Leaky Gut Syndrome And It’s Connection To Fibromyalgia

leaky gut syndrome
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Recent studies have identified a connection between chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and a leaky gut. Alterations in the gut, or ‘leaky gut’ is an increased intestinal permeability disorder. This condition is a recent phenomenon, and ongoing research is being conducted to help health practitioners fully understand the condition and to better assist their patients. Leaky gut syndrome is of great interest to people with fibromyalgia. This is due to the proposed link between the two conditions.  Here is a review of the correlation between the leaky gut and fibromyalgia and some of the top ways to treat it.

What Is Leaky Gut?

The intestinal lining beneath our stomach is usually referred to as the gut. The lining is meant to act as a barrier to prevent toxins and bacteria from being absorbed in the bloodstream. However sometimes the gut may develop holes or cracks, a condition referred to as “leaky gut”. When this happens food, toxins and other elements are allowed to penetrate the blood. As a result, this leads to inflammation in the gut system, frequently causing digestive problems. The bacterial development in the gut is reported to result in other chronic conditions. Fibromyalgia being one of those.

Who Can Experience A Leaky Gut?

Everyone has a certain level of a leaky gut since the intestinal lining is not completely impermeable. However, some people may experience some genetic changes which may alter their digestive system. Thus resulting in the cracks or holes in the gut lining. Other common causes of a leaky gut include:

Therefore, anyone can experience the leaky gut condition depending on a number of lifestyle factors.

leaky gut symptoms

Correlation Between Fibromyalgia And A Leaky Gut Condition

Fibromyalgia is a condition of chronic widespread pain. Frequently accompanied by sleep and memory loss as well as depression. Believed to be connected to the increased intestinal permeability associated with leaky gut. Severe widespread pain of fibromyalgia can be a result of the release of toxins and other molecules into the bloodstream.

This can also lead to severe headaches and general body weakness. A genetic mutation associated with fibromyalgia is also connected to the increased permeability of the gut walls. Studies have shown fibromyalgia sufferers to have gut alterations, linking the two conditions.

Treating Leaky Gut

Increased intestinal permeability is still a new disorder. Significant conditions linked to leaky gut syndrome include;

Therefore, healing the gut is seen as the solution to numerous related health problems including fibromyalgia. Healthcare practitioners are now focusing on proper nutrition to do this by eliminating;

Addressing food allergies is also key. Steps such as these have significantly helped people battling leaky gut syndrome and rebuild the gut to its original state.

Final Thoughts

Fibromyalgia is a condition that significantly impacts millions of lives all over the world.  Sadly, medical treatment of this condition has fallen far short of the needs of the fibromyalgia community.  However, healthcare practitioners are advocating for fibromyalgia sufferers to stick to a proper and healing nutrition plan. Preventing the absorption of toxins and bacteria into the bloodstream and as a result helping to treat the fibromyalgia condition. Regular exercise and stress reduction have also been proved to help in treating this condition.

Your one step closer!

Best Essential Oils – These Are More Than Just Herbs

best essential oils

The culture of medicine is changing. There has been a huge movement in the past decade towards natural healthcare. We see droves of people heading to their local health store in search of natural ways to take care of their health such as the best essential oils. Of course there is always a time and place for modern medicine, but the two can work hand in hand.

Essential oils are one of the many options available to anyone looking for a natural alternative. While the mainstream use of essential oils continues to grow, oils have been around for centuries. The Egyptians used plant extracts for health and religious reasons. In fact, Jean Valnet used oils to successfully treat injured soldiers in WWII. Today we use these as simple and effective solutions for wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

Be The Healer In Your Home

For those of you who may not be familiar with essential oils. You may be asking yourself, “How can these drops of oil help?”.  Oil use is spreading like wildfire because more and more people are learning about research being done, and are finding out that essential oils are legit! Your life can be powerfully affected by these oils. Even if you don’t know much about them yet.

Essential oils are more than just herbs! They are volatile aromatic compounds that are up to 70 times more potent than herbs. Using essential oils may seem foreign, but with the right guidance they can be a simple and rewarding addition to every medicine cabinet. With proper use there are no side effects and they work quickly and effectively.

Click here to read, “5 Ways To Heal The Mind & Body By Using This One Oil!”.

essential oil blends

Best Essential Oils

When your child wakens during the night with an upset stomach, you can feel confident reaching for essential oils to settle them. Bug bites, burns and most common ailments and so much more can be supported with these amazing drops of oil. For example;

Peppermint Essential Oil

A single drop of certified pure peppermint oil can be all you need to tackle your next headache, digestive or respiratory discomfort, or maybe just your bad breath!

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is widely know for its calming and relaxing qualities. However it is such a versatile oil that it is also used for many skin conditions such as;

It can be particularly useful with sleep and stress. With proper dilution essential oils can be used for everyone in the family.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon can be used to cleanse and purify the air using a cool-mist diffuser. It is an uplifting and energizing oil that can help improve mood. Lemon essential oil can naturally cleanse the body and aid in digestion. When combined with lavender and peppermint, it can support those with seasonal discomfort.

Choosing The Right Oils For You

There are more than 90 essentials oils. Each of which contains hundreds of different compounds, providing versatile abilities to combat threats. Understanding their potency and safe usage practices is important for everyone just starting out. There are many resources about essential oils that can help you on your journey. But note that not all essential oils are created equally. So do your research before picking up your next bottle.

For more information, click here to read, “Have you heard of this miracle oil? You should be using it!”

You may also enjoy, “What Exactly Is Homeopathy?”

Alzheimer’s Awareness – Crucial For Your Health

Alzheimer's Awareness

If I were to ask you to name any of the top deadly diseases you would likely include cancer and heart disease at the top of your list. But did you know the fastest rising deadly disease, yes deadly; is Alzheimer’s disease. With a new case diagnosed every 65 seconds it’s no wonder there is so much emphasis needed on Alzheimer’s awareness.

