.  The hormone is also responsible for balancing the glucose levels in your blood. If the levels are high, insulin prompts your body to store the excess glucose in your liver.

What is Insulin Resistance

Also known as impaired insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance is a condition that occurs when the cells in your liver, fat, and muscles fail to respond well to insulin and can’t use glucose for energy.  In response, your pancreas produces more insulin. Your blood levels remain healthy, provided the pancreas can make enough insulin to overcome the condition. Otherwise, your blood glucose levels go higher than average in a condition called prediabetes.

What is Prediabetes, and How Common is it?

Simply put, prediabetes is when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be regarded as type 2 diabetes. The condition occurs in people with insulin resistance or when your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to balance the sugar levels.  Individuals with prediabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if they fail to change their lifestyles.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every three people in the United States has prediabetes.

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

Most individuals don’t realize they have insulin resistance or prediabetes until they get a blood test. It is normal for anyone to have high blood sugar levels every now and then. However, if your blood sugar levels are consistently high, you feel more tired, thirstier, have a vision problem, and urinate more, then it could be prediabetes.  Also, some individuals may develop dark spots on the back of the neck and under the armpits. Skin growths in these areas are also a common sign of prediabetes.

Causes and Risk Factors of Insulin Resistance

Although the exact cause for insulin resistance is still unclear, researchers have often associated the condition with an inactive lifestyle and excess weight.

Inactive lifestyle

Leading an inactive lifestyle has been linked to prediabetes and insulin resistance. Physical activities allow your body to undergo some changes that help it to balance normal blood sugar levels.

Excess weight

Doctors say that being obese, overweight, or sedentary increases your insulin resistance risk. They believe that extra fat tissue may cause physiological stress and inflammation, which lead to insulin resistance.

Other risk factors include:

  • Smoking
  • Age
  • Family history of diabetes
  • Certain medications like antipsychotics
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Sleep problems

Diagnosis and Tests for Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

If you notice any of the symptoms of insulin resistance and prediabetes – mentioned above – you should visit your doctor. The physician will use the following things to diagnose the condition:

Physical exams: The doctor will check your blood pressure and weight

Questions: The care provider will ask about your family medical history

Blood tests: The physician will likely carry out several blood tests, including:

Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test:

This test measures your blood glucose levels when you haven’t eaten for at least 8 hours. The table below shows the results and their interpretation.

Result FPG
Diabetes 126 mg/dl or more
Prediabetes Between 100mg/dl to 125 mg/dl
Normal /dl or below

Hemoglobin A1c test:

This test checks your blood glucose levels in the last 2 to 3 months. Below are the results and interpretation of the test

Result A1c
Diabetes 6.5% or more
Prediabetes 5.7% to 6.4%
Normal 5.7% or less


Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT):

OGTT checks your blood glucose levels 2 hours after taking a sugary drink. The following table shows the results and interpretation of the test.

Result OGTT
Diabetes 200 mg/dl or more
Prediabetes Between 140 mg/dl to 199 mg/dl
Normal 140 mg/dl or below

If you’re free from either of these conditions, you should be retested at least once every three years, especially if you have other risk factors for diabetes.

Reversing or Preventing Insulin Resistance and Prediabetes

insulin resistance, what is insulin resistance, insulin resistance diet, insulin resistance symptoms, how to reverse insulin resistance

While it’s impossible to deal with insulin resistance or prediabetes completely, there are several ways you can make your body cells more receptive to insulin, including:

Weight loss

Losing weight can help you reverse or prevent insulin resistance in your body. Research shows that losing 5 to 7% of your starting weight can help minimize the chances of developing diabetes.

You can eat certain foods or change your lifestyle to lose weight. For instance, you can eat more vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans, whole grains, and other lead proteins. Also, you may consider talking to a personal trainer or a nutritionist.

Getting active

Regular physical exercise remains to be the most effective way of reducing insulin resistance and diabetes among individuals. Exercising makes your body more sensitive to insulin and opens up alternative paths for glucose to enter your muscle cells.