In addition, on our quest to live longer and longer, succumbing to it may be inevitable. Especially if we’re not prepared to change our ways and take an entirely different and new approach to living.

Alzheimer’s Disease – Flip A Coin

Let’s make this as straightforward as possible. Please pull out a coin and flip it. Now if you plan on living to 85 years of age;

  • Heads – you’ll get Alzheimer’s
  • Tails – you won’t

If you have a spouse, on average that means there’s a 100% chance that either you’ll have it or you’ll be taking care of your spouse who does. Do you really want to cross your fingers and leave your health and your life to the flip of a coin?

If you plan to live to 85 years of age and beyond,

you have a 1 in 2 chance that you will suffer from Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia

“But I’m young and invincible. I’m not really worried about what happens to me when I’m 85.” Well, when it comes to Alzheimer’s awareness, there’s 2 things to consider;

1) If you’ve ever been close to someone suffering from Alzheimer’s you might change that thought.

2) You need to appreciate that Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease. It starts at least 20 to 30 years before it’s diagnosed. Combine that with the fact that many are diagnosed in their 60’s. Not to mention those with early-onset Alzheimer’s (to be discussed in a future article). The time to take action is in your 20’s and 30’s. In fact, believe it or not, experts believe Alzheimer’s prevention should begin in utero.

Click here to read, “5 Ways To Keep Your Brain Healthy!”

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Dementia – You Die Before You Die

Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disease affecting memory and thought. It is the most common form of dementia and leaves its victims with significant loss of memory to the point where they can;

  • Fail to recognize their closest friends and loved ones
  • Forget how to perform everyday tasks
  • Suffer severe mental confusion and anxiety

Sadly, this can result in extreme loneliness. It is a terrible way to spend the last years of your life for both the person afflicted and those who care for them. In reality, Alzheimer’s is such a dreaded disease that you die before you die. Your memories, life experiences, and remembering how to do the most basic of activities are all gone. All and sometimes long before your eventual death.

What Exactly Is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s disease is currently the 6th leading and fastest rising cause of death in the United States. Affecting over 5.8 million Americans and over 50 million worldwide. Furthermore, it is the only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States where medical treatments are unable to cure, prevent or slow the progression of the disease to any appreciable degree.

signs of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s Awareness

The following hallmark features include;

  1. Decreased production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
  2. Free radical damage to brain cells
  3. Beta-amyloid protein plaque build-up
  4. Neurofibrillary tangles
  5. Loss of insulin (and IGF-1) receptor and signaling on neuron membranes
  6. Shrinkage of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus as well as enlarged ventricles

There is no medical cure to prevent or slow Alzheimer’s

Why Do People Die From Alzheimer’s?

Although Alzheimer’s disease shortens people’s life spans, it is usually not the direct cause of a person’s death. Rather, people die from complications from the illness. The actual death of a person with Alzheimer’s may be caused by another condition due to their frailness as the disease progresses.

Their ability to cope with infection and other physical problems will be impaired due to the progression of the dementia. Furthermore, one forgets the most basic of activities, including self-care. Sadly the body eventually shuts down as the condition progresses.

Click here to read “Diabetes – The Hidden Cause Of Alzheimer’s?”

So What Do We Do?

In my next article I’ll talk about the different stages of Alzheimer’s. I’ll also discuss current Alzheimer’s treatment. Why it’s so sadly ineffective and what we should be doing instead if we are ever going to prevent the nightmare from ever occurring in the first place.

Furthermore, as I stated earlier, if you think that this is a disease that you only need to worry about once you become a senior citizen, you’ll discover how sadly mistaken you are and why Alzheimer’s awareness is so important.

Top 4 Sleep Well Tips For Better Health

sleep well

Sleep is the most important aspect of self-care and yet so many people neglect it or simply just can’t sleep well. Think about it this way; If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then sleep is the kitchen you make your breakfast in. According to surveys such as the World Sleep Day Survey Report, and National sleep surveys such as The Great British Bedtime report; when it comes to sleep, most of us either:

  • Avoid it
  • Delay it
  • Not able to do it or get enough of it (due to multiple factors)

The biggest issues these surveys are reporting are:

  1. Adults are not getting enough sleep (particularly women)
  2. People do not have the appropriate routines to get to sleep

According to the World Sleep Day Survey Report (2018), adults recognize the importance of regular meal times and sticking to a morning routine to help them wake up. However, what is forgotten is a routine of getting to sleep and sticking to a regular bedtime. 

Finding A Solution To Sleep Well

So how do we correct this? We are all individuals, so what works for one person won’t necessarily work for someone else. However, there are a number of different processes that can be developed for an individual sleep routine that can suit your personal needs. Here are some basic rules that everyone should stick to.

a set bedtime
  1. Always Keep To A Fixed Bedtime

Having an irregular sleep time can be detrimental to your health. So although it may make you feel like a tall child, you need to have a set bedtime as well. Even if it’s the weekend and you don’t need to be ‘up in the morning’.

2. Electronic Device Free Zone

Making the last hour before bed as electronic device free time is very important. This means no;

  • Computer
  • TV
  • Ipad
  • Smartphone

During this time you could take part in relaxing activities such as;

This time is yours, free from any screens. When it’s dark in the evenings (and this will change according to the seasons), it can be helpful to add a blue light filter onto your phone.

blue light filter

Most phones come with this as standard now however you can also use a program called “f.lux” on computers which will work to reduce light from your screen. This will happen automatically according to the time of day and the season.

There’s a lot more to say on light and colour for aiding good sleep patterns, but I’ll stop there as blue light and its impact on our circadian rhythm is a topic I want to address with more detail in a future post. 

3. Bedtime Routine

Make sure that the bedroom is only used for sleep. Your brain is stupid. Not you specifically, all of our brains are dumb. It will associate the bedroom with being active if you work, watch TV, or do anything that is not relaxing in the bedroom. Keep that room as a place of rest.

4. Avoid Alcohol, Nicotine And Coffee

Although relaxing (apart from coffee!), these are all big no-nos for a good night slumber. They will keep you too stimulated to fall asleep. Alcohol will and does make you sleepy, but it disrupts your sleep-cycle so you are not getting quality sleep. 

In addition to these basic rules, there is a technique that can help some people but personally it does not work for me. If you cannot sleep, rather than lingering in bed unhappy, just get up for a bit and try to relax away from your bed.

Personally, for me this just makes me feel more irritated with the lack of sleep as I notice things around the house that I should have done. Or my cat wants to have lots of attention and I just end up thinking about things that are not helping me to rest.

However, I bring this up as this does work for some people and is often recommended so give this a try and see if it works for you.

sleep hygene

Final Thoughts

From these basic points we can develop our sleep routine to our individual needs. CBT activities and changing the way that you think about sleep can also help you get a better sleep.

There are a number of techniques that can help with this, and I will write about them in the future. However, I will tell you if your attitude to going to bed is similar to your 10 year old of  “5 more minutes”, you are not going to get a good night’s sleep.

You need to approach bed like Peter Pan with only Happy thoughts. Saying mantras (in your head, obviously, I’m sure any bed partners that you have would not appreciate this), such as: 

  • It feels good to be still and calm
  • I settle into my bed, my whole body is relaxed
  • My breath is deep, and slow, moving like the tide
  • It’s a relief to be this relaxed, to be in bed
  • This moment of peace is a gift and is my time

If you are able to monitor your thoughts or do a guided meditation, it can really help you get to sleep. Deep breathing and tensing and relaxing your body (Progressive Muscle relaxation) are all very effective at helping someone to get to sleep. Furthermore they are easily done once you are in bed. 

For information on “The Healthiest Sleep Postures”, click here.

Obviously, there is a lot of information to unpack. This is just an overview to get a discussion occurring with yourself. This is your self care. This is your time. Remember you deserve rest! Let’s start reducing the number of sheep we count. 

Does a Multi Vitamin Really Make Us Healthier?

multi vitamin

When I first started my practice, I followed suit with what a number of others were doing. I offered my patients a multi vitamin along with other supplements because it was the thing to do. My catalog of products from companies lists HUNDREDS of supplements as there was literally a “pill for every ill” (deficiency)

It wasn’t until years later that I began questioning whether they were doing what they claimed to do. Mind you, the patients who took supplements regularly were more proactive and generally embraced healthier lifestyle practices. But, do we need them? Is it just clever marketing? Or a way for business practice to increase revenue? Where is the evidence that they’re clinically effective or even safe?

CoQ10, CoQ10 Benefits, Benefits of CoQ10, CoQ10 side effects, what is CoQ10

Quest For Answers

My journey searching for answers began by contacting supplement suppliers. Requesting meetings with district reps and asking for research that supported their claims made on the labels.

I was ruthlessly meticulous in this undertaking. If I wasn’t satisfied with the answers I received, I immediately pulled the product from my shelves. I went from offering over 10 products to 5 and then finally down to 3.

I broke ties with consultants that suggested supplements were necessary in building a practice and fired the majority of my suppliers. Now I had to have the honest conversation with my patients that not all supplements were essential for healthier living. In some cases, they can even be unsafe.

More Is Not Always Better

I recall as an intern meeting a patient who had permanent liver damage because she overdosed on iron supplements. Her family physician had ordered blood work that indicated she had low Iron levels and suggested supplementation. 

Unfortunately, more is not always better. After taking the recommended dose and seeing no increase in her levels, she continued to take more until one day she had caused irreversible liver damage. This was a supplement that anyone could easily purchase from a drug or natural food store.

Click here to read, “The Role of Iron in Your Diet”.

Proof Is NOT In The Pudding

Most supplements have no sufficient clinical data to support their continued use. Also, I realized people who were supplementing for years showed little to any improvement in their conditions.

A supplement is intended to address a temporary deficiency where without such supplementation, would lead to less than optimal bodily function. I felt as if I was enabling poor behavior that lead to ultimate failure in clinical outcomes.  Especially for those patients who where using a multi vitamin or supplements and not changing their lifestyle to address their deficiency. 

In fact, If you read the stats, you will learn that the vitamin industry rakes in billions but were consumers getting any healthier? My feeling was that they weren’t. 

Replace The Multi Vitamin With A Good Diet!

The reality is that people must get most of their nutrients and minerals naturally through food. Good food is what most people need to introduce into their diets to help them achieve;

The only argument in favour of supplementation is when the product is ESSENTIAL for optimal living. Here are my top 3 essentials.

vitamin d

1. Vitamin D

Technically, Vitamin D is not necessary during summer months for most healthy people. Just go outside and look up during the day. See that bright structure in the sky? It’s called the sun and it’s responsible for activating the Vitamin D3 through your skin by way of certain ultraviolet rays it emits. Here’s the best part. It’s FREE. But what about Winter months in Northern climates like Canada? This is where it’s needed in greater amounts because a healthy-er dose is not absorbed for OPTIMAL function.

The Sunshine Vitamin!

You certainly may not die if you don’t get enough.  However, certain populations are particularly at risk.  For example, the elderly as they may spend increased time indoors and do not (or can not) partake in the type of physical activity needed to build stronger bones.

Significant deficiency can also lead to diseases like Rickets. In these circumstances Vitamin D is strongly encouraged. This is why in Canada (particularly Ontario), the public health insurance program pays for Vitamin D testing for people at risk of osteoporosis as well as other conditions. 

omega 3

2. Omega-3

The second essential product that is necessary are Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Truth be told, we could get these from eating varieties of wild caught fish. However, ask yourself this, “how much fish did you consume in the last 30 days?” For most of us the answer will clearly be “not enough.” Which is why it is essential for the promotion of health and prevention of disease.

Click here if you’re interested in learning more about the role of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (mainly DHA and EPA). 