Although there are no medications specifically for treating prediabetes or insulin resistance, you may use diabetes medications to manage the conditions. These medications include thiazolidinediones and metformin

Don’t panic

Although a fight against an invisible condition can feel discouraging and frustrating, know that you’re not alone. There are several effective and proven ways of combating insulin resistance and prediabetes. Staying active, losing weight, and eating healthy are sure ways to manage the condition.



The Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet

paleo diet, what is paleo diet, paleo diet foods, autoimmune paleo diet

Deciding what to eat is probably the single most important health decision a person makes.  While air and water are the two most necessary requirements for staying alive, food occupies our minds most of the time.  Our prerequisites for air and water center almost entirely around whether they are pure and clean.  Food on the other hand introduces the factor of taste.  A question we ask daily, “What do you want to eat?” is almost always a query about flavor rather than nutrition.  Eating food not only sustains human beings, it is one of our carnal pleasures.  Sometimes that need for taste leads us to make bad choices.  We fill our diet with food that isn’t good for us.  Conversely when we find a diet that strikes a better balance we stick with it.  The Paleo Diet, popularized strongly at the beginning of the century, has showed staying power for just that reason.  It’s a well-researched nutrition plan backed by several noted scientists that also happens to have plenty room for variety and taste.

What Is the Paleo Diet?

The concept behind the Paleo Diet is the idea that humankind’s DNA is essentially the same as it was during the Paleolithic era.  Modern humans came into existence between one hundred and three hundred thousand years ago.  The Paleolithic era ended approximately eleven thousand years ago, so our species has spent more than ninety percent of its evolutionary time within the Paleolithic.  The thinking behind the diet is that the human digestive tract has not gone through substantive changes since the Paleolithic era ended.  Our ancestors were essentially hunter-gatherers.  They didn’t eat cultivated grains or domesticated meats in any quantity.  Their water had fewer chemicals, and their physical activity was far more pronounced.

Our habits and food sources have changed significantly through the centuries.  We have access to more diverse meal possibilities due to our famous ability to adapt.  On top of that, our scientific and industrial innovation has given us artificial supplements and food capabilities unavailable to our primitive ancestors.  We ingest meats and grains that the human body has only had a few dozen decades to absorb.  Our plants and animals are fed by fertilizers and steroids, which come into our systems as we consume the food we manufacture.

Creators of the Paleo Diet believe we force ourselves to digest foods that are incompatible with our gastrointestinal systems as well as our health.  As far back as the 1890’s writers such as John Harvey Kellogg and Emmet Densmore lamented the effects of grains on human health.  Author Walter L. Voegtlin published a book in 1975 called “The Stone Age Diet”.  As a gastroenterologist he advocated a meat-centric diet that kept vegetables and starches to a minimum.  In the twenty-first century Dr. Loren Cordain published his book, “The Paleo Diet”, which trademarked the name and system that suggests a diet almost exclusively of vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, meat, and organ meats

What Are the Benefits Of A Paleo-Diet?

The Paleo Diet allows you to eat the following:

  • Wild Game and Lean Grass-fed Meats
  • Seeds And Nuts
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Oils
  • Fish

The diet seeks to avoid the following foods:

  • Dairy
  • Grains
  • Legumes
  • Refined Sugar
  • Salt

On top of these restrictions the Paleo Diet frowns upon heavily processed food in general.

As we can see by the above lists, the Paleo-Diet is good for weight loss, since it cuts down on calorie-rich food and carbohydrates.  Since the diet’s proponents also suggest a good exercise regimen and generous water consumption, the system encourages muscle tone and skin health.  The diet’s food components are good regulators of blood sugar.  It helps with stress and keeps dangerous fats at a low level.  The Paleo Diet’s ‘creators’ claim that it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease.  Not enough definitive studies have been done to give these claims firm scientific backing, but elements of the diet have been known to have a positive influence on heart and digestive health.

Since the Paleo Diet forbids dairy products, there is some worry about suffering from Vitamin D and calcium deficiency.  Some other worries are increased diarrhea, as well as possible exposure to more toxins in fish.  Proponents of the diet point out the ability to avoid toxins by practicing simple avoidance. Some foods that the diet allows have supplies of Vitamin D and calcium that can be increased to compensate for the absence of dairy products.

What Are Some Examples of a Paleo-Diet Meal?

paleo diet, what is paleo diet, paleo diet foods, autoimmune paleo diet

As we first mentioned taste is an important part of anyone’s diet choice.  The Paleo Diet has several fine dishes that are in perfect keeping with its requirements.  Everything from chicken salad to burgers, to grilled salmon and pork is allowed in Paleo Diet meals.  Vegetables fried in coconut oil, sweet potatoes and steak are also on the menu.  Lettuce leaf wraps can be used instead of sandwiches.  Grilled chicken wings with salsa make a nice movie or sports-event snack.





10 Unbelievable Things You Never Knew About Pine Needle Tea

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Many people around the country enjoy the smell of fresh pine on a summer day, but did you know you can taste that sensation as well? Pine needle tea is a delicious treat to enjoy in the morning or during the day and provides many health benefits to its drinkers.

The needles the tea is infused with are the primary source of these benefits, such as antioxidants and vitamin A and C. There are many other benefits to be gained from drinking pine needle tea daily, here’s a brief guide.

pine needle tea benefits, pine needle tea health benefits, where to buy pine needle tea, how to make pine needle tea, are pine needles safe for tea, are pine needles toxic to humans

Fight Respiratory Infections

Pine needle tea was often used by indigenous cultures for treating respiratory problems. The Encyclopedia of American Indian Contributions to the World records how the Native Americans used white pine for its expectorant and decongestant qualities.

pine needle tea benefits, pine needle tea health benefits, where to buy pine needle tea, how to make pine needle tea, are pine needles safe for tea, are pine needles toxic to humansThe Power of Antioxidants

Drinking a cup or two of pine needle tea per day will help fuel your body with antioxidants, which are highly important for the functioning of your body and blood. Pine needles possesses a slew of antioxidants, in the form of vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as a host of flavonoids.

The vitamins you consume while drinking the tea, in addition to micronutrients known as “phytonutrients” help guard your skin from excess damage by free radicals. Protection from free radicals can help you prevent illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. There are a host of supplements and artificial sources of antioxidants, but natural sources are more beneficial.

pine needle tea benefits, pine needle tea health benefits, where to buy pine needle tea, how to make pine needle tea, are pine needles safe for tea, are pine needles toxic to humansKeep Your Heart Healthy

Pine needle tea doesn’t just bolster and protect your blood. The nutrients and antioxidants found within the tea can also help your heart function in a similar manner to your blood. Pine needle tea helps bolster your blood because it provides a boost to the metabolism of lipids. Researchers have tested this function of the tea in several different ways and have consistently found it to be highly beneficial for this purpose.

In addition to quickening of metabolism, pine needle tea reduces inflammation in the body, which helps balance the flora of the gut. This gut rebalancing has many beneficial properties, but one of the primary uses is the lowering of bad cholesterol, while raising the good type. Clinical trials need still be conducted, but the initial research is promising.

pine needle tea benefits, pine needle tea health benefits, where to buy pine needle tea, how to make pine needle tea, are pine needles safe for tea, are pine needles toxic to humansRefuel More Efficiently

Because of the many antioxidants found in pine needle tea, the drink can help you refuel while exercising, so that you’re ready for another round or beginning a cycle of rest. The Journal of Nutrition exercise and Biochemistry found that rats who were fed pine needle power lowered their cholesterol significantly.