3. Probiotics

The third and last supplement I encourage and recommend to patients are probiotics. Probiotics are species of bacteria with health promoting properties that we need for proper digestion of food and immune defense. However, most of us think of bacteria as bad. While we are quick to take antibiotics which attack illness promoting bacteria, not all bacteria are the same.

Good bacteria are needed in our gastrointestinal tract because they help maintain a healthy environment in our guts. They were personally a life-saver for me after taking antibiotics for many years in my youth to constantly battle throat infections.

Click here to read, “What’s The Big Deal About Probiotics?”

Final Thoughts

I know a number of researchers will back the opinions I’ve outlined in this article. However, eating healthy natural whole foods will significantly improve;

Taking a multi vitamin or supplements should NOT take the place of a balanced and healthy diet. Keep it simple folks. Answers are right in front of you and have sustained our species since we began walking this Earth. It’s time we started looking within as the answer is not always in a pill bottle.

Keto Nutrition – 10 Common Mistakes People Make & How to Fix Them

keto nutrition

Keto nutrition;  “How difficult can it be? Just cut carbs and up your fats!”   If only it were that easy. Once you get into the swing of things, following a ketogenic diet is relatively straightforward. However, for keto novices, it’s a complex world of carb counting, measuring ketones, and determining what food is deemed “keto friendly” and what food isn’t.

A low carb high fat diet can be effective for anyone. However, there are a number of common keto mistakes people continue to make. Avoiding these mistakes will not only help you burn ketones properly without plateauing or feeling fatigued but also make your ketogenic journey a more enjoyable one.

Here are 10 common mistakes people starting a keto diet make and how you can fix them.

1. Eating Too Much Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient, there’s no doubt about it. However, the majority of people don’t consume enough. Protein is beneficial in many ways as it helps you;

  • Feel full
  • Reduces cravings
  • Repairs muscles after working out
  • Help promote weight loss (if you get the balance right)

One of the biggest mistakes made by people following a very low-carb diet is that they actually end up consuming too much. And when this happens, some of the amino acids from the protein are converted into glucose (i.e. sugar) through a metabolic process known as gluconeogenesis. When this happens it can prevent you from getting into a state of ketosis.

A good rule of thumb is to consume 0.5-2.0 grams of protein for every kilo of body weight. If you work out, you’ll need a little more.


2. Not Getting The Right Amount Of Electrolytes

Keto flu is common, especially when first beginning a keto diet. Other side effects you might experience include;

These could be a sign that your body is adjusting or it could also mean you’re not getting enough electrolytes. Generally, when you first start a keto nutrition diet, you urinate more because you’re releasing stored water from the glycogen you’re burning.  Thus can cause dehydration and a loss of minerals.

So, include more electrolytes in your diet. For beginners, who already have too much to think about, taking an electrolyte supplement usually solves the problem. Adding more keto friendly nutrient-dense foods into your diet will also help.  Examples of good keto nutrition include;

3. Not Meal Planning

Initially, there are many things you need to remember when starting a keto diet. This combined with a busy lifestyle often means there’s limited time to think of, prepare, and cook a healthy keto-friendly meal. Meal prepping for a keto diet helps enormously! Especially in the early days when your body craves food and sugar. Without planning meals, it’s very easy to fall off the wagon.

So, write grocery lists.  Plan your shopping trips. Prep meals for the rest of the week, and store them in airtight containers. Having a healthy keto-friendly meal on hand will stop you from reaching for the phone and calling for a takeout.

eyesight, how to improve eyesight, do carrots help your eyesight, eyesight test, how to get better eyesight

4. Not Sleeping Enough

Not getting enough quality sleep can increase stress hormones, which results in cravings and unwanted fat gain. When you have bad sleeping habits, it’ll inevitably affect other areas of your life as well. A lack of sleep causes irritability and drowsiness, which will affect both your personal and professional life.

When this happens, your stress levels will increase, which could lead to making impulsive decisions, wrong food choices, and cheating. All off which can kick you out of ketosis. In short, sleep is paramount. To maintain your energy and lose weight effectively, adequate sleep is a must.

Sleep Tips

To help ensure you get your 8 hours of healthy uninterrupted sleep each night try to;

5. Overeating High Inflammatory Foods

A keto diet usually has anti-inflammatory benefits, however, there are some low carb high-fat foods that can trigger inflammation. One big keto mistake is relying on processed meats, such as sausage, salami and vegetable oils just because the macro ratios are in line with the keto diet.

These highly-processed foods cause inflammation in the body and also leave you feeling fatigued.

Instead of eating processed foods, replace them with grass-fed meats and organic low-carb veggies. Avoid consuming lower quality oils like canola, peanut, and soybean oil. Instead use butter, coconut oil, MCT oil, ghee, and extra virgin olive oil.

sugar on keto

6. Relying On Artificial Sweeteners

Staying within your macros limit is essential, but this doesn’t give you license to eat and drink whatever you like. Artificial sweeteners may seem like the answer when it comes to getting your “sweet fix”, but sweeteners, such as saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame can lead to gut irritations and inflammation. This can leave you bloated, constipated, and lethargic. What’s more, getting your “fix” can send messages to your brain, reminding you of your taste for sugar, which can often lead to caving in and eating sugary foods.

Ideally, you want to train your body not to want sugar from the very beginning. Avoid sugary sodas. Rather, drink fizzy water with a bit of lemon squeezed in it. Alternatively, try taking some exogenous ketones. But if you really want something sweet, try adding natural sweeteners, such as monk fruit and stevia.

Click here to read, “Stroke And Heart Attack Linked To Drinking This!”

7. Not Eating Enough Fats

The idea of eating all the bacon you like is pretty appealing, but the truth is many people don’t eat enough fat when following a ketogenic diet. This is partly because we have previously been taught that fats make us fat.

Click here to read, “Best Diet For Weight Loss”.