The antioxidants within the tea helped the rats perform better in their exercises and recover quickly when faced with a second bout of activity. In addition, the tea also helped prevent cell death, which is important for both recovery time and intensity. The only caveat is that the pine needle powder most likely had a higher concentration of antioxidants than would be found in most tea.

pine needle tea benefits, pine needle tea health benefits, where to buy pine needle tea, how to make pine needle tea, are pine needles safe for tea, are pine needles toxic to humansVitamins Galore

Pine needle tea holds a plethora of vitamins and minerals in addition to the antioxidant properties. The two most common vitamins found within the tea are vitamin A and vitamin C, which will help you see at night in addition to providing your skin with many benefits. Vitamin C will help you build collagen and protect your skin tissue, in addition to boosting your immune system in a natural and organic way.

These vitamins are important, but many Americans aren’t consuming enough of them on a daily basis. Adding pine needle tea to your diet and daily routine can help keep your skin healthy and young year-round.

pine needle tea benefits, pine needle tea health benefits, where to buy pine needle tea, how to make pine needle tea, are pine needles safe for tea, are pine needles toxic to humansHelp Clear Your Mind

Finally, one of the most sought-after yet undervalued properties of pine needle tea is the ability to clear your mind and help keep your body in clarity. The sweet aroma and peaceful aura of pine needle tea can help your body relax and open up your senses, allowing your mind to relax and your senses to become slightly improved. Many priests and monks from different regions of the world have drank pine needle tea over the centuries because of the boost it provides to clarity.

Making the Tea

It’s entirely possible to make your own pine needle tea, though the process is not quick. There are many concerns to take into account and steps to follow. First, you should cut off the ends and roll the needles you’ve bought. This step releases the oil and keeps the needles dry and nutritious. You should keep the needles you’ve prepared in a cup of hot water for about fifteen minutes before straining. Once strained, you can mix and enjoy at your leisure.


It may be tempting to collect your pine needles from random trees around your neighborhood or city, but you should resist the temptation. Many of the needles found within nature will be unsafe to eat and drink because they’ve not been specially prepared or treated. If you wish to make pine needle tea yourself, you should buy needles which are already bagged, for your safety and convenience.

Side Effects

There are a wide variety of pine trees. Some of these are potentially toxic or harmful when used for food. If you are foraging for pine needles, it is advisable to do so with an expert. According to the USDA Agricultural Research Service, the needles of ponderosa pine cause abortion when grazed by cattle. With very little research available, most of the side effects of pine-needle tea are also anecdotal. Some of these are: [14]

Irritation in the throat and mouth

Inflamed patches on the skin






For pregnant women: The USDA cautioned against the ingestion of ponderosa pine needles. Given the toxicity of some pine species, it is best to avoid drinking this tea if you are pregnant. [15] [16]

Allergy: You should also be aware of any potential allergies to pine trees. Pine oil that is released when brewing the tea, can have inflammatory effects on the skin and stomach, resulting in stomach upset in some people. Given these possible side-effects, it is recommended that you only try about half a cup in the beginning.





Effects of Lockdowns on Teen Nutrition

teen nutrition, nutrition lessons for teens, how nutrition affects teen's mental health, daily nutrition for teens

Covid lockdowns have either been a hit or miss amongst teenagers. Some have taken these lockdowns as an opportunity to self-improve, while others have fallen into poor habits. Many have found themselves binge-eating and snacking frequently due to boredom, oftentimes these snacks are not the healthiest choices either. In addition, the lack of physical activity along with poor eating habits and nutrition will further result in a major increase in diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular pathologies, etc. in the upcoming generation of young adults.

Symptoms of Poor  Teen Nutrition


teen nutrition, nutrition lessons for teens, how nutrition affects teen's mental health, daily nutrition for teens

Poor nutrition alone in teens can result in:

  • Skin problems (acne)
  • Poor bone health
  • Decrease in growth
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Mental health issues
  • Emotional health issues
  • Increased weight
  • Decreased energy

Furthermore, proper nutrition has been proven to help improve mental health and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and overall increase emotional health and energy. Being in lockdown, many teens have been experiencing a range of mental health issues, all of which can be bettered with proper nutrition. In a study conducted in 2013, it was found that teenagers who avoided eating processed foods and sugar while consuming a diet that consisted of a large number of vegetables, fruits, fish and grains had a 25-35% lower risk of developing depression than those who had poor nutritional diets.