When cutting back on carbs drastically, it’s essential you replace these calories with some calories from healthy fats. Not consuming enough fat can negatively affect your hormone function and metabolism in the future. When following a keto diet, these healthy fats are your main source of energy, and are what essentially help you enter ketosis.

Approximately 70% of your macros should be made up of healthy fats. Add healthy fats where possible. In order to help you hit your fat intake levels, take small actions such as;

  • Sprinkling cheese on meals
  • Cooking with coconut oil or other keto-friendly oils
  • Drinking bulletproof coffee with MCT oil
  • Eating more healthy fat-friendly foods such as avocados
hidden carbs

8. Not Paying Attention To Hidden Carbs

One of the biggest reasons why beginner ketoers fail when starting the keto diet is that they consume carbs without even realizing it. There are hidden carbs everywhere! Namely in the form of sugar that comes under different guises. “Healthy” juices are the some of the worst – they’re packed with sugar! But you’ll even find these hidden carbs in “healthy” protein bars, condiments like ketchup and most fruits.

Click here to read, “Are you eating junk food without realizing it?”

The best way to avoid these hidden carbs is to;

  • Avoid all starchy vegetables
  • Make your meals from scratch
  • Learn how to read nutritional information on labels correctly

Click here to read, “How To Read Labels Like a Pro and Cut Grocery Shopping Time In Half”.

When you start the keto diet, it’s advisable to find 3-4 simple keto-friendly meals that you like and can’t go wrong with such as bacon and eggs.  Continue rotating these meals until you enter ketosis. Once you enter ketosis, you can slowly start adding other meals to your repertoire.

9. Not Knowing Your Ketone Levels

When you follow the keto diet properly, your body’s ketone levels will increase.  This is a sign you’re becoming fat adapted and therefore in ketosis. This is when you effectively know that you’re doing things right and you’re on your way to hitting your target. However, one mistake keto beginners make is that they have no idea whether they’re in ketosis or not. Meaning they won’t truly know whether their efforts are in vain or not.

There are a few keto symptoms that you can look out for when you finally become fat adapted. It is likely you’ll experience temporary bad breath as more ketones mean there are higher acetone levels in the mouth. Sudden weight loss can also indicate that you’re in ketosis due to water loss.

Another hallmark of a keto diet is reduced blood sugar levels and an increase in ketones.  This is why it’s always a good idea to measure your ketone levels, especially when starting the ketogenic diet. This can be done by using a specialized breathalyzer, which calculates how much beta-hydroxybutyrate you have in your blood. It effectively measures your ketone levels at the same time. When your blood ketones range from 0.5-3.0 mmol/L, it is a sign you’re in nutritional ketosis.

low carb vegetables

10. Not Eating Vegetables

Many people think that all vegetables have carbs and therefore avoid them completely. However, when doing that they miss out on a range of essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fiber is especially important.

According to the American Heart Association Eating Plan, the recommended daily dietary guidelines for fiber intake from food (not supplements) is 25-30 grams. However, the average American adult only consumes approximately 15 grams a day. Fiber helps combat cravings, makes you feel fuller and can also help you become more regular. Thus also helps to reduce bloating.

There are actually a lot of low-carb vegetables that are considered to be keto-friendly. Avoid eating high-carb vegetables such as;

  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Squash

Instead, fill up on vegetables such as;

  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Zucchini

Final Thoughts

A keto diet is a great diet if you want to lose weight, improve your mental clarity and more. This diet takes time to get used to and it’s more than just cutting carbs and eating more bacon and steak. If you discover you’re not getting the results you want, try some of the above tips and learn how to avoid those rookie keto errors.

For further reading, click here for “Keto For Dummies – Beginners Guide For Keto”.

Are You Eating Junk Food Without Realizing It?

food labels

Ever wonder how healthy your diet is? Do you eat clean but still carry extra pounds? If so, take a closer look at food labels. Many so-called “healthy” foods are actually junk food in disguise. You might be eating a lot of sugar and trans fats without even realizing it. Sadly, manufactures are using food labels as a marketing tool, making claims that are far from the truth.

Misleading Marketing

There is so much misinformation and misunderstandings when it comes to food. Furthermore, thousands of cases have been filed against big food manufacturers like Heinz and Nestle for misleading people by wrongly labeling products. They often do this even when the food is packed with chemicals and processed ingredients. Sadly, the bottom line is that you can’t trust health claims on food packaging.

A good example is the phrase “all natural.” Foods labeled “all natural” may be injected with sodium or contain preservatives. Some are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, refined sugar, and other “natural” ingredients that are anything but healthy.

Don’t forget about multigrain bread and crackers. Most times, these products are no healthier than their refined counterparts. They actually have caramel coloring to trick you into believing that they’re made with whole grains. Unless the label says “100% whole wheat,” stay away from it.

how to reduce blood sugar level immediately, reducing sugar, how to reduce blood sugar level, how to reduce sugar level home remedies

Don’t Get Fooled With ‘Key Words’

Other examples are fat free and sugar free foods. Fruit juice, cereals, flavored yogurt, and other so-called healthy foods may not have added sugar, but they still contain natural sugars, maltodextrin, or high fructose corn syrup.

Additionally, sugar free foods are typically high in fat. Those labeled as fat free are rich in sugar. Some of the most common misleading words and phrases used on food labels include;

  • Cholesterol free
  • No sugar added
  • Immunity blend
  • Free range
  • Light
  • Lightly sweetened
  • Made with real fruit
  • 100% natural

The best thing you can do is to read food labels carefully. If sugar, white flour, or hydrogenated oils are listed among the first ingredients, move on. This will ensure you’re getting the most nutritional bang for your buck.

For additional information, click here to read “The Important Role Fruit Stickers Play On Our Health!”

Benefits Of Watermelon – Could It Be The New ‘Miracle’ Fruit?

how many carbs in watermelon
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Watermelon can be enjoyed in so many different ways. You can slice it, smoothie it, carve it, grill it, dunk it, drink it…Mmmm.  Are you salivating yet? If you aren’t doing it already, it’s time to have some fun with watermelon. This melon allows us to be both creative and adventurous. In addition, there are many health benefits of watermelon to go along with it. 