How to improve teen nutrition and overall health

teen nutrition, nutrition lessons for teens, how nutrition affects teen's mental health, daily nutrition for teens

The challenge is not only in the choices that teenagers are making, but also for parents and families to create a healthy food environment and help guide these adolescents to develop the fundamental skills of good eating habits and proper nutrition. Although poor nutrition can cause life-long damage, awareness and action can reverse/avoid many of those damages from carrying on into adulthood. Luckily, there are many ways that teens can improve their nutrition and overall health. Some ways to do so include:

  • Eating three balanced meals everyday with healthy snacks in-between.
  • Increasing the amount of fiber eaten. This is beneficial because fiber is more filling and will lessen the urge to binge eat or snack.
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables.
  • Limiting the consumption of red meat. Chicken and fish are great alternatives to red meat due to the fact that red meat contains more saturated fat.
  • Switching out juices and carbonated drinks for water.
  • Physical activity. It is important for teenagers to get at least 60 minuets of exercise daily. Exercise is essential because it helps with muscle gain, weight control, improve mental health, and reducing the risks of developing health conditions and heart diseases.

Snack Ideas

teen nutrition, nutrition lessons for teens, how nutrition affects teen's mental health, daily nutrition for teens

To conclude, here are some examples of easy snack switches to help improve your nutrition.

  • Chips -> Kale chips
  • Chips/crackers and dip -> Vegetables and hummus
  • Cookies -> Fruit with nut butter
  • Ice cream -> Frozen Greek yogurt covered fruits
  • Chocolate -> Trail mix with dark chocolate




Immune-boosting Foods: Supercharge Your Body

The immune system is the body’s defense against attacks by external micro-organisms. When this defense fails, you fall sick, and at other times, your body successfully fights the germs and keeps you healthy. The immune system as the name suggests, is a collective system of cells, organs, and networks. It is not just a single entity. Scientists are still in the process of understanding how the immune system can be boosted as a whole.

They are still studying whether immunity booster tablets can help in boosting the immune system or do they have adverse effects.

We have compiled a list of immune-boosting foods to help fight against micro-organisms and supercharge your body.

Immune-boosting Foods


These tiny little berries are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. They are rich in several other nutrients like vitamin A, C, K, fiber, manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and so many more.

They provide essential micronutrients to the body, and their antioxidant properties help undo a lot of free radical damage done to cells.

These properties are said to have a substantial effect on the disease-fighting abilities of the body and help in keeping most diseases at bay.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids help in healing the immune system after a germ attack due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

They also influence the functions of immune cells which makes them important for the overall performance of the immune system.

While it is known that fishes and fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, there are many options for vegetarians as well. Ensure that your diet is rich in nuts like walnuts, seeds such as flax seeds and chia seeds, soybeans, eggs, spinach, etc.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues. It heals wounds, plays an important role in keeping skin healthy, promotes bone growth, and helps perform many more important functions.

Its high antioxidant properties reduce the effect of the damage done to cells from free radicals, thereby helping in the prevention of diseases like cancer.

The body does not produce vitamin C, hence you must get them from fruits and vegetables.

You can get your daily dose of vitamin C from tomatoes, oranges, carrots, green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, potatoes, berries, pineapples, kiwi, mangoes, and many more


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Green tea

Green teas are rich in phenolics and antioxidants that help them undo some of the oxidative damage. They strengthen the immune system and help fight several infections that you might be at risk of.

Green tea helps speed up metabolism, detoxifies the body, and has weight loss properties.

Add some pure honey to your daily cup of green tea to multiply the effects, as honey is another powerful ingredient that can supercharge your immune system.

Foods rich in Zinc

Consuming foods with a high concentration of zinc can help prevent rashes, keep your immune system strong, and prevent infections while also promoting normal body growth. If you tend to catch a cold easily, Zinc might help you keep it at bay as they are said to treat the common cold.