Benefits Of Watermelon

Watermelon is filled with nutrients, minerals and water. It contains few calories, is delicious and refreshing. It’s a great dietary source of two powerful plant compounds; lycopene and citrulline.

I once dreaded the thought of cutting bulky watermelons. Then I learned an easy technique to cut and chunk a watermelon in just a few minutes.  Before you turn your head to watermelon and its many health benefits, watch this video and let me show you how easy it is to cut a watermelon. By the end of the video you will be running to the store to grab this iconic summer fruit to try this technique yourself.

Watermelon has a mouthwatering flavor with no added sugar. Add to that the nutritional value and you have yourself a fruit your ready to work with! Here are some things watermelon can help with:

    1. Kidney Function – Have you heard that watermelon helps kidney function? Many kidney organizations and foundations have recommended watermelon as a healthy recipe for those with kidney disease. Watermelon contains Lycopene which is a fat-soluble antioxidant. This is the key ingredient benefiting kidney function.
    2. Detox – Watermelon is made up of 92 % water.  By virtue of being high in water content, this fruit induces urination.  As such, it can be very helpful in cleaning kidneys and other organs. In addition, the presence of antioxidants in watermelon also aid in slowing down premature aging that result in age spots that form on the skin. Combine that with its vitamin A content and this melon is sure to make your skin smile.
    3. Digestion – Watermelon contains dietary fiber for digestive health.  The high-water content also reduces the chance of constipation. Looking for more regular bowel movements?  Start slicing!  Click here to read, “Gut Problems? 7 Key Steps For Healthy Digestion”.
    4. Blood Pressure & Heart Health – That’s right! Sipping watermelon smoothies can lower and regulate blood pressure.  Thanks to its Citrulline content, watermelon can help reduce blood pressure. Citrulline has an antioxidant role but also has a strong role in vasodilation. The American Journal of Hypertension published a study showing that watermelon extract plays a key role in lowering blood pressure for people with hypertension.  In addition to the vasodilation effects of Citrulline, watermelons high amount of potassium and magnesium also play a role in a healthy heart. Citrulline and potassium are vasodilators.  This means they help regulate tension on arteries and blood vessels.  When arteries are dilated, there is less tension or pressure in the arterial walls which helps with stimulation of blood flow.  Thus reduce stress, especially on the cardiovascular system.  In addition to eating watermelon, those with prehypertension may want to consider talking to their Family Health Advocacy Doctor about taking a L-citrulline supplement.  Beta-carotene found in this watermelon not only gives this melon its vibrant color, but it’s also known to be a great antioxidant.  In addition it has anti-aging properties that can help in preventing age-related cardiac problems.  Click here to read, “Are You A Ticking Time Bomb? Try This Simple Exercise To Find Out Your Risk Of Heart Disease”.
    5. Controlling Diabetes – Many have heard the myth that watermelon is not good because its high in sugar or has a high glycemic index. Although the sweet taste may have you fooled, the truth is that it is not high in sugar. The fructose does contain a high glycemic index.  However, the glycemic load (how blood sugar responds to a particular food) is low.   Despite being sweet, it contains very few calories.  90% of its total weight is water. Packed with potassium and magnesium, this fruit helps aid in the proper functioning of insulin in the body. For those with diabetes, small amounts of watermelon in moderation can be beneficial to your health and a great guilt free snack
    6. Anticancer Properties – Recently, watermelons have gained a lot of interest.  Imparticular, dieticians and researchers are further studying its impressive level of lycopene. Lycopene has shown to reduce risks of prostate, lung, colon and endometrial cancer.  Watermelons phytonutrients (beta carotene and lycopene) may help in boosting the immune system, protect against oxidation and inflammation and will inhibit cancer cell growth with watermelons generous vitamin C levels. Therefore, this is a fantastic food to add to your cancer prevention diet.
    7. Relief From Impotence – Watermelon contains citrulline which turns into L-arginine in the body. L-arginine creates nitric oxide which is a gas that helps dilate blood vessels. Citrulline not only helps dilate blood vessel walls and help reduce blood pressure, but it also does the same to blood vessels in a man’s genitalia. With increased blood flow, there is an increase in erectile function.What are you waiting for? Grab some watermelon and enjoy the results.
benefits of watermelon

Nutritional Value of Watermelon

The health benefits of watermelon are vast. From enhanced recovery to staying hydrated.  In addition to disease prevention, providing vital nutrients, and many other benefits.

The beneficial elements of watermelon are mainly obtained from its unique mix of;

  • Nutrients
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Organic compounds

Notable vitamins include:

There are also a wide variety of phytonutrients and carotenoids including citrulline and lycopene.

Watermelon is low in sugar and high in nutrients and flavor! In comparison to other fruits this ratio is favorable.  

For those who are counting, watermelon is also low in calories. Only 46 calories per cup to be exact. Compare that to bananas which are 150 calories per cup of sliced or 200 calories per 1 cup of mashed banana.

On the note of calories, let’s be clear, the quality of food and what you are eating is far more important than the calorie count. A Hersey chocolate bar of 200 calories is far different then the 1 cup of mashed banana. 

watermelon juice benefits

How Many Carbs in Watermelon?

With 92% water and 8% carbs, watermelon contains little to no protein or fat and is very low in carbs.  So that equates to about 15-22g of carbs per slice depending on the size.

The Take Home

This delicious and refreshing fruit contains many vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Namely Citrulline and Lycopene that deliver many health benefits. 

Now that you know that watermelon is bursting with health benefits and how to easily prepare…it’s time to get slicing!

The Healthiest Sleep Postures

sleep well

How do you sleep? On your back? Belly? Or do you find you sleep well on your side? Everyone has their favorite sleeping position(s). It may change from time to time, however, if you’re an expecting mother or have specific health problems, the way you sleep may be limited.