Non-vegetarians can get their daily requirements of zinc from meat, poultry, oysters, and other shellfish, while vegetarians can consume legumes, seeds, dairy, whole grains, and mushrooms.


Ideally, garlic tops the list of foods containing immunity enhancing antioxidants to supercharge your immune system. Garlic can help fight infections, heal wounds and treat cold and flu due to its antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

Since ancient times, eating a clove of garlic is said to provide various health benefits and promote overall good health.

The compounds present in garlic help boost the disease-fighting responses in cells in the body boosts your immune system. boosts your immune system.

Immune-boosting Tips

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  • Keep yourself hydrated at all times. It helps your body flush out toxins, catalyzes different bodily functions, and also facilitates repair in cells and tissues.
  • Sleep well and get 6-8 hours of sleep daily as when you sleep, your body does most of the repair and maintenance. Without proper sleep, your immune system may be susceptible to diseases.
  • Quit smoking and limit your consumption of alcohol.
  • Include probiotics and prebiotics in your diet that promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.
  • You must also ensure that you get your daily dose of exercise through some form of physical activity. Exercise helps in maintaining good blood circulation, burns extra calories, and also catalyzes the process where toxins get flushed from your body.


The key is to lead a healthy and well-balanced life. You can boost your immunity by simply making a visit to your neighborhood grocery store rather than the supplement stores. Consuming these fresh fruits and vegetables will not cause any adverse effect that synthetic materials in supplements might.

Steer clear of artificial supplements, as there is insufficient information on the role they play and the side effects that they may cause in the long run.

Keto Rice

keto rice

Keto rice is my go-to substitute side dish for any meal in place of;

  • Rice
  • Potatoes
  • ‘Bowl’ meals (in place of the wheat or corn tortillas)
  • ‘Chinese/Japanese’ inspired dishes

It can be used in combination with;

  • Taco or burrito mix
  • Stir fry chicken/beef
  • Steamed seafood & veggie

The possibilities are truly endless. The great thing is you can customize as you wish by adding or removing any items.  For example, I like cabbage better than brussel sprouts.

In order for my keto rice to have detox benefits, all ingredients must be organic or ‘toxin free’.

Luckily, most of these fresh, whole food ingredients have a detoxing effect on the body reducing the body’s toxic burden that interferes with optimal health.

cauliflower rice recipe

Special Notes:

*You can skip most of the prep with a food processor – I just throw it all in.

cauliflower rice


  • 24 ounces cauliflower florets (about ½ head)*
  • 6 ounces broccoli florets/1 broccoli stalk (I do stem as well)*
  • 1 – 1 inch slice of purple cabbage and/or 1 cup Brussel sprouts, (shredded)*
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger (grated)*
  • 3 garlic cloves (minced)*
  • 1 small bok choy*
  • 2 celery stalks, (diced)*
  • 1 red onion (diced)*
  • 2 carrots (grated)*
  • 2 green onions, (chopped)*
  • 1 Tsp black sesame seeds
  • 2 Tbsp coconut amino (or more – sweet, teriyaki like)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh grated turmeric (or powder)
  • 4 Tbsp coconut or avocado oil, divided
  • 2 large pastured eggs, beaten
cauliflower rice


  1. To make cauliflower rice, first start by pulsing cauliflower in a food processor until it takes on a rice-like form and then set aside.
  2. Next, add all other remaining veggie ingredients (in the first section) into processor and pulse until you get it to your desired size, then add to the bowl of cauliflower rice.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk coconut amino, ginger, turmeric, and 1 tbsp coconut oil.
  4. Next, heat 1 Tbsp coconut/avocado oil in a large wok or skillet over low heat. Add eggs and scramble until cooked to desired consistency then set aside.
  5. Heat 3 Tbsp coconut/avocado oil and add the veggie mix. Cook 6-8 minutes.
  6. Lastly, add the coconut amino mix and eggs. Stir constantly for another 2-3 minutes and enjoy!

This dish is best served immediately however you can place individual servings into a glass storage container or even freeze for future meal prep (ie: lunches or breakfast)

Diabetes Education For Children Living With Type 2 Diabetes

diabetes education

Aссоrdіng tо thе CDC (Cеntеrѕ Fоr Dіѕеаѕе Cоntrоl & Prеvеntіоn), approximately 2 mіllіоn teenagers in thе United Stаtеѕ hаvе рrе-dіаbеtеѕ.  Furthermore, thе numbеr of сhіldrеn who are dіаgnоѕеd with type 2 dіаbеtеѕ is rаріdlу increasing.  Sadly, the average аgе of оnѕеt of people living with diabetes іѕ gеttіng уоungеr.  In fact, did you know that tуре 2 dіаbеtеѕ didn’t exist аt аll until 1926?  AND, іt wаѕ соmрlеtеlу unhеаrd оf іn children untіl vеrу rесеntlу.  Thіѕ іѕ ALARMING and why diabetes education is so important!

Whу Do Sо Mаnу Chіldrеn Hаvе Tуре 2 Diabetes & Prе-Dіаbеtеѕ?

Chіldrеn used to grоw uр еаtіng whоlеѕоmе healthy fооd.

  • Eggѕ dіdn’t соmе wіth hоrmоnеѕ and thеу соntаіnеd lоtѕ of omega-3.
  • Oаtѕ didn’t соmе рrе-сооkеd, dеfіbеrіzеd, аnd lасеd wіth trans fаt, hіgh fructose соrn ѕуruр, аnd ready to bе nuked.  Oаtѕ and оthеr grаіnѕ wеrе slow сооkеd.  Full оf fiber аnd nutrіеntѕ.
  • Cows ѕtіll ate grаѕѕ аnd wеrеn’t shot up wіth hоrmоnеѕ and аntіbіоtісѕ.  In addition, dаіrу products wеrе еxtrеmеlу healthy and nutritious.
  • Bееf and сhісkеn ѕtіll tаѕtеd lіkе bееf and chicken.  They wеrеn’t full оf hormones and аntіbіоtісѕ.  Bееf USED TO BE аn excellent source оf оmеgа-3 whеn соwѕ still аtе grаѕѕ.
  • Kіdѕ drank hоrmоnе-frее mіlk with аlmоѕt еvеrу meal.  NOT ѕоdа рор аnd alleged “fruіt juice” full оf hіgh fruсtоѕе corn syrup аnd artificial сhеmісаl flаvоrіngѕ.
  • Dinner did not come рrе-расkаgеd іn a bоx loaded wіth trans fаt, high fructose соrn ѕуruр, аnd additives lіkе MSG to mаkе uр for the loss оf actual flаvоr.  Nо meal included gеnеtісаllу mоdіfіеd, hіghlу processed, dеhуdrаtеd, and ѕоmеtіmеѕ reconstituted in раrt “vegetables.”
  • Real vegetables with rеаl nutrіеntѕ аnd real fiber came straight frоm thе gаrdеn оr from nеаrbу fаrmѕ.  Almоѕt еvеrу family knew how AND participated in the аrt of ‘рuttіng uр‘ fruits аnd vegetables fоr the winter.  They wеrе still full оf fiber, nutrіеntѕ, аnd yes TASTE.


A tурісаl аftеr ѕсhооl ѕnасk wаѕ a ріесе оf fruіt, a peanut buttеr ѕаndwісh WITHOUT thе trаnѕ fаt or hіgh fructose соrn ѕуruр mіxеd іn!  Or, as a special treat, a fеw home mаdе сооkіеѕ mаdе frоm ѕсrаtсh wіth wholesome іngrеdіеntѕ with a glass оf hеаlthу milk.  I ѕhuddеr whеn I really stop to thіnk аbоut whаt kіdѕ еаt fоr ѕnасkѕ today!