In these cases, sleeping in the right posture can make the difference in how you feel when you wake up. Alternatively, sleeping in the wrong position can aggravate underlying problems like back or neck pain. Or even obstruct the airways to your lungs, leading to challenges like obstructive sleep apnea.

Most people are in bed 7-8 hours a night. It’s important to minimize postural stress on your body so that you can achieve quality sleep and wake up feeling good for the new day!

Here are some of the best sleeping postures you should try out to minimize stress on your body regardless if you suffer from a condition or not.

Side Sleeping

By far, this is the most common sleep position adopted by most people. A fetal or side sleeping position is great, especially on your left side if you’re expectant. It helps improve air flow in your body. Besides, it prevents you from pressing your uterus against the liver.

This position is also ideal for snorers. However, if you are curled up too tightly in this position it may restrict breathing in your diaphragm and may result in feeling a bit sore in the morning. Especially if you have spinal issues or arthritis.

To prevent these woes, be mindful of your body position when you lay down to sleep at night.

While laying on your side, only slightly bend your knees and try placing a pillow between them to help reduce stress on your pelvis and low back. Avoid tucking your chin onto your chest.

If you like sleeping on your front or find yourself starting your night on your side and waking up on your stomach, try placing a large or body pillow in front of your body. This will help keep you on your side and restrict you from rolling forwards onto your tummy.

side sleeper
Keep these things in mind when side sleeping:
  1. Use a pillow to support the neck and head. Check out this video on how to choose the right pillow when side sleeping.
  2. Place your knees slightly bent, up to 90 degrees, and place a pillow between your knees. You can fill in the extra space with a pillow to get additional support.

Back Sleeping

Sleeping on your back is traditionally considered one of the best sleeping positions for a healthy back. It evenly distributes your body weight and minimizes pressure on pain points. All while at the same time ensuring proper alignment of the neck, head, and spine.

Stick to using one pillow when sleeping on your back. To get additional support, you can place a small pillow under your knees. It helps maintain the natural curve of the spine.

back sleeper
If you are adopting this type of sleeping position, you should:
  1. Lie flat on your back while facing the ceiling. Caution you should not twist your head sideways. This may result in the joints in your neck being irritated and pain the next day.
  2. Use one small or thin pillow to support both the head and neck. Avoid using more than one pillow as this will tilt your head forward and can irritate your neck muscles and spinal discs.
  3. Position a small or thin pillow underneath your knees.
  4. For a more enjoyable night, you can fill the remaining space between the mattress and your body with additional pillows.

sleeping on your stomach

The BIG ‘No-no’ – Sleeping on Your Stomach!

Sleeping on your stomach is an ideal position for those who snore; but it comes with its risks. Although most adults like sleeping in this position, it can often lead to both neck and back pain.

Keeping your spine in a neutral position while relaxing in this position is hard; hence, explaining why it is not a recommended sleeping position. Sleeping on your stomach results in your head being rotated for hours which puts pressure on your joints and strains muscles, which can result in numbness and tingling, irritated nerves, and pain. The sleeping position is quite irritating, and your doctor would most likely agree that it’s a BIG “No-No”!

Pillow Talk: Is your pillow causing your pain?

How To Find The Right Pillow

Back Sleepers:

Your cervical “C” curve in your neck is small. When sleeping on your back, you can roll up a hand towel, t-shirt, use a small cervical support roll, or a thin pillow and fold up the edge into your cervical curve for support.

Side Sleepers:

If you are a side sleeper, pillow use is recommended. A common frustration amongst many is buying too many pillows that were never comfortable and ending up with a pile of eight uncomfortable but now decorative pillows on the guest bed and a sore neck for themselves every morning. The tricky part is there is no perfect pillow for everyone. Everybody has a different shoulder to neck measurement. We encourage to use the “pillow test” to find the right pillow for you.

Pillow Test

Pillow Test

Stand with one shoulder against the wall. Place the pillow between the wall and your neck. Completely relax your neck and shoulders allowing your head to fall gently into the pillow against the wall.

Do not push your head into the pillow, simply let gravity take its course and rest against it. Your head should not be tilted. There should only be a lateral shift in your neck of two to three inches. If there is a larger shift, than the spine is being stressed and this isn’t the pillow for you. If you find that there is no lateral movement of your head, the pillow is too thick and can cause awkward postural stress on the spine as well.

Tonight, I wish you the best sleep posture and all it brings; quality, uninterrupted sleep and a refreshed great start to tomorrow!

For further reading, click here to view, “Ten Tricks To Get The Best Sleep EVER!”

Fibromyalgia – Doctors Discussion

Dr. Morgan:

Are you suffering from fibromyalgia or the severe symptoms of fibromyalgia?  Or symptoms that are associated with fibromyalgia, like chronic pain?  Are you suffering from things like numbness and tingling?  Headaches?  Lack of energy?  Chronic fatigue?  Brain fog?

Dr. Casey:

Some people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia also experience other symptoms like;

  • Digestive problems
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

There’s all sorts of different symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.  What’s worse then the actual symptoms is how they affect your life.  For a lot of people they find it very difficult to go out and enjoy the day with their family and friends when they’re suffering from fibromyalgia.

Do these mild to severe fibromyalgia symptoms resonate with you?  Do you want to know if you may have fibromyalgia?  Take our full Fibromyalgia Test

Dr. Morgan:

It’s really difficult to just be a part of your family.  If you have children, it can become difficult to take care of them which obviously puts a huge burden on relationships.  Sometimes you feel like a burden because you’re in chronic pain and not able to participate in family activities.

Dr. Casey:

And some people feel that they are a burden because sometimes there’s so much chronic pain and they have such severe fibromyalgia symptoms, they have a difficult time being able to work or support the family.  These symptoms can also be frustrating because it limits your ability to play sports and enjoy hobbies.