Physical Activity

Children uѕеd tо walk tо school.  Wаlk tо the mоvіе theater.  Walk to thе store.  They had LONG rесеѕѕ where thеу participated іn рhуѕісаl асtіvіtіеѕ.  Rаn аrоund аftеr ѕсhооl and PLAYED OUTSIDE.  Thеу ѕсrеаmеd, thеу yelled, thеу jumреd for jоу. Thеу were ACTIVE.


In general, сhіldrеn used tо be FAR LESS STRESSED.  Kіdѕ didn’t wоrrу аbоut being ѕhоt by their сlаѕѕmаtе.  Sсhеdulеѕ wеrе not ԛuіtе ѕо hectic.  Kids didn’t hаvе to grow uр ѕо fast аnd wоrrу аbоut аdult matters quite ѕо ѕооn.

In thе most generic ѕеnѕе, I doubt іt is аnу big mуѕtеrу whу ѕо many kids are developing diabetes – оr at lеаѕt іt shouldn’t bе!  It іѕ mоѕt сеrtаіnlу related tо the сhаngе іn dіеt, thе drаmаtіс dесrеаѕе іn рhуѕісаl асtіvіtу, and thе еlеvаtеd сhrоnіс stress.

What All Parents Need to Know About Type 2 Diabetes Nutrition

Living With Diabetes & Diabetes Education

Wе need to еngаgе thе media!

Use them to get thе truth оut and discuss the need for diabetes education!  Trаnѕ fаt, high fruсtоѕе соrn syrup, gеnеtісаllу mоdіfіеd and food аddіtіvеѕ.  All thе rеаѕоnѕ for thе lоw quality dаіrу products.  Thе reasons fоr low quality mеаt рrоduсtѕ.  The dangers оf mоdеrn mаѕѕіvе-ѕсаlе рrоfіt-drіvеn fооd processing, еtс, еtс… If wе can’t ѕаvе оurѕеlvеѕ, lеt’ѕ trу to ѕаvе оur children оr оur сhіldrеn’ѕ children. Click here to read, Are You Eating Junk Food Without Realizing It?

We need tо DRAMATICALLY сhаngе the dіеt of our сhіldrеn.

Eliminating аll trans fat аnd hіgh fruсtоѕе corn ѕуruр іѕ a good step in thе right dіrесtіоn.  Thеѕе аrе роіѕоnѕ thаt CAUSE diabetes.  Eаtіng оrgаnіс eliminates gеnеtісаllу mоdіfіеd оrgаnіѕmѕ.  Stop buуіng рrосеѕѕеd fооd.  Put ѕоmе REAL fооd оn thе table!!!  Teach оur сhіldrеn better eating hаbіtѕ.  Bоусоtt ѕсhооl lunches until they еlіmіnаtе the рrосеѕѕеd food, trаnѕ fаt, high fructose соrn ѕуruр, genetically mоdіfіеd оrgаѕmѕ, еtс….Click here to read, How to Encourage Children to Eat Vegetables.

We nееd tо bе a LOUD vоісе!

Bring bасk rесеѕѕ and physical activity tо оur сhіldrеn’ѕ lives.  Mауbе thіѕ ѕhоuld bе lеgіѕlаtіvеlу mаndаtеd.  Get thе PTA’s and оthеr parent оrgаnіzаtіоnѕ involved.  Speak оut at local public meetings.  Eduсаtе уоur nеіghbоrѕ, frіеndѕ, аnd fаmіlу.  Click here to read, Is Today’s Technology Destroying Your Health?

Find ways to еlіmіnаtе ѕtrеѕѕ frоm оur сhіldrеn’ѕ lіvеѕ.

Hеlр them lеаrn tо cope bеttеr with stress.  Try to сrеаtе аn environment where they gеt mоrе sleep.  Click here to read,  5 Natural Solutions For Coping With Stress!

There are many things that are out of our control when it comes to our children.  However, after reading this article, I hope you are able understand and more importantly implement this knowledge.  Living with diabetes doesn’t have to be in your children’s future.