Dr. Morgan:

Some of our patients explain that they feel like getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest task in the world.  Others have so many symptoms that it limits them from being able to drive or it takes away the confidence to do so safely.  As a result, they are often left feeling isolated and hopeless.

Dr. Casey:  

Eventually they get to a point where they want to seek help.  A lot of sufferers will go out and seek a doctors help.  They want to figure out what’s going on with their body.  They want answers.

Some people have gone to doctor after doctor, after doctor and are left frustrated.  Often times, even though they are experiencing all of these symptoms, the doctor reports there’s nothing wrong or that they have Fibromyalgia.

Dr. Morgan: 

What is frustrating for most people about the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is people always wonder what caused it?

Dr. Casey:

Exactly, and quite frequently doctor’s say there’s no cause.  Or even worse, there’s no cure.

So you get this diagnosis but it’s of very little help.  There are so many questions but the diagnosis offers little to no answers.

Dr. Morgan: 

If anything it offers a feeling of being shackled to a diagnosis and feeling more helpless than you did when you went in to see the doctor.

Dr. Casey:

Typically if you go the medical route, there are approved medications that are prescribed to fibromyalgia sufferers such as;

There are people that do experience some benefit from these medications.  However on the whole, the fibromyalgia community are unhappy with this being the only solution.

First off, medications can be dangerous. Secondly, in most cases, they are not effective.

I know that people are looking outside of the medical world and they’re looking for a solution to the actual underlying problem.

Dr. Morgan:

When someone is diagnosed with mild to severe fibromyalgia they often feel helpless.  They maybe have a medication that might be giving them some relief or no results.  This can be frustrating.  However, even more frustrating is telling their family;

“I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia”

And hearing crickets.  Having nobody understand you.  Even worse, having people think it’s all in their head.

Dr. Casey: 

Here’s the problem.  You can be diagnosed with fibromyalgia but you look good or you look “normal”.  Just look like everybody else.  Thus, people can’t really identify with the fact that you’re suffering with all these different symptoms.  In many cases your own friends and family don’t believe you and say it’s all in your head.

Dr. Morgan:

Imagine this; You have a condition you’ve been diagnosed with.  You don’t know what the underlying cause is.  Don’t have a straightforward cure or solution for it.

You are given a medication that gives you little to no results along with potential side effects.  Your family doesn’t understand and you’re feeling alone and helpless.   At this point you’re desperately looking for answers.

If you go to the bookstore there might be a handful of books on fibromyalgia.  When searching online, you don’t know which information you can trust and what resources you should use.

This is why we have created an online community for people affected by fibromyalgia.

Hey Dr. Casey, I guess at this point we should let them know who we are!

Dr. Casey: 

I’m Dr. Casey, I’m a doctor of Natural Health.  This is my sister, Dr. Morgan. We’ve been practicing together over the last 10 years so we have years of experience dealing with patients with mild to severe fibromyalgia.

The reason why we are starting this community and filming videos is because fibromyalgia is one of the most frustrating, misdiagnosed and misunderstood conditions people are dealing with today.

People are searching for answers.  A lot of our patients are asking us to help people they know located around the globe because they have had great results in our office.  As a result, we have created a community where people can join in and be with other people who are in a similar situation.  At the same time provide a resource for people to get help from us and other doctors we work with all over the world.

Dr. Morgan:  

So that is one of the reasons why we created the Family Health Advocacy community.

Dr. Casey: 

Family Health Advocacy is a natural health website and social community with loads of original content from contributing healthcare practitioners around the world.  Our goal is to help you and your family get healthy.  However, today specifically we’re here to talk about Fibromyalgia.

Dr. Morgan: 

I think what really draws us to fibromyalgia is that in practice we’ve helped so many people affected by it.  We have handed them Kleenex while they open up and tell us about their lives.  We’ve had people very close to us experience chronic pain and fibromyalgia.  Sadly, we’ve also witnessed lives be destroyed.

On the other end of things, through our care, resources and tools that we’ve been able to provide, we’ve seen many lives be restored.  That is what absolutely fulfills us.  This is why we are so excited to provide resources worldwide and not just to our local community.

Dr. Casey:

And, it’s important that we start helping people worldwide because this is a condition that crosses all borders!

Dr. Morgan:

The statistics around fibromyalgia are jaw-dropping.  2 out of every 100 people here in North America experience fibromyalgia and chronic pain.  That’s 6% of people worldwide.

Dr. Casey: 

Which equates to 450 million people suffering with fibromyalgia world wide.  It is a fact that women tend to suffer the most.  At least 70 % of fibromyalgia sufferers are women.  And what’s crazy is that because everything is online now, we know that over a million people are Googling fibromyalgia online every single day.

Click here to read, “Fibromyalgia Symptoms Affect Mostly Women”.

Clearly there’s a lot of searching for answers and this is what we plan to provide for everyone.

Dr. Morgan: 

It’s confusing because fibromyalgia is also coined the “copycat” diagnosis. One statistic I’ve came across reported that two-thirds of mild to severe fibromyalgia diagnoses are actually misdiagnosed.

It could be misdiagnosed with other conditions like;

So we’re here to help clear up some of the common misunderstandings.  Help people find the help that they need.

We have the experience to help point people in the right direction and provide the right tools.  We have started putting out Facebook live videos discussing different aspects of the condition.

Suffering From Fibromyalgia? You Have To Acknowledge This One Thing

Dr. Casey: 

The goal being to provide information that you can sink your teeth into right now.  To start making some changes to improve your health.  We will continue to offer you helpful information and guidance moving forward.

Dr. Morgan: 

We encourage you to engage with us.  Click like!  Click share!  Feel free to ask us questions or give us feedback as we’re here to support you.  We are here as a community we want to help each other and that’s our real promise to you.  So stay tuned and keep checking in.

Click to read, “The Dos and Donts of the Fibromyalgia Diet” for the best supplements for fibromyalgia.